ATYU DOOR THREE 1' THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 750 1 1SUIIMWLIER P~ ,~UBLICATOJ Vol. U_ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1914. Not 4 CLAIMS EUGENICS IS SOCIAL REMEDY Dir. IartiniDisctusses BIettermiett ofRMace In Lecture Tuesday SAYS lREFORMItTSU IICOME FIRHST *'STUDENT BALL PLAYERS TO "1EW It. CQI''iI,' s i :U 11111 Publication of rTe W'olverine METUINTMRO x l sttlisnIatbad ifr wvill be suspended until nest* ioeusObanFtbar Bor Tuesday afternoon intasmuch as * - - -Aal ],summuer Tt'[ournnudut ISaturday, the regular day of * Sutanici' Session Blaseball League to tan 13Pe.feld Itibiain sa ,tlexut holtt' iday Il'aaamsed ofaNexus FromI I li eginniug inext week, The Wl:Allleparment * ,erine will appear regularly atr * 1:00) o'clock on Tuesday, Thurs- *day anid Saturday afternoons* 'daring the remainder of summaer sessiont. "Just as long as we have the saloon;___________________ socieal evils and pros'titutionl," wve vI:I NOT COUiNT ABSENCES xil have idiocy and social decline,," IN LIT DEP'T.IUI iRNtl SIT 13EII said Dr. A. S. Warthin in his lecture- Absences are not counted is the lit- on "Inhritace f Dieas," i th cerry departmnt during the summer, niedical amphitheater Tuesday night, according to the roling of the surn- IMeasureo to aid the humassrac'e" he suner seosions administration. Suome 'tated, "will he ot little account untii attendance hsas always been found to such condition 'a I have slasmed have be more regular than during thse reg- been done aweay with." ular terman ass ccordingly there hsas "The intellectual keynote of today bees no sneed of enforcinag regullarity. is eug'enics," liesvaid at the beginning -- --- of his talk"He spoke of the msanyAUHRTE BRDNC G diseases wvhichs rosnin tamlsieas ORTISdA showe hereditary tendences. The dv- FROM ANNUAL RECEPTION teriorastioss of the humninracetihsougha hereditary and pseudo-Hereditary dis- ease 'vs a shown to be tht cauoe of tDasncisng has been frowned uposn by the awakesing of the world to the the university faculty is aukisng the value of eugenics, annual receptison for summer stusdents Dr. Warthin illustrated the deterio'- an afternoon affair. The evesnt is be- ration of thse race by charts of fanmilies tog held iss Alsumni Memorial hall this wehich ohowed family trees and their afternoon, whereas the annual recep- several brasiches through reproduc- tiosn has been usu'ally' held in Barbour tion of isndividuals. Infected tndivid- gymnasium in the evessisng, the prin- oats who wxere crossed with strong~, cipal part of the entertainment being norm ,1 ty pes, domina ted the offspring devoted to dancing. xils the bad and disvased traits, giv-I. All extrenme forms were prohibited ini birth to a tins of di'eased children,, at the affair' isa past suniser schools, his's , feeble minded, criminal', and but fbis year those in charge have otis r isndividnals socially unfit. Me done aa~y swith the occasion 'esttrely. thus illus'trate'd that all snen 'ye not The action came partly because past borss eqssal, jusdged fross their physical attesmptts to regulate dasncissg have aid mnstal conditions. beess unsuccessful, asnd becase a large -,..,_ ,-numbr ofth e as chelsrs sa'tfi sum- All baseball players or pseusdo-base- ball tplayers, carolled isa the sumsmserl sessiosn, whoa are isnterested in the for- nmation. of a summsser baseball leag ue, will mseet at the MichigassL issa to-l muorrowe sighit at 7:21) o'clock, at stich time a tentative sceduisle still