THE WOLVERINE urhThea tre Matnes 33o . Nights 6:3o, 8, 9:3o << 337 O:. Courtney 3i "0 '1:" :1 icrwclif." .k: lfy 31: TOI:Ifsl.': 11:,::: id n ":p 8 l 040 t k . OrphurnTheatre Matnes a 3 33.Nights6:3, 8, 9:30 Satur as-un ay- 'otinuous 7 huVi 2-"1;;-Chas . 17::. ill finch mm-r.113f With Fat." , 13iokd."'ve.t3 833C. Wed-1-jackPiek,>>- 1 and 3oP3113':''af We haevenbthnthebinlintiodan theowquiaen oo furnish the9:3 b~essintbankigservpeiied Sth7re n iAroriaing"heSoan Caital and Surplus of 500,0041.00 Huron Street 707 -XNor trUnverity AvTeWine T,-OenlL SrumPAmner \[-,U~NHESi "SODasa ANDOROAECOS 338ou50s. .STATE0,S. I bhe Uolovcvti c The 01311c'al3(13u1ent newspape1r 3f60 the 1.nversiy 31f 31Michigan 6summer6 3333131. Published by thesten:1 ton1 Tn:esday, 'Thulrsday1and11Satur:dy af-- ternoons. Twer:nty-ive :is:1es. IAdvertisinrate18s-Furnishe:'d1u:o ap- plication: to the business m11:6187:1 Su1bc'1'11t:3133and 3:3ds 1:1ta7keln:' ry's and IUniviersiy Avenue1::a' 1)01161'o113:73M3aaging :1d1tor, 1:0 to 2:1111ai(1:311 usiness:::"inanager33, 2414. ing, aya:rd SI.,:::: Aror Ltonardl 11. Meter- M3auoin,361111::' '1hone3241 or 183,5 Ierrd ct: 'tI Iloi 59: '111 7 11 ':33 P1h01e3960 or 211 Reorer.' F.W. Woodl J1. 1 a:'ker William3 Le6 Fevre ('irculation3 Mgr. Assisltns MftaureKen1118 ,1:FgP':i61rrto: eorgi:6133 P031:18:31 SA'TRDAY, JUL.Y 7, 117 Thlere re 1p1a33es 111en1 o11 t1e3ed- torial antd basine", stalfs of The Wol- 931111. Any on:te interested i 1911i35- 1p9113r3workI cal1at the Myard :stee offices Press bulldig. A OWARNING t'NIII(17ht1 1Ev87ry 3133187g0111nd 11u3mm8r :durig7 there are a num1b:er6 of deats3 frm:: drow:ning i te Huro':n 16173. Th::es casualties30 a73e8accidental3, unnecessa33r ai)A prvntable. ,Orinar precaution1::: 01n the:par:f836 o c'a1:77:6103313ad'sw313- 10338 :would1 in a gie:: 1m1a-sure re- Hiowever111n3s:163 of6331:6317d 97111- 111g, 111:61:o1:1133yearsad tiis 773, so far this summer:'' :111nd :tt :'before th:6 end 0f June. Unfolrtuna:tel3y 61::s36'c6 333381137, w9hi:h 838e1incrasng:' i: frequ1enc:y, seem to eie no::more7 6118:: 3as311ng 01:mm:ent. Te wri. WeV do not expct6::o chan1ge tat at- titudeo at a single 08331. 136t81, 977 owish to advocate a safety device 6:8t will assist thoss in need, 3e61:er 113 cause of accident or carelessness. Te community, then, mst take upoit 1 the obligation tht peasure 36813333 1876e6contin3ually' trown'a83111. Tai 11u:o31:river, w:ith: its pct113'81 71 737. 13 8 treach~erous 8st:eam and it deat: toll 18 asum1ing7 alarminkg6:331:036161: that 663e8smust tbe taken: to derae this unnec6esarly m:ortality. The bes't mans of acomplihing: 11110 3111, it970ou1d1se36n0 1s 6:1staio: a life 7:uard1 on 61:e bankso:f 61:e rver equiped 9w1618 a1:31:10-11:18and81311po- 1:o0or1 a1d4othe ncsry16 6313'aplialces. It is true tlat tere is a life prs'37er installed at the dig bor, :u6 6113 a 6397 weeks ago a student11 wa8s drown-: edI within tirty feet(f it, be378:1s:' 1e could not be reached in time. S:, 63 prevent fatal d1e1ays,1the nmoorboa:8 eqippe :with a 10h33t03 is 811o- 71000 necsity Public spirited citiens slnd studnts in the University only ned to be call- ed on by some proper athority to pro- vide, through popular subscription, the funds necessary to defray teeen1:1- 885 of this proposed ndertaking. It 13 tulme6113t somlething be 