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August 18, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1917-08-18

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(Continued fron. Page One)
Germany with Russia in commercial
relations in the future.
Discusses Russia's Future
'The questions which people are
now considering most concerning the
Russian situation are: (1) Will the
revolution bring permanent results,
or will there be a return to the old
regime? (2) What effect will the
revolution have on the war?" Profes-
sor Meader continued.
"To those who do not know her,
Russia seems a strange, inconsistent
mixture of strength and weakness, but
she moves steadily forward on the
path of progress.
"The Russian republic must be per-
manent for many reasons. A country
that produced a man of the type of
Tolstoi must be essentially democratic.
If we look back over t e Russian his-
tory of the last 200 ye as we find an
unbroken record of pr gress. Peter
the Great did more than any other czar
to sow the seeds of democracy, al-
though in the midst of autocracy. He
founded the academy of science and 75
years later, Kathleen . founded the
academy of arts. A growing restless-
ness developed and, resulting in a

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peasant rebellion, although this was REDFERN CAPTURES their game until Monday afternoon
put down, a large class of intelligent RHIi il fUTENNIS LAURELS due to the inability of one of the play-
and liberal thinkers arose. ers to appear for the contest.
Russia Rises After Crimean War (Continued from Page One) The following is the proposed sched-
"After the Crimean war the work D 51.D LCRUSHED1tory for Egley and Burtis but in the ule for the semi-finals in the doubles,
of these men resulted in a series of second match the losers showed a re- which will be played Tuesday after-
reforms. The slaves were freed versal of form that seemed like a vic- noon at 4 o'clock on Ferry Field.
and compulsory education became a Perry Asserts a Peace Reached by tory, when Burtis by his excellent Schedule for Finals in Doubles
law. The universities received Compromise Wold be Danger- placement of return favors won the Sawyer and Doolittle vs. Fitzpatrick
isew constitutions and more freedom ons to U. S. n eztiElyadBri etn
and from them came a steady stream___ set and Pezotti ofEaey t and Burtis meeting
and romthemcam a sead stram et.the winners of the Shield-Redfern vs.
of thinkers, although 'there was now This is the fifth of the series of Sawyer and Doolittle grabbed the Buel-Jeffries game.
a period of quiescence lasting for 40 articles by Stuart H. Perry, editor of two sets from Kirkpatrick and Doty The finals in the doubles will be
years. The revolution of 1905 was fol- the Adrian Telegram, which were first *by the score 6-2, 6-2, in easy fashion, played Wednesday afternoon at 4
lowed by a period of repression and printed In the Telegram and in the the losers seeming unable to find vul- o'clock on Ferry Field to decide the
laid the foundation for the successful Detroit Free Press. h oesseig nbet idvI
reltion fldat Mar. The ilessf rnerable spots in the other's defense. championships in the doubles in the
revolution of last March. The village Fsummer session tournament.
commune is another democratic in- V. "PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY" Fitzpatrick, Penzotti Move Up Notch
stitution in Russia, and the different As a matter of fact a European Fitzpatrick and Penzotti gained a
assemblies were instrumental in bring- peace reached through compromise, plaei b the semi-finals due to a for- C H O P se V ET
ing the incompetence of the govern- without settling the issue of the war feit by Fox and Langworthy. Fox OpeneulingSuN mer School
ment to the soldiers, and hence stirred being called home to answer the call
up the revolution, definitely and decisively, would be ex- of the first draft. Phone 94-R 601 M. Libety at.
"The comon people and the army ceedingly dangerous to the United Buell and Jeffries, who were to play 9
threw over the old government and States. It would not be an immediate
accepted new leaders as soon as gov- calamity to us, as a German victory
ernment was abolished. They insisted would be; but it would contain similar
upon no indemnities, on no annexa- elements of danger.
tion, and on the right of every nation
to wrk ut is on fom o govrn- The explanation of this fact lies in
ment.They are not going to be sa the word "compensation"-a favorite Summer School Supplies
fed until they have cleared out Ron- word with the Old World manipulators and Books Now Ready
maia, Sebiateyranceanded iumR-,who have been juggling with the map
mania, Serbia, France and Belgium, for the last hundred years._____
and by that time war will be over. South Amerle Offers Opportunities
The Russian people are convinced that South America would offer an op- L_ z___J M
the existance of Germany is incom- portunity for Germany to build up an
patible with its own greatness. We immense commercial and political em-
need have no fear but that Russia will pire across the sea. This is not a bit
stand on the side of the allies." of imagination. It has been explicitly
set forth by German writers, and it is
Dr. C. Berge Promoted to First Lieut. unofficially reported that Germany was _
By mistake, the last issue of The willing to make peace upon precisely 1857-Dry Goods, Furniture, and Women's Fashions--1917
Wolverine contained an article to the that basis.
effect that Dr. Clarence Berge, '17M, Of course England would not be
of Flint, had received a commission as pleased with such an arrangement.
second lieutenant in the medical But we are not talking about what Din
corps. Instead, Dr. Berge was given England would like to do, but of what
a first lieutenancy. England amight be compelled to do-
what England might feel obliged to CoolQuetTea Room
do in order to make peace.
719 N. University Ave. U. S. Would Lose High Position
y Then what would, or could, the Unit
M ed States do? We should have ou Summer Service and Cooking Unexcelled
Eastman films coe otowo poices:S m e evc ndC o igU ecle
1. We might acquiesce. That
ateur Finishing would mean losing our place as one
of the great powers. The canal would
r Negatives a Specialty be lost at once in a military sense, Special Noon Lunheon
and our naval power in the two oceans
in amateur finishing for twelve would be a myth. Our positon of
We guarantee perfect results leadership among American republics 5C
eace Time Results" as we have would be gone. Democratic govern-
ould sell at $o.oo per lb.) and ment, of which this country is the
irm is using Metol for finishing. greatest example, would be discrdit- (Second Floor)
ed, having failed in the supreme test
ou will bring your films here of self-preservation.
71North 2. The other alternative would be a
SN'S University Avenue struggle-a struggle to the death, in- -_-
volving sacrifice and suffering beyond
imagination. We could keep our place
only by fighting for it, and nobody can
doubt for a moment that this is theD et i t
Catalogue course that the American people would to
choose. A wave of angry resentment
he would sweep the nation. Tie prospe Put-in-Bay CedarPo t
of thwarted ambition, loee and humil- C lev land - 'Sa dusk
A f iiation, mingled with bitter regret overlu
f guaianin past mistakes, would drive us into Daylight Across the Lake
militarism. The nation would become - -
A an armed camp; American genius
would devote itself to the arts of war;
READY great leaders would quickly arise and
the people would follow them; a:y"9
contrary counsel would be denounced
the eight Colleges and Schools: as treason.
AND THE ARTS, EN Germany Would Force U. S. to Fight K . _ p
Whenever it might come, and bow-
E, LAW, PHARMACY, ever it might turn out, the clash itself -*', "'o0
TRY, GRADUATE, AND is almost a mathematical certainty
from the moment that Germany sets - .
her imperial foot upon the soil of the
Newspaper Work, Land-- western hemisphere at any point Every Day Excursions to Put-in-Bay