bo psis- ed 0onasnd a gesneral msaniager etectit, together aith the variosdeatmensat-I al sansagers. Munchsprelismisnary awort5sith s rady t beesn dosneby telswoatasrae getting thisigs into shapse, isisino osis w xilll be electeit suntil thelplaysta'ohid' a. sseetisng, isaordtertshai illaitiresitedI snay have a solce isa thi muter.'The games xvill be played oni sosuths Fersy hield and locker accommsodtatmons w ill he fsursiished free of ch'arge iii tie nse intramural club boase. It is plananed to Isacethe liague consposed of teassfrom the littaxw, medic asnd esagineering deIit menii sts,f and with several ex-college aid pro- fessional atari already esnrolledtiec race promises to he ruttier excitinig. Registrastion ii isesesumiierse'assoni is the sole eligibility rei'isremesnt,'and it is hoped that the attesndanice at to-1 nmorrow's meeting wisll besuffiscsesntly large asnd representive'to dispose' sa the sassy asmalsldetaiss so tha't the gmcisaay ticstarted' at tl aie5st possible timea. PROFW. ALLEN SAYS MiEXICAN l'r(Sp lits foas, ssumeratsils i: ' atsatlnaisccitathlils tie UNION ANNOUNCES SUMMER PROGRAM I It siii it Acuis Plttts Smtokero, 1f:; 1"k antd I'ntts Tourna. inniusifot' Htettiers 'I'16 .111, FlIRST _1.N CE :FIRIDAY The UsInersity of icig ass Usiosi, the thome, ota Jichtigansaactivities during th1e rasgitac tIrmaass salannsased a com- l'''" program of 'activities for the 55555 55i05r esinsitudeant.1T'he plas, wchara'e'as yet pusrfly inadefinite, were 'sa-isiassa sa this smornsinsg by Pat- ii iD.I Kioosnt.,14-16LfiUsion presi- A "yet-together hSmokser" as thefirat feta re sasaplassnest forsallftheis'faculty in5t10 ss t'ssts'ots atteninsg the sm sate 'a sasum- Tit, ssaoks'r swhich will ha aern Saturay,5'Jhly 11, swill bh hetld oustdoorssit the wataher persmit. 7Seversastnosass atfalls by faculty snen sisld st aststs 'asss' 'isongs avill be t's's' siet'assistst ,sand an abundance sat "at-' ass ist sotaswaithllab'provided. A icommaaitteeailsit hamuied in a day or two isandIthe list iof speaktera ansaune stliaa11. Palmers 15, xisth Russell l Isis i ta shasiteas ax ssistant, has lcas apintediltata irman s of a rum- aiaato t tate tharge 01the sumnier t(, sils tournmaenstas.The first will be lsd begsta amainug iMondayJuily 13, open ass alt h~Ioas membirs.i P1rizes will be aarasditsth inanmusr anad srunsner-up. sisAs'svies laacbehadesuaby scalling the ala Ii sianas at R,71 or at the Union. Lougsi 'csitll beha'ei'd fromstinse to sassesint orguallseatfsuusmao y have the isss salf tauluii moanms ior smokers tastd amse oIsi", 'us asitie re'gular ses- slat hs' 'asi" asisy isai 55, 1ss HATVE NO)CI~iANCE TO'I'D11 I N I it arauto sat :,,.t , , .,,> > a ",t .,, : , , t Wtits the ,saidofslids he cieited sanasy "-''--a"r"'"ts""" ''"5~5 "'" 5h" sf fLueL more Isisortasatdiseases which isuer aussaltisaaria sot acquasisted asifha Iscrilles Istilure of (Govern'tttttto oh 1'.satas'( Oais' ilttasty s ocarlisg'thes are suieanmgtehsa ust-the 'taps' practiced in IAsn Arbor duir- IPior S senstof suasuthu ass harI atishe osutlaiaal'stilt day tvHetraced specific' diseases isag the year., Edicattiostasitmao tor a's d siothers' s acrcmaing thros'h zseveral generations, -showing -tha iptsoiithiraows'niresouesc, zass- Ncwsopiers ottF'l~e in Menoriati Hall "Tetsahoth k.caagatraas hsittuuurssfleAtiti Ihei isa 'vitabl nhriinescsAlsfehsltetsagzne ad ay Tofful finherialitisau ngth frt asuchs heAtani traiks scancer, tusnor, narvous di'- mii a eeital heasiisa oftpeo-Ion rat