THE WOLVERINE SECOND CONCERT COMES TOMORROW School of Music Faculty Members Will Appear in Program in 11111 Auditorium The second complimentary concert of the season will be given by the members of the School of Music fac- ulty at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening in Hill auditorium. The program will be offered by Miss Ada Grace Johnson and Mr. Albert Lockwood. The gen- eral public is invited to attend The program is as follows: Chaconne ...............Bach-Busoni Mr. Lockwood. Paria ........................ Arditi Miss Johnson. Caprice on "Alceste" of Gluck..... 00, STUDENTS IN GOOD HEALTH, SERVICE REPORT SHOWS Students appear to be in the best of health, according to the latest re- ports from th'e University Health Ser- vice. The number of office calls since the summer school has opened has been small in number. The service has examined 49 stu- dents enrolled in Prof. J. A. Bursley's Army Stores Methods Course, and as there are a few more to be examined and the physicians request all those who have not attended to this matter to do so at their earliest opportunity. The June report for the Health Ser- vice shows that there was a total of 1,037 office calls and 32 new patients registered. Among this number there were one pneumonia, one scarlet fev- er, and four measles cases. ......................... St. Saens GOODRIICH RETURNS FROM Ballade F minor, Op. 52.......Chopin LIBRARIANS' CONVENTION Mr. Lockwood. "It's Morning"..............Sharp Mr. Frank Goodrich, reference li- Sunshine Song .............Grieg brarian, has returned from the Amer- Ecstacy ................... Rummel ican Library association convention Miss Johnson. at Louisville, Ky. The convention spent much time in discussing plans Cross With Life Insurance Company for soldiers' reading. Cecil F. Cross, '17, one of Michigan's There were interesting reports on star track athletes during the last few what English librarians have done for years, who also reaped scholastic hon- Tommy Atkins. Lists of the books ors, is at present occupying a positon read in the trenches show the fighting with the Grange Life Insurance branch man a hardy and adventurous reader office of this city. unafraid of Conan Doyle, Marie Cor- elli, and the Bible. The tired soldier The Farmers & Mechanics Bank eads books of the tired business man South Main Street State Street Office A library week will be announced Corner Huron 330 S. state St. soon when all people will be told how they can help in getting together a A i000 STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED collection of books and magazines. Between sets drink Coca-Cola.J Welcome wherever it goes, for there's nothing that com- pares to it as a thirst-quencher f and for delicious refreshment.l Demand the genuine byful nam'- nicknames encourage substitutionT-,. THE COCA-COLA Co. ATlANTA. G. 23CC As a. Natural Cave Delicious Candies and Summer Drinks Light Lunches OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT fUIVEIed' 709 N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE Y. M. C.9: EMPLIYMET BOBEAU SECORINC JOBS Many Students Availing Themselves of Opportunity for Work in Summer The summer drive for odd jobs has begun and the Y. M. C. A. employment service is in the thick of the work. Since spring vacation 50 odd jobs a week have been given out and many positions are on the waiting list. Jobs of every description, from hoe- ing gardens, peeling spuds, and wash- ing windows, to beating carpets, and office work have been given out and the employers are well satisfied with the students' efforts. Even the most elite student can find some odd job that will satisfy his odd spare mo- ments and increase his bank account. During the past week the Y. M. C. A. employment service has received a score of letters, and all the writers are desirous of getting jobs to keep them in school. Last week's reports show that many graduate students, as well as under- graduates and prep school boys are working at odd jobs. OVER $420,000 OF MICHIGAN UNION FUND IS SUBSCRIBED Over $420,000 of the $790,000 sub- scribed to the new Michigan Union building fund has already been paid and indications indicate that the fall- ing off of subscriptions will be very slight. The average of such losses has amounted to about eight per cent, but many of such subscriptions will eventually be made 'good. The policy of the building commit- tee up to the present time and in the future will be not to give out any con- tracts unless sufficient capital is on hand to cover such agreements. Thus far the progress of the construction has not been halted by insufficient funds. MICHIGAN DAMES INVITES STUDENTS' WIVES TO JOIN Michigan Dames society, an organ- ization for wives of students of the University, wishes to announce that it invites the membership of students' wives on the campus this summer. Mrs. W. R. Rathke, president of the so- ciety, wishes to visit those interested, and requests that those interested call her at 2336-J so that she may be able to call on them. A meeting of the organization was held last night. The date of the next gathering will be an nounced soon. Issue School of Music Catalogue Soon The annual catalogue of the School of Music will be issued in a few days. It is now on the press. The plans for remodelling the old building delayed the publication this year. Besides in- formation regarding the new building, the catalogue will contain half tone cuts of the new school. J. A. Rickert, Medical Student Married Miss Ruth Riemeyer, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. Riemeyer, of Rich- mond, Mich., was married to John A. Rickert, student in the medical de- partment, on Friday of last week. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father in the Casso German Evangelical church. Mail Grades of Literary Students The first marks of the students of the literary college for last semester were mailed out yesterday and the remainder will doubtless be sent out today. No official information could be secured as to the number of stu- dents placed on probation. i A BIT OF TERSE LIBRE MEDICAL STUDENTS ON THE OLD LIBRARY WILL BE DRAFTED "The old Library is gone," I thought with surprise War Department Will Give Them Fur- As I walked through the dim shadows loughs, Conditional, to Con. of the campus last night. tinue Their Studies I do not know why I should be sur- prised. Word has been received from the I had watched them at work with their War department by President Harry ropes and picks B. Hutchins and Dean V. C. Vaughan, As 'they worried the old building, until of the medical department, that mced- it fell ical students will not be exempt from Bit by bit, with reluctance. draft, as has been the rumor in this I felt that if I only held my breath vicinity. hard and closed my eyes, The notification expressly states When I opened them, it should still that medical students will not be ex- be there, empt from draft, but that medical stu- That quaint old rounding front with dents drafted will be given a condi- the ivy of the years tional and limited furlqugh to con- Upon it. tinue their medical studies. This last Today there is nothing left but a pile fact, will allow those studying med- of nicine to continue their work, even In front of a new red brick building, though they are drafted. The notice Marian G. Wilson. to this effect has been posted in the medical building. Fire Ruins Shoe Shining Parlor Fire practically destroyed the No Women's League Party This Week Economy Shoe Shining parlor located on the corner of Maynard and Liberty There will be no Women's League streets yesterday. Nearly all the fur- party on Friday of this week on ac- nishings in the place were destroyed. funt this weekPthe rill beceptiot The fire was soon brought under con- trol and the frame structure was sav- every Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock ed from ruins. No definite informa- in Barbour gymnasium. tion could be received yesterday as to what the plans of the owners are for C H O P V E Y the future. Open During Summer School 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Read The Wolverine. At your door MICIGAN INN three times a week for 75c. Phone_948-R_60__1_._______St. SHEEHAN CO. Summer School Supplies and Books Now Ready o LYN DO N'S, 719 N. University Ave. FOR Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films Guaranteed Amateur Finishing Enlargements from your Negatives a Specialty I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results" as we have a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing. If you want the best results you will bring your films here. Two doors frm Hill Auditorium LYNDON'S 715 North University Avenue The New Catalogue of the Ulliversity 1 of Miohligall IS NOW READY Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, EN- GINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHARMACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUyNMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land- scape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course for those preparing for the scientific administra- tion of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michigan