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August 23, 1917 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1917-08-23

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Defeat Egley and Burtis In Final of
Doubles by Close
Redfern, winner of the singles, and
Shields won the summer tennis chain-
pionship by defeating Egley and Burtis
by the score of 6-3, 2-4, and 6-4, last
Tuesday afternoon on Ferry Field. A
racquet was presented to Redfern, and
a dozen tennis balls to Shields by the
management of the tourney as the
The contest was only decided after
three hard fought sets, in which Egley
and Shields played exceedingly fast
and consistent., Shields returned sev-
eral fast serves that turned the last
set into a victory. Redfern and Burtis
showed good team work, but their
playing was not as spectacular as
their team mates.
A few spectators witnessed the cos-
Ig exhibition.
Authorized to Make Arrangements for
Care of Books Until A. L. A.
Erects Buildings
F. L. D. Goodrich, reference 11
brarian of the University, has been
made associate chairman for Michigan
committee on war library service. Mr.
Goodrich has been authorized to visit
the cangp at Battle Creek at once and
make the best temporary arrange-
monts possible for the care of books
until the American Library Associa-
tion libraries can be erected and
equipped. This will probably result
in the care and distribution of books
by the Y. M. C. A.
Mr. Goodrich is also urged to insti-
tute a vigorous campaign to collect
every book available in the state to
tide over the situation until the Amer-
ican Library Association can estab-
lish more permanent library facilities.
A circular has been issued on this
subject and is ready for distribution.
Librarian Cleavinger of Jackson pub-
lic library and W. W. Bishop will prob-
ably accompany Mr. Goodrich to Bat-
tie Creek.
Arcade Owner Accidentally Hit by
Auto While Riding Bicycle
Thomas Nickels, owner of the
Nickels' Arcase on Maynard street,
was seriously injured at 5:30 o'clock
Tuesday night on Washtenaw avenue,
near Geddes avenue, when he was ac-
cidentally hit by an automobile driven
by John L. Biyelow, son of Prof. S.
L. Bigelow.
The injured man was sent to the
Homoeopathic hospital. Reports from
the hospital this morning state that
Mr. Nickels is rapidly recovering and
will be raised in a couple of weeks.
W. Hiller, '16, Given Good Promotion
William Hiller, '16, who went into
actuarial work in Lincoln, Nebraska,
recently entered the training camp at
Fort Schnelling. On account of his

mathematical ability he was transfer-
red to Fortress Monroe and after
only two months there received an
unusual promotion by being made se-
ond lieutenant in the regular army.

Union to Launch
Campaign Drive
Mill Endeavor to Gel tenscainder of
Million Dollar Fund in Next
An enormous drive for $210,000 will
be carried on in 100 different cities be-
tween the 15th of September and the
30th of October by various committees
of the Michigan Union. Among the
larger cities, New York, Pittsburg, De-
troit, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Mil-
waukee and Minneapolis have all sig-
nified their intentions of taking up
the work and of making a supreme ef-
fort to bring the building fund up to
the million dollar mark in this final
The original plan of the campaign
was conceived in October, 1909, but it
was not until seven years later that
an attempt to raise money began. y
that time the alumni of the University
had been educated to the point where
they could appreciate the value of the
Union in an institution of this nature
and where they realized that it must
have more suitable quarters if it was
to be to the students and alumni all
that it was intended to be. That
campaign resulted in the raising of a
fund of $790,000. Now, two years lat-
er, while the building is in process of
erection they are going out for the
rest of the money needed. Some of'
Michigan's most important alumni are
identified with this movement. Presi-
dent Hutchins has been active in the
work of raising funds and is now
engaged in organization work. Dean
Bates of the Law school is chairman
of the campaign committee.
A new issue of the Campus News
Notes is being prepared for the Uni-
versity by the Michigan Union press.
It will be sent out of Ann Arbor short-
ly after the first of September and will
pave the way for the campaign as it
will contain, besides the usual items
of campus interest, illustrations show-
ing the progress of the new Michigan
Union building.
Gardening Class Under Prof. Pollock
Gives Food Stuff to University
Squashes, beets, corn, and carrots,
all planted after the summer session
began, will be the contribution of Prof
J. C. Pollock's classes in vegetable
gardening to the University this year.
The members of the class planted their
garden plots on the edge of the old
cathole. The gardens did much better
than was expected, furnishing delect-
able spreads for the members of the
class, and will also provide a consid-
erable amount of appetizing food for
the patients of the Unversity hospital.
Ietroit Librarian Visiting in City
Miss Golda M. Thompson, graduate
of the 1916 library class and now in
charge of the Gray Branch of the De-
troit Public Library is visiting friends
in the city today.
Librarian Bishop to Go to Canada
Mr. W. W. Bishop, Librarian of the
University of Michigan, will leave next
week for a camping trip in Canada.