thuots. Susaahoar ash i ess, feeble smisdedness, tinsasnity, stthe unryrt'lcbef'ofive npftie inpIe hairs hash mo ucuaace'to obutsumn'a "suroe, at',are1-1.Bsachs1C'rpchtes, '14- defleas, ad other inaportasat diseases,.h unr;xih etumdaal e nsducaton,"Sftat'roiessosr JI ItAt- thu1Jutxt yea h's f o dis sr liI 'al dtatinstatedsasstedothsetronhoatearslinfechetaahisiushrovaus ss aa 'dis'ease'sIass Iit 'oat other than syphilis, arc not knoxwn to 'lt edn oi soe al x os'c e 'si'iiteIshysie Mcint ly, 71i, ii be 'capt Sundiay frona 7:45 a.ina. to 10:011 hecture moomsWednesucday'aftcroon.uuaan5u'141 C.IHtens1 ha_.XTI 'suniths, beisnheritable, but rather psesudo-ism-i n.H dutssi1tuhssstuu 1fle't'laua''axiui1t'sid".'. heritable, baing transnmitted before or Heisusedhhoelfeofthe ,TbiT.____, after birth, tauexia peouhe, as hises'sait luisa"a tsascuI;I, '1a S1A~Y E AKE TWO SHIFTS IN IST losng overhand truth thisoughI theun 'EVIEMR La MCRIIG.1 R IY MSOEPEKRSFRNETWEK afetr"ahy.umi s sd THREE LECTURES LISTDl 'OW WI (IHINII ON CITYPAES O SPAESFRNXMEK "henei ofAiran idGtg E ____ _____capital," sadPIofsotsor Aitt mu FOR TODAY1AND TOMO iU 'everul mesnber' of last year's TI'wo impahoranit chanmevasamark thue "caussed amayI psleso loste5fathil hi 'hzigaunDa0'ythyafturissow' fillisng schedmule of 'ummer school lectures the gaverament." '1Ticspeauks'rtald positiossosncity puspars isa different rfor mae't xweek. The lecture by tRegent 1Dr. Ft IS.uchtasiash, fhOxfrdI thu- pansof flue country. J E tesal, schaeduled in the amanounce- lad, ilaltre hroailisa ihiutal 'Tle mesawhso are engged usathis mtmnts r Mondasy wit be given tomuor X--- " la ezs asits sof Isasusas' as i tll s alaSO cork are'aF'vita Chiurch, '14, sportisng row snight, and the lecture announced 55Ir hs ah* 'thtOixstal}fa editor of flu'elMichigan Daily, ma con- to he given by P~res. 2. L. Snyder, of ugu irnihauus'uuautharf lusty with tha Detroit Tribsusne' Fred the Mf A. C., Friday, July 10, has been oitBiblticalh imusriptts analhs hasasen ii. Foulk, '1L~, next 'ea'r"siews ads- substituted by a recital on Mark Twain y brought her' by ProaulIf. A. _ aacra ,! tar, has a position with the Independ- by IProt T. C. Trueblood, origimnally o heLtn'earmn, h i ow st mnagazint isa NeweYorks City; Bsuce scheduled for thiasxveek.'[he revised T ruutias"sss'ahiaalusius tt s J. tiles, '14, husines'a managyr of the pro rwholossi chaDrl~eIlcaiiusis itr'ste'd. Haipormflws 1913.-1914 Student' directory, a work- July 6, 15:00 o'clock--Thie University his1 hs etsuu s b utstfu --ing \vwith the Detroit Nexws;Maurice helthhService (illustrated), IDr. 14. large' suniersitie assi thec saes'cu- Toushnue, '14, mna'ging editor of the IL. Ciumimg'. jests mh haas iaayslmi say wirnsJuly 7, 1:00 s'clock--Fa'ts anud Oils, thetil I. ali i uh ae 'a)ittaus itha suis of the Chic'ago pusers; Jshims Ths'it'P'odaictioni andssedsca(llui- itratdhaestuash te am t1ao, a nember of the 1914 Daily staff Crated), Assistamnt Profeasor L. If. ' }re FI-rO y nighut atf h:00 a'cloak.IsaI is is wills fle Detroit News; and 'I.I-aw- Comae.lectures' RegenuthBeahalcwillstpeak cohuc- hey T'appisg hasareceived a editorshsip 0:00 o'clock--Cosesrvationa of Vish- Jtiiof, .it. I. leuterashly usf thi s'Xiasia haeuta nriveat- on the IPeori' Joursial. iom, Profe'ssor WX. IR. Parke:', \We'st - - ---___- - lvy mushdscll ma'e1'particaular maca- -- _______- Ampshuiheater, Medicualbuilding, l otfsmay cases swhere the ;Mexicansiaso tiosa o1 thit tonstructitnsofsth1 asmaaocs Htanty