AT YOUR DOOR THE ONLY OFFICIAL 3 TIMES A WEEK, 75W SUMMER NEWSPAPER T H. no s N ROE IHGNTUSAAGS 2,11.PIEFV ET '%fi l l . 1111 XT- ryr, a E 4 c 1 VOL. pVI1 . No. 2. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AUGUST 24, 1916 PRICE FVE CENTS 1/S93 FINAL COINJ NNice Old Lady 2 1YPHOID0CASES Knight-Errantry Likes Wolverine1 on the Diagonal 0 [STIJ ENIS IEDEYShe is a nice old lady just two years DEVELOP -_IN -ITY The campus is an arid spot these FACE SEVEFI E SI dshort of ninety. A summer school ----ays, but the fine flower of courtesy - Enreae 11-Oe r a student, who lived in the same house, hpidemic Traced to Contaminated Milk is not eyt dead. A little girl, perhaps This Fall's Varsty Expected to Fifty Graduates. won the uld lady's heart instantly by Sold lly Pittsfield Township twelve years old, dressed In white, Retrieve Last Year's calling her grandmother. Grandmoth- Farmer. with her fluffy curls tied by big, soft, Disasters. ALL A'S IN EMBALMING COURSE er spends most of her day on the front ;, 90& IREPORTED YESTERDAY pink bows, was walking along that YOSTIEN MUST BE FIGHTERS porch where the monotony is ire- cosmopolitan thoroughfare, the diago- According to Dean Edward H, Kraus of the summer school this ses- quently broken by the passing of a Five more cases of typhoid fever nal walk, toward the engineering (By Jack Pardee) sion has been the most successful on neighbor who is sure to wave his hand within the last twenty-four hours were building last Thursday morning. Just When Fielding H. Yost appears on record. The character of the student and greet her with perhaps "How's reported by Dr. J. A. Wessinger last as she passed the corner of the railing Ferry Field next fall, 36 candidates for enrollment and the quality of the work gradma today?" night, making a total of 23, which by the campus fire stationone of those the 1916 Varsity will be on hand as mone has been the highest since the Part of her day she spends in her hove developed from the milk of Hen- bows slipped loose and fluttered to material from which the wizard coach summer session was organized, room reading. Why she chooses her ry Schwab, a Pitsfleld township farmer the ground, but the little girl did not must mould his "came-back" eleven. hood of 150 students have finished the room even on the warmest days seems who was selling milk while his daug- notice it and walked on. "Hurry-Up" has greeted just such required work for graduation and will to puzzle no one except the summer a band of huskies for many years- be given their diplomas next fall. In school student. One day the student ter was sick in bed with typhoid fever. A student coming along the walk he has sized them up with a trained the course of embalming, given by In- questioned grandmother about her Sctwab was arrested yesterday aft- some distance behind saw, but evident- eye-put them to work at puting, structor C. G. Askin of Indianapolis reading. enoon and brought before Judge Doty, ly decided that she would be unable tackling and blocking, watched them there were enroled seven students. The character of their work was so high that Mr. Askin was forced to give out seven A's. A comparison of the three five-year periods since 1901, shows that there has ben a very remarkable growth in. the sumer department. From 1901 through 1906, the enrollment increased from 416 to 1034. From the year 1906 hrough 1911 therew as an increase from 1034 to 1194 In the period from, 1901 through 1906 the summer session lasted only six weeks. During the second period ethere came a transition from the six to the eight-week ses- sion. In the third period from 1911 through 1916 there was an increase from 1194 to 1793. The official figures for this year follow: There was the Bible, the Christian Herald, "and lately," said the old lady, "I've been reading the funny little paper." The student didn't under- stand what the "funny little paper" was and grandmother didn't seem to know either, although she used both hands to describe it. The inquisitive student inquired about the newspaper. "No," grandmother replied, "I don't read it. The funny little paper tells me all the news I want to know and leaves out all the murders and terrible things that does folks no good to read. Yesterday the summer school stu- dent passed grandmother's room and glanced in as she went by. The old lady was reading "the funny little paper." A thought had occurred to the student by the time she reached where he pleaded not guilty. Judge Doty continued the case until Sept. tb and held him on $100 bond. According to Dr. Wessinger, new cases will keep on developing for the next ten days. "There is not much possibility of the cases ceasing until the first of September," said Dr. Wes- singer, "and its also prety hard