ITYRDOOR 3 IES AEEKI J THE ONLY OFFICIAL i ~ u r r h w NEWSPAPER VOL. VIII. No. 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AUGUST 2, 1917 !tAICE FIVE CENTS PNOVIDE MILITAY CDV NSENEX1 YEAB To Be Known as Reserve Officers' Training Camp; Put on Two Year Schedule GOVERNMENT WILL BUY SUITS Students who enroll in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, which will be established in the University next fall, are expected to sign up for the two-year schedule. The courses will be in charge of Captain George C. Mullen, a professor of miltary tactics and science. Graduates will receive a commission as officers if they decide to enter active service, at the comple- tion of the course. Captain Mullen is now busily en- gaged in formulating plans and ar- ranging a schedule of studies for the new courses. The schedule will be published as soon as they are definite- ly ascertained. The senior division curriculum con- tains a detailed account of the military studies offered for a period of two years. University students who en- roll in this department will devote their entire time for four semesters to military art. The military work offer- ed for next summer is additional and will not be essential for graduation. Object of New Courses The primary object of establishing units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to qualify, by systematic and standard methods of training, students at civil educational institutions for re- serve officers. The system of instruc- tion presents to these students a stand- ardized measure of that military train- ing which is necessary in order to pre- pare them to perform intelligently the duties of commissioned officers in the military forces of the United States. It also enables them to be trained with the least practicable interference with their civil careers. Meaning of Senior Division Members of the senior division are classified with units at universities and colleges requiring four years' collegi- ate study for a degree and all units at (Continued on Page Four) WILL TAKE LAKE TRIP Professor Scott Takes Charge of Put- in-Bay Excursion The excursion to the island of Put- in-Bay under the direction of Prof. IL D. Scott will start at 5:37 Saturday morning, central standard time, at the Michigan Central depot. Professor Scott will be at the depot at that time to arrange things. Those who wish to go on this trip should buy a round trip ticket to Detroit and to save time should either get something to eat on the boat going down or carry a lunch. The object of the trip is to study the action of waves and glaciers and to see the caves at Put-in-Bay, of which there are a number of remarkable specimens. Show Motion Pictures Tonight The educational motion pictures to be shown at 8 o'clock tonight in the auditorium of the Natural Science building will illustrate farm irrigation and care of stock in Western Canada. GEPODI SHOWS C 'CESS Search for SubstituteforSilkELM 1 OF SI ATJEUNI[SIIIE S Hat!- What'sYour Suggestion? National Chamber Committee Discus- "It is for us to supply some substi- gression if we banish it to oblivion, or, sea InstItutionis and Their tute for the silk hat as a bond of inter- to put it baldly, to the historic junk First Rounds of Singles in Tennis Democratic Tendencies nationalism." Thus says an article in heap? Tournament Start Friday on the "Nation," in which it treats the all These are epoch making days and Ferry Field important subject of what men will perhaps one wrench more or less does lRECOGNIZEI SPHERE OF WOMEN wear. not matter much but where can we Silk hats have long been the sign of find a substitute? We have become 28 MEN ENTERED IN CON1TEST Washington, D. C., August 1.-The opulence, of dignity and of power. addicted to the touch of pomposity~ state university has alike the faults Now, when they seem about to topple which they impart, , much so that it The drawing for the first single and failings, the virtues and accomp- from their lofty position in our esteem, is a genuine shock to learn that the elimination contest in the All-Campus lishments, of democracy. It is neither we begin to realize that such a event Governor of Oklahoma refused to don tennis tournament yesterday resulted in conflict nor competition with the would be an almost irreparable loss, his silk hat and accompanying solemn in the grouping of 28 players who will ndowed college, though in many ways yea more, a genuine calamity. Nations garb in honor of the Belgian Mission start competition on Friday. The