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August 24, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-08-24

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University Collection Contains Burial
Urns, Water Pipes, and
Wash Bowls.
Now is the time when the candi-
dates for office look about them and
try to remember the good things in
their lives. The old saying is that
history repeats itself for down in the
dusky basement of Alumni Memorial
Hall there are advertisements of the
various candidates for offices made out
by dark-skinned gentlemen in ancient
Rome. These interesting memorials
are in the form of inscriptions written
in red letters on marble slabs that line
the basement of Memorial Hall. They
were collected by Walter Dennison
and brought over to this country by
him after the death of an old Italian
priest who had spent his lifetime in
collecting them..
But these interesting things are only
a emall portion of the wonderful things
that are stored away in the recesses
of Memorial Mall. There is a collec-
tion of ancient Roman and Etruscan
burial urns that are the finest in the
country. This collection is kept in
Professor F. W. Kelsey's office and
contains urns that date back to the
time of Christ's crucifixion. There are
urns shaped like a house, weighing
one hundred and fifty pounds, that
kept the ashes of the ancient Romans
intact. One of the urns that is shaped
like a large water jar contains the
charred bones of a boy or girl four-
teen years old. The bones were
analyzed by Dr. G. L. Streeter, former
professor of anatomy at the Univer-
Perhaps the most interesting of the
urns from a purely artistic standpoint
is the Etruscan sarcophagus represent-
ing the combat between Eeteocles and
Polynices. The urn is gray in color
and the helmet and trappings of
Eteocles are red. The shield of Poly-
nices is painted blue.
Other interesting relices are the
specimens of water pipes found in the
streets of ancient Rome and used to
Suffffer Sc
And Si


carry the water from the great stone 1916 ELEVEN WILL
aueducts to the Roman housesq. These FACE SEVERE TEST
are made of lead and each, one is
,tamped with the emperor's name that (Continued from page one)
had it laid and the date. gridiron this year with their men vic-
An ancient wash basin with a hole giron thiga's teir
worn in the side where the water emp- ore over Michigan's team.
ied, and the curb of a well with the The first of the returning athletes
marble sides worn with grooves, and will appear on Ferry Field Monday'
where the sand covered rope rubbed September 19th, to receive lockers and
when pulling up water, are also to be football outfits. Actual work will
founelstartpTuesday morning, at 10:00 o'clock
Inelegibility will again be a thorn
NEW WIRELESS OUTFIT BUILT ins the side of Yost's plans, for many
of his best looking prospects have al-
I,. . IV. er oi Physics lepartm6st, ready been cut down out of competi-
.'onstrvits nique Machine , tion by faculty decree. Of the men
___qe_ . invited, five still have scholastic de-
ficiencies to clear away before they
An unusual construction in the line will be eligible. "Pat" Smith, last
oi wireless telegraph apparatus has season's seasational fullback; "Wal-
recently been built by Mr. A. W. Oer, lie" Nieman, center; Whalen, end;
an assistant in the Physics depart- Rehor, guard, and Joe Robins, are
ment. It is a system of d uble coils taking work in summer school to elude
capable of sending electric waves a the eligibility jinx,
thousand miles through space. While Indications point to at least 40 men
quite simple in appearance the instru- appearing on the Wolverine field for
ment is of large proportions. It con- early practice, inasmuch as a number
stats of Iwo coils of wire mounted on of ambitious youngsters appear each
a heavy framework; the primary coil year who have not been extended the
being separated from the secondary special invitation of the Athletic asso-
by a preparation to aid in its action nlation, knowing that their expenses
during damp weather. When. demon- will be refunded by the association if
strated the instrument was made by they prove that the coaches were go-
means of transformers to convert a ing on a bum hunch when they were
110 vot current to one of 20,000 volts overlooked.
and a spark was produced of more Yost has seven veterans as a nucleus
than a yard in length. It is one of the for the formation of a machine. In
most remarkable instruments that has addition to Maulbetsch, Smitm, Nie-
been built in the laboratory for some man, Whalen and Rehor, Yost has
time, and Mr. Ober has received much Weske, one of the scrappiest linemen
commendation for his work. developed in years, and "Maurie"
Dunne, who will be back for his job
ARRIVES AT WiISEI RIVER Maulbetsch was hampered last year
by a line which wouldn't open up holes
Berlin, Aug. 23., by wireless to Say- even big enough for the "Bullet" to
ville, N. Y.-The submarine Deutsch- squirm through, but that individual
land arrived at the mouth of the Weser proved himself in another branch of
river today, according to a dispatch the gridiron sport, namely, the de-
from the Overseas News agency. fensive. "Maulie" didn't get much
chance to carry the ball last season,
so he developed the knack of dumping
redli Blanks Now Ready at Regis- those of the opposition who were do-
All those who wish to have their ing the carrying. With a real line
creditshsent to themshould fill out in front of him this year, John should
branss at t offthe of sheummerl renew reservations in the coveted All-
blanks at the office of the sumer American berth,
school or in the registrar's office. "Pat" Smith was hampered to a
reat extent last season by injuries
and he didn't have a real chance to
show the rooters his complete reper-
toire. He was in the game long enough
hool to show tremendous ability as a line-'
plunger as well as a valuable defense
man. Smith is in excellent condition
'pplies as a result of his competiton on the
track team where he added more
power to himself by tossing the ham-
ElA N S Nieman gave a splendid account of
Himself in the Cornell and Penn games
Bookstore last year, and should be a mountain
AGEMENT of strength in the center of the line
this year, "Wallie" is of the ringy
type and never knows when he has
enough, He has been showing class as
a horsehide hurler during the summer
school session and Is in good trim to
make his last year at Michigan a
memorable one on the gridiron,
I "Maurie" Dunne has seen two years
of servce on the Varsity, and will be
a hard man for any of the newcom-
ers to displace this year. Injuries kept
S t flhm out of much of the scrimmage last
-- season, but with an even break against
lie hospital list he should make things
mtum around the end position.
Rehor is a giant in size and his chief
difficulty in the past has been to keep
r e r C ruis e low enough in the line to spill the
- rshes of the opposition. "Fritz" came
nd Trip to Wallaceburg through with a wallop in the Penn

