THE WOLVERINE IN1ERES INCHESES BILL INIDED WILL PAT-CHES IN DABY COURSE1 D E IDCORPS SIXTY-FIVE NEW BERRtftIS no's iid~a ~ SIudy Open to All Students with Sat- . IE ..lE o s'l 'fr i Air Fleet isfactory Preliminary in the Hall. All of them sweet, too. Mid'otfisre house Training s'lerday YOU'RE WELCOME. 'i Orleans Torpedoed and Sunk; Four of Crew Drowned; Vessel of 2,808 Tons Washington, July 6.-The American steamship Orleans, of the Oriental Navigation company, has been tor pedoed and sunk by a submarine Four of the crew were drowned, bu all members of the armed naval guard were saved. The state department. announcing the sinking today. withheld the place and the time of the attack. The Or- leans was a steel vessel of 2,08 tons The Orleans and the Rochester op enly defied Germany's rurthless sub- marine warfare by sailing from New York for France soon after the breals in diplomatic relations between Ber lin and this country. Both ships successfully made their way through the submarine field to a port in France. At that time the Or- leans carried a crew of 35 of whom 32 were American citizens. WILL ESTABLISHI EPISCOPAL GIRLS' IOITORY NEXT YEAR An Episcopal girls' dormitory will be established at 517 Ann street by Mrs. W. L. Schurz next year. The house will accommodate 15 girls, and there is still room for five more if applications are put in immediately. The whole house will be newly fur- nished, the girls' rooms being all alike. The rates will be $2.50 per week, upperclass women having first choice of rooms. It should be understood that this is not a boarding house. Board may be furnished second semester. There is no absolute rule that the girls be Episcopalian but Mrs. Schurz, prefers it so. Mrs. Schurz will act as chaperon. Read The Wolverine. At your door three times a week for 75c. Try The Wolverine for service. If its any sort of photo- graphic work ask Swain about it 713 East U. The Library methods course in the University is attracting added inter- t est each summer, more than 25 stu- dents being enrolled in the course this year. 1ach student taking the course ob- taiss an elementary knowledge of li- brary science, and provides ample op- portunity to assist librarians and, as- sistants in smaller libraries who have had no special library school train- ing. The courses are not offered as a substitute for a regular full year Ii- br'ry course. In the past they have proved helpful to students who could not afford the time or expense of a more extended study of library work. A series of general lectures on books and bibliography, the history of li- braries, library buildings and fur- nishings, library administration, book selection and book buying will be given by Librarian Bishop of the Uni- versity. Technical instruction will be given by members of the University library staff. Three hours practice work will ordinarily be needed for each lecture in the technical subjects. fFour hours credit may be earned if the full course is completed and sat- isfactorily passed. No entrance examinations will. be held, but candidates are supposed to have completed a high school course or its equivalent, and must satisfy the University librarian as to their prep- aration to undertake the work. FEW STUDENTS REPORT AT UNIVERSITY MEALTR SERVICE The University health service re- ports that only a few students have visited the department for medical treatment since its opening day last Monday morning. Practically all of tthe students enrolled in Professor Bursley's "Military Stores Methods" course have been examined. Dr. Elsie Pratt states that the health of the woeons students is better than last summer's report for the same length of time. "Quick, Watson, the needle,' said Sherlock as oe put on a new record. TO SOPH SPEED FIfENDS contri- uted this: Buick Guy: "I thought your gov- ernor said he wouldn't bail you outs again?" Marmon Guy: "Well, he couldn't vvery well refuse when I asked him for a small liberty loan." THE MEDICS will be astounded to learn that our typewriter has only one colon. THE C IUES Why doesn't somebody suggest to some one that he present the Ui- versity with a memorial tower to be erected at the flag pole? Then we could put the chimes in an adequats, satisfactory location. And if he cared to add anoctave of new bells, why-. OUR EOFORT KIT A little box of home-made candy Makes a fellow feel just dandy. Layer cake is not the best I To send to Brother Fred- Ginger bread is better-he can Hide it in the bed. TO FELLOW SUFFERERS: The only advantage we can find in belonging to the Cod Water Shavers'' society is that the lather doesn't dry quite so fast as with hot. HAVE YOU NOTICED the sweep of the Sig Alph lawn? And the won- serfully well-proportioned trees? It reminds us of a csrtain smooth, weheat-covered valley lying between high hills i Montana. DOES UNCLE SAM KNOW that the U-boats get their mail from a secret baserigt hsere in Ass Arbor? Te Arcade Flower Sop sys tat it is - cate "Opp. Sub. Postal Station." BIG BEN SAYS: "You have to rouse up early if you're in tile solid geometry class that meets at 7 a. m." FROM THE RHETORIC DEPT. TOO "Ibsen is undoubtedly the foremost living playwright at the present time." LOGICALLY SPEAKING Beans for Monday, Pork for Tuesday, Beef for Wednesday noon, Htasm for Ttursday, Fis1h for Friday- Sing it to a tue- Hash for Saturday, CHICKEN (oh, joy) Sunday, This, you will agree, Is what is meant By "Regular Meals." Defined by P. A. T. HARVARD GRANTS PROFESSOR TAUSSIG LEAVE OF ABSENCE Cambridge, Mass., July 6.