THE WOLVERINE Students Invited to Informal Social Teach Business Courses at High School Summer school students are invited Courses in shorthand and stenogra- to an informal social gathering to be phy, not offered by the university, are given by the combined Young Peo- being given this summer at the Ann ple's societies of the Ann Arbor Arbor high, school for students who churches in the Methodist church at may desire such work. A fee of six 8:00 o'clock Friday evening, dollars is charged for each course ---- -taken. The first recitations in these Kodaks and supplies at Calkins. tf. courses were held Tuesday. TRY THE STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE OUR SPECIALTIES Waterman's FOUNTAIN PENS Conklins FONANP S ENGINEER SUPPLIES Phone 1160 R L. C. SCH LEEDE .1111S. Univ. Ave. OUR SWEATING BRAU When is a joke not a joke? Usu- ally.-Ex. She-"A penny for your thoughts." Poet-"You talk like an editor." Him-"I would rather travel on a boat than eat." Her-"Yes, I noticed that you gave up all your food while you were aboard." Here's to the low neck dress and the spilt skirt; may they never meet."- Ex. .ain't We Courteous? It uster be in the olden days When studes wuz young and gay, And 'fore the daance wuz ever chang- ed To suit some simple jay, That the swell affair of the Summer Term Wuz the collich free for all, A gloryuss daance, a foot-tag right, a real aesthetic ball; But now's they say, the times have changed, Sweet school marms swarm our walk, At the intricate maze of shin-dig frays, These dainty creatures balk, So what can we do but please their whims, Since we wish the darlings to stay? We give up the daance to please their whims And hold a reception, gay. -0-- Then Came the Collection. Doctor-"Have you any request to make before I operate?" Patient (feebly)-"Send for a preacher, I wish to be opened with prayer."-Ex. It has many odd attractions, Summer School Summer young and summer old Summer shy and summer bold; They are here to learn and grind But a few you're sure to find Who're not only brain and mind But will fuss and dance-and fuss in Summer School. He (to servant at door): "Is Miss Dimples in?" Servant: "She's engaged just now." He: "I know it; I'm what she's en- gaged to."-Ex. --o- She-"Which, my dear, do you think has the worst temper, a blonde or a brunette?" e-"You ought to know. You've been both"-Ex. The home of Rexall Remedies. Ed- sill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 South Main St. if Clean soda water at Calkins. tf. University stationery, 48 letter heads and 48 envelopes, 19 cents. 711 N. University Ave. 3-4 Weymann Mandolutes, Martin Gui- tars, and Musical Instruments of every description for sale at reason- able prices at Schaeberle & Son's.Mu- sic House, 110 S. Main St. tf COFFEE RANCH. Coffee and jumbo peanuts roasted fresh daily. Sold retail at wholesale prices, also Tea and Cocoa, 211 East Liberty. 1-6. Buy your kodak'films and supplies at Sugden Drug Co., 302 S. State. tf FOUND-Good Board at Campus Cafe. $3.50 per week. Lady Boarders de- sired. Miss MacDonald, 911 N. Uni- versity. 4-9 WANTED-Lady pianist for part time next year for New Moving Picture Theatre. Call mornings at 711 N. University Ave. 3-4 WANTED-Young man as janitor next year. 711 N. University Ave. 3-4 WANTED-Lady to sell tickets next year at new Moving Picture Theatre. Call at 711 N. University Ave. 3-4 1 . ,... RED TAG SALE ALL $12, $15 and $18 SUITS $10,00 ALL $20, $22.50 and $25 SUITS $15,00 Allen's Good Clothes Store MAIN STREET GOOD BOARD $4.00 per week-$3.50 Two weeks in advance firs. E. A Hulburt 806'University Avenue UNIVERSITY AVE PHARMACY COULDING & WIKEL 1219 So. Unversity Avenue Drugs, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Cigarettes and Candy PHOTOGRAPHER 319 E. Huron St. PHONE 96t-M Ch ubb House 209 South State Street Under the Original Management Summer Board $4.00 " TASTES LIKE HOME " C. S. Chubb Prop. J. Q. Neeland Steward Friday Evening, July 3rd will close our Annual Repairing of Eye Glasses a Specialty LENSES DUPLICATED FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Haller Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street The New Catalogue OF THE University of Michigan IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments : Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Craduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement. or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY W. SM ITH Socretary University A N N A R B O R The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER WHITE SWAN Reasons in every bundle of Laundry work sent from the White Swan Laundry, why you should CALL PHONE 165 for our wagon. GOODS NOT ROTTED BY C13 EMICALS-White, not yellow nor blue-button holes intact, buttons ditto. Special atten- tion given to ladies clothes. OUR PRICES 'IE LOWEST. i Pre-Inventory Sales There are present here at Marked down prices Summer Dresses Linen Suits Linen Coats Petticoats Kimonas Shirt Waists Muslin Underwear Linens Fancy White Goods China Ware Furniture Rugs and Draperies THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY I i lhe Arcadia Open for Summer School Students Board $3X5-$4,25 per week MEAL TICKETS $5.75 No. 012 East Liberty Street First Class BOARD $4.00 Per Week 1212 S. University Ave. 1 blook from Engineering Bldg. T. HANKINS, Prop. LYNDON, PHOTOGRAPHER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supples I make a Specialty of developing, Printing and Enlarging for Amateurs --by modern-Methods. This has been my business for io years and it has increased every day-only results will do this and so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak- thats where things move. L YN DON 719 N. University Kodaks for 10oc per day