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August 22, 1916 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1916-08-22

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President Wilson Reports Plan for Young Mother Killed By Axe in Chi-
Settlement. cago.
- Chicago, Aug. 22.-Two men were ar-
Washington, Aug. 22. - President rested in connection with the murder
'Wilson today reiterated to the rail- of Mrs. Catherine La Bello, 19 years
road cxecutives including the new old, whose mutilated body was found
cday in an apartment with her two
v rivals trom tihe west, his diemanadchildren, who were unconscious frot
that they accept his plan for the set- staration. The woman, whose head
imoent of the threatened railroad had nearly been severed, apparently
strike. The executive then began the vs slain with an axe, the police be-
ort ot a series of meetings in which lueve, on Friday or Saturday. The
they will frame their reply. children, it was said, will recover.
'the president reinforced his pre-
vir~ts agumnt fr hs pln b poit- ose Stops Drunken Suicide.
vii argumett for sis plan by poit- Albion, Mich., Aug. 22.-After he had
ing out to the railroad executives that come here from Detroit and become
'hc1 railroads play an important part, intoxicated, Peter Kedo, wanted for
n the military preparedness of thei jumping a grocery bill here, was ar-
couitry; that they are a vital part of rested and placed in the 'city jail,
the industrial framework of the na- where he was found later attempting
lion, and it was absolutely necessary to hang himself from the top of his
to teep the running at the present cell with his belt. It required a stream
ttie- from the firehosd to quiet Kedo, who
Mr. Wilson told the railroad execu- made loud lamentations at being in.-
tives he did not blame them for fight- terrupted.
n for the principle of arbitration, but
that he believed under present circum- Heat Explodes Artificial Eye.
stances they should accept the eight-
hour day and leave the working out Ypsilanti, Mich., Aug. 22.Mrs. C. L.
of the principle of arbitration until la- Jones, of Superior township, had an
ter. eye explode on account of the intense
The president declared he agreed heat. That is what an Ann Arbor
with them in believing in arbitration specialist told her today when she
of industrial disputes, but that in view went to him to have it repaired. The
of the refusal of the railroad em- eye was an artificial one.
ployes to accept arbitration it was
itipractical to discuss the issue at Ilepartmeut of Bulletins Out on Friday
present. He urged the railroad execu- The bulletins of the departments of
tines and their managers in their meet- the University will prpbably be out
itgs to consider the disaster which Friday of this week. Those who desire
would follow a strike. the announcement to be sent to them
should fill out blanks at the office of
patronize Wolverine Advertisers. their respective departments.

