T HE W OLVE R IN E ORPHEUM MON-TUES., July 6-7 - Upton Sin- clair's "The Jungle," with Cen. Nash WEO-THUR., July 8-9-Frank McIntyre in 'The Lamb's Gambol" FRIDAY, July 10 - "Mareea, the Half- Breed," featuring Anna Schaefer (Vit. Drama) SAT., July 1 1 - Lillian Walknr-Wailie t Van in "Cutings Wife" (Vit. Coedy) MON-TUES. July 13-14 - Edmond Breee, 'Thn Master Mind" "Complete Line" OF ME~N'S FURNIS HI NGDS VARSITY TOGGERY SHOP 1 107 South University Ave. HUSTON BROS. TIhe f'inest Billiard Room to the State CIGARS and CANDY "We Try to Treat You Right" unnevrolty? S0hool of Maynard Street Ann Arber Annual Summer Session June 29 to August 21 Instruction in all Branches of Music For full Information, Call fat the Office. CHARLES A. SINK Secretary r 1 I I [ . 7 THE VVOL VE R IN E IWe begins in this issue to publisha list of stunmmer students, by depart- The official student newspaper for naents. and in alphahtical order. The the tUniversty of Mtchigan summerI laws, iwks have been hsere longest, swill session. Published by the students on begin the list. We rely entirely upon Tuesday Thursday and Saturday of- the records oftishe othiers of thse secre- terasoons. Twenty-fivs issues, tories of the various deportmensts, anod Subsripionrats-B~ carie, sv-cistakes there u-ill be repeated ill our Subsripisastots-Bycarierer-dirsectory. enty-five cents tot the summer;. t-lease exerc'ise'pastience ansd broatd- mailed to any address for one dot- omindedness, for these arc noble qual- tar, ities. SAnd thank God if sote noose asp- Advrtising totes-Furnished upon ap- bests corr('ctly. plication 'to the business managet. Subscripios and ads token at Quar- ry's, Cushing's and South tUiv'er-j fl'AT sity Pharmocy. - jOUR SWEAI NG BRtj lIAD Leo N. Bulrnett,-XaLnaginlg Editor Phone-1283-M. B11Halsdl . clt1'dzki, F. Gurnlee .lillrd-Bttsiness Manager. Phone-1407-Mt. I I' If Y01 iWe e H - .Athletic Editor-Chtarles Kenldrick. lf YOU were ieee, thew saving lreers Andl coolsomne freshness of the hren' Issue Editor-Walter W. Watson Would make Ibhis desert, torpid, drear', IA Isrodise--if fYOt l sere here. i TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1914. THE CAMPtUS TOtLER. In Michigan's complex social fabric, there is onae student who stands out above the others. tie is the canmpus toilet. 'The toilers are the students who ire paylig all or a part of their way through the university. There are a great many of them, anad especiolly in, the sunimer is the number large in proportion to the amount of work. Experience laos shown that the cans-- pus toilet is generally the campus stia- dent. 'The university, above all things, needs serious-msinded students. It lacks thena sadly. By looking out for the toiler class, it is also looking out If you were here, the dullest closs (And ssudryflutes ithatslowly lpass) Would fleeting go. I voiw ny dear, A11 wsouldlgou-eli,-if YOU' si-ei'ele'. If YOUt' iere here, I woialdaa't thinak Of step'ping in to falke adrlik. Out gosh, how cooling is a heer 'T'hese suam'r days-----wean YOU're aiot here. Bill: Anad did you spieand a sonr Fourth? Will: Sure, I wenat to the library anud got out nay Monday's assiganmeaats, anad then resad thea'Decloaatioan o1 Indiepend- ece till bed-tune. Whaot dlid yiouado? Bill: 'helseaame ass you diii, y oiluan- aitigated liar. Bystander: You biotha lie. they were- a't open. TINKER & COO 1FURNISHERS and HATTERS tn University Met 342 S. State St. Dot you knaows, dion't youi,wheri-liii To go" Lt, noi: 'Vlaut is sorari asatait'0 iy ini :Siiiuier Sessiiina Aniswe-sr: A giioil'way iii laep a kegv t'adir the caiptioni : ''nAi irbaoir's Siummeri't tractioaas" is liii'dear,idear nseiws of '1tETl IDGI0t'S W''tEK." Andi it's FlREE, Yet somei of the iippie' classes preter Neswprt, Atlantic tity', ori Eraopit. tCan you actcoiiit for taistie? Clipped froma a :Detroit paper: 'WANTED: Board aaidrosin for'Iwo young mciiwstll a private family.' Niothinsg