to say how many more will be reported, be- cause it takes from seven to ten days before there are any signs of the dis- ease." Two other cases from different cities, are also in the University hospital, one is from Fostoria, Ohio, and the other is from Detroit. Those from the other towns came here to be treated. One of them did not know that he was af- flicted until he, came to the hospital 'or treatment of another illness., Those addedto theslocal list of ty- phoids are: Two eases at 1117 Wells street, one at 1204 Wells, one at 332 Maynard street, .one at 1033 University place, one at 1015 Packard street, and one at 1114 Wellington street. Enrollment Summer Session 1911. College of Literature, Science and th College of Engineering and Architect Medical School ....................... Law School ..................... College of Pharmacy . . ....... . Graduate School . ... .. ...... . Library Methods ...................... Biological tSation ................... Embalming and Sanitary Science...... . Deduct for names counted twice...... Total ............. ..... Increase ........ GARGOYLE MAKES CHANGES' Editorial Rooms to be In Basement- Contributlons Wanted. The first issue of The Gargoyle, Michigan funny magazine, will be per- petrated on the day of the Michigan- M. A. C. fotball tussle, October 28. All students who can draw a straight line which will look like an apple are' wanted to appear among the tryouts, who will mobilize as soon as Univer- sity opens this fall," acording to hints dropped by the management. The editorial rooms will be moved to the basement of the Press building, while the advertising offices will re- main on the first floor of the publica- tions edifice. Rumors that hostilities between the coin-assemblers and the, joke percolators would result without this change of location, are scoffed at, with Gargoylian laughter zy the "ad" editor snd the "mgr" editor, respec- tively, k. Kirk White, '17, and Ralph Folz, '17. The editors have begun active work to put the Michigan humor publica- tion into the first notch. "Any embryo Ring Lardner's or George Ades or Charlie Chaplins of the pen are re- quested to confer with the managing editor the first few days of college this fall," stated Editor Folz last night. 1915. e Arts .... 814 ire . ....358 ...... .....188 1916. 732 357 164 Previous Highest Enrollment. 732 (1915) 365 (1914) 164 (1915) . ...... 12 190 215 (1914) ...........27 19 19 (1915) lv U1IBI Vi I dt[ .......... 21262 259 259 (1915) .... .......27 30 33 (1914) POSITIONS__NNOVNCED .......,.... 33 33 33 (1914) . .......... 7 7 12 (1914) ~--_ Editor of Next Year's Paper Visits 1898 1771 Ann Arbor, Enroute to Evans. . . ...... ...105 93 ton.. Changes Made. .... .....1793 1678 John C. B. Parker, managing editor . .. ........1678 of the Michigan Daily for next year, was in town today and during the her own room. Si weeks ago shs course of his stay announced the of- had subscribed for The Wolverine and feers of the Daily for next year. Those in all that time she had found only occupying positions on the upper staff three copies on the front porch. Soon will be oC on N hurch r'7,aew will be :Conrad N. Church, '17, news she heard grandmother go down stairs, editor; Lee E. Joslyn, '17, assigment and paying a quiet visit to the old editor; Harold A. Fitzgerald, '17, lady's room. she found in a neat pile sports editor; E. Rodgers Sylvester, beside the Christian Herald her miss- '17, chief editorial writer; Verne E. ing copies of The Wolverine. Burnett, '17, associate editor; H. C. L. Jackson, '18, telegraph editor. II. S. Checking System Adopted. The internal management of the Both France and Germany are at staff will be somewhat changed. The present trying to institute systems of position of city editor has been abolish- checking and check accounts in their ed, and with this change the rank of banking such as are common in the telegraph editor has been raised. The United tSates. It is felt that there is two telegraph, editors of last year have a great waste of capital in the present been replaced by one. Instead of the system of exclusively cash payments, New York Sun service, which has been and officials are urging the adoption abondoned. The Daily will get its of the cheking system, both as an ex- telegraph news from the International pedient measure for the present when News service or the United Press. the supply of gold Is low, and for the Mr. Parker, who has been attending future, when it will serve to estab- the military training camp at Platts- lish the normal valuation of the money burg, leaves today for his home In of both countries. Evanston, Ill. to catch up with the child who lost it. On up along the walk, seated on a bench in the shade, perhaps twenty feet beyond