THE WOLVERINE PAGE THREE THRIEE MEN NEEDED' IN AUUMO UCE CORPS Extra Students to Fill Vacant Ranks at Allentown Leave This Week Michigan's three ambulance corps at Allentown, Pa., will be supplied by 24 more men, who registered last week with Dr. L. P. Hall of the dental de- partment. The extra men have taken the physical examinations, and have received orders to be ready to leave as soon as possible for Allentown where they will be enrolled. The required quota is 27 and those who intend to enroll can do so if ac- tion is taken immediately. The call for additional men was caused by the increase of the units by the war de- partment. In case the three ambu- lance corps can not be filled by Michi- gan men they will be dispersed or have the ranks filled with other than Uni- versity students. Several of the men who failed to qualify in the physical examinations prior to the departure of the three di- visions, have left for Detroit where they will take the examination under a federal ofilcer. E __.._ ___ _ _ ____ _ __ SAYS UFALLS WILL RE Professor Scott Illustrates Lecture on "Niagara' with Number of Slides "Niagara Falls will eventually be a series of small cataracts and Lake Erie will sometime be drained," said Professor Scott in his lecture on "The Geology of Niagara Falls" at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the auditorium of the Natural Sciene building. After showing a number of slides of Niagara as it is today Professor Scott continued, "For geologists, the Falls are one of the most accurate time measures in the world. The Falls have receeded along a seven mile gorge since the Niagara River came into existence. At present they are moving at a rate of between four and five feet a year. Twice the volume of water flowing over the cliffs has been reduced by seven eighths of its quantity when the Huron, Michigan, and Superior Lakes found more North- erly outlets into the St. Lawrence riv- er, thus making the rate of recession much slower than four feet a year. "The gorge shows corresponding change at the parts worn down during 1 n e e 1 1 L the time when the volume of w A W ise an rust was smaller. In those part's the gorgeIA W ieM n us is shallower and narrower. The age J T ee14 a of the river as measured by the gorge y is 35,000 years. Lake Erie Will Be Drained At Least Cultural Talk Is Indulged "In the meantime, the falls continue in by the Laborers on to wear their way back towards Lake the Campus Erie. When they finally wear down the cliffs that rise above the level of Doc May's old adage, "A sound mind that body, Lake Erie will be drained," in a sound body," which he used to said Professor Scott in conclusion. preach so often, is being practiced theclifs hatris aovethelevl opDea ' soldenadageiAnd in "When that will be isnot certain, but e y tarthen heartily by. the laborers on the isew geologists are agreed that unless some Library job. A large per cent of the unforeseen rising of the land should b I .. T 1857-Dry Goods, Furniture, and Women's Fashions--1917 Tuie A cool, quiet dining 'place where an appetizing lunch- eon can be obtained at a moderate cost during any part of the shopping day. Special Noon Dinner, 65c eSecondFloor) THE BEST PART Summer School ' be tlverine Official Summer School Paper Subscribe Now! AT YOUR DOOR THREE TIMES A WEEK A SUMWMER SCHOOL DIRECTORY FREE WITH EACH SUBSCRIPTION Pr I I I i I 3 1 t f come about, Lake Erie is doomed." PAT-CHES VERBOTEN! I met a charming German lass And we went out to dine. I asked if I might have a kiss, I swear she answered, "Nine." So I began, but on the sixth She drew away, ' 'Ach, nein!" "I beg your pardon," I replied, "The pleasure is all mine." P. S. Voices from above (since ten o'clock have they been at it)-"Sweet Adeline, Oh Ad-a-line-" Us-"Hey there! Leave off the post-script. I want to study." The Poet-"It is not raining rain to me-" The Chemist-"You're right for once. It's really H20. In Chicago and Detroit add Fel, in Pittsburg Fe4." SOME FANS Electric - Baseball - Milady's - Palm leaf- The light -astic. AN AMBULANCE SONG FROM ALLENTOWN (Tune: "Oh, Johnny.") Oh, Johnny, oh, Johnny, why do you lag? Oh, Johnny, h, Johnny, come to your flag. Your country's calling. Can't you hear? Don't sit around while others do all the fighting. You must, oh, Johnny, oh, Johnny, get into line, And help to crush the foe. Now come with us to France, Drive a Ford ambulance. Oh, Johnny, go, Johnny, go! THIS IS THE TRUTH. SELAH The Poet-Each hour I spent with thee, dear heart-" The Fusser-"Meant three bucks spent with me, dear heart." Well, let's add it up. Assessment ,..... ........ $ 5.00 Taxi .... . ............ ..... 2.50 Flowers ...................... 1.50 Rent of suit .............. 3.00 Shirt ..................... 1.50 Studs ..................... 1:00 Tie ....... ....... 50 $15.00 Danced from 9 to 2, five hours, plainly at the rate of three bucks per hour. And what did he receive in return? Merely one little patch of powder on the shoulder; then at the door, two red, moist, trembling lips. It's really easy to write good poetry. Consider, f'r instance the heading of the tennis coupon: DON'T DELAY! SEND THIS TODAY! What's more, it is good advice. P. A. T. Wolverine advertising pays. TYPEWRITERS .FOR RENT OR SALE Hamilton Business College Phone 342.R STATE and WILLIAM men engaged in the work are stu- dents and even a couple of instructors are putting themselves in trim for' next year by pounding bricks and shoveling mortar. Time flies merrily over there as well as dust. It is not uncommon to hear two grimy ones talking about the good points of Shakespeare as com- pared to Ibsen, that is, when the boss is not around. As for muscle, well, when class football starts some of the so-called campus athletes had bet- ter guard their laurals rather careful- ly, for after a man has wrestled with a pick and shovel for 11 hours a day a little job of shoving aroundsa man or two in a football game looks like playing tiddldy-winks on a rainy day. SMITH-BATHRICK TO BE ENSIGNS have Been Recommended for Commis- sions from tamp PanI Jones Cedric C. Smith, '18, ex-captain of next fall's Varsity football team, and Donald Bathrick, '18, have been rec- ommended from their companies of naval militia in training at Camp Paul Jones, Illinois, to the government naval college at Annapolis, Md., where they will be sent in the near future to take training to fit them for ensigns in the navy. They will receive their commissions after a short intensive training course. Directory of all the Summer School Students now on sale at the State Street Bookstores. Subscribe for The Wolverine and re- ceive a Student Directory free. The Farmers & Mechanics Bank South Main Street State Street Office Corner Huron 330 So. Stale St A 0000 STRONS BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED SUMMER. SCHOOL TEXT BOO0 LS ® NEW AND SECOND-HAND DRAWING INSTRVMENTS .supplies of All K lds The Slater Book Shop Phonie 430 336 So. Stat. St. 0oLYND ON'S, 719 N. University Ave. FOe Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films Guaranteed Amateur Finishing Enlargements from your Negatives a Specialty I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results" as we have a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $5o.oo per lh.) and we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing. If you want the best results you will bring your films here. Two duors lea L N D O N'S7Nort Hill Auditoriun, LYNDONversityAvenue Detroit to Put-in-Bay - Cedar Point Cleveland - , Sandusky Daylight Across the Lake - - Every Day Excursions to Put-in-Bay Round Trip Fare Round Trip Same day on Sundays or 1 Week Days 7 C Holidays 1000 Cedar Point Excursi-tis $125 Round Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday -- Trip Cleveland One Way Fare, Every Day, $1.75 Big Steel Steamer "Put-in-Bay" leaves Detroit every day at 8:00 a. m., Central Standard Time. Steel Side Wheel Steamer "Frank E. Kirby" leavesDetroit week days at 4:00 p. m., Central Time. FREE DANCING-Finzel's Crehestra on Str. "Put-in-Bay" . Whole afternoon at Put-in-Bay. Two and one-half hours at Cedar Point. Visit' erry 81,00(,00o leorial, the Caves, Casino, Dance Faviios Big Has etBatting Beaches, Aquatic Slides, Board Walks, Mlidway, Lagaositc. First Street Wharf, Detroit Write for Folders Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line Detroit, Michigan 'L