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June 28, 1917 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1917-06-28

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ANN A .ittOl MICt IOIAN, T I tSDA Y, .JUNE 28, 1917

Add N'umerous Military Courses to
Annual Summer
Indications of the expected enroll
ment in the 1917 summer session up
to the present time tend to show thai
the registration will be near or per-
haps equal to that of last year's, d.e-
spite disturbing war conditions. With
the regular schedule of courses sup-
plemented with additional military
instruction attractions, lDan Kraus
expressed lie belief that wmteve (dc--
crease might result from the present
situation w old be overcome.
Numerous courses, such as Arm
Stores Methods, War Pathology and
Bacteriology, two courses In military
training under the supervision of Ala-
jor E. J. Wilson, and courses in rmili
tary and civil railroads and house-
hold economics, will be given ding
the summer session for the firs time.
Unusual heavy registration is ex-
pected in the medical department, due
to the need of such training curim
the war crisis. The increased etroll-
ment in this department, it is figured..
will overbalance the d'ecrease in the
law department. The courses in mili-
tary training and army stores teeth-
Oss are looked upon to offset any de-
cide decrease. About the normal en-
rollnfit is expected in the literary,
graduate antI pharmacy depa'tments.
Read of Law School Receives Flatter--
ing Offer from Eastern
Dean Henry M. Rates of the Univer-
sity Law school, has been granic da
leave of absence by the Board of tie-
gents for one year, following a flatter-
ing offer of a chair of law at larsard
university. Dean Bates, it is rumor-
ed. will accept the position for one
year and in that time will definitly
decide whether he will take the chair
or not.
At one time Dean Bates practihed
law in Chicago and was soon called
to a professorship at Michigan. In
1910 he was made dean of the Law
school and has e.ted in that capacity
ever since.
In addition to the leave of absence
granted Dean Bates, the Board of Re-
gents also cut the annual budget at
its meeting Tuesday morning. The
total budget for the coming year total-
als $2,064,152, which is a considerable
decrease over that of previous years.
No member of the faculty received an
increase more than $100, and those
receiving more than $1200 per year
were in no case given an increase.
The regular weekly dances of the
Michigan Union have been discon-
tinued for the rest of the summer
owing to the decided lack of interest
shown in the affairs, according to re-
suits of several dances scheduled last
year. Although the interest shown in
the weekly assemblies during the reg-
ular semesters aa always been high,
the hot summer weather aa detracted

enthusiasm in the light fantastics.
The offices sod reading rooms will
be open, however, during the summer
session and members and new students
are urged to frequent the present
temporary quarters of the Union. The
Union restaurant will also be closed

1.ehisan's historic intl traditiotal 1,itrary ;i praclically torn down, expept for its two towers and the
i ,raised" iies, which still be takes dwIs1 aeglitniig this afternoon. (iraduties iand alumnit oday have their
las (ipiiiirlliy to view what remains if ot' old hilidinig. 'the Board of Ries-ens moved favorably on Monday to
presre iie chinic but where thcy i il lit' lec-Oed has not yet been decided.

EXPECT 1 COMPLETE Would Cold Facts
LIBAR I ON YAREnd the Query?
i- ' Wi 6'tin Finds Suitable Argu-
Net Sirue tire te Flie lithims lii e eit cioI'tin Whih ',1 1) Ia,se
SZe of Oldi 1ihiling; tie us Snii'eaotcy
hle-enforceid Concreti'
-- ,''t(' Wolerine need no longer sa-
.\'esrctin;; to tih, reo itt itohm-
of thte t I icrar bldig it is tlcat- r cfortht, the rt of the pulca-
ned by those in chrcge o its I cot-taio, Th' Micii D )aily. the Gar-
struction that the building will be Mis"le, tce lilndcr, and ad itinitum,
finished within a Year atutnd, that in c Iust reognize superiority it fact and
probability the news striucture w ill h' iii longer raise i heir ioasts of su-
clecticated It the tie of the 1918 sot- tri-remacy.
mencement exercises. haut why all this flattery on our
Thus far rapid progress has been Part? 1ae of tice phublications has
made and two of the large aing Idled its columns aitic, "this ,public.-
are practically conllte ccci atr' t tiin is the biggest and most influential
in use. The east wingissnot finisl'd. f istc ce on the camccmus." We make no
entirely. resort to such tactics to affirm our
The work of tearing down,th old stalcicints.
library has c den celayed soielat. Oudoinance is fact, not fallacy,,
since it was decilect not to tale iioci for this issue of TItE WOLVERINE0
the tio 10wer. aid chimes until after will ho the only published and to be,
commencetetnt. hundreds of alutni iciulislhed issue of all student publica-
have been tlalin,' th:ir last look at Lions to find its way into the secret
.the old and the erection of pirt of the and elevated portals of the historical
new during the last fes clays copper box to be plaed in the cornerI
When finally colpatileteit, tb .near stone of the new Michigan Union, dedi-
building will te at - st fire timgs es urrill Angell.
the size of the old, and illb e the Is there'any o etion of our domi-
most up-to-date planned building of cited to icr iieidnt-Ecneritcs James
its kind in the country, it is also the nation?
first of its size to he built with re-
enforced concrete. T ENTY SENIOR GIRLS BLOW
1,IlIST WOlVERINE SUlISCRIBER 'CT cThe annual secior girls' breakfast
--- as held last Sfaturday morning at
John S. Leonard, '16L, business man- Newerry residecnce. Keeping apace
agr of The Michigan Daily during 1sith tracditions set by previous classes,
1916-1917, is the first of the student 20i sesior girls blew out the candle,
and alumni to subscribe for this year's s hich sigified that they formally an-
Wolverine, having sent in his order nounced their engagements. Addresses
some two weeks ago. were made by Mrs. Edward Pomeroy,
At present Leonard is located at treasurer of the National Association
Madison Barracks, N. Y., and writes of College Alumni, and Dean Myra
that approximately 20 Michigan men Jordon. Miss Florence Laubengayer
are located at the barracks. acted as toasttuistress.