40133. TII IIE'lTEACHERS C IVEN \JOBS Th~ree aplpointmen~ts we338 made :dur- ing the last.wveek by the appointm:3ent commlsittee of th~e'University.T'hose who received positions are as 70113978: Li1111813belly, '13, 9Be11evue; Walter 6E. Th~orsberg, Jr.,,.'18, instructor, high school, Midland, and Grare3M. IBoyn- tun, '16, Englioh, Mitwaukee Downer seminary. Unitarian Church State and Huron Streets I SUNDWAY 10:30 SUBJECT THE DEVIL-HIS RISE AD FALL Hlow tht deil over-reached him- self, claimed to control too much of 81h1s world, has been gradually drivenI out by science, and replaced by re- ligion: antd social optitismf WOMEN'S NEWS 83 Xti el1O , 8act1ing dean of Women31 offic:e hiusr fro:: 7:30 to 0:2:) in 61:', 11111i18g and:i12:4: 6::1:43 i: 11:7af- 67:oo a:::::t Nebery 'reidenc' ad from 9t,1011a:il1111x'ce:1t6Satray 113 1,:bcu 7:3:13 ,3'I:si:17. 0T6:s83 w18111ng speci'l appo::intment: must6a18133137 for the at: the81666hours. Ilelo 1:13 9113 (le t:in bNiness of the 77:1 1137 a: te:'s'econdI hosenmeet ing1 of Nwblerry' do:rmito6ry 3Th:r3s:1y night,. M1133Gertrude' Miler of IBay Ci' was le d '1.p:1Ir:'sident6 3114 Miss 7:'il Mitch el o:f W(elesley Colege 'ecre'tary-tr'ea3su11r. Th las' o olee:1833:111 t118113dncig, :1t thle hours ist3ed1 telowv i: lator Dancngoday, Tu'esday, 'Thurs- :6v a 4 oclock. '1::::is--M:::day, Wedest'y, 1Fr- day,-it1:6 1nd8:31 o :''lock; Tuesd':'ay, ::Tursday,:7at 3 and:I4 6110:ock 8861n131::- day: at 4 o'clock. Siminglil.-Mon1day, 'Wednesda, ri:I.:, a6 11, 2 ad:l32o'lo'k; Tus 'f:::lay, rsay a 11 o'lock1, :an1d M131- day3, 'T'e8113y, 33'~e13d1y, Thu::rsday at 4 o'lock. An a811111mpt ,till beimaeto or1ga11- ise a3c(1838o f::c631t ::aid istruction118to b~eheld1 eit1e:r7at0fou:r :'see::oc:ock1 p.. pinAlon1118 :ieiri::gto ake (Iis coure :wll31kindly kleave'I'name attar- Miss Wels 1has:s3verl 3'quest5s f:r Thr are e me' er:7 (133:ly good 1opportunl1i- t133 f:r girl:6:1 help 1:187te ir Sm- Coming Events (S:umer tSesion:Lectures) Open to all students. Lectures tae lace in Auditorium of Natural Science bu:ildin~g unless otherwise stated. 1: lday, J:ly 9, 5 o:'lok-Th'e IRela- 71o ':of Mouth:: Infection: to Sytemic Diseases. rofessor C. J. 1:yo01:. Tues1day.11:ul' 10, 5 o'clock-Th1:e Mo- r:: Jeri:'A P Irbin lof16R3:, Na- s13,(Cle:ean:d, Ohio. 8 O:'clock1,-Meia:l Leture 37' 1:: o 's, July :11, 5 o'loclk--Zlo- ism::and.:helewi.13:: i on1313. iRabbi Lois::13 :01337, ('1eveand, 01310. 8 o'ilock-Cnce8r, laculty of 1183 0:- ivriyShol of M1:s8c. (11:11 ad- Thu::rsda, Jl1:32, 51 olort:-Jew and1 Geti':'.11abbi:Lyo:ns7 W'olsey Cleve- Io:', Oi'o S 6 o'c kducatonal IMotio: Pie- tunres F rida'y July13, 5o'clokl-Rece61011 by the Presdent for the students of 6188 0103136 Sesson. (Alumni Me- moral Mall) 81 o'clock-Recital, "The Servant iu 6116 1108133 Mr. It. K, Inmmel, 9:o3ay, 9'July 11, 5 o'clock:-"A. 0381- 13733 Admnisntration"' Mr. Shirley W. Sm::ihSecretary of 11:e T::iver- 1f71:1: a. I1, l'e' :'V1:11ly 37. 5 o'clock-Thlo Auto- ft 'ile 311:1th~e Public, (IlilustrastedI). ': ::esso: 33. T. I islleigh. 8 o'elockl: hlelic::l Lecture3. N(Ve ln',:t Dihly lb. 5 :o'clock - The t:'ogof 06 Nag3311 Falls, (Illustra- tced).I rIO: 38113 I. D. Scott. 