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August 09, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1917-08-09

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Professor Henderson Delivers Lecture
on "Dollars and Sense in
"Parents who would help the school
do its work should teach their children
to be obedient before the children have
to enter school," said Prof. W. D. Hen-
derson of the Physics department in
his lecture on "Dollars and Sense in
Education" at 5 o'clock yesterday aft-
ernoon in the Natural Science build-
Prof. Henderson discussed the five
parts of the problem of practical
pedagogy covered by the plant, the
policy, the parent, the pupil. the pro-
cess and the product.
Present Policy Should Be Changed
"We will never put sense into our
schools until we change the present
policy in regard to school superinten-
dents," he said. "For the last few
years I have not been advising young
men who came to consult me about
profession to take up teaching. Why?
Because the schools of our time are
not giving the superintendent a man's
job with a man's chance to do it.
After a man has educated himself to
be a school superintendent and started
to follow out the policy which he be-
lieves to be most beneficial for his
school, his scheme touches some one's
child and he is sent packing.
Parents Should Train Children
"Parents who want to aid the school
in the training of their children need
not necessarily visit the school often
but they might train their children to
obey before they go to school. And
after the children do go to school,
the parents might keep track of their
children while they are out of school
and then when things start to go
wrong, it is the duty of the parent to
find out from the child and the teach-
er, what the cause of the trouble is.
"Three things should be demanded
of the products of our educational
system. Every child should acquire
proficiency in the use of the tools
of education. However taught, the
multiplication tables should be thor-
oughly mastered. Then the schools
should furnish every pupil with a
rich experience in culture. I would
have every child able to sing. And
finally, the schools should teach the
child that his purpose in life is to
give service." .
Directory of all the Summer School
Students now on sale at the State
Street Bookstores.


(Continued from Page One)
Kalamazoo, Wisconsin, Valpariso,
Randolph Macom, University of Indi-
ana, Graceland, Rockford, Colorado,
Albion, University of Louisville. Un-
iversity of California, Mt. Pleasant,
Hillsdale, Northwestern, Monmouth,
Martindale Normal, University of Ari-
zona, University of Kentucky, Louis-
iana State Normal and Olivet.
(Continued from Page One)
may be said to have begun. The
forces of Russia, France, England and
Italy, having now reached their maxi-
mum in power, the drag is already
upon us. The war will be decided in
favor of the group of powers which
can longest supply the sinews of war,
money, munitions and men. Of money
our contribution has been large. Of
munitions and provisions it has been
'considerable. Of men it is altogether
"Our first effective assistance, ex-
cepting loans of money, has been made
through our navy. Our base hospitals
and ambulance corps are relieving the
strain upon those of our allies.
U. S. Must Supply Many Aeroplanes
"Our greatest opportunity to render
efficient military aid must be a sup-
ply of aeroplane squadrons. Plans to
furnish 22,000 planes with the first
contingent to depart in September
have been made by Howard Coffin, a
graduate of the University.
"The government plans to have all
the French trans-Siberean railways
operated by American engineers. High
prices are necessary to stimulate small
producers, but large profit taxes
should be paid the government by the
large producers. In this way and
by food conservation, the general pub-
lic can aid.
Chief Menace is Submarine
"The most dangerous of the pitfalls
in the path of democracy is the peace
without victory idea. However strong
may be the demand for peace at any
price by the German people, the gov-
ernment will not yield as long as the
army remains unaffected.
"Had we entered earlier upon our
duties in this great struggle the out-
look for democracy would probably
have been brighter than it is. But
whether democracy or autocracy is to
win, it is for us to determine."
Subscribe for The Wolverine and re-
ceive a Student Directory free.