re- their work is identical. More and which have but little else in common but actually insisted on a Palm Beach mainder of the singles will be played more, however, it is creating distinct have long recognized it is the standard suit and straw hat. What is this Saturday morning and early next fields of endeavor and thus enlarging headgear of diplomacy. It is not retra- world coming to? week. to the many those opportunities of The singles which are scheduled for higher education, which would other- $Friday afternoon, beginning at 4 wise be denied them. 40 Students Pass Prubwi elpcI o'clock, are as follows: Mt. Klein vs. These are some of the conclusions H l sA. Chandler; A. I. Ricpatrick vs. C. reached in a report of the Committee RedG ross Exam s Gathering Books D. Barnard .W. Cooper vs. R. 1t on Statistics and Standards of the Drake; J. J. Powells vs. E. D. Sawyer, Chamber of Commerce of the United Delay in Notification Caused by Exces- Still Need Large Supply of Reading and l. J. Burtiss vs. W. W. Dawley. States. The report in outlining the Tesnlst aepaeStra history, purpose, and functions of such sire Duties Imposed on War Material for Various Troop The sngles to take place Saturday educational institutions pays a notable Department Encampments mornig, beginning at 9:10 o'clock, _____are: W. Stimson vs. E. J. Jeffries; C. tribute to the accomplishment and theAanwrthsnvs.J. Jekr; C. part played in our national life by the Forty Red Cross certificates for the Books magazines, clipped short A. Langworthy vs. J. L. Stadeker; R. state university. students who passed the examinations stories and phamplets for the army F. Fitzpatrick vs. Guy Fox; G. H. An- steunivty Busin A in June were received yesterday morn- encampments are already being sent derson vs. C. E. Buell, and Chas. E. Education-A Business Asset Cad m ge "It matters not to the state univer- ing at the University Health service. to the University Library. The de- Itacdy vs. Wi. Egley sity whether the boy and girl students Lieutenant Colonel C. H. Connor, of mand is much larger than the supply, The last set of singles in the first hail from the town or country," Arch- the Medico corps of the United States especially in French text books for elimination rounds starting at 4 er Wall Douglas, of St. Louis, chair- army, stated that the delay was caus- the aviators at Mount Clemens. o'clock Monday, will be as follows: S. man of the committee points out in the ed by the main office at Washington. Different organizations throughout E. Doolittle vs. J. M. Grafft; lerbert report, "since it has but one central D. C., being overwhelmed with work. Europe have been taking care of this Schielle vs. D. H. Redfern; P. C. Emery purpose regarding them, and that is The successful candidates are as work for the soldiers now in the vs. M. B. Doty, and W. L. Krohngold to send them forth, trained, intelligent follows: Arthur J. Adams, '18, Floyd trenches. The Y. M. C. A. has been vs. Karl Dintz (Continued on Page Four) W. Barthurst, '19, Edwin C. Boyle, '20, supplying most of the reading matter Doubles to Follow Singles Charles E. Buell, '19, George W. Coop,- to the recruits in this country at the The doubles will be played off im- er, '19, Lionel G. Crocker, '18, Lloyd present time. Since the establishment mediately after the singles have been r'o G ve n a cing J. Curby, '17, G. L. De Spelder, '19D, of a large number of training camps completed, and the men will be allow- L 0 O Finch, '17D, William H. Fleiseb- the boys in the cantonments are not ed to pair off as they pleats. A dozen Party Sa turda 'mn 20, Lawremce Gould, '20, Alfred able to obtain sufficient literature. balls will be given the winner of the S Gnr ni 9 MlillAT ntr 1 ._-, .. Women's League Tender Novel Recep- tion to University Students This Weed-End Good music, dancing and good eats are only three of the many attractions promised at the Women's league danc- ing party which takes place at Barbour gymnasium from 4 to 6 o'clock this Saturday afternoon. All University men and women are cordially urged to attend and co-operate to make the party the success of the season. An unusually attractive program is being planned by Miss McKee and Dr. George.A. May of the department of physical education. The University of Wisconsin has made such a success with "Get-together Parties," that this affair is to be closely modelled after] theirs. Ways of getting acquainted by states and colleges will be tried out after the grand march. Everybody come! No admission