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August 22, 1916 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-08-22

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_ i

Prof. T. C. Trueblood's Students to
Give "The School for Scan-
dal" Tonight.
Tonight Professor Trueblood's
class in Shakespearean readings will
give a platform recital of Sheridan's
delightful comedy, "The School for
Scandal," in the auditorium of Univer-
sity hall at 8 o'clock. This is the sec-
ond of the recitals given by the class
and the attendance has been unusually
good, from 600 to 1500 people being
present at the last one. The recital
will begin strictly on time and those
who are not in their seats at 8 will
be obliged to miss the first part of the
The class has made a study of four
plays during the summer- session,
"Othello," "Twelfthnight," "Macbeth"
and Sheridan's "School for Scandal."
A critical reading and study of each
play is made in preparation for a pub-
lir recital. The cast is changed dur-
ing the performance, thereby enabling
all the members of the class an equal
opportunity in the readings.
The recital of "The School for Scan-
dal" will be a strictly platform re-
cital, the members of the class giving
their parts in citizen's clothes.
Takes Final Sets Wih Fox With 6-0,
6-1, 6-3 Record; Judson and
Hurdley Take Doubles.
After chalking up a 6-0, 6-1, 6-3
tally against his opponent, G. Fox yes-
terday afternoon in the final game of
the summer tennis tourney, G. A. Jud-
son merged the summer title holder,
and incidentally winner of the silver
loving-cup offered by the manage-
ment as the award. The game was
a lop-sided affair as the score indi-
cated, mediocre playing marking all
three of the sets. The result of tWe
frs period seemed tohtakesthe ginger
out of the runner-leaving an easy
task for the victor.
Judson demonstrated his ability in
double harness as well, for with Hurd-
ley as a running-mate, succeeded in
capturing the doubles trophy, win-
ning against Langworthy and Fox in
the final games. After the results were
computed the score stood 6-4, 4-6, 6-2,
Other results are as follows:
Judson d. Fitzpatrick, 6-2, 6-4; Fox
d. Hurdey, 6-3, 6-1; Judson d. Meyer,
6-3, 5-7, 6-3; Fox d. Cole, 6-4, 6-4;
Judson d. Fox, 6-0, 6-1, 6-3.
Geff and Sherrard d. Peckham and
Sidwell, 6-4, 6-4; Judson and Hurdley
d. Stoddard and Meyer, 6-3, 7-5; Lang-
worthy and Fox d. Goff and Sherrard,
6-1, 6-2; Judson and Hurdley d. Lang-
worthy and Fox, 6-4, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1.
El Paso, Tex., Aug. 22.-A force of
60 Villa bandits defeated a larger com-
mand of government troops near Santa
Ysabel, Chihuahua, last Friday, accord-

ing to private dispatches today. The
de facto command approximated 100
men and lost 20, while the outlaws, un-
der J. Dominguez, lost only 12.
The government troops were com-
sanded by Colonel Carlos Carranza,
a nephew of the first chief.