Answers Queries Arising Relative
to Reasons for Entering
Presents Arguments Showing Cause
for Our Lending Aid to
(This article, the first of a series
written by Stuart H. Perry, and first
published in the Adrian Telegram and
simultaneously in the Detroit Free
Press, will be followed by other ar-
ticles in succeediig issues.)
Over and over again these questions
have been asked: Why should we not
remain strictly neutral in the Euro-
pean war? How can we justify our-
selves in helping the allies defeat Ger-
These were fair questions, and those
who asked were not necessarily pro-
German, anti-British, or un-American.
These questions will be answered in
a series of articles of which this is
the first. They will aim to make clear
the reasons why .eutrality was neither
safe, fair nor prudent, and why it was
not only our right but also a duty and
a necessity that we lend our aid to the
defeat of Germany and the success of
the allies.
Three Rea'sons Outlined
One nation joins another against a
third power for some one or more of
these three reasons:
1. The two allies may have a com-
mon ihterest to protect; or
2. They may be confronted by a
common danger; or
. One of the two allies may be
threatened by some special danger of
its own and therefore may be willing
to ally itself with a friendly power
for mutual advantage.
All three of the above reasons exist
in the case of the United States today.
First we will take up the subject of
the interests that we have in common
with the allies, but which we do not
share with Germany. These are four
in number.
Common Interest in Democracy
1. The first, and in the long run by
far the greatest of these, is the com-
mon interest that we have with France
and England in the principle of demo-
cratic government. England was the
"mother of parliaments," the first na-
tion to establish successfully a true
government of the people.
As England discovered and created
free representative government, and
planted it in the new regions of the
world, so France rediscovered human
liberty and gave it to the oppressed
people of theold world. It is to Eng-
land that North America, Africa, and
Australia owe their liberities: but it is
to France that continental Europe
owes such liberities as it possesses,
and it is to France as much as to
England that South America owes its
Hold Interest of Independence
2. The second interest that we hold
in common with Germany's enemies
is the right of every nation to exist
as an independent, self-governing
power, bowing to no alien master
leading its own life and working out
its own destiny. This right is as
natural and as sacred as the right of
individual liberty recognized in our

Declaration of Independence. Ger-
many is the living negation of that
idea. Her aim, interpreted in all
her actions, is to bring the world un-
der German hegemony:
Free Access to World Market
3. The third interest that unites us
with the allies is the principle of free
access to the world's markets. We
believe that American, French, Ger-
man, Japanese or Dutch merchants
should have a free and fair field in
The Farmers & Mechanics Bank
South Male Street State Street Office
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selling their goods or investing their liese, therefore, are few but very clear
capital in the undeveloped regions of and vitally important. They are not
the earth-that they should compete reasons of sentiment, but reasons of
freely and get as much as their skill business, of security, of self-preserva-
and ability can win. The German idea, tion.
on the contrary, is to make commer- (The next article in this series will
cial conquest through political con- treat of the dangers that are common
quest; or, in other words, to use the to America and to the allies.)
political influence of a dominant Ger-
many to stimulate German trade and WOLVERINES PENETRATE
smother foreign competition in weak LINES OF CAMP FORCES
or undeveloped lands.
Monroe Doctrine Enters as Factor (Continued from Page One)
4. The first three interests are Edward J. Early, of Green Bay, Wis-
common to America and to all of the consin, was injured by the premature
allies. The fourth common interest explosion of his rifle during one of
concerns only the United States and the encounters. He was' removed to
England. These two nations control the hospital in a passing automobile,
all North America. Territorily, Eng- where his injuries were found to be
land is as much an American power confined to a wound in the fleshy
as the United States. Our Monroe portion of the thigh.
doctrine was announaced at England's Continuation Candidates Named
suggestion,'and on the whole it has Names of candidates who are re-
been strongly supported by England-- commended for continuation in the
a support which was not in the slight- the second camp were announced this
est degree affected by two or three afternoon, but those in the Michigan-
small quarrels that we have had with Wisconsin regiment were later with-
England over boundaries and other drawn for correction because of the
minor matters. For a hundred years status of some National Guardsmen in
the British navy has been ready to the regiment. They will probably be
help us prevent Russia, Germany or made public Friday.
any other power from getting a foot-
hold on this side of the water; and
during all that time we were ready C H O P S V E Y
to resist any similar effort to con- Open During Summer School
quer British territory in or near North 11 A. M. to 5 P. M.
America. MICHIGAN yAN .
Our common interests with the al- Phone 948-R 60t M. LibowtyrSt.
Summer School Supplies
and Books Now Ready
*.LY ND ON'S, 719 N. University Ave.
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a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and
we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing.
If you want the best results you will bring your films here.

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The New Catalogue
of the
iUiversity of lichigal
Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools:
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land-
scape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including
Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture,
Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with
Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a
Course for those preparing for the scientific administra-
tion of departments of sanitation and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual
Information, address
The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michigan

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