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August 14, 1917 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1917-08-14

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VOL. VIIL No. 21



Michigan Plays on Conference Field
in Final Battle, Novem-
ber 24
Michigan will play its first game as
a member of the "Big Ten" or confer-
ence colleges, against Northwestern
university at Northwestern field, Nov.
24, the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
This announcement, made by Ath-
letic Directors Lewis Omer of North-
western, and Phil Bartelme of Mich-
igan, carries more significance. than
the plain, statement of facts. It en-
ables Michigan, which had made up
the football schedule for 1917 before
the invitation to rejoin the conference
had been acted upon by the board of
regents, a game unexpected to those
who had not known that negotiations
had been pending with Northwestern
for several months.
Game to Be at Evanston
The game will be played on North-
western field, Evansgon, Ill., and it is
thought that Michigan's appearance on
a conference field after 12 years' ab-
sence from the fold will be received
According to word received from
University alumni in and around Chi-
cago, who have longed for an oppor-
tunity to see a Michigan team in action
against a conference team ever since
the memorable 2 to 0 defeat by Chi-
cago in 1905, the Varsity will have
plenty4of rooters in the stands on
Nov. 24
In the last game played in Chicago
'in 1995, the Maize and Blue lost by a
safety when Clark of Michigan, picked
up one of Walter Eckersall's long
(Continued on Page Four)
Ex-President L.. Jones Dies Sud-
denly; Was Read of School for
10 Years
Ex-President L. M. Jones, of the
Michigan Normal college, died sud-
denly at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Harry Shaefer, late Saturday af-
ternoon in Ypsilanti.
Ex-President Jones was head of the
institution since 1902, and was instru-
mental in making the Normal College
one of the best schools in the coun-
The deceased was born in Hamil-
ton county, Indiana, July 3, 1844, being
a descendant of a well known Quaker
family. He received his education at
Earlham college, Oswego Normal, and
studied at Harvard university under
Ex-President Jones became princi-
pal and superintendent of the Indian-
apolis schools, holding the position for
10 years. He came to Ypsilanti in
1902, resigning in 1912. He spent the
remaining years as a lecturer in the
Normal town.
Funeral services were held at 4
o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Con-
gregational church at Ypsilanti. The
body will be buried this afternoon at

Two Ann Arbor Soloists Appear as
Principles at Final Compli-
mentary Program
"Fair Ellen," the last complimentary
concert this season, under the auspices
of the Choral Union, will be presented
at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill
Auditorium. The affair is under the
the personal direction of Kenneth N.
The program is featured by the Ann
Arbor soloist stars, Miss Ada Grace
Johnson and Robert R. Dieterle. The
parts which they are casted in the
opera selections are well suited to
their voices.
"Joshua," by Modest Moussorgsky,
which is billed for the first part of
the entertainment, is fascinating in its
syncopated rhythm, and the dash and
swing of typical Hebrew martial
The second number consists of a
group of songs by Robert Dieterle,
while the last selection will be "Fair
Ellen," by Max Bruch. This stirring
story of the siege and rescue of th
English, is vividly portrayed by Bruch,
givingethe ChoraltUnionbchorus ad-
vantage to showv their ability. Miss
Johnson will be Fair Ellen, while
Robert Dieterle, will appear as Lord
"The Campbells Are Coming," an old
Scotch melody, is the theme around
which the music is written, and cre-
ates a peculiar interest in this ballad.
Otto Stahl will be the accompanist.
Selections to be rendered by the
Choral Union is as follows:
Conductor: Kenneth N. Westerman.
Soloists: Ada Grace Johnson, So-
prano; Robert R. Dieterle, Baritone.
"Joshua" ........ Modest Moussorgsky
Aria, "Di Provenca il mar"
"Isfraer ..... ... . .... King
Robert Dieterle
"Fair Ellen" ............. Max Bruch
Otto J. Stahl, Accompanist.
Labadie Making
Good As Lawyer
Ex-Varsity Baseball Captain Made
Special Tax Attorney for Osage
Indian Agency
Pawhuska, Okla., Aug. 13.-George
V. Labadie, who graduated from the
University of Michigan in 1916, and
who was captain of the baseball team
in his senior year, has been appointed
special tax attorney for the Osage
Indian agancy. He is the first Osage
to be appointed to such a position and
he has been since his location here the
only active lawyer of his blood
Labadie has charge of settling with
the state tax claims aggregating $800,-
000. The state in 1910 asserted tax-
ing power over the Osage surplus
lands and finally won in federal court.
This entails handling of at least 20,-
000 tax papers, covering six years.
The Osages are the richest people on
earth and half the nation is yet un-
developed as to oil and gas.

