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August 04, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1917-08-04

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Ambulance Section from Here Called
for Service Abroad The first issue of The Wolverine to
be sent to a former student, now
Washin on, Aug. 3.-Following the aboard one of the United States steam-
return of Surgeon-General W. S. Gor- ers, left the office this afternoon. The
gas from the United States army am- new subscription received was that
bulance corps training camp at Al- of Richard Goldsmith, '19, who is now
lentown, Pa., it is learned that 20 aboardthe S. P. 119, near Norfol,
units of this corps were selected by Va. Goldsmith was formally a mem-
hiim for immediate mobilization for er of The Michigan Daily staff.
duty abroad. This detachment will
number 900 men and will include sec- SIXTH ISSUE OF CARNEGIE
tion N. 91 of the University of Michi- ENDOWMENT JUST PUBLISHED'
gan, commanded by First Lieutenant
Rap W. Evans, and First Sergent The sixth annual issue of the Car-
Charles L. LaMarre. negie Endowment for International
Peace has just been published, and;
The 1917 Summer Student Directory contains a wide field of constantly in-
on sale at all the bookstores, e c. creasing activity of the organization.
At present the organization has some
69 titled publications, all of which are
listed in the Year Book.
Mrs. T. L. Stoddard At itsApri;meeting, the commit-
tee donated $00,000 to aid in the
restoration of the devastated homes in
Marcel and France, Belgium, Serbia and Russia.
Water Waving The personnel and equipment of the
HairGoods and Cosmetics endowment headquarters in Washing-.
ton have also been tendered the de-
partment of state for any service dur-
-707 North University Avenue ing the war.
Phone 296-JI
Wolverine advertising pays.
IC -91 IN 1 L ~~1|Mi i
1857-Dry Goods, Furniture, and Women's Fashions-1917
Dine Pleasantly in the
Cool Quiet Tea Room
Summer Service and Cooking Unexcelled
a Special Noon Luncheon
(Second Floor)
The N ewCatalogue
of the
Uiesty fMichigan
Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools:
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land-

scape Design, higher Commercial Education, including
Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture,
Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with
Ann Arbor 'Schools for Observation Study), and a
Course for those preparing for the scientific administra-
tion of departments of sanitation and puhlic health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual
Information, address
The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michigani

Divides Present Day Productions In-
to Three Classes; War In-
fluence to Be Felt Later
Dividing the poetry of the present
into three classes; the romantic, rep-
resented by John G. Fletcher, the
realistic as presented by the verse of
Vachel Lindsay, and the pivot point
between these two extremes as shown
in the writing of Amy Lowell, Mr.
Lyman Bryson, of the Rhetoric de-
partment, picked out the sharply de-
fined lines between the three types
in his lecture, "New Movements in
Modern Poetry," delivered yesterday
afternoon in the Natural Science audi-
"Egotism, self reliance, and a de-
parture from all other forms of poetry
are the brands which mark the fiery
writings of the romantic poets," said
Hr. Bryson. He said that in the fore
front of the Romantists are the whole
Imagist group, which rely upon words
and phrases to represent their
thoughts. This and the unfound
standard for the verse measure of this
type of poets create in their writings
confusion and disorder. None of them
use the same form and they are al-
ways at odds with each other. The
only consistant thing about their
verse is its revolt. They are always
romantic in this point."
Says "The Congo" is eal Poetry
In discussing the realistic verse
makers. Mr. Bryson quoted from "The
Congo" by Vachel Lindsay. "We find
here courageous effort at penetration,
frequent complete mastery of the sub-
ject," said the lecturer. "'The Congo'
may not be great poetry, but it is cer-
tainly real poetry. There is not long-
er any question about the fact." "The
realists see life fearlessly and call it
good," said Mr. Bryson, in discussing
the point of view taken by this people.
Amy Lowell besides being the mean
between these two extremes some-
times lapses back into the classical,
was the opinion of the speaker. He
stated that she made poetry out of
everything, "from baths to bilious-
In discussing the new poetry about
the war, the critic stated that on ac-
count of its recentness, it willnot be
given its proper place for some time.'
Much of it will undoubtedly be judged
in the future as of high rank. A per-
son that is writing cannot do justice
to his subject while in a state of ex-
citement, because while he is writing
the poetry, he cannot think of his
reader but only of himself.
War Influence to Come Later
"The war influence will not be sig-
nificant in literature until the action
of the struggle has ceased," expressed
the speaker. "Great literature is more
memory than direct writing."
In conclusion, Mr. Bryson said, "I
believe that the art of our times will
be thought Ion after this to be the
fruit of one of our greatest epochs.
When qualities of high courage and
life, lived at an intensity which is so
sublime as to be terrible, are exper-
ienced by a certain generation,' the
results will show themselves in liter-
ature with characteristics such as the
world has never known."
To Mix Their Individual War Whoops
Port Royal, S. C., Aug. 3.-The war
whoop of our American Indian will
soon be intermingled with the cries
of the once savage East Indian tribes,
who, trained to the use of the rifle by
Great Britain, are now fighting at the