the ribbon, was one of those neat mustached young men who ornament the campus, particularly the comfortable spots, their groups al- ways easily located by the congenial atmosphere of cigarette smoke with which they surround themselves. He, too, must have seen the ribbon as it fell, but it was very hot that morn- ing, and it lay twenty feet away in the sun. Therefore he looked in the other direction. Away up by the economics building, a group of students released from class streamed down along the walk toward the fountain, but from State street to the group the walk was empty. There was someone else who had speen the ribbon, Over by the corner of University hall an Italian work- man, a short muscular lad, who looked to be about nineteen or twenty, dresed in stained khaki trousers and a faded blue shirt, open at the throat and sleeves torn off at the elbow, dropped his shovel,. and ran across the new curbed driveway, covered with piles of sand and broken brick, over the stretch of burned grass to the walk, and picking up the bit of silk care- fully, started in hasty pursuit of the owner. She was past the fountain now. His big, heavy shoes clattered as he ran., He suet and passed the advancing groups of students with his head down so that the tattered brim of his old felt that hid his face. He did not stop until he was beside the white clad girl. Then, sweeping his hat from his head with a bow as graceful and courtly as any social favorite, he held out the ribbon. He came back walking on the path at the edge of the walk, Ioking dowo at his dusty garments and smiling to himself in a rather abashed but highly satisies' manner. The fashionabe young man on the bench watched him pass and the expression on his face was a study ALLIES GAIN ON MACEDONIAN FRONT. SERBIANS PROGRESS Paris, Aug. 23.-An official state- ment received tonight from General Sarrail at Saloniki says: "The Allies have maintained their gains on the Macedonian front. The Serbians have made progress north oft Strupino. The enmey's offensive on the Struma and in the visinity of Os- trovo Lake has been checked." plunge through the line and circle the ends, and then he has picked all men to carry the Maize and Blue through- out the season against the Orange of Syracuse or the Red of Cornell. This year is peculiar-it will be an unusual one for Yost-it is unusual for Michi- gan. Last year's team went down to a comparatively inglorious finale-the season was declared to be the worst in Michigan football. And Yost, the king of all football mentors, had to sit . on the sidelines and watch his pet trick plays smothered by the farmers from M. A. C., saw Cornell smash through guards, tackles, center, bore the shame and chagrin of seeing the Wolverine goal line crossed and re- crossed during the season. That same Yost will again sit upon Michigan's sidelines this year, but from the first day he steps upon the gridiron this season, from the first minute of football practice, he will prepare against a recurrence of those tragic moments of last season's clashes. Fielding H. will come back to Ferry Field this year with blood in his eye, and hard, unceasing, grind- ing practice-preparation-will be the word up to the last whistle in. the Pennsylvania game. The east may well be proud if her schools step off the (Continued on page four) CAMP DAVISSCENE OF .EXCIEMENT, VISIJORS Loaf of Bread Used As Cornerstone for illichigan Union-Races, Drives and Songs. Last aSturday the mysteries of Camp Davis were unveiled before the won- dering public by the unusal visitors' day. Many were on the grounds by 10:00 o'clock in the morning and were given the privilege of inspecting the camp. The chief morning attraction wa the ball game between the faculty and the champion camp team with Professor Johnston acting as umpire, The faculty team, headed in feats of valor by Professor Brodie, won after a hard eight-inning battle by the score of 8 to 7. Perhaps the real feature of the day was the dedication of the Michigan Union. President Spender. (pastry cook) of the Union, appeared with Charlie Kleine, the introducer, in a carriage and after interruptions of a manifold character, gave the dedica- tion speech and laid the cornerstone (a loaf of bread). Other smaller fea- tures consisted of dashes, sack races, swimming and diving contests among which was an eight-yard swimming 'ace held between Bobby Burns, Shirty Webster and Charlie Klene, with Burns winning first honors. The day was closed by singing the "Yellow and Blue." Two hundred and forty-six visitors registered in camp and, together with 130 camp people, made a total of 376 present. Camp closes Friday with, the boys all eager for home, The Wolverine lvishes you suc- cess in your examinations and a pleasant vacation.