Doubles Tournament to Be Ushered
in This Week; Eight Sets
The singles in the tennis tourna-
ment according to the present dope
will be completed by Thursday and the
first series of the first elimination con-
test in the doubles will be ushered in
on that date. With only two more
contests in the elimination series of
the singles to be played today the
semi-finals and the finals will be play-
ed on Wednesday and Thursday with-
out fail.
The proposed schedule of the doub-
les, which has been chosen by lots,
is as follows: Buell and Jeffries vs.
Redfern and Shield, Fox and Lang-
worthy vs. Fitzpatrick and Penzotti
Doty and Kirkpatrick vs. Doolittle and
Sawyer, Egley and Burtiss vs. Daw-
ley and Klein.
In the contests of the third elim-
ination series Redfern and Fox have
placed themselves into the semi-final
class by winning their matches. Red-
fern defeated Langworthy by the score
of 6-0, 6-1 and has shown in his match-
es thus far a brand of tennis that is
equal to that of our Varsity stars. Fox
took two matches straight from Eg-
ley by the score f,-2, 6-3 and looks like
one of the contenders for the loving
At 4 o'clock this afternoon Kirkpat-
rick and Sutton will play off their
third elimination contest.
The doubles have only eight en-
tries and will bescompleted as quickly
as possible so as not to extend over
into the examination week. The exact
date of the contest will be announced
in Thursday's issue of The Wolverine
but in all probablity it will be on
Thursday as previously stated. All
the players scheduled to play in the
doubles are urged to get in touch with
their opponents to arrange to play on
the above date.
President Harry B. Hutchins and
Mrs.Hutchins will leave tonight for a
three weeks' vacation at Mackinaw
Island. President Hutchins expects to
take a short trip through the East be-
fore returning to the University the
latter part of September.
Although handicapped by lack of
laborers the work on the new million
dollar Union building is progressing
rapidly. The construction work on
the first floor is nearly done. The con-
tractors expect to have the entire
super-structure completed by the
middle of October.
Church, '17, Spends Day in City
Conrad N. Church, '17, last year's
news editor of The Michigan Daily,
was in Ann Arbor yesterday on a short
visit. Church is now on the repor-
torial staff of the Detroit Free Press.

Prof. Klingberg Asserts Teuton Expan-
sion Could Have Been Secured
by Honorable Means
"Germany will feel the keenest re-
morse for the blood she has squand-
ered when she realizes that the ex-
pansion which the Germans sought by
war was already within the nation's
grasp by honorable means," said Prof.
F. J. Klingberg, speaking under the
auspices of the League to Enforce
Peace in his lecture yesterday after-
noon. Professor Klingberg is con-
nected with the history faculty in the
University of Southern.California, and
has been at Ohio State University for
the past year.
"The problem of war is primarily a
problem of growth and decay," Pro-
fessor Klingberg continued. "A grow-
ing power, dissatisfied with the scanty
opportunity given by the existing re-
gime to new and enterprising parties,
strives to overthrow the superior fac-
tion which in turn fights to maintain
the 'status quo.' War Is the means of
making a satisfactory adjustment of
the two conflictig interests.
Must Now Pay with Blood
"Conflicting trade interests were
the cause of the present war. The in-
terests of Germany conflicted with
those of Great Britain and Russia in
the near East. The present war was
nearly precipitated in 1908, when Bos-
nia and Herzogovina were taken over
in the Balkans. But at that time Great
Britain met the demands of the Ger-
man foreign minister very favorably.
Germany got all that she asked for
in the near East which included do-
minion over Turkish trade and over
the erstwhile Portugese colonial em-
pire.e Hladishe only waited, these con-
cessions by Great Britain would in all
probability have given Germany all
the opportunity for expansion in trade
for which the German nation is nowy
spending so much blood.
"What the world should learn from
this war is that economic expansion
must be brought about by peaceful
and democratic means," concluded
Professor Klingberg. "The League to
Enforce Peace is in operation now, and
Germany must be taught to change her
views to fit it."
Will Serve on Psychology Committee
to Make Aviation Rates
Prof. John F. Shepard, of the psych-
ology department, has been called to
Washington to serveon a committee
of psychology to formulate classifica-
tions and rules for testing officers in
the aviation corps and other branches
of the United States service. He will
be associated in this work with some
of the leading psychologists in the
country and will probably return to
Ann Arbor with the opening of the
fall session.-
University Professor Resigns Position
Prof. W. R. Rathke has resigned his
position in the German department of
the University of Michigan to accept
a professorship in French at McAllis-
ter college in Minneapolis.

One Coach, Five Former Captains and
16 Athletes Honored with
One Michig coach, flie former
Varsity cape and 16 former Var-
sity athlet's werenumbered' among
the names given out in the lists from
Fort Sheridan last week, while Mich-
igan class athletes and men otherwise
prominent in campus and business life
were to be counted by the score.
Fourteen Wolverine athletes received
commissions from the first camp, sev-
en were admitted to the second camp.
and one was made an alternate to the
second camp with a strong liklihood
that he will be admitted.
Many other former athletes are al-
ready in the service, while practically
every member of last year's teams is
either in France or on a training
camp. The entire football backfield is
at the Great Lakes training camp,
Miller H. Pontius, assistant football
coach, has just been given a commis-
sion from a western camp.
Coach Carl Lundgren One of Graduates
Coach Carl Lundgren of the Michi-
gan baseball team, is the only Varsity
tutor to be found among the gradu-
ates fromthe first Fort Sherida camp.
Lundgren recived a second lieutenancy
in the quartermaster's corps In the
national army. He has coached Mich-
igan baseball nines for the last five
seasons, turning out such men as
(Continued on Page Four)
Pass Resolution
To Show R(egard
Women of Summer Session Show Ap-
precIation of Work of Doctor
The deep regard in'which Doctor
Pratt is held by the students of the
University was expressed in the fol-
lowing resolutions which were read
last evening at the dinner given in her
honor at Newberry Residence.
Whereas, the resignation of Dr.
Elsie Seelye Pratt from the University
has been received;
"Be it resolved, that the women of
the Summer Session express their
deepest regret that they are to be
deprived of her able professional ser-
vices, of her friendly counsel and ad-
vice, and especially of her endeavors
to secure recognition of women at the
University of Michigan.
"Be it further resolved, that a copy
of these resolutions be given to Dr.
Pratt, that a copy be published in The
Wolverine, that a copy be presented
to the health service committee of the
board of regents and that they be pre-
sented at the first board meeting of
the Women's League in the Fall of
1917, with the request that they be
spread upon the minutes.
"(Signed) Dorothy M. Roehm,
"Grace F. Ellis,
"Verna F. Hay.
"Helen M. White."

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