Lieut. Mullen, Major Wilson and Pro-
fessor Bursley Take Charge
of Courses
Courses in Military Science and
Tactics will be given in the Univer-
sity during the next semester. The
classes will be in charge of Lieut.
George C. Mullen, Major C. E. Wilson
and Prof. J. A. Bursley.
The second military course for or-
dnance and quartermaster students
will commence about September 17
and continue until November 1. The
classes will be limited to 100, to be
chosen from the applicants who fur-
nish the highest qualifications. Over
60 applications have already been sent
Prof. Bursley's first military course
was conducted this summer, the stu-
dents completing the required amount
of work last Saturday morning. A
third course will probaby be given im-
mediately after the completion of the
second on Nov. 1.
The exact schedule for the military
science and tactics courses under
Lieutenant Mullen have not as yet
been arranged for by the committee
of schedules. Each student enrolling
in this division will be furnished prop-
er equipment by the United States, al-
though the uniforms will be made of
different material than the regulation
army suits, due to the extreme short-
asr f n" n1"+ m tr


'9 Registration
Tent Abandoned
Freshmen Advisory Station to Occupy
Basement of New Building
This Fall
The large registration tent of the
University Y. M. C. A. has been used
for the last time. For many years this
tent has been seen annually at the
time the students arrive in Ann Arbor
and has served the purpose of a fresh-
men advisory station and first aid in
securing rooms and employment. But
this fall, the large white tent will be
replaced by the new Y. M. C. A. build-
ing itself. The basement doors will be
thrown open and the entire ground
floor converted into a first aid station
for freshmen.,
Mr. Fetter will be back from his va-
cation about Sept. 17 and Mr. Peck,
the employment secretary, will be in
Ann Arbor about the first of Septem-
ber to make advance preparations for
an unusually successful campaign.
Graduates Get Positions in Fle
Towns Out of the State

a t n .Sixteen teachers' appointments were
Lieutenant Mullen will commence iven out by the appointment commit-
active work aS tee beginning of the te of tE University last week. The
semester. This is the lirt time tiat e-netos receiving posecine are .,.
the University has offered the students r ws: Itarold C. Beake, '17, Tiffin,
enrolled in any of the colleges oppor- Ohio, matlsematics; Clem A. Frye, '17,
tunity to learn the rudiments of army Lapeer, Mich., English and history;
training. Grace I. Simmons, Muskegon, Mich.,
Military 91nstruction under Major mathematics; Clara Muehler, Port
Wilson will also be on the curriculum Huron. Mich., matheilic.;Josephine
in the fall. The summer school stu- Rick, '19. Marbor Beach, Ich., fourth
dents taking the courses finished last grade; Emily L. Welker, Vulcan,
Thursday. The classes have bean Hich., principal highs -rhool, matbe-
crowded and 1li stoe its desiring to matics; Laura Millar, '17, principal
sign up for the all session should send high school, Evart, Mice., Latin and
in their names as oo as possible to .
th istucormathematics, Mary F. Roblinsoi,
the instructor. Shawnee, Okla., English; elope Cue ,-
lie, Oak Park, Ill., English or Latie;
MANY BOOS GIVEN Ruth Butler, '17, Clarion, Pa., see-
BY TJ.)WNSPEOPLE tery to principal normal schenl;
Jleina" Weiley. Highland Park, Mini.,
Contributions fi r Soldier Library Col- English; Clifford Gecey, Tulsa, Dlii.;
lection' L i~g ts.. Genre . Mactin, Cadillac, H ,i.
ereic; el Smith, '17, T., ee
uty" t, li., tin; Pal T. Rank n,
MrshillI Mich., scienc and ethic s,
Librarian V'. W. Bishop is much 1nil Halde Forhan, Saginaw, W-st
gratified at the response which tie Sile, Mich., Engiish.

