Says Popular Notion of Term Has
Caused Considerable His-
This is the sixth of the series of
articles by Stuart H. Perry, editor of
the Adrian Telegram, which were first
printed in the Telegram and in the
Detroit Free Press.
Isolation from the rivalries of other
powers has always been popular with
many of our people, but there is no
one word which spreads more misun-
derstanding. There are two kinds of
isolation-the imaginary kind that we
have talked about so much in the past,
and real isolation which until recently
faced us in the future
In the early years of our national
life we were actually in a state of
political isolation. It was possible in
those days, because we had no inter-
ests outside our own borders It was
not three'thousand miles of water that
protected us, so much as it was the
fact that no European power had any
motive for disturbing us.
But as our strength, wealth and am-
bition grew, our isolation diminished.
We saw clearly that we were destined
to spread across the continent to the
Pacific ocean, and we were determined
to gua'd our future interests as a
great continental nation.
By the year 1820 our isolation had
ceased, and from that time we have in
effect been in alliance with Great Brit-
ain for the purpose of preserving
American and British possessions in
this hemisphere and preventing any
encroachments by other powers.
Monroe Doctrine Started Things
This arrangement started with the
famous Monroe doctrine, which was
suggested byreat Britain almost ex-
actly a centry ago. England sug-
gested it because of the advantage of
having the United States in effect
guarantee British interests on this
side; and we supported it because of
the equally great advantage in having
the omnipotent British navy stand be-
tween us and the dangerous powers
of Europe.
(Continued on Page Four)
Every locker in Waterman gymnas-
ium must be empty by 6:30 o'clock
Friday night. Dr. May, physical di-
rector of the gymnasium, urges all the
summer students to take everything
out of the lockers, for the gymnasium
will not be opened after Friday night
until the fall semester commences in
The lockers will be thoroughly
cleaned, painted and placed In first
class condition. Work of renovating
Waterman gymnasium will commence
Saturday morning.
S- 5
* There are several vacancies in *
* salaried positions with the student *
* publications for next year to be
* filled at once. They offer good *
* opportunities to students with ad- *
* vertising or business experience. *
* If interested see Professor Gordon *
* Stoner at office No. 7, Law build- *
55554555** *
_. 3 ,,
Dr. Vibbert Goes
To ParisMonday
Will Act as Michigan's Representative
at College Union In
Dr. Charles Bruce Vibbert, Michi-
gan's representative to the American
University Union in Europe, will leave
for Paris next Monday to take up
his official position. Doctor Vibbert
expects to arrive at Paris about Sep-
tember 20.
While in Paris, during the war
period, Michigan's representative will
look after the needs of University stu-
dents abroad, and will compile a com-
plete record of former students, un-
dergraduates and men who have been
connected with the University. The
organization as a whole will have as
its general purpose the serving of
American university and college men
who are in military service for the
allied cause. Reading, entertainment,
tobacco and the caring for the
wounded and sick will be the principal
tasks confronting the Union. Nearly
all the large universities of the coun-
try will be represented in Paris.
Schedule of Law
Exams Posted
Second Term Finals to Begin on Aug.
80 and End on
A schedule of examinations for the
second summer term of the law de-
partment has been posted on the bulle-
tin boards in the Law building.
Law school examinations commence
on Thursday, August 30, and on Sat-
urday, September 1. The schedule is
as follows:
Thursday, Aug. 30, Torts, 6 o'clock,
4 hours; Evidence, 6 o'clock, 4 hours;
Friday, Aug. 31, Contracts, 8 a. m., 4
hours; Sales, 8 a. m, 3 hours; Con-
stitutional Law, 8 a. m., 3 hours; Pri-
vate Corporations, 2 o'clock, 4 hours;
Municipal Corporations, 7 o'clock, 21-2
hours; and Saturday, Sept. 1, Prop-
erty III, 8 a. m., 4 hours.
'All examinations are to be held in
room C, unless otherwise stated.
Instructor in Botany Secures Position
at N. Y. State Forestry College
Alfred H. W. Povah, Ph.D., in-
structor in botany in the University,
will leave for Syracuse, N. Y., within
the next two weeks to accept a posi-
tion in the New York State College
of Forestry. Dr. Povah will be spe-
cial lecturer in botany during the com-
ing year, after which he will become
a member of the regular botanical
staff of the N Y. College of Forestry.
* Hour of Time of *
* Class Examinations *
* 7 o'clock .... ..Friday 10-12 *
* 8 o'clock ......Thursday 8-10 *
* 9 o'clock ......Wednesday 2-4 *
10 o'clock ......Thursday 4-6 *
* 11 o'clock ........ Friday 8-10 *
* 1 o'clock .......... Friday 2-4 *
* 2 o'clock ....... Thursday 2-4 *
3 o'clock ......Wednesday 4-6 *
* 4 o'clock ......Thursday 10-12 *
* Irregular ......Friday 4-6
* * * *5** * S S S * * *
The Beginning of the End Tie Collapse
(By Courtesy of The Alumnus)
Both Stack Departments to Be Ready Major Wilson's Studen
for Use of Students by Studies After Rifl
Fall Term tics
By the time the University opens Tomorrow night the
in the fall, both of the stack wings of rolled in Major C. E.V
the new Library building will be en- tar courses will comp
tirely completed and ready for use. scribed list of studiesf
The basement room in the, west stack, mer session. The class
which has been occupied by the cata- the final drill in ifle
lpging department all summer, will be rifle range tomorrow.-
converted into a special study room. line was given last Thus
The books which are now packed lsne men under Major
around the walls of the fourth and made the second offic
fifth floors, will be moved to the new camp in Fort Sheridan.