will be charged. PLANS FOR NEW DORMITORY BEING MADE BY COMMITTEE Plans for the cottage dormitory on Washtenaw avenue are being rapidly completed by the committee chosen from the group of alumni who are es- tablishing the new girls' home. The meetings of the Board have been held to discuss the furnishings. The Pase- dena association of alumni has asked to furnish the dining room in some distinctive way. The rooms on the second floor will resemble those at Newberry residence. m uoorin, , Me vil 1. ra cen , , Alice Hatch, Wallace M. Johnson. '20, Sydney Klein, '19, William Kruger, '20, Lloyd K. McKim, Neil A. Moore. Arvery E. McDonald, '17, Bernard P. Mason. '19, Francis D. Reider, '18, Oli- ver F. Ringsmith, '18E, Lee M. Rosen- bluth, '18, Walter M. Simpson, '20, Mina A. Sievert, '17, Harold C. Storick, 'TOP, William A. Smith, '20, George A. Stimson, '20, Carl H. Thorington, '17P, William M. Taylor, '18D, William W. Visscher, '18L, Clarissa Vyn, '18, Por- tia S. Walker, Harold Westerman, Sch. nMus., Ross E. Wigent, '18, Francis C. Warren, '18E, Marion R. Wellford. '18, Lester M. Weider and William J. Wat- kins, '170. The certificates can be obtained by calling at the University Health Ser- vice next to Hill Auditorium on In- galls street between 10 to 12 o'clock every morning. SHOW WAR POSTERS August Red Cress Number Illustrates Pictures in Originals A small collection of recruiting post- ers issued by the different allied na- tions have been reproduced in the or- iginal colors in the August number of the Red Cross magazine. The selection contains the best of the war posters published by the Unit- ed States, Canada, Great Britian, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Russia and France. Each placard strikingly illustrates the demand for new recruits and Red Cross funds. Any one who desires to send period- singles, and a dozen each to the two icals can send them to the librarian winners in the doubles. One dozen at the University Library. If the lit- tennis balls have been donated by erature can not be conveniently sent George J. Moe, athletic goods store they should notify the librarian by proprietor. telephone or mail and the reading ma- M. G. edin, member of The Wolver- terial will be called for. ine staff, will have charge of the con- tests on Ferry field, and will keep a LIBRARIAN TO SPEAK record of the games played and the process of elimination. The winners of the first elimination series will take Samuel H. Ranek, of Grand Rapids, part in the second elimination, the to Address Library Students winners of which will compete in the third elimination, and so on to the Mr. Samuel H. Ranck, of Grand finals. A number of the men have not Rapids, known throughout the country (Continued on Page Four) as one of the most original and pro- gressive men in library circles, will be 250 VIEW HEAVENS in this city today and tomorrow to lecture to the students of the Library Methods course. Three Observatory Nights Draw Large Mr. Ranck is noted for his ability to Crowds This Summer make the library a real benefit to the people. Whenever a matter of civic More than 250 people visited the interest is at issue he is able, it is Observatory during the three public said, by lists of books and by lectures nights held this week. The visitors in the library, to force it into public were all given a peek at the moon and attention. given lectures on the major points of astronomy. The instruments also af- Appeal for Tolunteer Workers forded unusual interest to the specta- Volunteer workers are wanted by tors. Mrs. I. D. Loree to aid in making sur- Nearly all the visitors were more or gical dressings. Although 7200 have less astonished at the appearance of been made by her group alone this the moon, and state that this part of year more are greatly needed. The the Observatory trip is by far the most work is being done at present in the interesting. Each one of the spectators old Angell home which is open was perched on a narraw ledge and al- throughout every day. Mrs. Loree has lowed to look through a powerful tel- just organized a class in surgical escope. The general appearance of the dressings which meets every morning. moon at close range is hardly as beau- The fee for it is $5.00. tiful as what it appears at long range. LU - 25c AT Sheehan's Wahr's Slater's, ent Supply Store THE SUMMER SCHOOL DIIRECTORII Y NOW ON SALE 25c AT Sheehan's Wahr's Slater's Student Supply Store subsoription reeip s may b. redeemed at any of these stores or at Wolverine Oliee