AGE TWO T HE WOL Ube Uoverine If its any sort Wuerth Theatre graphic work The official student newspaper' for t Matinees a, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 5, 9:30 the University of Michigan summer abou t 713 Eas Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous session. Published by the students on Tues-1y-Franklyn Frnum in "Bring- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- ieglomterathe" se.I samte Wed SJ. W ta erKerigan in "The ternoons. Twenty-five issues. seen. It is a matter Measue of a Man." to how much of t 'tlI :s- s-I-aeetsse Brricale itCokaw ilb "The Snarl." Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- "Choektaw" will h Sat-aa-Marjorie Rambea in "The plication to the business manager. English. Dazzling Miss Davison," ptthus ss na . - Sun-1-o-2-3-Wallace Reid and Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- Aee."t m ry's and University Avenue Phar- macy. Office Hours: Managing editor, 1:E F Orpheum Theatre to 2:00 daily; business manager, F _______________________ 1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 960 or Matinees 2, 3:3. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 2414. Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Writes The Wolve Tues-7-Norma Talmadge in "Fifty Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- That Famous Bells illy" Rehaohed, nMyadStAnAbr We -Dougslasl k eairebanks in "The log, Mayn rd St. Ann Arbor. Campus Grounds Amtericano." tebooked. lve. t5_c. 'Ihlvs-i-9--FaTnnie Ward in "Un- Leonard W. Nieter-Managing Editor cnqteed." Sat-t-lorence eLa Badie in "The Wt- Phone 2414 or 1855 Detroit mnit White" S t Mt-2 2 tmo Lincoln in "Might Bernard Wohli-Business Manager To the Editor, The ed lt Il .Hart in "The Return Phone 960 or 2413-R To me as to many of W Draw tgan." Rebooked. Fve. tteU University of Michi Reporters a cause for regrett Marion Rood H. J. Burtis chimes have ceased r CFW. Wood J. L. Stadeker her does nt seem M. G. Hedin L. Kuschinski them. Shows at 3:00;E6:30; :o; 9:30 Mary Rhoades D. K. Middlebrook Every university c 130 Unless Otherwise Specified B sine Sta."self a set of traditi Phone t6-M Business Staf mental atmosphere 'ae-:y-cesege Walsh it "Melting Mil' William Le Fevre Circulation Mgr. influences every stu dSpltced and cted." Assistants is conscious of it or Welini 9e Sthiind Marie Sat- Maurice Klein B. F. Fullerton the influence of this adta~nsedy.GerinPoka T'ahtt-9 Vakeha Suratt in "The Slave" Georgiana Pockman ' phere which surroun Fea-Maxin deori atd 'aeei the best thing whici Myers in t"he launted Pajamas," Out of his college ca (a splendid comedy-drama) and Fig- man Comedy, "Monomania." ories and traditions TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1917 Oxford university fo speak more eloquen We have both the inclination and Issue Editor-James C. J. Martin than do his teachers. the equipment to furnish the versity gradually de hbest in banking service AN EXPERIMENT uality, a personality The action of The Wolverine to take I think it ought to b The Ann Arbor Sayings Bank into its hands the directing of a sum- serve. To take awa INCORPORATED 1869 mer session tennis tournament is an tures which give it Capital and Surplus $ 50000.00 experiment from all angles. It is an personality is a mi Resources . . $4,000,000.00 answer to an appeal made by a num- any features which h Northwest Corner Main and her of students and the success of the interest, charm or1 Huron Streets movement will depend upon the co- why I think the old 707 North University Avenue operation of those interested in the the chimes ought to sport- served as a warning Michigan's facilities in the way of were too much given tennis are equal if not superior to that as I remember. Open ALL Summer of any university in the country. Campaniles, such Ample courts, some of them of extra- Springfield, Mass., ar T. ' good quality, will be at the disposal popular for the hou of the men in the tournament. The the United States, an success of Wisconsin's tournament is L M hM anindication that Michigan'ssched mental and useful; S " ul~~e can be carried to completion with mna n sfl LUNCHES, SODAS strong interest and without interfer- up but little ground AND TOBACCO ence. they not put the od In recent summers, tennis tourna- on the campus agai 338 SO. STATE ST. ments have been handled by the stb- of some description. letic department, but due to the dis- SYLVIA S. VI ruption in athletics caused by war con- Developing, t O Prints, 3o, 4o, 50 ditons, no action was taken this year. 8 HOUR SERVICE It is urged that all those interested KODAK FINISHING in the sport make their interest known W OMEN'S as soon as possible at The Wolverine Arcade Floral Shop - "Kodak Florist" office. The success of the project de- Nickels Arcade Opp.aSub-Postal Station pends upon the co-operation of the Dean Jordan Sends Phone 600 student body. The fololwi'ng com was recently received CHINESE AND AMERICAN DISHESSOLDIER SLANG B. Jordan, will be Open An Summer When a University man hits the by all women expect TRY EORGE'S CHOP SUEY trenches he has much to learn, even University duringIA, WAI KING LOO in slang. He may have been proficient Dean Jordan is loca 314 s. State St. Phone 1244-M in campus jargon, but each calling Old Mission, R. F. D has its own characteristic language. BTRO e IHe may have been able to bluff his My