Chintese Students 'ttroll. July 8, 5:00 o'clock-Thse Appreriatios i thorities had granted aud to forcign moogau 'haomes si thus ecnomamuity. Eighty Chimnese students, ia large of Architecture (illustrated), lPro- saupittal, tahinag if sasy haromdthai Mrxu IPrust A. -I tevesii, acting deana af nusmber comnsg frosmsothcr nuiversi- fessos' N. Lorcs. ran people. the a' uracyeyartmenhsaatauhwiltcia lits ',have already esnrolled isa the ssms- 0:110 o'clock--Orguan recital, lMr. Earl 'Day troubhles thsatthe LUmited Stte T5'ithu M2anusiacture ohf2.apansse 'Lae fner s essiosn. That'nuamber xwould be':V. Itoore, (Hill auditoriums.) would mealtiwiths, is ase asn ay wereaud Lcueh artih Xse"ssilltis sestplay's- consisterably targ'yr we're it not for the July I9, 5:01) o'cloek-JohnM a thrshuall,sst towaurd the iheart:ol e oh u icashs lcuatsu ureromsat 5:009 to'cck ridlay' fart that a 'g"neral order hus beams is- husafer fBuilsder of the tois titustiosn, restoare ordecr, awere hrosugtut stby 'laaauafte lus'. heecturte sill ho itus- 'ue ,bI. T. WuVass , thue naisaltuu Professor LE,. C. Goddard. . ssaeasns of a snumsber oh shadesshaowinmg"tesata':)yhas'ucilectionsfsideahs. steasusrer employed by the Chinsetse July 10, 1:00 'clock-The Newseesd- the comndition of the asountry thrugh__ s,_ _ government, stating that he did not 'ithy(illsustrated), Prsofssor C0. C.skics ass armsy'msass.ittAccor dis" Stholutiiii iss rary' MletiosisiIteuas approve of any Chinese' 'tudesnt takinug Gusser. to IProfessor Allena t woauulhae almaost sisat e'a'prssshtaoa hal Its c caucus I liv 'usmaner schol xworkunlss tahue 0:00 osclock-.-Readisg'fsromaMarkiamuspossible to osend saassuciid haof all [-zlt ],[us7alas ts huaua l Iha asy tsili' eddfrgauto h Tan rfso .C relo. m it h etro ri'a )ri_ o? p ht ffloigyer SrhCselAgl al. oth og odto ft~.coai). lutkuae oeaeni Nsuit,. o1'cpn tduruiagflue summeisr at all tasusa {tli" rtushtiast bureau aill cips 5 _c1ciflisahuhbnit uf those Thec first oh thu regular menmbership itasheastaillbheIald I-riay snight.The eoauamuttce assn chargeus coamapos'ed of Mainla Calli Is t1Lscairsaan, Sidney ciSuenthEatnsshJohnsaDtuble, '16L. IPrmfi A. I.I andt'rs ad Mrs. Sander' aud Xi.iand Mralit XIM.Carpenter awill thatuerone. A numnbtr of tickets lusts'baeenssaoldasnd thcse resmaisning cay heabaisassd at the Union for 50 acaents autosuple. Th tc tafe us usaeafor fluefirst tinme tsuasas sum(-,ald hoardiers are being ,actcommodaattetdustny a haew places ce- isisa thubhasftutudu A ssua£ l asssusum aer esmbe'rship of $1.00 is offermcd ta thoais attesnding the asmmer Sssinshauth sill entitle sisicutshtoa ,ttensd all that gathierings uada enjoyltha i'i lgc'es of the Union. 1O 1at -1 ' :N.' IsN4ttlaff{itI~id a thisummuauer sciona ot thmeasngimneer- in,, dtnyas hmuact has a psresent enroll- asmat oh 342, thais' baing assliincrease of 1 c3'ovr Icettal e'nrollme'st of t913. 'Therea sr c 90 studcnts at Lana Bo- gasrates, thac summesuar ehvil 'enginer'ing c amtps inirhuargis ratPrcfassor Johnson, thssbassum the largcst summesr canmp ievea ld.ta Last ye'ar theresees60f mu thur caap. Sletitg of Foreigtn Stusdenuts C'alied All tomrasiinstudhents isn thunusiversi- ty usc nitad to uattandad mueeting wichweillthebe lcdsit7:720 o'clsck sharp tiss vcinuag his Mellanss hail. Thueres iill be at snesslitug of all ba selmli plaers inuterested -in list fsormationt of it summttter' 'e' tout bas'ebs'll leatgue, at lt 9ttisug uts uiiinttottorsow itighti ,0t7 :0 o'clock. El'ctiont of man. *