ercial Education, including rhe first essential of genuine world- Round Trip Fare Round Trip T
d Insurance, Architecture, peace is the downfall of ,Prussian am- Same day on C Sundays or
. bition through the destruction of Week Day. r/7 , Holiday. Lo
Education (affiliated with Prussian military power. Anything Cedar Point Excurskns $125 Round
bservation Study), and a less than that spells mortal danger Sunday,MondayWednesdayandFriday - Trip
or the scientific administra- to the United States. Cleveland One Way Fare, Every Day, $1.75
ot intidpuic dminista- tothe dSe Big Steel Steamer "Put-in-Bay" leaves Detroit every day
iitationl and puhlic healths. CLASSIFIED at5:01) a. in., Central Standard Time.
Steel Side Wheel Steamer "'rank E.IKirby"leavesDetroit
WANTED-- Furnished fiat or small week days at 4:00 p. m., Central Time.
Announcement, or Individual house for five or six boys for next FREE DANCING-Finzel's Orchestra on Str. "Put-in-Bay"
fall. State price, number of rooms, whole afternoonatPut-iu-Bay. Two and one-half hours at Cedar .
Point. Viisi Per1y5$1,000 55 Msemori, the Cav, is,o o,ac
m, address B J Wolverine. Paviions, litBsis, Sosliis BssnAie051sBard wak,
location, etc. Box 3., ' BechesdssatySlLdessBoardWslss
Midway, Lagoons, etc.
llege in which interested, or _Ffrsestreet WharfDetroit
Write for Folders
The Farmers &Mechanics Bank M,, Ashley & Dustin Steamer, Line
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