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August 09, 1917 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1917-08-09

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VOL. VIIL No. 19



Dean of Summer Session to Give 11.
lustrated Talk on "Gems and
Precious Stones"
Prof. E. H. Kraus, of the Minerology
department and dean of the summer
session, will deliver a lecture on
"Gems and Precious Stones," at 5
o'clock this afternoon in the auditor-
ium of the Natural Science building.
Professor Kraus will show what
characteristics congtitute a gem and
will discuss the difficulties of mak-
ing certain stones by the synthetic
process. He will also explain the pro-
cess of recovery from the mine and
the cutting process. The lecture will
be illustrated with slides and also
with specimens of the stones them-
selves, which will be thrown on the
screen with a reflectoscope.
Prof. Brumm Speaks Friday
"The Case Against English Gram-
mar" is the subject of a lecture to be
given at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
in the Natural Science building by
Prof. J. H. Brumm of the Rhetoric
departmbit. Professor Brumm will
criticise the present method of teach-
Ing English and suggest a remedy for
the faults of formal education in
Prof. Hegner Lectures Tomorrow
Prof. R. W. Hegner, of the Zoology
department, will deliver a lecture on
"The Relation of Insects to Man," at
9 o'clock tomorrow night in the Na-
tural Science building. Professor
Hegner will talk about both beneficial
and injurious insects that live in gard-
ens and farms. Professor Hegner
has been granted a year's leave of
absence to do research work at Johns
Hopkins university.
Major Wilson's Classes Visit Riflle
Range and Practice with
Trench Mortar
A thorough drill in road map mak-
ing was given to the students in Ma-
jor C. E. Wilson's military courses
yesterday afternoon. Sketches of the
different roads entering Ann Arbor
were accurately made by several.
squads of men.
Guard and mount duty will be given
to the military men this afternoon.
"Cannon" fire will also be undertaken.
The gunners will shoot several rounds
from the "trench mortar" that was re-
cently constructed by the class, and
the squad attaining the greatest num-
ber of "hits" will hold the champion-
On Friday the classes will be given
instruction in contour map making
and demonstrate their ability in throw-
ing bombs. The bqmbs weigh about
one pound each. The "bomb thrower"
hurls the weight about 60 feet and
aims to land the sphere within a two-
foot circle.
A small number of the men will visit
the rifle range at 6:30 o'clock this

Professor Hobbs Delivers Lecture on
"The Outlook of De-
Whether autocracy or democracy
wins this war is for America to de-
cide, was the main point brought out
in Prof. W. H. Hobb's lecture on
"The Outlook of Democracy," deliv-
ered Tuesday evening in the Natural
Science auditorium.
"The pacifist sentiment has in
America been due to her tardiness in
realizing responsibility and taking
part in the great struggle," said Pro-
fessor Hobbs. "Even now the coun-
try is not fully alive to the situation
but it is rapidly awakening. It is my
firm conviction that once thoroughly
aroused that American will do honor
to her noblest traditions."
Concerning the phases of the war
the lecturer said, "Every long war has
passed through the successive stages
of onset, grip and drag.
Country with Largest Resources Wins
"When the German armies recoiled
from the Marne the grip of the war
(Continued on Page Four)
Mosquito and Blackfly Leagues Each
Have Several Good Team
baseball activities at Camp Davis
are producing several stars that might
appear in the Varsity line-up next
spring. In the Mosquito league there
are two teams that have a clean rec-
ord. In the sister league, the Black-
fly combination boasts of one team
with a 1.000 per cent average.
A big game between the lnaders is
scheduled this week, and the nine that
brings home the laurels will probably
be the pennant winner for the sum-
Last week the result of the games
showed that the faculty still have
something on the students, capturing
two games. The Staves were con-
quered by the Plumbobs, 14 to 5; while
the Transits beat the Axes by the
same score. The result of the other
games were: Planimeters vs. Sextants,
10 to 5, and the Alidades vs. Levels,
9 to 6.
The standing of the teams in the

Many of Last Year's Stars Either
Graduated or In Nation's
Prospects for an all-star eleven at
Michigan this fall are not of a prom-
ising nature. Many of the stars on the
Varsity team last year have either
graduated or been called to the colors.
The gridiron artists who graduated
last spring are: Ex-captain John
Maulbetsch, M. F. Dunne, W. A. Nie-
mann, A. Martens, F. L. Rehor, J. L.
Whalen, E. A. Biber, O. P. Pobanz andl
H. M Zeigler
Smith Not Expected Back
'Pat" Smith, the newly elected cap-
tain of the Varsity squad, is now
at the Great Lakes naval training sta-
tion and will probably be missing from
the ranks in the fall.
C. M. Sparks, who starred as
quarterback in a number of the big
games last year, is expected to be
here when the roll call is taken in
October. The other Varsity men who
will probably return if not drafted,
are R. F. Weske. Johnson, C. S. Nash,
P. T. Raymond, R. G. Dunn, W. L.
Peach, Wieman, J H. Sharpe and H.
250 Letters Sent Out
About 25) letters were sent out to
the football men intending to return
this fall several weeks ago. No ans-
wers have as yet been received and no
definite announcement can be made.
The Varsity will have a large number
of new recruits, many of which have
played spectacular football in the dif-
ferent schools they attended.
Coach Feilding H. Yost will be on
hand about the middle of September
to whip the team into first class shape.
Women's Party To
2e Given Friday
More Than 30 Different Colleges Rep-
resented By Women in 1917
aSummer Session
Over 30 different colleges are rep-
resented by the women attending the
Unversity of Michigan this summer,
and the Women's league will take ad-
vantage of this fact in planning its
party for all University women from
4 to 6 o'clock, Friday, at Barbour gym-
Each girl is requested to wear her
college colors and to consider herself
as coming from that college whether
she is a graduate of it or not. The
college having the largest represent-
ation, aside from the University of
Michigan, will be awarded a prize.
Skits will be given by the different col-
lege groups. Dancing will be another
amusement for the afternoon.
The colleges represented by the 350
women students are: Mt. Holyoke.
Columbia, Wellesley, Oberlin, George
Washington University, Vassar, Cor-
nell, University of Chicago, Boston
University, Smith, University of Illin-
ois, Hiram College, Wells, Ypsilanti,
(Continued on Page Four)