Cor. Maynard and William Streets __
i a W ---
(Continued from page one) Washington, Aug. 22.-Investigation
inning with a single. Rayment sec- of reports from Panama that a 60,000-
rificed, Webber breezed, and then tere land costeessitit at the Atlantic
came the shortstop's circuit clout. New Book entitled "A Chapter of His- end of the canal is being sought by a
Third Ward- AB. R. H. 0. A. E. tory in American Thought" Spaniard named Fernandez, presum-
Crocker, 2b........ 5 1 1 4 1 2 Ready in Few Months. ably for Japanese interest, was ordered
G. Royce, lb..5 1_ 1 4 1 2 ioday by Secretary Lansing.
Ravment, rf..... 0. 301 0 TWO OTHERS APPEAR 50011 Rumors of a similar nature have
Webber, c. ...5 1 2 14 3 (0
. Royce, ..... 5 01 3 1 'been common ever since the canal was
Phelps, If .......... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Prof. Robert Mark Wenley, head of well under way, but it was not until
Parks, cf.... . .....3 0 1 1 o 0 the philosophy department, has just several months ago that they reached
Lau, p..............4 0 1 0 4 3 completed a book on "A Chapter of a well-defined outline. At that time it
Fields, 3b ......... 4 0 0 1 2 1 History in American Thought," which'
- - - - - - is built up around the life and work comm ly believed that privat
------------------ mt biltup roud th lie ad wrh.apanese shipping interests were seek-
Totals ...........38 4 10 30 11 6 of Prof. George Sylvester Morris, at Japanese ship pi ss ieresek-
All-Campus- AB. R. H. 0. A. E. the University of Michigan from 1870 Jng land through Spanish termediar-
Goodspeed, 2b ...... 5 0 0 2 1 4 to 1888. Professor Morris was thi tea to establish a hate for storing coal
Brilmyer, lb ....... 5 0. 0 3 1 3 lirst American philosopher to have any at lower rates than could be had fron
Brazell, ss ........ 5 1 1 2 0 0 real technical equipment. The book be American government monopoly
Weadock, c ........ 4 2 1 17 1 0 just completed by Professor Wenley is To
Shutes, 3b ...... ....4 1 1 1 0 0 to be published by the University some- The present reports are that Fer-
Nieman, cf ......... 5 0 1 0 0 0 time within the next few months. nandez, Havana agent for Japanese
Stallings, if ........ 4 0 0 0 0 0 "It is not merely a biography of isterests, is seekg or actually has
Turner, p .......... 3 0 1 1 2 0 Morris," says Professor Wenley, "but secured 960,000 acres through the ac-
Gracey, rf .....1.... 2 0 0 3 2 0 it is a presentation of the movement tivity of Ramon Valdes, whose recent
-- - - - - - from strict Calvinism to modern ideal- election to the presidency of Panama
3? 35 2* ? T im. I sissmy possibly he isipisted by the Unit-
Totals .... ,......715I 77 s.I sapresentation of the ex.
*Two in tenth when winning run was perience through which hundreds i States because of alleged frauds and
scored. passed in the United States, during coercion.Gonas of the Spanish navy
Score by innings: . 1865-90." selected by the Panama government as
Third Ward .. 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 Professor Wenley is also about to umpire to settle the dispute with the
All-Campus .. 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 have printed two articles, in December. United Sates overfts e
Earned runs-Off Lau, 2; off Tur- "Neo-Cynicism" and "Neo-Pythagor- of cat s oer aegpurchase price
eanism" will be published in the ninth of canal property, is alleged to have
ner, 2. Home ruzns-Weadock, M.. given very valuable information about
volume of "The Encyclopedia of Re-
Itoyce. Two-base hit-Brazell. Stol- ligion Ethics." An article which he the canal itself.
en bases-Weadock, G. Royce, Ray- is starting on "Syncretism" to come t a
ment (3), Webber (2), Phelps. Sacri- out in the tenth or eleventh volume.
fie hit-Rayment. Bases on balls- In this work he will work in conjunc- Patronize Wolverine di-rtisers.
Off Turner, 2; off Lau, 3. First base tion with R. H. Charles, of' University
on errors-All-Campus, 3; Third Ward, of Cambridge, Eng., and Dr. F. C.
1. Left on bases-All-Campus, 8; Conyveare, of the British Academy. T U T T E '
Third Ward, 7. Struck out-By Lau, Professor Wenley will take the phil- g
Brilmyer, Brazell (2), Weadock (2), osophical development, and the others L V N C H R 0 0 l
Shutes (2), Nieman (2), Stallings (3), will take the religious development of LVNCHES and SODAS
Turner, Gracey-14; by Turner, the subject. 338 90. STATE STREET
Crocker (3), G. Royce, Rayment, Web- Experts from various parts of the
ber, M. Royce (3), Phelps (3), Lau, English speaking world, Germany,
Fields (4)-16. Double play-Gracey and Italy have developed the "Ency- C
ho Brilmyer. Hit by pitched ball-By clopedia of Religion and Ethics" since COUSINS & HALL
Lau, Turner, Weadock, Gracey. Wild its inception in 1900. But the first edi- frtLtz
pitch-Turner, 1; Lau, 1. Umpire, tion did not appear till 1907. Pro- 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE.
Cushing. Time of game-2 hours and fessor Wenley is regarded by many Boh hones 115 As ArhE, Hint.
40 minutes. Scorer-Lreland. scholars as an authority on syncretism, s



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Ann Arbor, Mich.


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