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June 30, 1914 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1914-06-30

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Vol. V.


No. 3

i i



Edward J. Keefe, of Detroit, was
Coach Lundgren Develops Best Hichi- killed by a train on the St. Paul road,
gai Nine in History of at Cologne, Minn., yesterday. The
School body was taken to Chicago last night
to the home of his brother, 307 East
With a nucleus of well seasoned vet- Sixty-First street. Details of the ac-
erans at the start, Coach Carl Lund- cident are unknown, but it is believed
gren, the former "Cub," began work by friends here that he was engaged
with the 1914 baseball team, finally by the St. Paul railroad. He was
. . . about 21 years old.
rounding it into an aggregation that, Ko 21eas old.
at the culmination of the season, wasK
RKeefs, of Detroit, commissioneroflin-
the peer of any college team in the igratonuderesientmm ossevelt-
country. It was Lundgren's first year igtinndrPsdntRseet
with the Wolverines and by turning His home was formerly in Washing-
out the best Michigan team, he won ton. For the past year he has lived in
Detroit. He finished two years of
f r himself a world of praise with the work in the lit department this mnth,
1?ize and Blue rooters. t literte thi mont,
The season's success, however, must and intended to enter the law depart-
t by any means be attributed entire- ment in October. He was a member
l y Cac mLundgren. aThted wr - oof the local chapter of the Sigma Al-
ly to Coach Lundgren. The work of
Captain George Sisler, Labadie, Fer- pbs Epsilon fraternity.
guson, Baker and the rest deserves Hold First Summer Iance Friday
due credit.
Durit.ealspTickets for the regular weekly Un-
During the early spring, it was ex- iOn dansce will be put on sale at the
pected that most of the twirling would Union desk Wednesday. The dance,
fall on Sisler's shoulders, as in 1913 Unih dskthednsay. The ummes
he had provided himself to be the which is the first of the summer ses-
sion, will be given on Friday night.
equal of any college pitcher in the
country. Soon after his election to
captain,, following "Brute" Pontius' FIRST SUMMER SCHOOL
resignation, it was found that "Sis" LECTURES OCCUR TODAY
had a sore arm, and would be unable
to pitch any more this year. As he Librarian Koeh Will Tell About the
topped the batting averages his ser- Illustrator's Art; Dr War-
vices were invaluable, and he was thin Speaks Tonight
consequently shifted to the outfield
where he did phenomenal work for Two of the lectures planned by the
the rest of the season. Sheehy, Ben- summer session and the Ann Arbor
ton and Labadie formed the rest of the Civic association will be given today.
almost impregnable outfield and "The Arts of Illustration" is the sub-
brought Michigan to the front in sev- ject of an illustrated lecture to be de-
eral games with their timely swats. _
In the box, even without Sisler,
Michigan was strong. Ferguson, by
his work in the second Notre Dame
game, when he shut out the hardest
hitting college team in the country,
and by pitching the Wolverines to vic-
tory in the post-season Penn games
proved himself to be one of the best
bets on the team. Baribeau, Quaint-
ance and Davidson likewise did their
share of the twirling and in most cases.
did it well.
Baer shouldered the brunt of the
work at the receiving end of the bat-
tery, and though somewhat slow and
weak in hitting, gained an enviable
reputation for reliability. Hippler's Librarian Theodore Koch, who speaks
catching was easily up to standard, this afternoon.
and Matson formed an able substitute -
when called on. livered by Librarian T. W. Koch at
The infield with the exception of 5:00 o'clock in the west lecture room
Waltz was composed entirely of vet- of the physical laboratory. "The In-
erans and whether in the field or at heritance of Disease" will be the sub-
bat, furnished the Wolverine suporters ject of the lecture by Professor A. S.'
with little ground for worry. Howard, Warthin to be given in the west am-'
the acrobatic first sacker, was always phitheater, medical building at 8:00
(Continued on page 4) o'clock. Both of these lectures are'
RtENOVATE GYMNASIUM FOR free to the public and students attend-'
ing the summer session.
SU'1 NER SESSION STUDENTS Librarian Koch's lecture will deal'
. with the various proceses used in'
The lockers in Waterman gymnas- making illustrations. He will discuss'
um have been thoroughly renovated the three classes of engraving, and'
and the gym otherwise put in shape the method of making three color
for the use of the summer session stu- work will be fully explained. This'
dents. Dr. George May requests that lecture will be illustrated by 100 slides
any students, desiring to take part in
the pyiatriigdprmncl made especially for Librarian Koch..i
tephysical traning department, call Dr. Warthin, in discussing the vari- <
at his office for consultation. D.Wrhn ndsusn h ai
lasshesof thefosutia typewil.ous diseases of inheritance, will pay
Classes of the theoretical type will particular attention to recent improve-i
meet twice a week, with practical ments that have been made in a fewI
classes three times a week. The class- state marriage laws.
es will probably be held Mondays,Wed-
nesdays and Fridays at 4:00 o'clock

Plan to Organize Inter-Departmental Tournament to Ile Conducted as Soon
League Among Students of as Sufficient Number
Summer Session Enroll

