THE WOLVERINE PAGE THREE THE WOLVERINE PAGE THREE f HEALTH SERYICE REPORT BETTE THN LST YEA1 Officials Report No Sickness; Not a Single Case Sent to Hospital Aug 'st Victor R S On Sale Hear the folow- ing Numbers: 64,660 64,688 64,694 The complete List. at the Will Hold Annual Picnic Today 22 OUT OF 29 ACCEPTED The Library school will hold its an- FOR UNITED STATES ARMY PA T -CH aS nual picnic at the point beyond the Observatory at 5 o'clock this after- Twenty-two out of 29 Washtenaw county men were accepted for the new army of the United States the As our esteemed contemporary first two days of examinations. The The Wolverine so concisely says: Start Football Practice Sept. 15 ratio is rather high, and it is expected "The general appearance of the moon athcloserage ispardlyas beuth ifl Madison, Wis., Aug. 3.-A call has by the officials that a sharp decrease as what it appears at long range." been sent out to all football men by will occur before the remainder of the The very reason why we prefer to look Coach T. E. Jones to report for the examinationp are finished. Theaf veryminaasnn whyrwedpreeir th ok Sharply contrasting with the work of last summer during which time all of the staff officials were busy com- bating the typhoid fever epidemic, the work of the University health service this summer has been unusually small. According to Dr. C. P. Drury of the health service, there has not been a single case sent to the hospital all summer. The number of students coming to the service for minor illnesses and injuries has been also unusually small. The authorities at the health service would not advance any opinion as to the cause of the unusual phenomenons. as to whether it was the weather or their care in preventing disease last winter which was responsible. But, so far as known this has been about one of the most healthy of summer sessions. Perhaps we had better knock wood, for the summer session is not entirely over yet and there is always a chance for Old Man Disease to come out of his hole and peek into our windows and spoil the whole thing at the last moment. GOVERNMENT SHUTS DRAFT LOOPHOLES Shirkers to Be Classed as Deserters; Government to Take Care of Slackers Washington, Aug. 3.-Registrants for the draft army who fail to respond to the summons of the exemption boards will be apprehended and pun- ished as deserters from the army if they do not appear within ten days. This was one of a number of rulings by the provost marshal general today, including the strictness with which the draft law is to be enforced. Another ruling explained that a man married before or after the draft draw- ing cannot be exempted on that score unless it be established that his wife is actually dependent upon his daily labor for support. Moreover if it appears that tie reg- istrant married after the draft draw- ing on July 20 in order to escape serv- ice by marriage exemption, both he and his wife are liable to prosecution. Still another ruling holds that serv- ice in Red Cross ambulance companies does not warrant the exemption of a registrant. U. S. to Handle Slackers Local exemption boards handling the new selective national army were advised today not to worry about men summoned for service who do not re- spond. The federal government, they were informed, will take care of the slackers and service dodgers promptly and effectively. Every man who fails to respond will be classed as a de- serter and treated as such. Mr. Fetter to Take Vacation Soon Mr. Fetter, secretary of the Uni- versity Y. M. C. A., expects to leave for his vacation the first of the week and will return about the first of Sep- tember. Theodore Harris Leaves for East Theodore Harris and wife departed yesterday morning for the East where he will give several concerts near New York City. *1M at it from the Huron. "Good music, dancing, and good eats" promised the tea hounds this afternoon. Are they all such poor dancers, then? OUR GEOGRAPHY LESSON There was a young fellow from Me. Who feared he was going inse. He stood in a shower For over an hour (And then cried with terror in his voice) "I've water, I'm sure, on the brain." WHEN GRANDMA WAS A GIRL (According to that University Report) She must have been one of the "mythical, impossible creatures who were the glory of the sentimentality of the Mid-Victorian period." That boy studied his Lit., eh, what? Mr. Immel has a Crow-Elkhart car. We happened to ask him the other day why he bought a Crow. He ans- wered laconically, "Oh, caws." That ought to be good for an A, what? SAID THE PROF. If U were as yyy as eye, De u no where Ide bee? Y, eyed b sitting their And yood b hear, knot mee. Quarteritis-a-la-Stuckitis. (Five-Act Tragedy) Scene-Huston's Billiard Parlor, Table 23. Act I O'Hara (to Miller)-"I wish some teethless fish would come along." Miller-"What would you do?" Act II Enter Hinckley and Humphrey O'Hara-"Come on over and try a shot, gentlemen." (Business of giv- ing cues to H & H by 0 & M.) Act III At the counter O'Hara--"Gimme a box of Bicycle cigarettes and a hershey bar." Miller-"Nickels worth of marsh- mallows and a dimes worth of mibs for next year." Exeunt hurriedly but quietly. Act IV Huston-"Two bits, gentlemen." Hinckley-"What for?" Humphrey-"We didn't play any. Why we just took a shot for-" Hinckley-"Where's OHara?" Humphrey-"Where's Miller?" Both at once-"Who'd a thunt it?" Act V When they catch the author, Mr. ? * ? * ?! ?! THE CRITIC Harper's Bazaar for August is clev er and interesting from the charming- ly Erte cover to the McCallum ad on the back. For unconscious humor do not miss Erte's gowns on pages 48 to 51. Then read what Lady Duff Gor- don says about "the height of fashion" a few pages later. .j Doubtless all the girls who comb their straight back have already read "Being Wicked" in the August Mc- Clure's. No, we haven't read it, but is it as thrilling as it sounds, girls? Read Maeterlinck's five minute trib- ute to King Albert of Belgium in the Ladies' Home Journal for August. P. A. T. The 1917 Summer Student Directory on sale at all the bookstores, 25c. Try The Wolverine want ads for re- suts.J TYPEWRITERS mmFOR RENT OR SALEmm Hamilton Business College Phone 342-R STATE and WILIAM first practice Sept. 1b. Although reg- istration does not start until Spt. 23, REYNOLDS K O A K SHOP the season will open on the above KODAK DEVELOPING AND FINISHING mentioned date. A number of foot- PERFECT WORK PROMPT SERVICE ball men have signified their intention Work called for and delivered of returning to school this fall. 510 E. William St Phone 1564-R LECTURES AT THE BIBLE CHAIR BUILDING 444 SOUTH STATE STREET TWO SERIES, of twelve lectures each, will be given by Thomas M. Iden, the regular instructor in the Ann Arbor Bible Chair. SERIES I.- Seone Scientific Aspects of Religion and the Bible. Seven o'clock P. M. on Thursdays and Saturdays. Subjects for the coming week: "Science and Immortality" and "Science and Prayer" SERIES II.-An Introdaction to the Study offthe Bible. Four o'clock P. M. on Tuesdays and Fridays. Subjects for the coming week: "The God of the Bible" and "Jesus' Philosophy of Life" These lectures are offered especially for the students of the University Summer School, but they are open and free to ali who may care to hear them. SUMMELR. SCHOOL TXT BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND DRAWING INSTRVMENTS Stopplies of All Rinds The Slater Book Shop. Phonie 430 336 So. State St. Z- Refreshment when you're thirsty -A brimming glass of pure deliciousness when you want a palate-pleasing drink -Ex actlywhat you're looking for any time. Demandthegenuinebyfullname niknmEC es encoCA-C esAb.titAtiG THECOCA-COLA CO..ATLANITA,.GA. THE BEST PART Summer School Zb "eW(~olper'u Official Summer School Paper Subscribe Now! AT YOUR DOOR THREE TIMES A WEEK 75c A SUMMER SCHOOL DIRECTORY FREE WITH EACH SUBSCRIPTION MRS. M. M. ROOT Cor. Maynard and William Streets 1 ii