AT YOUR DBOOR TIMES A WEEK VOL. VIII. No. 5 'Ar -.dde I mill ANN MAKES APPEAOL FA Draf Aegi 9HT 9PPREGUIATI Plan Rega Ine Professor Cross Gives Lecture en "The Story of American Sculpture" Washing the promulg PREDICT FUTURE OF SCULPTURE tions for I0 .- , bhoards to a "The Story of American Sculpture" the selecti with appropriate illustrations, com- army, it wa prised the summer lecturo given by the first inc Professor A. 1H. ?ross in the auditor- 000 young ium of the New Science building last service a night. A large crowd of people at- about July tended the lecture which closed the By that series for this week. The attendance boards, it i at the first lectures of the session in- named and dicated that interest is as high as work, the ever in the programs. physical ex In the lecture on the sculptur America, numerous slides, which n accoont have been accumulated by Professor trict board Cross through long and patient work, exemptionse were thrown on the screen. The col- Try lection of slides is regarded as one President of the best in the country. Professor companying Cross uses the illustrated lecture sys,- that the re tem in the courses that he gives in with a view the university also to a great extent. stances of In the course of his lecture, Pro- work the h fessor Cross said that of the great ships. arts, Painting, Architecture and Sculp- "The sue ture, the latter had been the most ne- law and the glected and that everything is pro- said, "depe pitious for great development at the triotism, an present time. He also said that there whom its o was a need of awakening of apprecia- I admonish tion of sculpture. Among the great cal board w Americain sculptures ho asserted of review th their influence on the development try requires were, Randolph Rogers who spent performane most of his life in Italy and whose cult duties dominating characteristic was refine- "They sh ment, and Clarke Mills, who was the individual real pioneer of American sculpture, tiey ar a being the first to break away from the ost sacred influence of Italian instructors. At the Close of his lecture Professor and to press Cross made an appeal for the apprecia- of the natit tion of sculpture, and predicted a great future for the art and its followers "KNITTER FROI Jabbi Wolsey to A certain Speak Next Week whi frn for over a Famous Rabbi Will Deiver Three following p Addresses On Jewish of them: Problems _r____ I received y some fit; Students of the summer session will I am wear have the opportunity of hearing Rabbi one for a Louis Wolsey of Cleveland, in three I hope to s very interesting discussions of the bit- Jewish Problem on Tuesday, Wednes- Where in t day and Thursday of next week. The knit? fact that Rabbi Wolsey is ranked as one of the leading Jewish orators of the present time should give him a splendid hearing for these addresses. The lectures will be given at 5 A o'clock each afternoon in the audi- C] torium of Natural Science building. Rabbi Wolsey's themes will be: th 1. Tuesday, July 10. The Modern dr Jew: A Problem of Race, Nation or ti Religion. 2. Wednesday July 11. Zionism SU and the Jewish Mission. 3. Thursday, July 12. Jew and Gen- tile. PROFESSORS LEAVE FOR RE- SORTS FOR SHORT VACATIONS Prof. J. R. Effinger, dean of the lit- erary department during the regu- lar session, Mrs. Effinger and family, and Registrar Arthur G. Hall, Mrs. Hall and family left this week. for Le Chenaux, near Mackinaw island, to spend several weeks' vacation at that resort. The summering place is recog- Clg nized as one of the best in this state. of Army to n Next Wee citions So as to Work Le eunality and Hard- ships ion, D. C., July 6.-W gation of rules and regu cal and district exempt administer the next steps ion of the new natio s learned that the draftf rement of 650,000 of 10,00 men who registeredf month ago, will be appl 10. time all the exempt s expected, will have b TEONLY OFFICIAL SUMMERNEWSPAPER ARBOR, MICtIIGAN,, SATURDAV, JULY 7, 1917 !:AICE FIVE CENTS OMANY OFFERS p [AE Military Course AIS EIM JS c am as Pac CST EST IM9TES 0yk ProvesPopular past --I letieen M and 70 Ien Sign Up for 11OI S S5OF 30 Von etllmaini-1i Iweg to 41e Ite- Coarse in Army Stores tsed Terms Ilefore Ileicstag' Methods Summer Session Enrollment Drops 22 Today Per Cent Doe to War ith --- Between 60 and 70 men have signed Times