riao For Rent for 5111111cr Work BAR- GAINS 111 Used PIANOS At the PAT-CHES THE WHICHISIT? A friend of mine wrote in that she Was coming to visit me. "I'll be there at 6:05, dear Pat, You'll know be by my new red hat." So at 6:05 I skidded down To greet her when she hit the town. I saw no hurry and no noise So asked one of the small news boys, "Hey, kid, how's Number 4 today?" IHe looked at me and then grinned, "Say, When you start to make a class Or keep a date If you go by Central time you're Always late, If you go by Eastern, early- Oh, gee, what a hurly-burly! So always ask "Whichisit?" To keep straight. Well, the train came after a while. And as I left her at the door I said, "May I come over at 8?" "You surely may. And be on time, now." To be certain, I glanced at her wrist watch. It said 6:30, mine said 7:30. So, since I was to be back at 9 By mine, I took my time to eat my grub And give my nose an extra rub. Then I strolled up and rang the bell. When she came down she looked so- well- I said, "Gee, what's the row about?" Said she, "I now have not a doubt You're much the densest man I know. Is my watch fast or are you slow?" I looked at hers. IT said 9:10! And as we walked I hummed again: "When you start to make a class Or keep a date, If you go by Central time you're Always late. If you go by Eastern, early- Oh, gee, what a hurly-burly! So always ask 'Whichisit?' To keep straight." Food Dictator Hoover says we can fight the Germans as well with bread bullets as lead bullets. Our landlady has a thousand rounds of ammunition left over from dinner last night. Who's Your Favorite? She has been on the Wisconsin and Chicago Upapers and is now in sum- mer session here. As we sat on the porch swing together last evening sezi, "Which is your favorite?" And she said, "O-0-Oh, I like the Ann Ar- bor Press best." Our Konfort Kit (1) Send some cookies To the rookies. (2) Love and kisses are all right For fellows in the camps, But liniment is better When a guy has got the cramps. Make Your Own Tune Got a date for the Fourth? Neither have we. Gee, what a l9nesome town. Dismally yours. P. A. T. Gymnainnunn to e Closed 'onorrw Owing to the holiday tomorrow, the gymnasium will be closed all day. The first practical physical training class- es will be held Friday afternoon. Read The Wolverine. At your door l three times a week for 75c. w hen the o i gagement to attend a polo game; sec-, ond, that a special cabinet meetling was Spell Gets Him-?; heldatthe co'e'ofwhielPremier ' Dao hd a ongconference witha the- king. These circumstances have given Tom Lovell Writes Six Long Stanzas rise to all sorts of comment, many to Ann Arbor, Athens of persons seeing in them proof that the the West 'government had received serious news but nothing so far has confirmed this There is no telling what a poetic view. spell will do within 24 hours. Dr. Tom Three Causes of -Discontent Lovell has been pushing his quill so rapidly the last few days that no news- There are three causes of discontent paper in the country would be able to -the dissatisfaction of the army, the print all his verses. dissatisfaction of the democratic part- The poem below is considered by ies and the unrest of the masses, "Tom" to be one of his best. The pro- brought about by the increased cost of duction is as follows: living. Senior Salmeron says if these three causes, of different origins. BEAUTIFUL ATHENS OF THE WEST should produce effects at the se -ANN ARBOR time, events which would surprise the I world would be likely to occur. The Beautiful Athens of the West-Ann army officers, although they have ob- taeind partial satisfaction, do not trust the promises of the government. Strike Is 'lhrsatened The grievance of the democratic parties is the attitude of the govern- ient toward Germany. As for the masses, the laboring people are in such a state of effervescence that a encral strike is imminent, and while Working for irely economic ends, the labor leaders ewould leave no objection to eXploitaiion by the democractic parties of a political movement for their own purposes. Wolverine advertising pays. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT OR SALES Hamilton Business College Phone 842-R STATE and WILLIAM Arbor Where knowledge is found taught here Telling the meaning of What's developed from year to year; In the minds of young master scholars Coming from every state, Who are going to be turned out A failure or a mind that's great. II The importance that gathers with greatness Situated as in life they are, The teacher that guides and councils Ought to be well on their guard With a love found in all the teaching, The same with the one taught too, So that both of them work together That the best of results come through. III In order that there shall he no dis- appointment In that infallible guide will say, That there shall not be any unerring counsel Found to lead them astray, By telling them of trials and tempta- tions, That's bound to come in their way As taught in that intellectual light To make them stand strong in their day. IV No judicious mariner would ever enter Any harbor for the first time, Or sail up a river with hidden rocks, Without a pilot in the mind Who knows just where they are laying, So that the vessel sails clear To pilot it into the harbor safe Like thse teaching from year to year. V. Which is the part found in the teach- ing to play, And thetscholar to give heed to, So that there is no mistake ever found Is the great U. of L. going through, Only to find an abundant success Through all the work that's done In a masterly way to conquer That's fought out well and won. VI To elevate the mind and improve it, So as to give gladness to the heart Of the useful traveler on his journey, So stolid taught not to part In all the circumstances that surround With that intelligent mind to last, Got while working in this great U. of M. While in the Athensof the West-Ann Arbor us fle art. SPAISH SIJIION CONSIDEDED YGSE Strict Censorship Enforced Indicates That Developments mr' Be- ing Suppressed Paris, July 3.-The situation in Spain, far from improving, appears to be going from bad to worse. Grav- ity of the crisis is confirmed amply by such news as reaches Paris. The Madrid correspondent of the Petit Par- isien says the suspension of constitu- tional guarantees by the government has not removed unrest in Spain. The fact that the heavily censor- ed Spanish press publishes nothing concerning the internal situation indi- cates conditions are far from normal. Great importance is attached in pol- itical circles to two facts: First that the king and queen cancelled an en SUMMER SCHOOL NEW AND' SECOND-HAND DRAWING INSTRUMENTS Sseppll0o of All Kinda The Slater ook Shop Phone 430 336 So. State St. OF THE BEGINS MONDAY, JULY 2 COMPLETE COURSES GIVEN IN ALL COMMERCIAL BRANCHES With so many young men responding to their country's call, there is sure to be a tremendous demand for capable young women in the commercial field. Prepare to do your part by taking our complete course. There is also a great demand for men stenograph- ers for the higher officers in the army. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND OFFICE HOURS: 1:000 - 1:30 P.M. 711 N. UNIV. AVE. THE BEST PART Summer School b e (~ otvetine Official Summer School Paper Subscribe Now! AT YOUR DOOR THREE TIMES A WEEK 75c A SUMMER SCHOOL DIRECTORY FREE WITH EACH SUBSCRIPTION Cor. Maynard and William Streets p