T HE W OLV ER IN E 2 ,lI TIi I'S ARE PLACED) Cut this out and B PONMN bitin ¢to i yish op ilircu Hafs IBeen Busy Since Close of Itegular Session; Secure Jobs IT IS GOOD for $011 in Trade Ino Many: States White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou Since the close of the regular ses- sion of the University the appoint- i .MA C L ment committee has secored teschiog 604 E. Liberty St. positions for the following students. Ester Rice, assistant principal, Jack- son; Clare Moeller, Mt. Pleasant, math- - ematics; Margaret Kress, M~anistee, session room; Louise Hollson, Jack- son, German and history; Mary Pink- Restraia n't haim Jackson, history; Helen Tousley, _____________________ Ontonagon, English; Rica Hickox, Gihsonhurg, Ohio. Latin; Iva Adams, Regular Board, $3.50 $4. Bry an, Ohsio; Gertrude Wicks, Rol- Meal Tickets, $5.50 land, miathematics;LeRoy Pratt, Flint, Single meals, 30-44c. science, Evangeline Lewis, Howard City, priiicipal and English; Maude A Clean and Cool Place Satterlee, Wyandotte, mathematics; { + Lucile Scheid, St. Charles, Latin, Ger- to Eat I main and history; Christine Foster, Montpelier, Ind.; Florence Murphy, Cateringlto hanquets & parties a specilty 5Kalamazoio Normal School, English; Open all Summer Phone 164 Ora Peake, Hattie Creek, mathematics; Lawerence Stroing, McKeesport, Pa.; 709 N. Vealveraity Ave. I Ethel Miniiard, Ypsilanti, English; Mrs. E. W. Brennan, Prop. Paul Hollenhacher, St. Olaf College, _________________________ Northield, Hinn.; Fraiik Dupras, Har- ago, principal; Jessie Cameron, Hay _________________________City; Frank Tompkins, Detroit Cen- o ' I FT tral, E+nglish; Aiina Hlock, Juanita NE .o OT LVR College, Iluntington, Ky.; Alta Lich, Hope College, Holland, English; Grace CANOES Hallantine, Ann Arbor; Ethel Kenyon, Candies Cigars Frances Schimer School, Mout Car- rol, ff1.; Eloise Waring, Grand Rapids Cakes Soft Drinks Central; Mary Hishop, Marshall, Rng- Soda Fountain and Pavillion lish; Alida Alexander, Illinois Wotm- Oirchestra Sunday Aternoons an's college, Jacksonville, Ill.; Arthur and Evenings Schaefer, Ishpeining, science; J. N. P. G. TES SMER, Prop. Keiinedy, Mason, supt.; Alvins Roggy, _________________________ Geneva, Ind., principal; Alhert Wol- ___________________cott, Riverside, Ill., science; Edna Schilling, Michigan City, Ind.; Ger- mian; Win. Crawford, Bay City, Phys- First Class len and mathematics; Willis Goode- nose, Hell City, Alahama, superinteind- cut; :Laura Hrowii, Traverse City, his- tory; Ernest Drake, Geneses Wesley- an College, Linia, N. V.; James Cutler, $4.00 Per Week Gostonia, Cal., scieince; Walter 'All- 1 212 S. University Ave. mendinger, Hartford, principal; Ania- 1 block from Engineering Bldg. ryllis Citey, Mi. Pleasant niormal, crit- ic teacher. T. H NKIN , Prp. Kodakcs and supplies at Calkins. tf. Trwo NOTED SPEAKERIS Aitt LISTED) FOE SUNWk YAV Il ii Oliver W. Stewvart cud J. Frank Hanly will speak onn"The Abolition nit the Liquor Traffic,' Sunday eveining, July f, at tine First Presbyter ian church. Manly is es-governor of Iidiana., aind Stewart is a prominent Ilinoiis legis- lator. They travel uindier thei'auspices of tine Flying Squiadron 01 America, No admnission will be charged. 1911 BALL TE[I;AAL E p r (Cointinueid fronipane ft on the job and hy his ceiver tf(eldiing prevented mnany errors for li amsn- msates. 1-ughift, Blaker aind MciQuieii could easily make baseball a profes- sion oin tine strengthn of their wnoric this year. Tine peppery little third basenian did particularly good scorE, making only fonir errors for the entirve season and bat tiiig a .226 clip. The teamn san iwhioti' cresedithe plate for a total tally of 178 talleys as. compared weithi 66 for their opiyonents. The score book shows a.tintali of nine shutouts credited to tine WXolverines, live of wvhich nie c'onserutive. TIhi batting averages fur tine season n- compiled by F. .0. Churchn, followv: C AG It I Ann'. Sisler., p, If ....26 X7 201 34 .351 Shneehy, in.... 28left ft 36 .::3 Baker, as ..28 t9t 25 it .313 Quaintance, p . .1X2f25 1 7 .2801 Howard, lb .-.911221. 21 .277 McQiieen, lb ..29 1it 152<2) .273t Hughitt, 3bl...22 79t1.1 21 .26f Heiston, rf ... 22 67 14 t7 .254 Davidson, p .... 8 li 1 2 .222 Haribeau, p .... ti 24 5 18 .2085 Labadie, if .i.9 6412 19 .203~ Hippler, c ... 15 46 4 i9.196 HBaem, c . fit..16 43 2 6X13 WXaltc, 3b... 8 29 2 4 .139 Grahnanm, if .... 4 8 1. 