Weske, Sparks, Peach and Welman
Will Form Nucleus of Team
This Fall
By James C. J. Martin
Michigan's football team in the fall
is expected to equal those of all com-
peting teams, despite the fact that a
number of last year's Varsity men
have graduated or been called to the
colors At least four former "M" men
will appear for the first practice about
the middle of September.
Negotiations between Coach "Hurry-
Up" Yost, different colleges and uni-
versities. and men who will probably
be here in the fall have been going on
for some time. Nothing of a definite
nature has been settled as to the
probable strength of the 1917 team.
Tour Varsity Plays Form Nucleus
According to information given out
by Philip Bartelme, director of out-
door athletics, four Varsity players,
R. F. Weske, '18E; C. M. Sparks, '19E;
W. L. Peach, '18, and E. E. Weiman,
'19, will be in the ranks, forming a
nucleus of a strong eleven next se-
* *
* Season 1917
* pct. 3-Univ. of Detroit at Ann
Oct. 10--West. State Normal at *
* Ann Arbor.
* Oct. 13.-Mt. Union College at Ann
* Arbor.
* Oct. 16-Case Scientific School at
* Ann Arbor.
Oct. 20-Mich. Agric. College at
Ann Arbor.
Oct. 27-Univ. Nebraska at Ann
Nov. 3-alamazoo College at Ann
* Arbor. *
* Nov. 10-Cornell Univ. at Ann Ar-
Nov. 17-Univ. of Penn. at Phila-
* deiphia.
Nov. 24-Northwestern Univ. at
* Evanston.
F. A. Willard, '18; J. H. Sharpe,
'18E; J. 0. Goodsell, '19D, and S. V.
Eggert, '19, of the regular squad, and
(Continued on Page Four)
Marriage to Take Place Saturday
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Phillip Hall an-
nounce the marriage of their daughter
Elizabeth, to Lieutenant Joseph Rale-
ton Hayden to be held Satuday after-
noon in St. Andrew's church. The wed-
ding will be a simple one and there
will be a reception for relatives and
intimate friends at the house after-
Lieutenant Hayden was a member
of the political science department
faculty before being called into ac-
tive service. He has been in chage
of the Michigan naval divisions at the
Great Lakes naval training station.
Episcopal Women Clothe 12 Orphans
Twelve sets of clothes for French
orphans, six for children from two to
four years old and six for children
10 to 12 years were made recently
by the women in the Episcopal church.
Between 10 and 16 women have been
doing Red Cross work regularly every
Thursday afternoon at Harris hall,
under the direction -of Miss Alie

community ,as made in donating
books for the soldiers. The books
which are coaning in prove to be of
a good quality and readable. This
week 43 F-Pnch texts were sent
through the library to the Mt. Clem-
ens , public library for the boys at
Selfridge fielir the United States avia-
tion camp.
The librar desires further contrib-
utions of introductory French books,
grammars, phrase books and easy
French texts. particularly stories hav-
ing plenty of conversation in them.
No texts are too old or out of date to
be of use

There are several vacancies ir. *
*alaried positions with the studest*s
Spiblie-etions for next year to be *
filled at once. They offer gooL *
opportunities to students with ad- *
C vertising or business experience. *
If interested see Professor Gordon *
* Stoner at office No. 7, Law build.*
* *

The Wolverine Wishes All Sudents of The Summer
Session Success* heir Examinations
and a Pleasant Va4cation

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