Ia- London. Juy it6-Declrations wich Iup for the new courses ic Army Stores ione in nal for 00,- for ied ion een will serve as a basis for peace eggive this summer for the lirst time. Additional enrollment is tiations will be made by the Germai expected within the next few days. The chancellor, Dr. von Bethman-IollN eg three military courses, dealing par- ic his coning speech before the reichs- ticularly with military problems, have, tag, according to Cerman sources oe rdded considerable to the summer information at The llague, as quoted se'ssion enrollment. by the Central News i'ierresondee't .Tie course in Army Stores Methods Nnt fit the men for service in the there. enlisted reserve corps, the ordnance This changed attitude is said to be and quartermasters' departments. the outcome of the conviction that all These branches of service are the ones I be organized ready for hopes of a separate peace with Russia in which the government is making a local boards to pass on must be abandoned, and that a Rus- eecal 1 ort to secure as many col- aminations and exenptisns sian offensive must be faced. 1ege men as possible.- - -ae-oIt is expected that at least 75 per of dependents and the dis- Socialists efer Loan Decision cent of the men taking the course will The chancellor's speessproaby s to determine appeals and be made non-commissioned officers at for industrial service, will be dehivered tomorrow, an E- l the expiration of this period of train- change Telegraph dispatch fromn C . to Evade Hardships penhagen says. ing. _ Wilson, in a statement ac- The Copenhagen correspondent the regulations, declared hears the reichstag Socialists will H. H. THURLBY, '17 n guations had been drawn make their support of the new war MADE U. S. ENSIGN to the needs and circum- loan dependent upon the situation de- -- the whole country and to veloped by the debate. Secures Position of Assistant Pay- Least inequality and hard- Discussion in the German reichs- oaseter in Navy; Specializes in , tag, which opened yesterday, of lthe Economics ccessful operation of this first reading of a bill providing for regulations," the president a credit of $3,750,000,000, is reported Harold It. Thurly, '17, of Hudson nds upon the loyalty, pa- in a Berlin telegram today. has just received the appointment of d justice of the boards to Count von Rodern, secretary of the assistant paymaster in the United peration is committed, and imperial treasury, stated the monthly States navy, with the rank of ensign. every member of every lo- expenditure from February to M\tay Thurlby, while in school, took consid- nd of every district hoard was $750 000 00. the increse bei'' erable work in the economics depart- at their duty to their coun- due to expenditures os arms acd mi- met, sprcialising is banking and at- s an impartial and fearless nitions and for relief and the payment counting. His degree was also from e of the delicate and difRi- of interest. that separtmet. Of a long Sine of ap- intrusted to tem. The latest war loan totaled $,20,- plicants for the position, Thurlby was ould remember as to each 000,000, which, said the secretary, far the successful candidate. ase presented to them that exceeded expectations.,t Iled upon to adjudicate the Such an achievement was possi- ESIPEIERNDON KEARNS CO. d rights of the individual ble," continued Count von Rodern. 1 PLAY HERE TWo DAYS erve untarnished the honor "owing to greater possibilities for n makig prtsea d to saingsa.By On Friday and Saturday, July 20 ________________ June 21 9 per cent of fle amocunut subscribed hai eem paid in. The 21, Elsie Herndon Kearns and her RECEIVESNOTE susrbcompany will present in the Campus s "WEARER" IN FRANCE gold reserve in the reichsbank on Lne theatre the following plays: Friday, 15 had risen to $63,250,000, despite 4 o'clock, Shakespeare's "The Tam- the export of metal, ut sisce these it s fte he" 0ocok r University girl has been has decreased $19,000,000. ing of the Shrew;" :30 o'clock, r several soldier friends, 'old in the form of jeeryad Shakespeare's "Muh Ado About Noth-i the firing line in France, coins must bhandedt thereeh h ing;" Saturday, 4 o'clock, Molieres year, recently received the bank s"Les Femmes Savantes," (The Learn-, iece of doggerel from onebank. ed Ladies) 8:30 oclock, Shakespeare's "A Winter's Tale." Announcement Demand Home Role for Provinces concerning the sale of the seats will our socks. and they're sure Madrid, July 6.