8 (:11ock16-Conccrt, IFaclulty of tile University Scbool of hMusic. ((till auditorium. SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS 1We're already to serve you-Oner stock of TEXT BOO 1K S' is complete, Second-hand Books in great numbers at greatly reduced: prices. UNIVERSITYW HRH BOOKSTORE COOLING DRINKS ATr OUR FOUNTAIN TH E TSER VICE Ann Arbor Make Our Store Your Store This Summer ! cOMPLE.,T4 TOC30K Watches - Jewelry - Silverware Fine Repairing of Watches and Jewetry EYE GLASSES We dsouraownLense Grinding, enablinlgs togive yauspromptorrve. AL L ER & FU LL ER, State St. ,Jeele rs THE- ANN ARBOR PRESS Printers to the University of Michigan and Student Publications I PHONE NO.W ]I r t Developing, 10on Prints, 3o, 4o, So 8 HOUR SERVICE KODAK FINISHING Arcade Floral Shop - "Kodak Florid"' Nickels Arcade Opp.Sb-Postal Stao Phone 6OO CHINESE AND AMERICAN DISHES Open: All 8::::: TRY GEORGE'S CHOP SUEY 3 WAl KING LOO I 3140S. Staie Si. Phone 1244-M HUSTN -BROS. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING CIGARS AND CANDY "We Try to Treat You Right" Ilk[[C ison[1 i or Trunks, .Bags and Suicases 3 Trade in Your Old One 3205S. MAIN ST. PHOK2 "Joe" Vanishi,IFootba341llian, Mlarried "Joe" Hanis1h, '119, fullback on the Varsity football squad, has just an- noulnced 1118 marriage to a Grand Rapids girl. The football teani was con ting on 8331317 18110i10the line-up next fall, but there to a probability that he may 1806 return8 next October. 8L033 Gates slugs for Columlbia Rec- ords. The latest at Allmensdinagers, 222 E. '1iberty. Adv. Try The Wolverine for service. IN OUR OWN PRESS BL.DG.g MAYNARD St. 'l1:oursday, July 19, 5 o'clock--The Gralnge: An Assest to Michigan. Mr. 108118 C. IKetcham, Bastings, Michi- (7831. 8 o'clock:-Educational Motion Pie- 6t1r33. Friday, July 20, 2:30 o'clsck-Excur- sion to Niagara Falls, under the di- rection of Assistant Professor I. B. Scott, via Mftichigan Central Railroad to 0363316 and Steamer to Buffalo, 4 and S o'clock-Open Air Perform- anceo by tho Ben Greet Woodland Players. (Admission wvill be charg- ed. Campus Theater.) Saturday, July 26, 4 and 8 o'clock- Open Air Performances by the Ben Greet Woodland Payers. (Admission will be choarged. Campus Theater.) Monday, July 23, 5 o'clock-The Hu- mane Element. Professor R. 51. W(enley. T'uesday, July 24, 5 o'clock-Subject and Lecture to be announced. 8 o'clock-Medical Lecture, Wednesday, July 28, 5 o'clock- The Eskimos of Southern Baffin's Land and of the Belcher Islands of Mud- son Bay, (Illustrated with 'Motion Pictures.) Mr. Robert P. Flaherty, Hloughton, Michigan. S o'clock-Concert, Faculty of the, University School of Music. (lill auditorium.) Thursday, July 211, 5 o'clock-Subject and Lecturer to be announced, 8 o'clock-Educational Motion Pie- ores. Friday, July 27, 5 o'clock-The Li- brary of Congress, (Illustrated.) Professor W. W. Bishop. 8 o'clock-Unknown Mexico, ( Illus- tested.) Professor John R. Allen. (Continued on Page Four) Wolverins advertising pays, CLASSIFIEDO WANTRD-Two violin and piano play-- ens for orchestra. Phone 1487. LOST-One Phi Beta Rappa ptn, on Wednesday, June 27th. Name, Flor- ence Maxton on back. Return to 763 S. Twelfth. 37. Champion. 1-5-7 LOST-One Tan Beta Pt pin on Wed- nesday, Juno 27. Allen '15, on back. Return to 711 5. Twelfth. H. Cham- pion. 3-5-7 LOST-Blue enameled pin on Washte- naw Ave. or South Univ. Return to The Wolverine office and receive a reward.