Old radisl Swarm Campus in Large
nuibers; Oldest Graduates of
'59 Class
Alic c inhecing close to 1100,5
wcaricig theitir class regalia, have been
s arcming the campus for the last few
days, taking in the campus improve-
ments and discussing the old days.
While the total number registered late
Wednesday evening amounted to ap-
proximately 1300, the additional num-
ber arriving in Ann Arbor today is
expected to carry the total consider-
ably over 1,500.
No single alumnus carried off the
honor of being the oldest graduate
back for 'the reunions, but five were
tied, being of the class of '5. The
msembers of the class of '59 back in
Ann Arbor were as follows: Raymond
C. Davis, Ann Arbor; Claudius B.
Grant Detroit; Theo. 0. McGraw, De-
troit; William J. Beal, Amherst, Mass.;
and Rodney J. Hathaway. of Bedford,
Reunions of the classes were held
all day yesterday and an alumni
patriotic mass meeting featured the
events of the afternoon. President
liarry B. Hutchins presided at the
affair. Speeches were made by Col.
Ulaudius B. Grant, 20th Michigan
volunteer infantry, Dean Mortimer
E. Cooley, of the engineering depart-
ment, cnd Iloaward Coffin, '03, chair-
man of committee on munitions and
manufactures and air-craft production
Jiekling, '17, on Detroit Free Press
C. M. Jickling, '17, who was on the
staff of The Michigan Daily last year,
is now employed as an assistant on
the state desk of the Detroit Free

President Farrand of Colorado Gives
Seventy-Third Comanence-
ment Address
With the sound of the bugler's
"Reveille," the 1917 War Class, some-
what depreciated in number by the
early departure of many of its class-
mates, was ushered into the new world
this morning with a spirit of duty and
responsibility to its country that sur-
passed all the sacredness and solemn-
ity of many a commencement day. The
event marked the closing of the seven-
ty-third annual commencement exer-
cises of the University of Michigan,
and resulted in the giving of diplomas
to 1,142 members of the graduating
The present war crisis added a new
sentiment to the exercises, and the en-
tire affair seemed to make a deeper
impression upon both visitors and
graduates than any exercises have
During the last few days, the grad-
uating seniors have held their vari-
ous meetings and Ann Arbor has been
visited by some 1,100 alumni and thou-
sands of outside guests.
Baccalaureate Sermon
The first exercise of the week of
especial interest to the graduating
classes was the Baccalaureate address
given in Hill Auditorium by the Rev-
erend Hugh Black, of the Union The-
ological Seminary, New York City,.
Reverend Black spoke on the "Ethics
of the War," and delivered one of the
nsost powerful addresses given in iAi
Arbor this year.
Alumni registration began on Mon-
day in Alumni Memorial Hall, and in
the evening the annual senior recep-
tion and ball was held at the Michigan
National Guard Armory. Nearly three
hundred attended the affair, which was
in harmony with war economy, the men
wearing their sport coats.
On Tuesday the various classes held
their reunions at different places on
the campus. On this day the engineer-
ing and literary classes hel' their
class day programs. The literary
seniors held their class day at 10
o'clock in the morning under the tra-
ditional Tappan Oak. The class his-
tory was given by Olga E. Shinkman,
class poem by Albertine G. Loomis,
class prophecy by Harold A. Fitz-
gerald, and class oration by Ralph M.
The senior engineers held their
(Continued on Page Four)
Marriage of Football Player Kept
Secret for Month
Announcement was made this week
of the marriage of Ida E Capon of
Creenville, ich., to John F. Maul,

betsch, '17. The wedding ceremony
took place about a month ago and was
kept secret until just recently.Te
newly married couple will be at home
to their friends at Enid, Okla., by Sept,
1, at which time "Maully" will take
up his duties as football coach at
Phillips university.

p., j A y P ,{y [. 4 l

The Wolverine Wishes Success to
the Class of 1917 a .JWelcomes
All Summer Session Students

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