lki'ei'aommunaaity pllaeh ? Only 111lay-c till UChristas. lR ilt f"HI AN r1 LF("l'UIIlE ON AN ('11 ENI' lBIBLE MA Ni'S('I l'TS Tfells of Difficulties Eneountteredl Wliliz, Doinlg IResearcmhWorkill D~r:.E. S. B~uchanian, of Oxford, Fuag- land, citeid the maay difficialties witha ishich a stiadent of Biblilinuist- scritatshusato cenid, inaila ecltu re isn "'Tha Biblical Manuscrlipts of IEus- rope" last 'Thuarsuday night. Di'.tBach- anaon baa personaily stuidi a nmainy of the' fanmous Europealn libraries, swhich conaina colliections of old anuiiaiscrilpis, and laossciantamay years tranaslating lan the libraries and maiseians ot Easy- lond, Paris and 'Verona. Speakiang of the ditficaltie's sichikhe had ecounaitered ina iis work, ifa'. Buchaaian soil, "Ditffiuties arise ini readligandtrtainsilating limaucripts becaiuse they on' aituolly writtenan aa aiss Inmanayraises these iiase beeia used for other mnauscripa's previous toi the sue in swhicha u-' aie inal ritca, anal becaiase' of thais anadthula' age, it is hasradto deiphert shicha isoralor lit- ti'r ws thie last one written." r a _) j n Y ., r i r : a 7 SUMMER SCHOOL BOOKS And Students Sup- plies Second-Hand Books for all de- partmentns Sugar Bowl I f University Book Store DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE tirited and Eapress Care hoerIDotroir ta a. tn. alan auly so Osta p. 1n., also 8:70 P. i. Lclars frtoit-5:4o s a. ma,d6oa, in., and euveiaaiitawo i o -ur s .6:oa p i., : o6 la p.IIt i., 8io6 a. ai., tatp.:. and i0l,p. . ~ Topii- .,l aiiiao l G .y. 10 Liamited Caasaorlacsuasa toO a. a' ad everyltousto 17:46 p.mi. LaoicaCanfrJaasao-.iu:12a.i, 6:5 a. Tn. and eaerytloaoua~res oaa:51y. m., als o :au p. Ml., t t: r5 P. tn. All Kind's of Hat Work Done Right Factory Hat Store 118 E. Hucronl St. Noat Alenol Hotl COUSINS t HALL tin 1211 St. anl S. Ui.lAve. Phone 11IS Best Ice Crev .n Honme made canidy fresh diy Prompt Service PHONE 967 I BOO KSj i LAW AND MEDICAL NEW ANI) SECOND-HAND Complete Line Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionlaries Compends, etc. CASH 01R EXCHIANGEISFOR YOUR OLD BOO0KS LARGEST STOCK IN MICHIGOAN C. 13. Bartliell 326 S. State St. Tel. r61-Mh ICANADIAN 11 for the student class. OUTU ir IStIhTl1EleIIMI'lIIE S Mtt. Johansing: Mit. Boni's, Ala scabs The Y. M. U. A. employmnut hureau, hat dhese summoh sessiona boys is goaina so tar this summer, has s0p1lusd 300 to have a tennis tournmentua. 'ass you permanent jobs and an many odd jobs, tell nae why o siummaer'tennois player The Uniona, too, laos furnished self sump- is like one of dese here haighi societiy poatimgkwirn, to a large nmber, dur- ( youths whiot's sous-us -hot slay an kale'? 'ng its first summaer existence, Br. Bones: Beimgan s holiest man, taislaa .t ohnmsing, Ala.. uust coufsus daat But there are still a feiv students Ala..connot ansswer your qiety. 'aVii wcho maust have ivork. They will do yu ial ufru hi seahei almost anything which is remuerative.wy a k nl teuor alshplayesseun-ag T he prtofessor iwho laos lsans to be ties a high sociely youtha of limitedl moived, or other work to he douae, ameans? shooul calilmpon the canspus toiletr tMe. Johuasing: Ahistill elucidate.' through one of the tivohmreaums. Both of dese gemamen au'e forced to Thereby Michigan will gain stremagth. miss thu bailswhean she come too blams The social fabric siill have a firmser ed high. Dart hiatt utrouaciaagflue woost. hUivetsity authorities in thseir naew war -. cry, "Oumr caluphus wvould he ia holy city ABOU OU DIECTRY. if hU. Hlliwere built of cheese." Thue ABOT Dll IRETOR. inoor strains, 'rofessor. -.I'.1. If. If you are an Adams or ass, Archiald-- you wi ikhe the Wolverine directory. I isrite her every' day asnd slat l But if you are usfortunate emougha to Rleplies. he a Snmith or a White, it is probbe 1It tickles--fills mae fuall of glee. thsat you sill look aipon it with less Anth lies? tavor., I write lae (hot