VOL. VIII. No. 23
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Students Seeking Diplomas Must Fill
Out Blanks Before Paying
A complete schedule for the final
summer session examinations has been
posted in all the University buildings.
The finals begin on Wednesday morn-
ing, August 22, and will be completed
Friday night, August 24.
All students desiring credit for
work done in the colleges of literature,
science and the arts, and of engineer-
ing and architecture and in the grad-
uate school are required to sustain
examinations according to the follow-
ing schedule:
Hour of recitation, 7 o'clock, exam-
ination will be on Friday at 10-12
o'clock; 8 o'clock, Thursday, 8-10
o'clock; 9 o'clock, Wednesday, 2-4
o'cloct; 10 o'clock, Thursday, 4-F,
o'clock; 11 o'clock, Friday, 8-10
o'clock; 1 o'clock, Friday, 2-4 o'clock;
o'clock; 2 o'clock. Thursday, 2-4
o'clock; 3 o'clock, Wednesday, 4-6
o'clock; 4 o'clock, Thursday, 10-12
o'clock; and irregular, Friday, 4-6
Students expecting to complete the
requirements for degrees and for
teachers' diplomas during the summer
session are requested to call at the
office of the secretary of the college
or school in which they are enrolled
and fill out the necessary blanks pre-
paratory to the payment of the dip-
loma fees to the University treasurer.
Students Wanting Odd Work Urged
to Rand In Their Names
Seventeen jobs' were distributed
amongst students by the "Y" employ-
ment bureau last week. Thoughtful
housewives are preparing for the fall
week of housecleaning already and are
putting in calls for men to wash win-
doves and wax floors.
The supply of workers is scarcely
equal to the demand. Those who wish
to secure odd jobs are urged to hand
in their names at the employment of-
flce as soon as possible so that the
jobs can be given out as soon as they
are sent into the office.
Long String of Japanese Lanterns
Transforms Lawn
Long strings of Japanese lanterns
transformed the north lawn of New-
berry Residence into a veritable fairy-
land last evening, on the occasion of
the annual lawn fete, given for all
University women by Miss Agnes B.
Wells, the Women's League and the
students of Newberry Residence.
After passing down the receiving
line the many guests strolled over the
lawn, congregating in little groups or
going into the dining hall where danc-
ing was in progress.
Enroute East, Get
Short Stop Here
Great Lakes TGraining Station Meni
to Pass Through City on Way
to Mass,
The , Michigan men at the Great
Lakes Training station will be in Ann
Arbor for a quarter of an hour at 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon on their
way to Wakefield, Mass., via the Mich-
igan Central. All the men from Mich-
igan, except those training on Greal
Lakes steamers, will be instructed it
firing at a rifle range near Wakefield,
A number of men, who have receiv-
ed their commissions at Fort Sheri-
dan, have also been ordered to Cam-
bridge, Mass. They are scheduled to
be in that city Wednesday of next
week. There is some rumor that the
men selected for this camp will enter
more detailed trench instruction and
in all probability they will be some
of the first men to be sent to the fight-
ing lines in Europe.
Dr. A. S. Warthin Speaks to Soldiers
ae Holton; Lectures at Hub-
bard Lake Wednesday
Dr. A. S. Warthin of the Medical
school delivered an address on
"Hygiene and Morality" before the
soldiers of the engineering corps at
Holton last Saturday.
The same lecture will be given by
Dr. Warthin on August 22, under the
auspices of the Community Conference
at Hubbard Lake. This conference is
one of a series of meetings being con-
ducted throughout the rural section,
of the state. At these meetings ques-
tions relating to health problems, san-
itation, agriculture, transportation and
home economics are to be discussed by
prominent lecturers.
The Community Conference par-
takes of the same nature as a chau-
tauqua, with the exception that all of
the addresses will be free to the pub-
Extension Service to Furnish Speakers
A large number of the speakers for
the Community Conferences during
the coming year will be furnished by
the University department of exten-
sion service.
The extension service is also ar-
ranging for special work in connec-
tion with the Battle Creek canton-
ment, and at least 10 extension lec-
tures will be given to the soldiers, to-
gether with lessons in elementary
French; geography and map reading.
Final arrangements for the exten-
sion service program with reference
to the Battle Creek work will not be
completed until the opening of the
University in October.
R E. George Returns to Ann Arbor
Richard E. George, '19 lit, was in
Ann Arbor yesterday for a farewell
visit before departing with the 39th
hospital unit of Detroit.
The Yost "Soils" will soon he back
on Ferry Field again.. 'his ear, Yost
will hae one of his hardest seasons,
since many of the aien whomn lie haid
relied upon to form the nucleus of his
next teni will not return to school
this fall. It is such a year as this
thit we expect Fieiding U. Yost to de-
velop one of his wItirloind tens. He
his been knisuo ' do Ihins in
1 iatcse: ,
Prof. C. L.. Meader IIsssses ielations
of Country WIt 'ilis
"Is Russia read-- for c democratie
government? Just as a ,ch as th'
United States," sail .Prof. C. L. Mead-
er in a lecture on "1sstia and the
United States," ye ey afternoon,
which constituted last le ?c :.'