dear girls: H UST iN B u . intsructors, but le must now learn to During the last fee BILLIARDS AND BOWLINO handle a muck-stick, to lie in a funk- ing situation for w IGIARDS AND BCWNDNY hole and snipe Heines and see his dug- improved and I amt CIlARS AND CANDY out smashed-in without flinching, to you that there wil "We Try to Treat You Right" Much of the slang the collegian comes dormitories open for in contact with is adopted from the First-the Alumna REYNOLDS KO D A K SH OPvocabulary of the casual laborer, such Wash"tenaw, where as "punk" for bread, "bull" for bluff remodelled and will KODAK DEVELOPING AND FINISHING or bragging, "suds" for liquor. girls. (There will b PERFECT WORK PROMPT SERVICE American newspapers and soldiers en to those who wisl Work called for and delivered have adopted much of the lingo of living expenses.) 510 E. William St Phone 1564-R Tommy Atkins. "Slacker," "gassed," Second-the , Epist "bosche," and "Hun' have become a 517 East Ann, which W k sf distinct part of our vernacular. Eng- 16 girls. (Residence W ilkinson s r ' lish trench slang is sprinkled with limited to Episcopali Trunks, Bags and Suitcases cockney expresseions. "Shag" for to- Third-the Indepe Trade In Your Old One bacco, "queer" for all-in or sick, 417 Huron street, w 325 S. MAIN ST. PHONE 24 "chucking his weight about" for being modate 20 girls. Ma chesty self-important, and "Holy Joe" Miss Grace Rose, 216 for sky pilot or chaplin. For the other Dorn Wast tecords for Company's Victrola Besides these forms there are cer- plication at Mrs. Jor Company I boys wish records for tain war terms which are peculiar to Very truly you' their victrola, which has weathered modern warfare, such as "wiring par- (Signed) M the Mexican border campaign and is ty" for stringing barbed wire entangle- to go with them to France. Contribu- ments and "suicide club" for bombers Miss Agnes E. Wel tions will be received by the boys by and hand grenade men. women, Mrs. Harry calling the army by phone and they What the inventive American will women of the Univ will come for them. add to the war slang remains to be Music and the mem VERINE t of photo ask Swain ;. .. . t U. of conjecture as his picturesque come legitimate IS BELL- OLD0CHIMES rine Suggesting Be Preserved on , July 15, 1917. Wolverine: graduates of the gan, it has been that the Library inging. Ann Ar- natural without reates around it- ons, memories, a if its own, which dent, whether he not. Sometimes spiritual atmos- ds a university is h a student gets .reer. The mem- which surround r instance often tly to a student Thus each uni- elops an individ- of its own, which e careful to pre- y any of the fea- its characteristic istake, especially have added to its beauty. This is custom of ringing be preserved. It to students who to day dreaming, as they have at e becoming more fug of chimes in id are quite com- r are both orna- and as they take space, why could I Library chimes n in a bell-tower DETTO, '00-'03. SNEWS s Communication munication which I from Dean Myra ead with interest ing to attend the he coming year. ted at present at ., Michigan. w days the room- men has greatly able to announce i be three cottage October, 1917. e Dormitory, 1223 he house will be accommodate 16 e opportunity giv- h help with their copal Dormitory, will accommodate in house is not ans.) ndent Dormitory, hich will accom- ke application to 6N State'. nitories, make ap- rdan's office. rs, lyra B. Jordan. is, acting dean of Bacher, dean of ersity School of bers of the Wo- .. 1 SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS We're already to serve you;-Onr stock of TEXT BOOKS is complete. Second-hand Books in great numbers at greatly reduced prices. UNIVERSITYWBOOKSTOR E 1 I COOLING DRINKS AT OUR FOUNTAIN THE BEST . SERVICE- in Ann Arbor i P F A - - 1) A NN CC LENSES GROUND IN OUR OWN SHOP Enables us to give prosupt service. Eye Glass and Spectacle Frames in Shell, Gold, Silver, and Nickel Sun Glasses Sport Glasses Goggles HALLER & FULLER - State Street jewelers jL THE ANN ARBOR PRESS Printers to the University of Michigan and Student Publications L d i I PHONE NO0 1 it _ - IN OUR OWN PRESS BLDG., MAYNARD ST. men's League are inviting all wome students of the summer session to at- tend an informal reception at Bar- bour gymnasium from 4 to 5:30, next Wednesday afternoon. The Women's League is putting forth every effort to secure new mem- bers this week. It has already en- rolled a large percentag 4 the wo- 10en of the summer school, but aims to add still more, feeling that the social life of this session has an im- portance only secondary to the schol- astic work. The reception given for all Univer- sity women next Wednesday after- noon will take the place of the party' regularly given on Friday by the Wo- men's League. A party on Friday will be impossible this week on account of the Shakespearian play which will. be given on that date. There are several places open to University women who wish to earn part of their expenses during spare time. Employment may be had on ap- plication to Miss Well's office in Bar- bour gymnasium. The classes in playground work an- nounced for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 o'clock will be held at 3 o'clock on Wednesday and Friday instead. Work begins this week. liss Ageess I. Wells, acting dean of women, spent the week-end in De- troit.