1 .122 Fergusomi, 1p.13 291 3 2.1(04 Mattsoii.e ....5 9 1 0.001 Shivel, lb ...1 1_ 0 0 .000 Team average .ini 952 14"727 .26 ,;4tMM"VEIIFCUTT INCLUD'lES erMY 1110WOTitEt ('OIMiItltit Uu~iit1 mrnsk i4auor MRS. M. M. ROOT Press Building Maynard St. C 1316 Prices on Rent- I lanos and Sheet p Aqarters for Col- 1111 KALAKE TRIP FOR REST AND RECREATION2 9!Use D. & C. Line Steamers fur Business and Pieasure Tripe HE refreshing lake breezes, the freedoms of the desks and ste luxuriosscemfort of the popular D. & C. Line steamers are wait- leg for you. Whether yeu go nerts to beautiful Maskinac island, tine famoas summeeesort of ihe Noeth ceustry, er cheese the "Water Way" oe yourstsip teem the east oe west, yes will appreciate thme many comforsts on our palatial steemers. Dacly service betweee Detrait end Cleveland, end Detreit and Buffalo. Poir sips weekly fiam Tsledoanad Deteoit te Mechinac Islend and way pars. Delightfsl day trips between Detroit and Clevelend dueing July and Asgust. Pepelae week-end excuesiens every Satueday hetween Detesit end Huff ala, end Detreit and Cleveland. Speeial Steamer Clrve- Iced is Mackinae Island direct, two trips weekly, Jue 25th te Sept. 10th, tween Toleda and Pet-Is-Bay, Jane 10th Se September 10th. YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS, reading hetween Detroit and 1Bsf- fale er Detroir aed Cloveland, are available for transportatien en D. & C. sreamrs ciherdirction. AN INTERESTING PAMPHLET giving detailed descriptien ef varions trips will be mailed yea en receipt of two cents Sc pay postage. Addtrecs L. 0. Lca-s, CGiii Possneor Agent, Derroit, Mich. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY Philip ii. Me11iinc, Presidenr. A, A. Schan,iclie-Prea. arid Genl. Mgr. Seamesrito anr cclilprt frnmlist eof1uTdhird Srt,lDetroit, 11ith. TH ECOAST LI NE TON A KIN~C -~I DETROIT, CLEVLAN 4 --Cs L.NIG R F :L,' n7l I Attractive Mid-Summer MILLINERY AT DANA RICHARDSON'S 115 E. Libety GODBOARD GOD$4.00 per week $3.50 Two weeks in advance firs. E. A Himiburt 806 University Avenue Classes its Shorthand, Typeweriitig, Btookakeeping juit starting at 711 N. Ciiive'rsity Anve. 3-4 Assembly toniorrowv night at Gran- gerns. 9 to 12. 50 cents per couple. 3 COLLECT END SALE. Camnpus Hootery. 3118 S. State St. 1-2 1 cont typewcriters for the ounmmer at Scinool of Shorthand, 711 N. Univer- sity Ave. 3-4 I 1 ; fy amid Prof. AXlomnzo H. Tut- I "- bin State tUniversitt;inte _:-dprm t by Isrutr T n Hose, of Vaniderbilt Uie- awill tech anatomand sinCtlitf-PNA Askin of ItndiainapolisnwhsoTINACE.I , ch practical emmbalmiimg. Dir. B. W~hite, Ascistanit ProfessoriManin theMUniverssteno wviii art as Deanm sf Womni Cahein Wnsowoff CimenUNIVRTY AVE PHARMACY tIhe A rcadia astructor inn Phaysicaltraiinu) GOU4LD~ING  WIKEL Open for Summer School Students e.1219 Se. Unvernaty Avenue Board $3.75-$4.25 per week soda water nit Calkaians. f DrugsI'oilet Articles, Cigars, MEAL TICKETS $5.75 Ci_____garetfes and Candy No. 612 East Liberty Street ers' testimomnialsimently aind rcopie'd at 711, N. Cninerntt zy peanuts in car loads nad , ly. Only ten cenits for a fuli ajJ Dean & Co. 1-3. . our kodak finnsmiad suplnie m Drug Co., 302 S. Stnate. ci; I % sity stationmery, 48 letter hennd', e vea full line of suit cases envelopes, it cents. 711 N ty Ave. 34 THnE ANN ARBOR I ~FRED C. WEINBERA, Proprietor OPENEVR DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9.00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Fifth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings SAVE THIS COUPON Good for ONI~iooker 0"t the 5wIn-tminif pooi good for Summzer School Stu.dents Only 1 r F a a I Teache promptly i WANTED-Lady pianist for part tinue next year for Ness Movngc Picture Theatre. Call umornimigs at 711 N. Umniversity Ave. - 3-4 - __________________-I WANTED-Voumig man as janitor next year. 711 N. Uniersity Ace. 2 4 WVANTED-Lady to sell tickeneecxt year at newv Moving Picture Tinentre. Call at 71t N. University Ave. 3-41 Lost-Gold boss glasses imi browi case. Mnarkedl A. G. Hedford, Iotini., Mlieh. Renward. XWANTED-Work by stindemit for af- ternoons atid Wednesdays mmmd Sat- urdays dunring sumumer schoolh. gull Bl1unt at 1153-M.3 3h Y'1 .,, I Vt- i) } t Z Or stock of summer. Underwear anshitsnever was better. As tose the new sport shirt for cblinn ear I e ls sell the Everwear socks guanranteed for six months. Ex- chaged at this store. ANN (f A0uertk ARO .. _