Michigan-Viseonsin Regiment Puts Up
Good Battle in Fort Sheridan
Practice Engagement
Fort Sheridan, Ill., Aug. 8. - The
Michigan-Wisconsin regiment claimed
the decision tonight after an all-day
battle between the Michigan-Wiscon-
sin and Illinois student officers, in
which artillery and cavalry joined
with infantry. An exciting incident of
the day came when a patrol from the
Michigan cavalry troop broke through
the Illinois lines and captured the
tower at the center of the fort.
Immediately after the morning mess
shortly after daybreak the Michigan
troops started north in the direction
of Libertyville. Illinoisans went south
to Highwood, where they took up a
a defensive position.
Michigan Men Penetrate Lines
It was then -up to the Wolverines to
penetrate their lines and enter the
fort. Four cavalrymen did this; the
infantrymen claim they did the same,
and the instructors refuse to render
a decision, claiming it was simply good
physical and mental gymnastics.
(Continued on Page Four)
Book Contains Interesting Account of
One of Great American
The latest volume of the University
of Michigan publications is Professor
Wenley's "The Life and Work of
George Sylvester Morris, a Chapter in
the History of American Thought in
the Nineteenth Century," which was
published last week.
Professor Morris was one of the
significant figures in the history of
American philosophy. Long residence
in France and Germany made him
familiar with European movements.
At first, from 1870 till 1879, he oc-
cupied the chair of modern languages
in the University of Michigan. After
a year as lecturer on philosophy at
Johns Hopkins, he returned to Michi-
gan as professor of philosophy, where
he became one of the grat leaders of
the idealist school. His death, in 1889,
at the early age of forty-eight, was a
great misfortune for the University,
an irreparable loss to American
Professor Wenley's book is much
more than a biography. He sets Morris
in the midst of the entire movement of
thought, European no less than Ameri-
can, and shows how he representd
the passage from the old Calvinistic
ways of thinking in New England, to
the international scientific methods of
approach to problems, now universal.
Specialists who read the manuscript
are of opinion that the book is de-
stined to become a classical account
of this characteristic transition, espe-
cially for the English-speaking peo-
The book may be obtained through
any of the local booksellers.

Four Players Already Qualified for
Third Elimination Series; Three
More Eligible
Handicapped by a strong wind
sweeping over the tennis courts yes-
terday afternoon at Ferry Field, the
three sets of singles .played in the sec-
ond elimination contest were not of
the usual high standard, being marred
by wild plays. The results of the
games narrowed the field of competi-
tion for the third elimination series to
four players, and with the second
round to be played today, seven entries
will be on hand for the third elimina-
The results of the third series in
the first elimination contests played
Wednesday afternoon are as follows:
Jeffries took the first game by 6-8,
Sutton winning the other two by the
score 6-2 and 6-3. Buell followed by
taking the first and last games from
Hardy by a 6-4 and 6-1 count, Hardy
easily grabbing the second by 6-1.
In the match between Krohngold
and Bintz, Bintz lost the first by 6-1,
taking the other two by 6-1 and 5-3,
the last game being called on account
of darkness.
Four Ready for Semifinals
In the first series of the second
elimination contests played yesterday
afternoon, Fox, Langworthy, Kirkpat-
rick and Redfern were placed in the
third elimination by winning their sets.
Fox defeated Doty by 6-1 and 6-2.
Langworthy then took two games from
Doolittle by 6-1 and 6-0. Da wey for-
feited to Kirkpatrick, thus putting
Kirkpatrick into the semifinals without
much effort. Redfern, in the most
stubbornly fought contest of the after-
noon, grabbed two games from Shields
by the score 6-4 and 6-1.
Today's schedule, which will begin
at 4 o'clock, in the last round of the
second elimination contest, is as fol-
lows: Chandler vs. Egley, Sutton vs.
With the third elimination due to
be played Friday, and the semifinals
Saturday, the singles of the tennis
tournament will be completed early
next week, and the doubles will begin
immediately afterwards. All those
who wish to appear in the doubles are
urged to hand in their names to Chair-
man Hedin. The men can select their
own partners in this competition,
The semifinal schedule to be played
on Friday afternoon will be drawn
some time tonight, and the men will
be notified some time during the even-
ing. The matches will be drawn by
lots, as those heretoforg.
Fire Partly Destroys Board Fence
Fire partly destroyed the high board
fence behind the Mechanical labora-
tory yesterday noon. A large pile of
shavings was being burned and the
fiames got beyond control. The men
working there at the time easily ex-
tinguished it with a common garden
hose and by chopping the burning
parts out.

two leagues is as follows:
Mosquito League
Team. W. L.
Faculty .............. 3 0
Heliotropes ........... 2 0
Plumbobs ............ 2 1
Tapes ...............1 1
Staves .............. 0 3
Rods ...............0 3
Blackfly League
Team. W. L.
Planimeters .......... 3 0
Alidades .............2 1
Transits .............. 2 1
Sextants ............. 1 1
Levels ............... 0 2
Axes .................0 3

.666 1

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