happy on the most wonderful one day ourney game last year and showed that he
. Preen shaded, wave washed shores, ates ( can play low enough to make himself
bout the trip. . = .
Staunch Steamer fearfully effective against his oppo-
p Fares 'rheoottis asturdy _stemer
Detroit o fmplcapai tyn rthroute. T U T T LES
75 chcair nthree good decks.
Men' caion prmee L V H C S R O O M
thmadin constantattendance LVNCHES and SODAS
Serve-self lunch counter. Also
good meats. family stylei i 558 SO. STATE STREET
,dining room. 75c.
t Mondays)Eastern Time 3___ __._._
Leave Wailasnburg 3:15 SP. M.
:Walp:l... : 5. :P.:M. COUSINS & HALL
Arrive Detroit - - - 8SOO P. M.
ers taken between Detroit and Algonac.
ie Star Dock. Wallaceburg, D, W. Dock 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE.
N. Agent c. LIiDiC. Uptown Ticket Agt. Both Phones 115 Ann Arbor, Mich.

nents. He has been kicking the ball,
around Ferry Field this summer in an
effort to get into condition early.
Weske was the real find of the 1915
gridiron season. Knowing little of the
rudiments of the game, he won a place
on the line through sheer pluck and
fighting spirit, and his ability to keep
at 'em should win him a regular posi-
tion this year. Weske has been work-
ing in Detroit this summer, and while
he is slightly- under weight to do his
best work, says that he is fit physically
to give Yost all that he has.
Whalen played a good consistent
game at end and will be a strong can-
didate for this -position. "Jimmy"
plays a high order of defensive game.
In addition to the ,above wearers
of the Varsity "M," the following can-
didates who won the "AMA" last year
have been invited: .
"Phil" Raymond, full back; W .
Sharpe, half back; Hoyne-Howe, cen-
ter; Alan W. Boyd, guard; Harold M.
Zeiger, quarter hack.
N. J. Brazell, N. S. Thompson, E. A.
iuber, Heuburn Ingham, C. O. Skin-
ner, W. O. R. Johnson, and Samuel
Cohen are the members of the Reserve
squad who will be back for early prac-
There are several promising men of
the All-Fresh team who may fill the
shoes of the veterans. Weiman and
Peach, who played the ends on the
first-year eleven, are big fellows,
weighing over 180 pounds, and in case
v:hey work well inside the flanks, Yost
snay decide to play them at the tackle
positions. Sparks and Hanish are two
god-looking possibilities for the back-
field Sparks directed the play of the
yearlings and showed great skill in
all departments of the game. He will
be a formidable candidate for the pivot-
p>osition. Hanish was chosen All-
State halfback during his prep days
with Union High of Grand Rapids, and
piayed a splendid defensive game with
the Freshmen last year. He seemed
.low in getting started with the ball,
let if the coaches can put some pep
into him "Joe" will be a valuable man
on the squad. Williams is a scrappy,
aggressive player from the All-Fresh
Naio will cause attention in the scram-
ie for positions on the Varsity. Dunn
and McLachlan, last year's freshman
tackles, should round into good shape
before the end of the coming season.

