___________THE WOLVERINE Wuerth Thea tre Mtiee , 33o. Nights 63, 8, 93 Saturdsy-Sundy--Continuous I'1s-i222 -2- . Desm.ond2522in22"Pad dy17l3112." Ass:Keystone Com~edy. "11er Nture )ncc." Sat-3-m 'Miles3 12 int1er22in1"'Ev-T - onme ." A1522 Mlie Icig i "h ~lycy of1the)2211 (ro."122art7 Orpheum Theatre Matieesz,3:32 Nghs 2:32, 8932 Satrdy-S221ays-Continuous Thirs-ri-8-9-11anhe Seet 2an 1 Thma Aega 'in 2 eSilont Prt- 1 22522112.Pictogrph. Sat3o-121in Ade in "he 1ron Shoat22322 ;632;802'932 15c Unles Othewise2 Speifidl Ph296-5M ¢4 Thre 25 0229orgeWalsh ia "h Bok Agn22 an2122rz Comedy.1 Fri. 2-Frances Nel1o2222 "h Beat- ful 222M2 1bin1er222 MaCome Sat 32--A1ice Jye12t222HrSec2222 Cha p2 112The2Secret Kingdm";lst pat Mr.V2r222 Cas221 222 letra" We have both the inclination and the equipment to furnish the best in banking service The Ann Arbor Savings Bank INOPRA OD16 Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00 Resources . . . $4,000,000.00 Northwest Corner Main and Huron Streets 707 North University Avenue Open_ ALL Summer Lunch Room LUNCHES, SODAS AND TOBACCO 338 S0. STATE ST. '*1N1tlli@4111I119111111i9111111111111111J IF you have any good old shoes about the house s Will you kindly let me know where they are c - Or fetch them dow to me Dr. Tom Lovell - 402 Detroit St. ° Tcar comes right by the door2 Mrs. T. L. Stoddard Marcel and Water Waving HairGoods and Cosmetics 707 North University Avenue .Developing, I Oc Prints, 3o, 4c, So 8 HOUR SERVICE KODAK FINISHING 'arcade Floral Shop - "Kodak Florist" Nickels Areade Opp, Sub-Postal Station Phone 600 CHINESE AND AMERICAN DISHES Open All Sumere TRY GEORGE'S CHOP SUEY WAI KING LOO 314 S. St$. Phone 1544-M J I - - ; ' he Mioiv r inE The official studet newspapr' f( the University of Mitchigall n01225 02es1121. tPublishled by the studentso Tulestay, 'Thlursday a1n(1Satray a2 ternoonls. Twenty-five 122112. Advertising rates-Fulrnished upon015ap placaton to the bus1iess mnalager. Subscriptionsa as 2 t1a 2kn2at (Qu21 ry's21221dtUnivrsity Aenue1ePha Office 110ur2: Mana6112g-2e1itor, 1:8 to 2:0daily; lbus2ies's2. 22 113 1:0(0 to 2:00 daily. 3212n13260(1o 2414. Address, The Wolverine, ress 1B21i1d ing, Mylard St., Am Arbor. Iendal(lirttW. NitI r -H alagitt 'Edto -' -Phone 2414 02 185.2 lh'l'oartl 1 (lt-ltlIsll's sl[onage' Phosne 960 or 241-1 THURSDAY, JtJNPJ 28, 1917 THE 1917 WAR CLASS Comnmenlcemnelt orators for man' years have harped on the theme "o 1222 entering tie great conflict, th Battle of Life with the World." This year's War Clasn above al ohers has been uhered into the ver crisis of humanity and ot nations, an the 2012flict is one ot the many, Th seniors who received their diplomas _ tsday certainly must eel (that greatsr emtion ts do teir best, tat greate patr iotir eeling to do their utmost fo their country and suffering natiss. The Class of 1917 has struggled along and prepared for our long year in order ts cope mre successfully with a nation's problems, There ha never ben a class able to graduat w2ith soon) great opprtulnities, uch de- mands fr worthsy and efficient leaders as (be Class of 1917. We rest ou hopes in them and have the conviction that their influence will nt soon be forgotten. As thelem2)br's of the class sep- arate to the 21211 of the globe, some of tthenm perhaps sson in2 active service to join those of their raks who have aready enlisted we wh11 remain wish thm safety 'and2 success in their great PSYCHOPSEUDOGROANS Iy Perk 1ing here, w2he2n ased if 122 had bei' teacbing evr 2sinc 112 was gradua11tdt srm college, said2 "No t worked (112 tirst four3ears after S gaduated bt 123v2 been teaching ever sinOce." ReiIs~'s manlagr 1111111wantIs to cal this publicatinl the "Wlohlverine' bult "Quill-pusher 'Teeter" will not stand for i. le Careltlmeni--fountiain plens 1a111 pam beach suits mae a2 bad combina- [nowtn'f orry aiouttthe summele school corss folks, yu will gel1by with ase. 