-Prof. Frank William Taussig of Htarvasrd university, recently appointed by Pres- ident Wilson as a member of the tariff cohmission. has been granted a leave of absence by the Harvard corpora- tion until September, 191, it was an- noussced today. You can find all the University notices and events in The Wolverine Try The Wolverine for service. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT OR $ALE I Hamilton Business College Phone 842-R STATE and WILLIAM Wa'shtTington, July C.-The first 's'l step for ith new American air rps was taken today, when Chair- ass 1z o st of the House military af- .; i-° c-nnmiee introduceel two bills s vs's sy or the organization asis essssts 1 ssfsthe proposed aviation 'lie personnel ill authorizes rais- li rse of 0 ss, provides au- ority for the admiistration of the 'ing corps and authorizes the presi- I t to resort to selective draft, if ,ss eary, in raising the men. '' bill was referred to the nilitary rcomusittee. War department s .sssothers interested will be S 'rby file committiee, beginning s . s is expected there will be ss'ci estpposition to the selective tet feastssre. 'lisHotse appropriations commit- oe bs ' begun co'sideration of a measure to finance the new air serv- lee. The, ar departsment estimates $69000,000 will be needed. 3.1 yIll1 itS vHill tS '-'1IIBU' tfARhS TO IlEPL.A(E Ol) ONEIS \'ashington, July .-A new card that will soon appear on many houses roo'jtssst the United States has been prepared for distribution by the United Stals marines. It has been'designed to replace cards, formerly distributed by that organization, that read: "A man from this house is serving in the inied States marine corps." The new announcement, printed in white and blue letters on a fac-simile of the French tricolor, bears the simple but more impression legend: "A man from this house is fighting in France with United States marines." Jvobilization of N. G. Vegins Soon Orders, a- They Stand a Present, In- disale Troops Will Be Called on July l5 Lansing, Mich., July 6.--Mobilization of the national guard on the 15th of July is the way orders stand at pres- ent. In view of discussion of a pos- sible change of date to August 5, Gen- eral Louis Covell and Colonel Walter llogers visited General Barry in Chi- iago, Barry being head of the central divisloi' and were assured there had been nc, change in orders. Though nothing definite is an- nounced, national guard officers here are confident that the Michigan guard will bd stationed for a time at Gray- ling, as improvements on the reserva- tion there are being rushed. NEW YORK U. OF M. CLUB BUYS $100 LIBERTY BOND- "The Gothamite," published by the University of Michigan club of New York, just received at The Wolverine office, states that it has approximately 450 members. On behalf of the club, Secretary Stone has subscribed $100 to the Liberty loan. This is not a stupendous sum, but a decent contrib- ution when the size of the club and its modest charges are considered. Being in the name of the club, this $100 Liberty bond reflects, it is said, a certain modicum of patriotism on each club member. Mrs. T. L. Stoddard Marcel and Water Waving HairGoods and Cosmetics 707 North University Avenue Phone 296-J LECTURES AT THE BIBLE CHAIR BUILDING 444 SOUTH STATE STREET TWO SERIES, of helve lectures each, will be given by Thomas M. Iden, the regular instructor in the Ann Arbor Bible Chair.. SERIES I.-Some Scientific Aspects of Relijion and the Bible. Seven o'clock P. M. on Thursdays and Saturdays, beginning July 12th. Subjects for the coaing week: "How Men Know Cod," and "Science and Religion." SERIES II.-Ai) listro'ducstiou to the Stuy of the Bible. Four o'clock P. M. on Tuesdays and Fridays, beginning July loth. Subjects for the coioing week: "What the Bible Is," and "Ho We Got Our Bible." These lectures are offered especially for the students of the University Summer School. but they are open andifree to all who ay a/,ire to hear them. 1857-Dry Goods, Furniture, and Women's Fashions- 1917 2ffiI A cool, quiet dining place Q where an appetizing lunch- eon can be obtained at a moderate cost during any part of the shopping day. Special Noon Dinner, 65c (Second Floor)o SUMMER. SCHOOL - NEW AND SECOND-HAND DRAWING INSTRUMENTS aopplhnisof All Kirads Ofef later ook Shop Phor e 430 336 So. state St. T H BESTEPART Summer Scoo be olverfuec Official "Summer School Paper Subscribe Now!. AT YOUR DOOR THREE TIMES A WEEK A SUMMER SCHOOL DIRECTORY FREE WITH EACH SUBSCRIPTION