The past year saw several particu-
larly brilliant star performers on the
various class teams, and these men
have not been overlooked by the ath-
letic authorities when extending in-
,itations for early training practice.
Captain-elect Brandell; of the basebal
team has been asked to report for
early training, but it is doubtful if
Coach Lundrgren's star will give up
baeball for football. Wood, Bathrick,
Joe Robins, Ibaseball pitcher; McCal-
lim, Watts, Willard, Corgin, Shelton
Jones and Goodsell constitute the bal-
ance of the men to receive invitations.
Watts is a big fellow who plays a back
field position. In the class games
he showed himself to be a fearless
player, and his scrapping ability may
give him a berth. Corbin was a regu-
lar performer on the track team, his
best event being the hurdles. "Cec"
appeared for spring football practice
and his showing so pleased the coaches
that they have decided to include him
with the squad. Goodsell has the asize
to develop into a whirlwind player.
He stands over six feet two inches,
weighs 212 pounds stripped and has
speed enough to use his weight to good
advantage. He gained his knowledge
of football on Saginaw high school
teams, but was unable to turn out for
the freshmen last fall. Jones was ad-
judged by Dr. May to be the most
nearly physically perfect freshman
enrolled in the 1919 class.
J. If. Marks, for 6 years superintend-
ent of buildings and grounds at the
University, has resigned his position
to become plant superintendent of the
Packard Motor Car Co., of Detroit.
Mr. Marks will take up his new duties
Sept, 15. No definite arrangements
as to his successor have been made as
FOR SALE-I have a splendid place
for sale at a bargain. Located opp-
site campus on East University, one-
half block from North car line.
Exerything in fine repair. Good in-
come from few roomers if desired.
Owner leaving city. Can be bought
with part payment. Telephone Mrs.
Parsons at 1283-M, or address 435
East University. It will pay you to
investigate this.

Scenic R1
100 Mile Daylight Row
Drop care-banish worry-come with us and be
theslakes, through winding rivers, swift channels
Indian villages--there's variety each instant througl
Real Romance
The route is through ake StR p T
Round Tr
Clair, U. S. Ship Canal, through From D
teats St. Culairsier.sn Week
tarne (the lot ann4 a nd Days -
Sy dinamn ivet.Sun-.
Thenrlnidesmnmadmisoy days
and settemntiofithis IIndin H lia
contry rsnt continuiaicbarm _______
s theraleris.
TIME TABLE (Daily except
Lenve.Detroit - 9-:0sA. M. t
Leave Wapole Island " 12:1S P. M. 1.
Leave Algonae - -.1sas5P. M. 4
Arrive Wailacebnrg . 2:00 P. M. A
*StopWalpetIslandsigaltonly. 'No asen
Docsehtroit, i'oi t nop tt, '.. Slc, I
H.S.SMTH ange JHNSr]Vi:** it

The Farmers & Mechanics Bank H U STON BROS
South Main Street State Street OffiCe The Finest Billiard Room in the State
Corner sureon il so. State St CIGARS AND CANDY
The New Catalogue
of the
IUlversity of IMichigall
Complete information concerning the eight Colleges
and Schools:
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work
Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education,
including Railway Administration and Insurance,
Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education
(affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
Study), and a Course for those preparing for the
scientific administration of 'departments of sanita
tion and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Individual information, address
The Dean of the Schooi or College in which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.

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