'P111S IS Nol' VERIY (COOP EI11'THER Ann Aror's fited with caps ad2 gowns, The Girlie likes them but te fellos frowns And says, "Why 10016 at me All 1Issant is my degree." Ann Arbor's filled with Almlnae bld W~ho tell and 1laugh of dlays o3 old. Of Htestsn, While and th~e Star Vaut- ette. They declare they all feel frisky yet. Ann Arbor's filled withs parents too Who came 1to5see9vhat SWill dill do With all the money (13(2 year hsas cost And 01221 it's far fromn being lost. WOMEN The Pounkville Club hbas installed in it.s rooms a fine lot of collapsible chewing-gum receptacles. i ' TY PEWRITIERS ®FOR RENT OR SALE r Hamilton Business College Phoe 342-R STATE and WILLIAM - Coming Events (Sunier Session 1.eetures) 01261 to all tudten'lts. Lectures ta(21e place in Auditoriulm of Natura Scierne building, unless otherws xstated. Mtonday, Jully 2 at 2 o'clock-Witd Flower1s and WVild Floe-er Garde-1 ing (illustrated). Professor A. Tealdi. Tuesday, July 3 at 5 o'clock-"Micl- igan Men and Mtoments," by I'rot A. G. Hall. Wednesday, July 4 at 8 o'clock-Con- cert by faculty of School of M(usic. (Hill Auditorium.)* Thursday, July 5 at 5 o'clock-Se';. gation in Secondary Education, by Mr. D. McKenzie of Detroit. Thubrsday, July 5 at 8 o'clock--Ifduc, tionlal Motion picturces. Friday, Jully 6 at 5Io'clsck-Recep~tion2 Eby the) Presidenst for the students51 of the Summoer Session. (Alumnoi Memorial 14a11.) F~ritay, July 6 at 8 o'clock-"Th~e Story of Amorican Sculpture," (illustrat- ed), by P'rof. IT.It. Cross. UNVEIL TABLET TO PROFESSOR WOOD I nlginleeling Aluni C (ontribute Me- morilal as Tlribulte to First Professoer of (College Alumn11i of thle engin~eering college contributed 21321'unveiledt a bronze me- mlorial tablet ts the mem'~ory of Prof. D~eVolson Wood, the2 first engineering professor at Michigan2, at the ansnual clas d39' exercises of senior engineers Tu~esday morning. Whlile in (112eemploy of the tUni- versity dulrinlg(is early years, Pro- fossolr Wood was a constant advocate for the ilnstallations of a decpartmuent of 1232hanica1 engineering, anti foresaw is fulture as one of the biggest and s~r-st inmportant departments of the IUiversity. Bunt the regents did not 12221 hio advice at that time, and Pro- fessor Wootd2001) accepted a professor- ship at Stevelns Institute of Technsl- 6gy, whvlich institultion he served for -somse 25 years. Ten years after his tlepasrisire fronm Michigan, the me- chan1ical en~gineering departnment wasr installed, thus folfilling the prediction a1nd wish of Professor Wood. SERVED IN TRENCHES I I .. ... , a SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS We're already to nerve you-Our otock of is complete. Sconde-hand o.Ioks its great numbers at grratly resduced pics. UNIVERSITY'2 BOOKSTORE AT'- OUR FOULNTFAIN TH'wE .BEST SERVICE ~ Ann Arbor2 Make Our Store Your Store This Summer ! COMluPLISTS STOCK Watches - Jewelry - Silverware FineItepaiingeof Wetches andJewelry EYE GLASSES We do ourso%22-22 Ten. Grinding, 21.t222252tus t iveyes promt service. HALLER& FULLER, State St' Jefrelers 1857----Dry Goods, lFurniture, and Women's Fashiono 1917 Tie A cool, quiet dining place J where an appetizing lunch- eon ca n be obtained at a nioderate cost during any part of the shopping day. Special ~Noon Dinner, 65C (Second Flour) I~ _ _ ______ Htoward laher, llx-'1:l, .htendis ('oni- nlencentent of Brolther Howsard Baker, ex-lI3L. 9w110 ias. b2eenl in the first aline trenches on 'Ypres and Somome fronlts, arrived in Alli Arbor this wvek to attend tse commlencemnent of his brother Reot R. B~aker, '171E. Mtr. Baiker has been a mlembier of thae Britisis Royal engineerinig50orps for (he past six nmonthss, having pre- viosly served witho the trenach mortar corps for approximately two year. The firat isand aecounts of the ear as given out by Mr. Baker indicate (hat the wvar has assumed tremendous pro- portions and that descriptionss of war1- fare have not beeni exaggerated to a great extent. Of a' unit of 167 mel), only four survived, Mr. Railer being one of the fortunaate. Mtr. 'Baker is a mensher of Sigma Plii Epsilon fraternity. Htenley hill Reporter on Detroit News Henley Hill, '17, a member of The Daily staff for several years. has se- dced a position as reporter on the Detroit News. Thae Wolverine delivered to your dloor all summer for 75c. Try The Wolverine want ado for re- sults. Li I - -------- THE ANN ARBOR PRESS Printers to the University of Michigan and Student Publications I PHONE No. 1 I IN OUR OWN PRESS BLDG., MAYNARD ST.