THE WOLVERINE BURNETT WRITES MILITARY CLASSES POEMON "AUGUST" DO BAYONET WORK PAT-CHES Former Associate-Editor of The Daily Students Under Major Wilson Get Good Now on Editorial Staff of Practice In Science of American Boy Warfare (editorial) FOR A COOLER CAMPUS Verne E. Burnett, '17, associate-edi- Major C. E. Wilson's military classes The trees are a great aid in making tor for The Daily last year, and now are now drilling every Tuesday and the campus cool but by the co-opera- tion of all concerned in the working assistant editor of the American Boy, Thursday in the use of the bayonet t of ale lnsrents could has contributed the following clever, and semaphore signalling. out of a simple plan students could be true-to-life boys' poem to the last Regulation army dummies were in- completely protected from the heat. issue of the magazine: stalled this afternoon for the students The laws could fi smal Aueito practice with the bayonet. hy would lie along the walks. The m t Augus t Tomorrow night each student will dents could bore small holes at regu- We fellows like the month of August Tlar intervals. The engineers could best, lease Ann Arbor with a 24-hour ra- water into the 'Bcase tht atertaesation to bivouac for the evening. A punmp wtrith pipes at sufficient 3ecause it's then that father takes a pecial drilling schedule haseen a pressure to shoot up and over the rest, rangedandtheg membersofhtsbeen ar- walks in a high hyperbola. Pedes- And we go camping at some country ranged, and the members of the de- place, partment will go through different cool, drinkable awning.Lemonade There's one I know that has an old military drills on the boulevard Sat- cooldrinkble ang emade could be substituted for water at class mill race urday morning. intermissions. With springboard bobbing at the swim- - ming hole;..INSPECT IOOMtING ROUSES A n h le FOR STUDENTS AT WISCONSIN (comment) And there's a ledge where we can hold The Wolverine editor-in-chief com- a pole plains that the above is written in a All day to learn the strategy of fish; Madison. Wis-Inspection and sup- running style. All we have to say is But when we see how wise they are, ervision of rooming houses for men that that is the only style appropriate o' wish, students at the University of VWiscon- to this weather.o Sometimes, we hadn't pulled them out; sin is being undertaken by the dean the wood of men this summer, and hereafter with our exchanges) Gives all the thrill a moving picture their living conditions will be looked While having our shoes shined we could, after as carefully as rooming houses glanced over a Greek newspaper lying When we observe the comedies of bird for women students which have been on the bench. We were terribly And tragedies of puny folk, both fur- supervised for several years by the shocked at the headline which de- red dean of women. dared: And fiathered. Cool nights beside the Arrangements have been made for ETAMERUBPUNOXY! outdoor fire, the drawing up of business-like agree- Puts President Wilson In a rather PAGE THREE The burnt wind dries my brains up, The floor blisters my feet. The sheets are hot as pancakes- Gone is my old ambish- Oh, gee! Why didn't Darwin Let me remain a fish? EXTRA! EXTRA ! She returned safely from Toledo this morning so you'll receive the paper on time. Ann Arbor Resident Killed Instantly Patrick Cavanaugh, 59, Ann Arbor, was almost instantly killed late Tues- day afternoon at Lakeside, near Toledo Beach, when he was s truck :by a Beach car. His skull was crushed and bady badly mangled. The body ar- rived in this city yesterday. All the popular hits for August on the Columbia Records are at Allmen- dingers. 122 E. Liberty St. Redeem your subscription receipt at one of the State Street Book Stores and receive a 1917 Summer Student Directory. MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION WORKS ON FOOD PR 01LENS 4 The Merchants' Association of New York, has started to solve the food problem with the assistance of any who desire to help. The first step has already been taken. A chart analysing the handling of food from producer to consumer has been published and may be seen posted on the bulletin board in University hall. The association has divided the question into five main parts: produc- tion, manufacturing and preserving, transportation, marketing and distri- bution, and consumption. These parts are again subdivided into more definite processes. Anyone who can offer any suggestions as to saving food in some