front for the cause of democracy
against a common foe.
Word received' from Paris Island
states that full-blooded American war-
riors have joined hands with Uncle
Sam's marines and are anxious to rep-
resent the "Billy Blues" abroad upon
the completion of their training.
The Farmers & Mechanics Bank
South Main Street State Street Office
Corer Hurs 311 So.Sla eSt

Tuesday, Aug. 14, 5 o'clock-Stars and
Telescopes (Illustrated). Professor
Coming Events W. J. Hussey.
Wednesday, Aug. 15, 5 o'clock -The
(Summer Session Lectures) High Cost of Living. Professor G.
Open to all students. Lectures take W. Dowrie.
place in Auditorium of Natural Science 8o'clock-Concert, Faculty of the
blde ingudlessterwiseata ed. University School of Music. (Hill
building unless otherwise stated. Auditorium.)
Monday, Aug. 6, 5 o'clock-Geography Thursday, Aug. 16, 5 o'clock-The
and Politics. Professor R. G. Gettel. Present Status of Poor Relief in
Tuesday, Aug. 7t, 5 o'clock-Public America. Mr. A. E. Wood.
Utilities and Franchise Rates. Prof. 7 o'clock-Educational Motion Pic-
J. C. Parker. tures.
s o'clock-The Outlook of Democracy. 8 o'clock- Miscellaneous Readings,
Prof. W. H. Hobbs. the Class in Interpretative Reading.
Wednesday, Aug. 8, 5 o'clock-Dollars (University Hall.)
and Sense in Education. Professor Friday, Aug. 17, 5 o'clock-Russia and
W. D. Henderson. America (Illustrated). Professor C.
8 o'clock-Concert, Faculty of the L. Meader.
Unierit Scolo-usc Bl
University School of Music. (Hill Tuesday, Aug. 21, 8 o'clock-Recital,
Auditorium.) the Class in Shakespearean Reading,
Thursday, Aug. 9, 5 o'clock-Gems (University Hall.)
and Precious Stones (Illustrated).
Professor Kraus. Redeem your subscription receipt at
8 o'clock-Educational Motion Pic- one of the State Street Book Stores
ures. and receive a 1917 Summer Student
Friday, Aug. 10, 5 o'clock- The Cast Directory.
Against English Grammar. Professor
J. R. Brumm. Try The Wolverine for service.
8 o'clock-The Relation of Insects
to Man (Illustrated). Assistant ,
Professor R. W. Hegner. C H O P S V E Y
Monday, Aug. 13, 5 o'clock-America's Open During Summer School
Relation to the World Conflict and to 11 A. M. to 1 P. M.
the Coming Peace. Professor F. J. MICHIGAN INN
Klingberg. Phone 948-R 601 . LIberty St.


Summer School Supplies
and Books Now Ready
o LYND ON'S, 719 N. University Ave.
Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films
Guaranteed Amateur Finishing
enlargements from your Negatives a Specialty
I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve
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a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and
we venture-to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing.
Jf you want the best results you will bring your films here.
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Every Day Excursions to Put-in-Bay
Round Trip Fare Round Trip
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Cedar Point Excursiots $125 Round
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Cleveland One Way Fare, Every Day, $1.75
Big Steel Steamer "Put-in-Bay" leaves Detroit every day
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Steel Side Wheel Steamer "Frank E.Kirby"leavesDetroit
week days at 4:00 p. in., Central Time.
FREE DANCING-Finzel's Orciestra on Sir. "Pot-in-Bay"
Whoae aftroonat Pui-in-Biay. Twooadoe-holf houssasOCedar
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Povilions, Bit Hotels, Bathing Beaohes, Aquatiic Slides, BearW Walks,
Midway, Lagoons,etc.
First Street Wharf, Detroit -
Write for Folders
Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line
Detroit, Michigan

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