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August 04, 1917 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1917-08-04

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Ube U tve rtn e
Wuerth Theatre
The official student newspaper for
Matinees 2, 3 30. Nights 6:3, , 9:3 the University of Michigan summer
Saturdays-sundays-Continuous session. Published by the students on
Sat-4-Mollie King in "Blind Man's Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af-
Luc." Alis ode 12, "Mystery ternoons. Twenty-five issues.
s he DubleCmoss,"___________
Sun-Mon-5-6-George Beban in "A Road-
side Impresario." Also Triangle Kom- Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap-
T1s d-edy---Bryant Washburn in "The plication to the business manager.
Tha nsFhoWae-Ar e i h "The Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar-
Hieiy. the Ages." Also Keystone ry's and University Avenue Phar-
Office Hours: Managing editor, 1:00
Orpheum Theatre to 2:00 daily; business manaer,
1:00 to 2:00 daily., Phone 960 or
Matinees z, 3:3. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 2414.
Sat-4-Jackie Saunders in "The Wild- Address, The Wolverine, Press Build-
cat." Also Mutual Comedy and Trav ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
Sun -on-56-Wilfred Lucas and Lillian
Gish in "Souls Triumphant." Even- Leonard W. 1'Nieter-Managing Editor
"g '5c. Also Holes Travels.
Tues-7-Rupert Julian in "A Kentucky Phone 2414 or 1855
Wed8ntilla.Bish i "The Childre ernard Wohl-Busiess Manager
WW &lP-avoWmGs .i T atei Cidrnl y" Reoed.
Thurs-Fri- -ne-Wo. S. Hat4 i- "Wel R
Ley.Evening 15c.
James C. J. Martin J L. Stadeker
Marion Rood H. J. Burtis
ARCAD E M G. Hedin C F. Wilner
Mary Rhoades Dorothy Middlebrook
- Shows at 3:00; 6:30; 8:sO; 9:30
OsS Unless Othreiepeid Business staff
Phoner sM William Le Fevre Circulation Mgr.
Sa -4-Fra ces Neson e heBea tiful Assistants
Li" VMaurice Klein B. F. Fullerton
Men-6-MyrtleGnzalesinodCed rue
ib;" Dr- eeomdy, "Awaeingef
'Helene Minor Q O
-Mar garetCl Cyt e i "Night
Worker;" Ceedy, "Mr. Jc'
Hat." SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1917
We have both the inclination and If not drafted, will you be back in
the equipment i furnish the school this fall? Will the schools of
best In banking service the country suffer such a severe de-
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank crease in enrollment that many de-
INCORPORATED 1869 partments will have to be abandoned?
Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00 That is a question that educational
Resources . . $4,000,000.00 men in the country are attempting to
Northwest Corner Main and analyze, and one that materially ef-
Huron Streets fects the importance of the United
707 North University Avenue States in the present world crisis.
The August number of the Popular
Mechanics magazine, like many other
-periodicals of today, makes a special
Open ALL -Summer appeal that men wo are not yet
drafted should continue their work in
] T the universities thie fall. ies urged
F u ll L ~ as a patriotic duty that they youth
of the states of the Union be willing
Lunch R O0 and ready to continue their schooling.
LUNCHES, SODA.Trained men and women are becom-
AND TOBACCO ing more and more essential, and there
is every sndication that future leaders
338 SO. STATE ST. in the front lines and in the forces at
home must have advanced training in
many lines of work. Men will be
Developing, 1 On Prints, So, 4, Sc needed as officers, engineers of every
8 HOUR SERVICE description, scientists, supply man-
agers, and general over-seers, while
KODAK FINISHING women will enter fields which they
Arcade Floral Shop - "Kodak Florist" have never entered heretofore. To be
Nickels Areade Opp. Sub-Postal Station equipped with such training it is nec-
Phone 600 essary that the preliminary work and
the more advanced study be secured at
Gae All ummner According to all speculations, a cus-
TRY GEORGE'S CHOP SUEY 5siderable decrease in enrollment is ex-
314 . Stats St. Phone 144.M pected at Michigan next fall. The war
will undoubtedly keep many students
out of school even though they are
H USTO N BROS. not drafted. They, quite naturally,
weigh their personal advantages more
BILLIARDS AND BOWLING than the services they can render their
CIGARS AND CANDY country. It is to this class that we
"We Try to Treat You Right" must appeal. Without the intensive
co-operation of every individual in the
SW AIN has a few country, our influence and power in
A a swinging the balance towards world
unusual views of the democracy will be but slight. The
struggle is not one of the moment,
failng l rary tower. but is one that when once accom-