east stack. It is expected that the son expressed his sati
electric elevators and book-lifts will the summer's results a
then be in use, materially shortening the desire that as large
the time it takes to get books and be obtained during the o
greatly reducing the labor of putting year.
them away. The reading room ar- Rifle practice was c
rangements will be the same as those yesterday. Wall scali
in use this summer. manding practice werec
The excavations for the new build- the men.
ing are very nearly completed and the Men Qualify as Cade
contractors expect to begin putting in According to Informa
the foundations next week. The work from Major Wilson the f
of removing the foundatibns of the old have qualified as cadet,
structure, was much more laborious Majors, H. Montelius, a
than had been anticipated. The walls Captains, C. Jones, C.'
were found to have concrete footings W. prescott, P. O. Tucker
of great extent and solidarity, neces- and J. W. Davies; First
sitating about three times as much Taylor, R. C. Scott, C.
time as had been expected. The only R. Hodgdon, C. W. Wood
quick method of removing such ex- strong; Second Lieutena
tensive foundations would have been Kees, L. C. BucAeit, H. A.
to use explosives, but this was im- W. Telfar, J. Heaton,
practical on account of the resultant oweki.
danger to the new 'structure.
Prof. H. C. Anderson to Succeed Prof. Shakespearian Reading
J. IL Allen Goldsmith's PlayI
Henry Clay Anderson, professor of Prof. R. T. D. Hollis
mechanical engineering, who has been Shakespearian reading
on a leave of absence for the last two last recitalofgthe sumn
years, has been made head of that de- T o'clock tonight in Usa
partment in place of Prof. J. R. Allen, The class will give a rem
who resigned to accept the deanship smith's "She Stoops tot
in the college of engineering at Minne- Rehearsals have beenb
sets university. for the past two weeks.
Organize Home Guards in Ann Arbor Prof. I1. A. Gleason Bac
Any citizen of the United States Prof. Henry Allen Gl
below the age of 50 can join the home of the phanerogamic he
guards organization which is a com- director of the botanical
pan of Michigan state troops. The returned from the biol
organization will be mustered into the at Douglas Lake, where
service Wednesday evening. Regis- factorially completed a
trations will be accepted before Wed- search investigations. P
nesday evening at 6 o'clock at C. L. son has been studying tb
Petries barber shop. tion of plants.
lRedfern-Shields and Egley-Burtis
Combinations to Play for
Doubles' Laurels
The final contest in the doubles ten-
nis tournament will be played at 4
o'clock on the Varsity courts at Ferry
Field this afternoon. The contestants,
who have withstood the elimination
games are Redfern-Shields and Egley-
Burtis combinations. Both pairs of
entries are exceedingly fast and have
had a great deal of experience in play-
ing with each other. According to the
dope based on the previous games
Burtis must uncover some of his old
time strategy to win the laurels from
the Redfern-Shields combination.
In the semifinals held Saturday aft-
ernoon Egley and Burtis defeated
Sawyer and Doolittle. The first set
O I was an easy victory for Egley and
Burtis but the second set became a
deadlock which Burtis broke by his
lucky shots.
ts Complete Yesterday afternoon Redfern and
e Prac- Shields defeated Buell and Jeffries by
the score 6-1 and 6-1, the sets being
easy victories, since Buell and Jeffries
students en- were not able to play together at top
Wilson's mili- speed After this game Redfern and
lete the pre- Shields played Fitzpatrick and Penzotti
for the sum- and took them into camp by the score
ses will have of 6-2 and 6-2. The winners finished
ractice at the the last set by pulling off some classy
savern" in Sa- The summer session tennis tourna-
Wilson who meit will be completed this afternoon
ers' training and the prizes to be awarded the win-
Major Wil- ners are as follows: Redfern, who
sfaction with captured first prize in the singles, will
nd expressed be given a dozen tennis balls.
results may The winners in the doubles will
oming school each be given six tesnnis bals in
recognition of their prowess.
ontinued on
sg and com- Spend Vacation at Ashbury Park, N. J.
also given to Theodore Harrison and Mrs. Har-
rison, are spending their vacation at
A Officers Ashbury Park, N. J., where Mr. Har-
tion received rison has been giving a series of
ollowing men concerts.
nd T. Lowry; Dr. Holman to Teach in Wabash
. Smith, 0.
R. L. Bauer, Dr. Richard Holman of the botany
Lieutenants, department will leave the University
K. Dodd, M. this fall to accept a position as pro-
, and F. Arm- fessor of botany in Wabash college,
ants, W. Mc- Crawfordsville, Ind.
Knowlsdn, E.
C. L. Bassett, s * * * * * * * * * *
IT * All those students in summer *
* ECITA school who wish to have reports*
of their class records sent to *
Class to Give * them after the close of the sum- *
Tonight *mer session are requested to fill *
* out the proper blank in Register *
ter's class in Hall's office sometime before Au- *
will give the * gust 22.
aerlsesion t * Students who are completing *
iversity Hall *the requirements for teacher's di-*
dition of Gold- * ploma this summer must call at
0n, * the office of the secretary of the
Conquedr." department in which they are en-
held regularly *rolled in order to fill out the nec-
* essary applications.
* Credits will not be given to any
from Station * student who does not take the ex- *
eason, curator * aminations as scheduled on page
erbarium, and * 29 of the summer session catalog. *
gardens, has * The examinations start on the aft-
ogical station * ernoon of August 22, and last un- *
he has satis- * til the afternoon of Friday, August
couple of re- * 24. Schedules of them have been
rofessor Glea- * posted in all the University build-
he water rela-.* ings.
*s ** * * 5 *s* * *