one of these details is requested to communicate NWith the secretary of the New York Merchants' Association. REYNOLDS KODAK SHOP KODAK DEVELOPING JAND FINISHING PERFECT WORK PROMPT SERVICE Work called for and delivered 510 E. William St Phone 1564-R m I - d I SUMMER. SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND DRAWING INSTRVMENTS tsepplies of All Kinda The Shar Book Shop, Phorue 430 336 So. State St. We hear the chanting of the crickets' menlosnetweenstudenss an nadies choir to protect the rights of both. The And bullfrogs' song beneath the ire- agreement calls for a deposit of room fly lamps, rent, stipulates the rent, the time for While father tells his yarns of other which the room is rented, the amount camps. to be paid for vacation periods and And then we wake with roosters and similar matters. It also declares that the dew the room has been inspepted and ap- To run out barefoot thrpugh the grass, proved, and makes the dean of men and do arbiter in case of disagreement. Light- Some chores or prod the garden rows ing, heating, cleanliness, price, and a bit, other matters of convenience and And even that, we find, has joy in it, sanitation are being considered in the Thus speed the gold vacation weeks-- inspection, with fun If any conditions arise during the And service, faces ruddy from the sun, semester which make the student. feel Then we return for school and sing that he must break his contract the the praise case must come before the dean of Of things we learned and lived in Aug- men so that he may investigate care- ust days.-By Verne E. Burnett in fully before the student is allowed to "The American Boy." leave or is required to stay. Wolverine advertising pays. Try The Wolverine for service. Care Let With or W ithout Driver. Our 10 ears are kept in first elas condition and are ready to go any tine of d y or night, We have Overlands, Studebakers and Fords Phone 830 109-111 Catherine Stark (f. Fried m an 187---Dry Goods, Furniture, and Women's Fashions- 1.917 Dine Pleasantly in the Cool Quiet Tea Room Summer Service and Cooking Unexcelled Special Noon Luncheon '65C (Second Floor) Ui~ delicate position doesn't it? (more diplomatic news) Mr. Loomis Kirkpatrick, who is closely connected with the Mich.ensian attended, the Merchants' Picnic yes- terday. Loomis was doubtless lining up ads for the '18 Year Book. Numerous Suicides This Week Many people have been disturbed this week by the rifle-like shots oc- curring in different parts of town. No need for alarm exists for it was only the thermometers shooting their heads off. (in Alumni Memorial Hall) The one with the wilted collar-- "Why was Sophocles such a wise man?" The one with the straggly tie-"Be- cause he wore sensible- clothes in summer." (improvement notes) Our perspiring readers will be as- tonishedt( learn that the water has been emptied from the water tank on old Engineering Building, This is the first step in mounting in its place the Chimes from the old Library Build- ing which all will welcome the sound of again summoning us to class. (Dic- tated but not read, P. A. T.) The lathers have begun to com- mence work on the new University Schoolof Music building which used to stand formally back a few feet from the walk, but has been extended to the walk so it may now look quite informally out upon Maynard Street. NEW BERRY N1NWS (By Patricia) The girls enjoyed the concert Fri- day evening. Come again, boys. (Sh- Sh-Lemonade.) Since the party has been postponed two weeks Mr, Fisher will have a dance tomorrow evening at the Pack- ard. The Of-ice Phone Reports: 7:10-Circulation Manager hurried- ly calls Ypsi. She isn't there. 7:14-0. M. noisily calls Jackson. She isn't there. 7:39-C. M. excitedly calls Flint. She isn't there. 7:44-C. M. drops his head in his hands, moaning, "Where did she go?" (Further news will be bulletined in front window.) 2 A. M. The moon shines in the window, The tin roof cracks from heat, TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT OR SALEm Hamilton Business College Phene 842-Rn STATE and WILLIAM P efreshment when you're thirsty-A brimming glass of pure deliciousness when you want a palate-pleasing drink Exactly what you're looking for any Demanathe genuine by full name- nicknames encourage substitution THECOCA-COLACO.,ATLANTA,GA. .2IC i THE BEST PART Summer School Z be '(MIovetine Official Summer School Paper Subscribe Now! AT YOUR DOOR THREE TIMES A° WEEK '75c A SUMMER SCHOOL DIRECTORY FREE WITH EACH SUBSCRIPTION