In Welcoming Sumner Students He
Naines This a Creutes
Asset of Learning
Ability to-think ahead was the per-
vading theme of Pres. H. H. Hutchins'
talk to the summer session students
in the physics amphitheater yesterday
President Hutchins first made the
visitors feel at home by his cordial
welcome and wishes for their success
ie congratulated them on their ad-
vantages and sought to impress on
each the value and necessity of a
good education.
"The real value of an education does
not lie in the book learning we ab-
sorb nor in the great mass of, facts
that we may learn, for in a very few
years these will be forgotten, but there
will still remain that most valuable
asset, the ability to think ahead and to
project oneself into the future.
"This is an age of an intellctual ac-
tivity directed toward a practical end.
Look at the various departments of a
large industrial plant and imagine the
intellectuality and training required
to keep the various departments work-
ing in line so as to make the whole
plant as perfect a working machine as
possible. Why, it is an education in
itself to visit one of these places and
see the many examples all around us
of where the ability to think ahead has
been the means of saving thousands of
dollars and incroasing the output
many times.
"Many reasons have been offered to
explain our great advancement along
business and industrial lines and many
of them are good ones, but even as a
whole they do not answer the question
as completely as by saying that it is
the ability to think ahead and the pos-
session of a mental vision beyond im-
mediate surroundings.
President Hutchins stated that there
were other advantages to be gained
from a college education. "Here we
learn to adjust ourselves to our envir-
onments, so that when we are out in
the world we can quickly and easily
step into our place. One may be edu-
cated but not possess even common
sense. From the close association
with the natives of nearly thirty dif-
ferent foreign lands we learn the hab-
its and customs of these peoples and
this in itself is a grand means of ob-
taining an education.
The address was concluded with a
plea to the students to get as much
as possible out of the incidental side
of university life and to take part in
it as it will tend to broaden life and
the mind to an extreme degree.
Will Address Y. . C. A. Convention
Held Nov. 27-30
William Jennings Bryan is one of
the notable speakers booked for the
state boys' Y. M. C. A. convention to
be held in Ann Arbor November 27-30.
More than 2,000 boys of high school
age are expected from all parts of
Michigan. Meetings will be held in
the Hill auditorium, in University
Hall, in Waterman gymnasium, and at
the high school. The visitors will be
entertained at homes in the city. The
local Y. M. C. A. organizations, the
churches, and the Ann Arbor civic as-
sociation will assist in the prepara-
tions. The convention was held at

In compliance with past custom, an
inter-departmental baseball league
will be organized for the summer ses-j
sion students with a complete sched-
ule between the lits, laws, medics and
engineers. The percentage system, as
employed last year by Director F. A.
Rowe will probably be used, with ade-
quate prizes for the winners.
A meeting of all interested in base-
ball has been called at the Michigan
Union for next Friday night at 7:30
o'clock, at which time a general man-
ager as well as departmental manag-
ers will be elected.

* :

There are a few places vacant
on both the reportorial and bus-
iness staffs of The Wolverine.
Business staff tryouts should see
F. G. Millard, business manager.
Tryouts for the reportorial staff
please attend the staff meeting
to be held at the office of The
Wolverine Wednesday afternoons
at 5:00 o'clock,

The tennis courts at Ferry field are
now ready to be used by students en-
rolled in the summer session and all
desiring to play should call at the
Ferry field gate.
It is necessary to employ a man dur-
ing the summer to keep the courts
marked and in good condition. To de-
fray this expense of upkeep, a fee of
one dollar will be charged to all who
make use of the courts.
A tennis tournament with cups for
the winners in both singles and doubles
and fobs for the runners-up will be
organized as soon as a sufficient num-
I ber have registered at the office.
The faculty of the summer session
this year numbers several men from
other colleges and universities. In the
literary department Prof. Carl 0 Sauer
of the Normal School at Salem, Mass.,
will teach geology; Dr. John L. Con-
ger, professor of political economy in
Knox College, Galesburg, Ill., will have
charge of the courses in political sci-
ence originally listed to be taught by
Dr. Robert T. Crane; Dr. Frank B.
Marsh, of the University of Texas, and
Dr. A. C. Cole, of the University of
Illinois, will give courses in history;
Assistant Professor Floyd C. Docker-
ay, of the University of Kansas, will
teach psychology. At the biologicalI
at1i n +inf lnxir r - ; ..i.A

Y. 3I. C. A. Bureau Shows Big Results
The employment bureau of the Uni-
versity Y. M. C. A., has secured jobs,j
during the last week, for 282 summer
school students. Last summer the bu-
reau furnished 175 jobs, showing a 61
per cent increase for this summer.
Several jobs still remain.

or at any other time which may be
Oratory Professors Attend ConventionT
Professor Thomas C. Trueblood and A Fe of $1.00 is Charged
Assistant Professor Richard D. Hol- for Vse of Tennis Courts on
lister, of the department of oratory, Ew
went to Evanston, Ill., yesterday, K XK AY' A E L D
where they will attend a two days ses- DVRING THE SUMMER. SESSION
sion of the National Speech Art asso-
ciation. Professor Trueblood is one Tickets on Sekle m.t Ferry Field Gete
of the directors of the association.




station the f llowing will give courses
in zoology: Prof. Frank Smith of the
University of Illinois; Prof. James S.
Compton who teaches biology and ge-
ology in Eureka College, Eureka, Ill.,;

and Dr. Max M. Ellis, Instructor in Saginaw -last year.
Biology at the University of Colorado.
Mrs. Marion D. Ellis will act as Dean Library Hours for Summer Announced
of Women at the station. Courses in The university library will be open
the law department are to be given by throughout the summer session from
Prof. Dudley 0. McGovney of Tulane 7:45 a. m. to 10:00 o'clock p. m. daily
(Continued on page 4) except Sunday.


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