THE W O L V E R IN E Vdo Bureau Offers Many Places Fiormer Wolverine Manager Is uarried The Union employment and rooming John H. Payne, '12L, business mana- bureau has a number of places await- ger of The Wolverine during the sum- ing applicants. The regular hours of ier of 1912, was married Saturday, the bureau, 12:45 to 1:45, will contin- June 20, to Mis Lura Masterson, of ue through the su er. Chicago. Huyler's Candy Agenc, 214 S Main Rent a casera at Boppe's. 10c a St. 1-3. da. t TRY THE STUDENTS SUPPLY STO E BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE OUR SPECIALTIES Waterman's FOUNTAIN PENS ENGINEER SUPPLIES Phone 1160 R L. C. SCHLEEDE -1111 S. Univ. Ave. NEW CONTAGIOUS HOSPITAI, r e Repairing of Eye Glasses a Specialty LENSES DUPLICATED FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Haler Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street sV The New Catalogue OF THE University o f M =ichiga IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Hom eopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement. or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University A N N A R B O R * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN THIS COLJ'MN WILL. APPEAR IN EVERY ISSUE OF THE WOLVERINE ANDI WILL CONTAIN ACCOOUN1S OF THE VARIOI S THINGS HAPPEN- ING ON THE CAMPUS WHICH ARE OF ESPECIAL INTEREST TO WO- 1sN.*I] Marion B. White, Assistant Profes- sor of Mathematics in Kansas univer- sity, is acting Dean of Women during. the summer session, in the absence of Dean Jordan. Dean White has her office in Barbour gymnasium, but her office hours have not as yet been ar- ranged. Mary Lewis, acting president of the women's league and Margaret Rey- nolds, chairman of the social commit- tee cordially invite all women of the university to attend the first Women's Lague party, which will be given in Barbour gymnasium at 4:00 o'clock, Friday afternoon. Non-members will be charged an admission fee of ten cents. Those who have not already oined the league may do so at the party. Newberry hall, the home of the uni- versity Y. W. C. A., extends the privi- lege of the reading room and rest room to all women in the university sum- mer session. Miss Eleen Moore, gen- eral secretary, will be in her office the rest of this week for consultation. The department of physical train- ing for women is making every effort to meet the needs and desires of the women of the summer session. De- lightful and recreational courses are offered in swimming, basketball, ten- nis, folk dancing, and play ground work. This work is free to all stu- dents of the summer session who have paid the locker fee at the Treasurer's office. Heart and lung examinations will be required of all who take the work, and physical measurements and strength tests will be made if desired. Instruction in outdoor sports will be given on Palmer field, and if there is a sufficient demand, instruction in ca- noeing may be arranged for. Calkins Pharmacy for drugs. tf. Full course in Typewriting only $5.0, 711 N. Universiy Ave. 3- For results have your films develop- ed at Hoppe's, 610 East Liberty St. f Dancing tomorrow night at Grang- er's from 9 to 12 o'clock, 50 cents per couple. 3 Summer Students Notice We give special attention to ama- teur finishing. Daines & Nickels, 336 S. State St., over Cushing's Drug Store. tf Weymann Mandolutes, Martin Gui- tars, and Musical Instruments of every description for sale at reason- able prices at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- sic House, 10 S. Main St. tf NEW 'CONTATGIOt'S IOSPITAL IS OPENED FOR INSPECTION Invitations to all citizens and stu- dents are extended to students of the university and to citizens of Ann Ar- bor by the regents of the university to inspect the new contagious hospit- al, which has just been erected on Catherine street east of the psycho- pathic hospital. The citizens of Ann Arbor voted to bond for $25,000 to build this hospital and the university co-operated with the city by building and equipping it. The hospital will be for the combined use of students and the people of Ann Arbor. SIOMEOP GRADS DECIDE ON THEIR FUlTURE LOCATIONS Twenty Members of '14 Class Have Accepted Positions; Ilany Begin General Practice Twenty members of this year's grad- uating class in the homeopathic med- ical department have already accepted positions or decided on the places where they will engage in general practice. The list of students with their prospective locations follows: G. L. Alway, general practice, Whit- more lake; H. J. Burrel, assistant to chair of internal medicine; P. M. Champlin, Buffalo homeopathic hos- pital, Ann Arbor; Bessie I., women's hospital, Philadelphia; G. C. Danforth, attending physician, Cial- mers Motor C-, Detroit; M. A. Dar- ling, assistant in gynecology, Ann Ar- bor; G. B. Faulder, Metropolitan ohs- pital, New York City; R. V. Hadley, Buffalo Homeopathic hospital; D. B. Haggerman, general practice, Mason, Mich.; W. B. Huntley, general prac- tice, Lowell, Mich.; J. F. MigDaski, general practice, Detroit; I. D. McCoy, general practice, Brooklyn, Mich.; R. S. SIdeson, homeopathic hospital, Ann Arbor; S. L. Omey, Homeopathic hos- pital, Ann Arbor; E. J. Phillios, Ernest Wende hospital, Buffalo, N. Y.; C. D. Pillsbury, assistant in general surgery, Ann Arbor; F. R. Reed, general prac- tice; G. G. Shoemaker, Pittsburg hom- eopathic hospital; and F. R. Loomis, Metropolitan hospital, New York City. COFFEE RANCH. Coffee and jumbo peanuts roasted fresh daily. Sold retail at wholesale prices, also Tea and Cocoa, 211 East Liberty. 1-6. PHOTOGRAPHER 319 E. Huron St. PHONE 961=M Chubb House 209 South State Street Under the Original Management Summer Board $4.00 " TASTES LIKE HOME " C. S. Chubb Prop. J. Q. Neeland Steward Friday EveningJuly 3rd will close our Annual Pro-Inventory Sales There are present here at M eked down prices Summer Dresses Linen Suits Linen Coats Petticoats Kimoisas Shirt Waists Muslin Underwear Linens Fancy White Goods China Ware Furniture Rugs and Draperies .4~k44 LYNDON, PHOTOGRAPHER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supples I make a Specialty of developing, Printing and Enlarging for Amateurs --by modern Methods. This has been my business for so years and it has increased every day-only results will do this and so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak- thats where things move. L Y N D 0 N 719 N. University Kodaks for 10c per day