--Home rule for all be made some time next week. 1 Spanish provinces was demanded yes- Due to the abstnce of Ben Greet' ing one for a helmet and terday by 60 Catalonian senators and who is now in England and after mit. deputies at a meeting Barcelona. They whom the company was formally nam- ee you when I've done my threatened that unless parliament is ed, the present company is called the immediately summoned by the crown, Elsie Kearns company, Miss Kearns he world did you learn to they would convene it at Barcelona, being the leading lady in Ben Greet's July 19. productions. t ten-thirty o'clock, to-morrow morning, in the Congregational hurch, Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas will deliver the first of a series of ree sermon-lectures on "Self Culture." The theme of this ad- C ess will be "Self-appraisement,"-a consideration of the ques- t on "What may I reasonably hope to be and have and do?" :: ammer school Students will be cordially welcomed. :: :: :: Student Bible Classj Presbyterian ChurchE Huron and Division Streets PROFESSOR W. D. HENDERSON, LEADER Sunday, July 8: "The New Patriotism: Founded'on Love or Fear?"r Sunday, July 15: "The Probable Effect of the War on Christianity." uss Meets Following Morning Service EVERYBODY WELCOME t OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE LIKE LOSS Latest reports on the 1917 summer session enrollment indicate that the total falls short of last year's record by 22 per cent. The final count late yes- terday resulted in an enrolments of 1403 as compared with a total of 1717 at the same time in 1916. When compared with other univer- sities of the middle west, Michigan's decrease, due in all probability to the war, is not exceptionally low and is on the par. Wisconsin with an enroll- ment of some 3100 last year shows a decrease of 28 per cent this summer, while Indiana, with an enrollment of 1111 last year dropped to 920. a fall- ing-off of 17 per cent. Registration Normal Up to Last Up to the last few days, registration in the University appeared to be nor- nmal and predictions, in general, seens- ed to point to the fact that this year's total number of summer session stu- dents would not be much smaller than during other years when times were normal. The addition of the military courses to the regular curriculum, however, served considerably in keep- ing the enrollment from showing a greater loss. Similar courses have been added to the regular schedue in nearly' all the schools of the country that have summer sessions. Although a considerable number of students will enroll in the University from time to time, that number being nearly 90 last year, the total is not re- garded as a poor showing considering all the circumstances. Farming and various other branches of military service have doubtless been influen- tial in cutting down the registration. Law Department Loses Most As figures now stand, the law de- 'artment shows the biggest deer which is followed by the literary and graduate depadtments. The engineer- ing, medical and pharmacy depart- ments all show small gains. The results as compared with last year's are as follows: 1917 1916 Literary ............... 560 797 Engineering...........369 340 Medical..............170 166 Law .................. 82 166 Pharmacy ............. 25 21 Graduate .............. 197 227 Total ................1403 1717 VAUGHAN TESTIFIES Dean of Medical Department Gives Evidence in Poisoning Case Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the medical school, testified on the Fourth of July for the prosecution in the case of the state of Connecticut against Mrs. Amy E. Archer-Gilligan. Dr. Vaughan stated that in his opinion the four inmates of the home for elderly people conducted by Mrs. Gilligan, who is charged with poisoning Frank- lin R. Andrews, died from poison. He also testified that the presence of more poison in the lungs of the dead man. than in the liver, was unusual in cases of poisoning administered be- fore death. Former Varsity Man Joins Wis N. G. Harold C. Colette, former Varsity man, and an assistant to Coach With- ington at the University of Wisconsin last year has joined the Wisconsin na- tional guard, being placed in Bat- tery B.