THE WOLVERINE F Four and five rom flats. Will be ready September 15. J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW U. o1 M. BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft'Drirtks Soda Fountain and Paviltien Orchestra Sunday Aternoons and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. ('O W';' ,lIE'i- I bat fur till studenits, allowed a swift CAME 111 tWI i"t1OW N' 011e to filter thr-onll -h hirat this poinlt (Continued from sane 1.) and teCiy(' i was1110 sa'ved01a11sh110- in the hitting department 1Ioughitt and out. Stewart loomerd up1 abovel an)y011e e'se Donelly gains rredit for anl assist in in the game, lu ghitt 01ecaring a homer tihe 0nly doable play ofthtil day. The an7d three singles out of four times t etuldent left fiellier ran in fast on a bat, whlei Stesart chlked up] a round 1 s11011fliy and1, aiter sulrroulndling it, trip, a double and a stealing single ont madls a perfeet pe ; tol irst, retiriug of a like nlumlber oi tripo to tile plalteI 01(11, who had11(1startedi for seconld Knoweisonl,woho rcaered about eenter tlittilig 11h1'hit1Nv15is ltsa'e11aImile."' field for the 'All Stars" brought till 1''l'01111imiaril's for till gamn" fol- stllalds to their feet b)yihis bits of s111-1low: 1 ('113 'prit.n ScsinIit ly tllty ill till' ninltb inn~in. Nownak pat51'till'hebail1d11111 third 11111'ehll'e anld bef4ore Dolllly ('o11td1'capture'it, tie lt''1115iveill 111011struc~k a1bolelan111 dodgoed behina 1 51111111standll. ,Aqikel to aI standlstill at till' thirdi sacki. As if byp tile lband of fall', Achli, 55111 ha~d I k1Ilel, sh ltl, 1b01,.1 I'Illilla,cIf :' llow I'S i, l Tillas 'rlf 1131111, c:ll. 4 t2 41 2 130 4 2 5 4I 02 C .4 1 1 1 0 1 ,... .,.4 0 10 2 0 10 ,. . . , 1 0) C 0 0i 0 3nthiroit jI+mtiWr 1o MRS. M. M. ROOT Press Building Maynard St. The Second Edition OF THE New- Michigan Song Book Will be Ready In a Few Days We will lake Orders and mail if not in by the end of this week Bray Indestructo Baggage Just Received. A new line of INDESTRUCTO TRUNKS and BAGS. The ktndl that can't wear out. FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Light weight Uiderwear Manhattan SHIRTS, wtth Soft Collars and French Cuffs. Prices - - - from $1 .50 to $3.50 Light Colored Worsted and Flannel TROUSERS At 20% off from regular prices Prices - - $3.50 to $5.00 Rudle, Conlin & Fie gel THE AN ARO FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 !South Fifth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings SAVE THIS COUPON Good for ONO looker at the SwlrxmmIng pool Good for Suns mar School Stuadenats Only .. i i 1 { r 1Boyc11, 131 "lot litlmla7 itrllall NoIt4 lil iVa sil, l'llrlll> G~illenl, Btrownl ;I;s . . . .234 510ii27 .In Arbor Indtepenidentsn ABi itIt1.Pt) 111111', Ifi .. ...3 i0 2 1 Z21, lb, (1' ..... 4 it 0 6 ,ss ......4 0 1 20 .. .. . ,4 0ii0 0 i , ill... ... .3 1.1 1 2 A P1 1 1 1 2 1 01 0P0 250 1 t. E ) 7 J - )I- ID "1 'lotals .... .. 2 1 5 24 It 4 Ininllgs ...12'4567C89 it All-Campuslll ...2 01 0 Sit2)10 0 *--5 A. A. Id......0.0 0 0i0P00 1-I 'Io 10base' tits- -tew'a':rt, Fletclher; thlre'e'111150'fis- Tlollas, Noswak; 0111-b Wh ''lleat 1, by lBrownll4, by rAlzpil'. ; t2l --1 3 ; u p r -- tOlR NEW U NION EXt' tINE; BOARD $4.00 AT Freeman's 803 E, WASHINGTON STREET One block north fron Hilt Auditorium 75 cts. per Day Dinner 35 cts. We boil our drinking water and cnol it "INACE C ItVES 1111 "Y"'$30,0001 9TT Attractive Mid-Summer TT I. iLE MILLINERY LUNCH ROOM AT LVNCHES and SODAS DANARICHARDSON'S 338 SoAth Sta fe St. if 5 E. Liberty WE PRESS BY HAND C. IL KIDD Ivestigationls durlinlg ise last few months1115as to the fitnes's5o01 1115gift, is' fromllh1115Nell York officee. Th11' newl' 'Y''buildinlg wiciel will colst a. total of $ttl,(t113 sill be started 111 tile ('orner of State street an11 Walshinlgtionl,s0011 tinme next summl~ler or falit 'l ' 1h 1 planslwbichlhave jost beell eomleltell 5holl that tile buildinlg wlill hlave It11 stores anld a large base- menlt tilTe room~s 1w111 consist of Ia libralry,Idilling r11111, billiard rooml, two prlrls, hltam ''!rloffices andl be(a olled 1brik, swillbe If tile'"T'" s11ape1'and111iiw111 sllrI' 121 felt by 99 feet. (ll-v Up Jaeger Stroelnre, 011 Soulth Stlate' street, wil11 be tornl inlitorie's was15givenIu1p1by tile Y. A .1' 11' et'uiuilsul 11a151'the dolrmlitories !1i1 its lnll bulding', 1111d is to c'l-opel'- a11e wlith till' 'Y.'' '1111'rirch Nell'York Idonlor 55a15solie- telld afell lmontihs ago bysAr. 'W. 'Tink- '0, religious. secetary', 11 is believed blor to invsestigat e Ilhetiler econditionls hlere' walrranlte'd 5011c111naproprialtionl. 'The1'ereia n 1ltativs apparent1'llty report- eli esatisfaetolrily in'd1111 lif tile totll sum11a11c1ssoary' 1110beell prolni:ed. Phone 1530 J 112 S. Univ. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING r ~ The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts, and 4th Ave-, Ann Arbor USES SOFT1 WATER WHITE 5WAN Reasons in every bundle oh Laundry work sent from the White SwnLaundry', why you obould CALL. PHONE 165 toe our wagon. GOODS NOT ROTTED BY CBEIIICAI S- Withe, nolt yellosw-nor bloe- button boles intact, buttons ditto. Speciat atten- tion given to ladies clothes. OUR PRICES 7IRE LOWEST. THE WHITE SWAN 1lAUNDRY I II FOLLOW MICHIGAN'S FOOTBALL TEAM THIS FALL IN THE MICHIGAN DAILY Special offer to Summer School students- Sent to any address for the football season - - - $.00 Sent to any address for the entire school year .- $2.50 SUBSCRIPTIONS ON SALE AT WAHR'S STATE STREET BOOKSTORE AND THE WOLVERINE OFFICE