the summer session
Professor Meade went on to say
that judging from I indications, the
relations between Russia and the
United States were hound ito heroine
inore and more clos- ii the future and
that the two civili lions would un-
doubtedly have a g it influence upon
each other. Thei. Iolitical history
with its problems t ie Jows atd of
the exile system ha lready furnishid
us with a large ilo ,e in population
due to emmigratio ol ;teir litera-
ture has had a li iou'cl itfoonce
upon ours. On t' il 11r atd, our
literature has dotsmuch Is modify
theirs-Mark Twai antI JacIt loittititi
are favorites with I1t1n. The itussiat
language is now l g taught in many
of our large colle 'a ant yOrything
seems to point to the fart shot the
United States will take the place of
(Continued c,' Page Four)
Plan To Preserve 'EDrEON CPIUBES
Rhetoric Bulding
West hall Not to lie Moved for An- TENNIS I U S
other Year, According to
Latest Report Wins Campus Championship From
Kirkpatrick by Score of
West Hall is to greet the freshmen 6-1 and 6-1
still another year. At the last Re-
gents' meeting, it was decided that Redfern defeated Kirkpatrick in the
the rhetoric building must be torn championship match in the singles
town to make room for the new Betsy tennis tournament by the score of 6-1,
Barbour dormitory and a committee 6-1, Thursday afternoon on Ferry
was appointed to arrange for moving Field.
the rhetoric department to other quar- The match, according to the score,
ters. But a few days ago the commit- was one-sided, but at several stagoes
tee was informed that they need not of the game, resolved itself into a
niake any more plans, as the hall is hard fought contest. Kirkpatrick
to be left standing. tlrilled the spectators several tfies
So the freshnengwill be allowed to by uncovering some of his old tine
ascenid the ancient stairs to the file =skill and strategy.
rsoondthr aneesarsOneo le Redfern is undoubtedly one of the
Michigan tradition has been saved for miost brilliant net artists that Ferry
awhigafrmadesttion sben Field tennis players have seen in ac-
x while frontdestruction, tion and his playing is best described
by saying he is consistent and has an
Bcaiy placement of all return shots.
BAR 1 H E U fter the first set Redfern resumed
the duel by hard smashing serves and
SNIPS WITH bafliVILITS Kirkpatrick lost several points by nis
eradicate placement of shots though
he had returned them from extremely
Will Furnish Crews with Complete difficult positons.
Knitting Equipment; Cook In spite of the severe game that
kook Sells Rapidly Redfern had directed against him
Kirkpatrick finished the set strong.
Official permission to outfit the Langworthy. a runner up in the tour-
crews of 14 more battleships with com- nament, refereed the game.
plete knitted equipments has been Semi-Fials Played 'Thursday
given to the national D. A. R. by the The first elimination contest in the
Navy league, according to a letter re- doubles of the tennis tournament play-
ceived Thursday by Mrs. W. H. Wait. ed Thursday and Friday afternoon
The state chapters agreeing to do this placed the following pairs of players
are Massachusetts, Colorado, Minne- into the semi-finals, Egl y and Brtis,
sofa, Texas, Maine, Noeth Carolina, 'assyti and Doolittle, as-d Fitzpatrick
a.ico, Kansas,, Oklahoma. A s 7snzotti.
tots? f 21 ships are being equipped Egley and Burtis won the two sets
by t ' A. R. from Klein and Dawley by 6-1, 6-4
Or'as re coming from all over the count. The first set was an easy vic-
United' Slates for the Nellie Curtis (Continued on Page Four)
rook book, sometimes 200 at a time.
The womeut's section of the Navy * * * * * * * * *
league is to interested in the book as * NOTICE TO SIM1TER *
a text on foo conservation that they * STUDENTS
are advertising it in all correspond- *
ence. * Registrar Arthur G. Hall will
The first copy to be printed in Amer- *be in Ann Arbor next week to see
ira of the diploma given by the French hose students who wish to con- *
~overnment to a ep in the American 1 slt him about the courses to be $
ambulance corps was published in the iven in the University next fall. *
April L'Illustration. It was reprinted All those students in summer *
in the August D. A. R. magazine .* chool who wish to have reports
'er the date 1776-1783 the diploma * o' their class records sent to
contains pictures of two French and * ftem after the close of the sum-
Amirican soldiers of the Revolution, *m r session are requested to fill
--- - - * eat the proper blanks in the Reg-
*'strar's office sometime before Au- -*
COMEDY T1 UESDAY Students who are completing
_ * the requirements for teacher's di-
Shiakcsptacran Reading Class to Give * ploma this summer must call at
oeciial on "She Stoops to * the office of the secretary of the
Conquer" ' department in which they are .en-
*_rolled in order to fill out the nec-
The last public offering of the sum- * essary applications. *
mer session appears in the form of a *Credit will not be given to any
rendition of Goldsmith's "She Stoops student who does not take the ex-
t Conquer," by Prof. R. T. D. Hol- * ansintions as scheduled on page
ister's class in Shakespearian read- *2? of the summer session catalog.
ing, at 0 o'clock Tuesday evening in * Te examinations start on the aft- *
University IHall. The cast has been * Moon of August 22, and last un- *
working on this comedy a long time,* t' tIll afternoon of Friday, August
and excellent results are expected. * 21. Schedules of them have been
No more shifting of parts has been * posted in all the University build-
done than was necessary on account * in'}.
of numbers. * 0 * 5 5
_ y
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