her boy is pure CRASHES 11 You know the material- light, porous, elastic, soft in texture,durable in duality-the ideal fabric for a Summer suit. We have them, together with a large assortmment of flannels Full Drema Suits a Specialty G,6.H, WILD CO. Leading Merchant 'Tailors A LAKE TRIP FOR REST AND RECREATION Use D. & C. Line Steamers for Business and Pleaoure Tripe THE refrenhing lake breezes, the freedom ci the deckn and the 1 luxurious comfort of the popular D. & C. Line steames ate waih. log tar you. Whether you go north to heutiful MarkiacIslandl, the turnoutsosnmmer reacrt at the North country, or chase the "Water Way" on your trip troe- the et or weet, you will appreciate the many comtrte an our palatial steamere. Daily service hetween Detroit and Cleveland, and Detroit and Buffalo, Face tripe weekly frmom Toledo aod Detroit to Mackinoc Island and way porte. Delightfol day tripe hetween Detroit and Cleveland during July and August. Popolar week-end excursione every Soturday hetween Detroit and Buffalo, and Detroit and Ch,.aeland. Special Steamer Cleve- lad to Maskinac Island direct, two tripe wrekly, June 25th to Sept, 10th, making no etops enroute except at Detroit every trip. Doily servica he' tween Toledo and Pot-In-Bay, June l0ch to September 10th, YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS, reading between Detroit and Dot' talo or Detract and Cleveland, are avatlable toe traneportton an D. & C. steamern eather darectcon. AN INTERESTING PAMPHLET civing detaihed deecription at vartous tripn smwilhe macled you an receipt at two cents to pay posage. AddressL.G.LeawisGnt.Passngr Aet, Detroirt rtc. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY PhilipBH MM ~ll anPresadena.A.A.Ssh astia cearPro. anad GCal.Mgr. Steamere arriveancd dapart from foot of lisd treat, DatritMidiu. THE COAST LINE TONI AC K IiCt DETROIT, CLEVjLkAND' =- ALIELLS --~=TQLE~iOPTI-IRON 'ulMy $tMI'Nuliltl fS<1ON'7133,1117VLC E l''JtAi'lt SI~lT~L'lY ('HANCED Calpitaa , .ai o siurplus, -alas~o Thai following changes isa the suns- THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS RANK' user school lecture progroa hove beien ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safak ing and5 a ust tcaus 'reaau,,itlal Oma 'omade for Tuesday of next ireek. Deans Ctomlaaers a il u ac wldo ant U. U. Vaughan. ill lecture on "The a3per cent Interet in our Savings Department Service of Medicinae to Civilizationa,' 'Tucsday aof800 o'clock, isa the west THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK physcs lctu e ro m. T is ectu e wil c pita .. ........... .. . ,aau a0. 0 Suhyplus lectureiThiodecteofetwillo~cotloo begvnista ufte yPon.a. urlus andiiltalir Plit l'l .. ala S2,c he ivn asaeo o fle us by Prf.f' supurei .a ,lt,l.. .....l' ..at - -- n'5 .o WV. lifuands ona "The Developluuent' Of Transaets a General Bannaing tBusiness Gleneral Auathusia," hooked for the u Ycoc~ urrraiesssalaica.aitrds' samuue date in the. west ampuhitheater, Chas . Iiscotkare., MicaltJ. Pitrlasia W5.55.iialrrtani , ' c aae.,tCarlN . 1Brlaun, Asst. inedcu ail hbuildinsg. Cash'r, Wi, aili,.Asit Cash's- Savitngseimpt. P-efect Sodas, Quality aud Service. Insl'sRx layugStore, 12 TEMPLE NfainSa t. Stih M LETHEATRE - - -ON MAIN STREET Cleansa oda iwater at Calkins. tf. WED.,Jute B --"Goodness Gracious," _____________________________ I Broadweay Star teatureo(Vit. Comedy) FRI. July 10th-"The Warrior Maid" ~S W ITZ E R1~S 10th Story at AdventurcetofKetbyn. a. SAT. July 1 t -"in the Boone's Ray." Drama at. heart interet, with Francisin X. Bushman HARDWARE COMING SOON Charleselut'e "Gumblere." in Five 310 STATE STREET Perle C. 1. KIDD Pheoe 1530 J 11 S. tUnivt. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING BOARD $44OO AT Freeman's 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET (Oe block naritahtfsom Hill Auditoriumss 75 cts. per Day Dinner 35 cts. We hail oar drinking waler and coal it