THE WOLVERINE ORPHEUM WEDJuy, 1 - The Detective's Sister" THUR-July, 2. J. Warren Kerrigan in "SAMPSON" FRI. July~ 3. 6th Dollie ot the Dailies Series On The Heights" Featuring Mary Feller. SAT. July 4. Spettial 4th o1 July Pro. erase, Francis Marrian is The Swnamp Fox". Extra! Paths Daily Newss Show~ing the Salem Firs. MON-TUES. July 5.-Cats Kane is "The "Coimplete Line" OF MEN'S FLJRNL"HRINGS VARSITY- TO0G GERY S H OP 1 107 South University Ave. HUSTONBROS. The Ftnest Billtiard Room to the State CIGARS and CANDY "We Try to Treat You Right" afnivergitp2 zcboo1 of fleutc Maynard Street Ass Arhor Annual Summer Session June 29 to August 21 Instruction in all Branches of Music For full Information, Calis at the Office. CHARLES A. SINK Secretary Sugar C Bowl 109 S. 1lain Street Best Iee Creamrr Home made candy fresh de..ily Prompt Service PHONE 967 T'H E W'0L\V E R I N E 1axvaid mist, and the instructors in _________________________________Latin whis ace here to oil their dleeleni- The affciali student newsplaper for! sions with the lubricatisin of asunoiver- the Unicersity of Mtichigan summer'sity faculty, represent our secondary sessions. Published by the students on 'scipools. Itt is from the secondary Tuesday Thursday anid 'aturday at- school that the university procuices its ternioons. Twventy-five issues. timaberaiid on whirls it stakes its ex- istensce. The profcssionel msuen in the Address-The Wolvecine, Pcess Build- Isuniniec colleges 01fisis and medicine iiig, Mayniard St., Ann Arbor, Tiici i eprest sctso a large degree the 'tone tfies Hours: Mbanaging Edilor--lO siall element in these tao professions. 2:30 Baily; Blusiness Manager 1:00 So it any of these people tees thtat 3:00 Daily. Phone t60 or 214. summeattifendance is not replete swith Subscriptinsrules--By carrier, sec- the spice of lianest-to-Bud coltegism, pnty-five cenits for the summier, let them feel that they aire addinsg to mailed to any address fur one dol-'the uiviersity's cup o1 learning a lar. tablespeonfllof real substaiice, to be Advertising rates-:Furnished upon ai -imixed with the suindry ingredients fur- plication ho the business mnagaer. nished during the reigns of the motley Subscriptions anid ads laksen at Quar- 5,.000 of the regular term. ry's, Cu-ishinsg's anid Sooth tUniver- city Pharmiacy. St'31M B, 'SSIIJN IGUTREtS SHO1(W G(,117 (IF 1111(OTER 19t13 Is N1. tureiett-Manaoging LEtitor ___ Phone-1283-M. Summer school statistics of last 11. (lamnes Milarlt-ltaxiless Jitotageriiighit showc an enrollmxent of 1,290. The Phoue-1407-M. I litcepartmuenit has 5160; lass, 195; med- AthlticsE~lior-Carls Kedric. 11rh;graduate, 147; and pharmni, Isse Elilu:-'. 4. lahxoi. j 14. This enrollinent shosvs an inceass Issz Edtor-,. . Jhy~snĀ° I 1 110 ovier the enrollmxent at this time - TUESD)AY, JUNE 30, 1914. list yeai. About 350 are expected to ____________________________hase cnrolled todsiy, oxaking a total 'cenrollment 01 1,550, or ans increase of foitiorlati tin ilf ii ltmreloeator a154overs'i1,409, which scas the total co- at stll o t~n Isis i ti - iolliueit of last year. s'clock Wiedneisdlayafternoon inTthI Wolsertne office..-Mlltry-outs must bh.i Nexw Btokls tought For Library olesetlt. . nhtisiclilot; - Assistant Libraix F. L. Boodrich 1, TESISSUMER SHOO PEOLE.has lately icceived a shipmenst of 03 Tue olvriie xiiibegse ts er olumes 01 the "Archives Biplomati- I Sues vaslied at $000. It is a coilec- ~srilig existenice wcithi a cumpiimentdLon 01fi--pla lets dealiing with inter- 'lis caoplisment is ainsed at its per-isnlionail diplomatic relaitions. The 83 opirus~ raduigpublc. :volumes are the back nuimbers, aiid The Tiolvesi griees as its readers include those published sip to 19(0. s group of people whoi have invaded h ot eetnmeswl epr Mlichi,aii's caisipis swithia serious piir-hi osiercniiiib iiheiir cha'sed a't a liter later. pose. Ann Arbor feels that it hiss ___- - ihere a class of people schuss primary j ('XMI'S IxHIN IIIEF purpos e is, stirangely enuigh, to ac-_____ quire kiowledge iii all of its forms. IFritine Ksadelbach she directress of -Not long since depicted are some wvho' the Berman-American H-ome in Berlin wecrcexxilling to hisvexknowsledlge thrust xiii be in Anin Arbor duiriiigJugy, and sil oni them.sAid the thruistinig wsof0- will gicepni-ste insruction its ter- Ie diffhcult.: man to teachers amid others wsho are Thechcistry teachers anxd princi- interested.0Furttier iniformation canx plsswhio bass conic to Annx Arbor to be obtaiiied at 5018ttill street. TINKER & CO. FURNISHERS and HATERS to University Men 342 Si. Stale St. OUR SWEATING BRAU C ioncerniing(1n1r'Cacption It's a clever little caption, An enticink, cool, contraption, It atipeals to nie where'er I'm prone to loaf; TWhene'er I feel like shirkin', It's the thing that sets me workin- Is a root (not sweating) goblet filled with Ho- - *(See title of verse.) '-,ihere Al'e Lots oi Him The gang is gone. The trunks and bags are oft The last lone dog is hung, and I, alas, Am strandedl with the summer session crew. I didn't pass. SUMMER SCHOOL TEXT BO..OKS And Students Sup- plies Second-Hand Books for all de- partment's W A HR'S University Book Store It isist heat or wcork that makes mue ___________________ fret r BOOKS LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND SECOND=HiAND Complete L ine Text Bunks Text Laboratory Books Reference Bonks Dictionaries Compends, etc. CASH OR EXCHiANGE5 FOR YOUR OLD BlOKS LARGIEST STOCK IN MIICHIGAN C. Ee Bartliel 326 S. Stale St. Tel. 161-M COLLLEGER ENt) SAtI. Catopus LBootery. 048 S. Stats St. 1-2 Full Potud Freshs roasted pseatnuts, tein cens. Beats &Co., tLtd., 21t4 S. Main St. 1-3. !- i i I l I E k f I i I r Suni-mer School ONew and Second-Hand -all Departments Fountain Pens, Note Books and Supplies i It isn't that I shun the outuner class Ins sohhitng from that awful bumnp of fate: I didn't pass. It's not because I hurntsh~e midtnight oil, It's not for erudition, hold or crass, Not for my "Master's" do I wanly toil: 1 didn't pass. -Harold R. Schardzksi. If's a Hatngover lFronaSprinig Clara: (Excitedly) See that fellow? :ie's a regular tar! Blell: Tar? Touxmean a sailor? Clara: Oh, no. I call him that he- case he gets so mitusy ands soft in The summer studetit grunsbles at his toil, Andl swears at fate, and cusses, too, I While he, poor boob, is burning mid- night oil, Some other guy is burning gasoline, -W. A. P. Lit Ftaculty IEncourages Sehool Reform At a recent meeting of the faculty of the literary department, a resolu- tion wcas passed which encourages the incorpsorating of the seventh and eighth grades of the elementary schools wcith the high school system, masking a junsior and senior high school of three classes each. The object of such a readjustment is to offer high school subjects earlier in the school course and make school work more- practical and attractive, thereby hold- ing students in school at a time whet. they are most liable to drop out. This is a pioneer movement in ed- ucational administration, and the Uni- versity of Michigan is the first uni- versity to take this action. 45W ITZE RS HARDWARE 310 STATE STREET DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIRE TABLE Limsited aadEpress Care for Dsirit-7:uta a. ox, atnd tourty to 6 : xa p. mo., als 8 ze p. M Lacal Cars for Dletroit-lo a. so., 6us6 a. mx,, adeery two houre to 6:o6p. em., 7:o6 p. M. 8:o6p. m., xo p. m., andxe:45 p. m. To Ypsiantnlty:7:96, 8:20 .tm.,11:06 a. ox.,,t1:5p~. ,a1:5nm, 1,:30l p. M.,l1:00 . M. Littited Cars for Jacksn-7:46 a. a. and every tw'ohours to 7:46p. so. Losat Cars for Jackson-suss e. am. 6:5xasm., and ievery two ohoursto 6S p. . alsoee9:uo I P. Mt., 11:15p.m TUTTLES LUNCH ROOM LVNCHES and SODAS 338 Souzth State Sta COUSNt( HALL Florists Cor12th St and S UnIy Ate. Phone 11IS Capital, $ua, Surpilts, $50,00.00 UndtindediProfits,$s,oo,o THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe Banking sod Courtrous Treatmonttof Our Cusoms s oOar Watchw ord 3 per cent Interest is- oer Savings Department THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Caputal1.. . . .$300, Srplus aod Pndicided Prost ... 8so,cooas Srplsad Under Profits.....fits sunc Rsources... . 3,oo,ao.oo Transacts a GeneralOBakig BRoielsee 3 pe Csent interest paido 'avnogs iDepsits YorBsaittess Soilsitrd Chas. H. Hisocsk, Pres., Mihasl J. Eritz,Casht'r W.D. Harrioxao,Viss-Prs., CarlP. Baun, At. Cush'rWm, Walz, Asst. Cast'r S agstepp1 TEMPLE THEATRE ON MAIN STREET WED. J ULY lest The Other Hall oflths Noe in 3 Parts FRIDAY July 3, Her Ladyship SAT. Jely 4, The Man of The Heer er the Americas Seldier. COMING NEXT WEEK "GoodnesGracouse" er Movies as they Shoeld he- V The Wolverine WILL RUN A Want=Ad Column If you have lost anything or desire to sell something, try an A D =LIEiT WE PRILESS BY HAND C. I. KIDD Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING BOARD $4.00 AT Freeman's 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET One block north from. Hill Auditorium 75 cts. per Day Dinner 35 cts. We, boil our drncking wates and cool it