713 East U. plished must remain secure.
If you escape the first draft for the
for hulne n army of the United States, that
W flk nsonn s f ar should not mean that you will at once
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases abandon your scholastic and scientific
Trade In Your Old One pursuits merely to have a vacation be-
325 S. MAIN ST. PHONE 24 fore entering the service. Your reso-
lution to be back in school next fall
because you realize that such is your
patriotic duty will pursuade many
-c others to do likewise.
If Michigan's enrollment next fall
shows a greater decrease than that of
S TAT Tother institutions it will be due to the
*ELL-P- NE n failure of the former students and the
- citizens of this educational vicinity in
grasping that patriotic sense that is




Unitarian Church
State and Huron Streets
Sunday, 10:30-Subject, "Immortality
of Purpose." Address by Rev.
Charles M. Perry.
Special Music-Mr. Edward Bilbie.
violinist, plays Andante by De Ber-
iot and Elgee by Massenet. Mrs.
Chenoweth sings The Ending of the
Day by Bartlett with violin obligato.
Mr. Ross sings a solo from The

Ir , r

1/4OF F



always ready to serve. Men and women
with good training serve as the foun-
dations of a mighty power that will
make its surplus energy felt at all
'Cub' Takes Gold
Car forAmbulance
Noted $30,000 Studebaker Car Fur
nishes Attraction for Many
A crowd of people on the sidewalk
near The Wolverine office last night
attracted the notice and the ever sus-
picious eye of "Scoop," the amateur
reporter. Grasping his "Hump" firmly
between his thumb and forefinger he
rushed to the spot. His ever ready
notebook in his hand he 'licked his
stubby pencil and was all ready to
write the big story of the evening.
But, Ho! The large white ambu-
lance was not an ambulance at all, and
the blood that he thought he saw or
the ground was not blood at all. 7t
was only a crowd of enthusiastic
truckers and sales men moving out the
big gold auto on exhibition at the
Studebaker garage.
But as "Scoop" has always, worlked
for his munificent salary on the
"Wolf," he got a story anyhow. The
auto is all gold plated, that is all the
running gear and ordinary iron parts.
The body is finished in a beautiful
About four hundred ounces of 24
karat gold was used in finishing the
car. Its value is $30000. The entire
engine base and all parts were lighted
by electricity and the car was an at-
traction for many hundreds of peo-
ple during its stay in the city.
When the government starts taking
over the autos in this country, The
Wolverine staff is going to send in its
application for this one. Before they
start out on the journey towards camp
or wherever they are going, all we
want is a few minutes time with a
scraper and a jack knife.
Officers at Cantonment Take Charge
of Constructing
Camp Custer, Aug. 3.-With officers
on the cantonment grounds here busi-
ness of construction is nrogressinz



at the
BUSY xjj
State St.
I, P I--II
__ LLElm'L'

L. -



Enables us to give prompt service.

L Eyes Glass and Spectacle Frames in Shell, Gold, Silver, and Nickel
Sun Glasses Sport Glasses Goggles
H. LLER & FULLER - - State Street Jewelers

Printers to the University of Michigan
and Student Publlcataons

rapidly under their direct supervision. IN OUR OWN
During the last week in which the
officers' quarters have been located atPRESS BLDG., MAYNARD ST
Camp Custer, buildings have gone up
with wonderful speed. They evacuat-
ed offices in the business district of
Battle Creek with the exception of a
few rooms, which will be maintained
as business headquarters for the en-
gineers.".,, s
Major William H. Oury is now here"
serving as camp quartermaster, fol, UYl ERPLOV KENT SECRETARY Use Donation for Red Cross Supplies
lowing his recent nomination. It is GONE FOR MONTH OF AUGUST The donation of Mrs. R. T. Dob-
Major Oury's duty to purchase sup- son to the King's Daughters of the
plies for men and animals at the camp. Mr. Peck, ea ployment secretary of Presbyterian church was spent by that
Six fire stations, have taken form the University; Y. M. C. A., will not body for Red Cross supplies. Many
since arrival of officers on the ground, be here duri ~ August. Miss Wood, yards of cotton goods were purchased
These little stations will each house who is in the peiice of the secretary, sufficient to make 31 sheets, 24 short
a Ford fire truck with hose and hook- will handle all .,applications for em- sheets, 48 pillow cases, and 18 shirts.
and-ladder outfits. ployment wh I -r. Peck is gone. Miss Men of the church are buying the
Wood will l -e i her office from 8 to material used by the women in mak-
24 Fall to Pass Physical Test 11:30 o'cloc k ga 1 to 5 o'clock each ing comfort and supplies for Com-
Official reports from the United day. pany I. , The women are sewing on
States medical examining board at - Thur days at the church parlors.
Detroit notified the officers of Coin- Regent ;IonielIs IL ere on Business
pary I yesterday that 24 men failed Regent Williaf 'L. ;lements arrived Law School Dean Goes to Chicago
to pass the physical test and had been from Ba- y City yestert lay morning to Prof. Henry M. Bates, dean of the
discharged. This will leaye vacancies look aft .r several imp 'ortant Univer- law department, left for Chicago to
In Company I for 10 men, sity ma visit his mother this week-end. .

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