Nine Cases of Typhoid Reported at
Ann Arbor's water supply is all
right was the reply of City Health Canipusites Beaten 4 to 3 in Snappy * * * 0* * * ** * * * * STUDENT, PROlINENT IN A
Officer J. A.WWesingereOr'sETT rN CTIV.
Ofesi J. A. Wessinger yesterday to a GIame WithIWebber's Third *ITIES, HAS HEART FAIL.
query on the cause of the many WadesPRES. H. B. HUTCHINS RE. * URE WHILE BATHING
typhoid cases -reported in the city.* CEIVES CLSS PICTURE
Nine cases are now in the University 'It RNER PITCHED GREAT GAME CEVAT CAS EPCEENT * E
hospital and there are several more e-~--_
scattered around the town. Dr. Wes- With a lineup greatly weakened by * President Harry B. Hutchins *
singer said that five of the number sulstitutiuns, the All-Uampus baseball * ceived yesterday morning a plc- * nit iher Frns Rere
came from out of town and the rest t.eam fell before the Third Ward dia- tre taken during his cas re- ty Brothers From Here
had been drinking well water around ondi artists; 4 to 3, in a 1Q-inning * union at Commencement time. *A __F r
the cit3r struggle on the West Park grounds Thirteen members of the class
A case reported in the south east Saturday afternoon. It was a pitch- ofT'71 were present at this ime George Clark Caron, '14-'171, of 152
section of town wa suspected to be ers' battle all the way through, with La Salle Garden,
causedbythmilksupp tedie " Lao getting a little the bet- '=oit of the fourty-five that are L l a Detroit, and one of
caused by the milk supply, but analysis te of the argument. The former Ann living. Those present in the * the most popular and active students
of the milk proved the suspicion un- Arbor twirler fanned 14 Campusites * picture are: Harry B. Hutchins, * on the Michigan campus during the
true. al allowed but 5 hits. "Turk" Turner, president of the University of * past two or three years, was drowned
his opponent, sent 16 Third Warders * Michigan; A. Felch, doctor, son at Goderich, ot., yesterday afternoon
backrto the bench, but was nicked for of Governor Welch; J. A. Little- *
He andhisIfther r. Gbrgeis
ST SL ARCITY M0 10 wallops. Three men were ferried * field, noted lumberman; R. M. *He and his father, Dr. Gorge G.
tc first base via the Santa Claus route * Wright, judge of supreme court * Caron, of Detroit, had gone for a sev-
STOPr ORKON SV GSby Lau, Turner being a shade less * of Iowa; Rev. Charles Conley; * eral weeks vacation, and had arrived
generous and doling out but two free * Mr. Weaks, manufacturing chem- * at Hotel Sunset last Saturday. The
passes. * ist; Edward L. Raymond, civil * thermometer registered 99 degrees yes
If No Holdup is Experienced Work The Campus boys started out with a * engineer; B. A. Finney, lawyer; *
May Be Finished In ruioh in the first frame, when two hits * Charles K. Latham, lawyer; terday afternoon, and the father and.
January. brought two counters to the east-sid- * Charles Gortan, superintendent son went to the bathing beach, The
ers' page of the ledger. Brazell had * of schools; Davis Inglis, doctor; * younger man swam far out into the
Excavating work on the new library doubled and was driven home when * E. L. Marks, professor at Har- * water beyond most of the bathers, and
stacks is progressing as fast as could Weadock gave the ball a bath in the * vard. * was seen to disappear suddenly after
be expected under the conditions. The loft field creek and completed the cir- *r *
work on the west side is all but com- suit. 0 * * * * * * * i*making one call for help.
pleted with the exception of taking The Webberites put the game on ice The body was taken ashore within
out the old heating tunnel. This, how- it the tenth when with two men out, a few minutes, and five doctors work-
ever, is to be left in until the under- two on bases and two strikes on "Red" iHRE NFW C;IIUlHSFS I N ed hard to resuscitate him. But it was
pinning of the old stacks is put in Royce, the last-named gentlemai .Efutile because he had had heart failure
place. It is to be used as a brace. poled a four-baser, and the fireworks 17before sinking, according to a state-
The men in charge of the work fear was over. G. Royce has opened the ULUUIPHM EI U IN II - I Ut I ment by the doctors. The medical men
that there is going to be a holdup in (Continued on page four)n
\ h!' ~~ o 'f n n ~ 1.r !. :.«. 7e .

the foundation work as they cannot
ge any steel. There is a shortage in
the steel market now, due to the
heavy demand both abroad and at
home. This shortage will hold up
work as soon as the excavating is fin-
islied unless a small supply can be
gotten in by express.
If the work progresses at the ex-
pected rate the new stacks ought to
be finished sometime in January. Then
the present quarters will have to be
vacated and use the new space. After
this is done it is intended to start
work on the building proper. This
will probably start in the early spring.
Princeton Alumni Contribute for Me-
morial in Honor of Football Star.
Princeton, N. J., Aug. 22.-When the
tens of thousands of American foot-
ball enthusiasts who annually visit
Princeton step from their trains this
fall they will pause for a moment to
pay tribute to a fallen hero. No foot-
ball crowd has ever before paid such
tribute and doubtless none will again.
For Johnny Poe, class president,
"good fellow," and Princeton's great-
est football star is dead on the field
of honor "somewhere in France," and
all Princeton is honoring his mem-
Shortly after Poe's death, while
fighting with the "Black Watch" in
France last September, Princeton
alumni joined together to contribute
to a memorial and, with the class of
1.51 leading, several thousand dollars
was raised. Now a large plot of
ground has been set aside south of
the university campus for an athletic
field for class contests, to be known as
"Poe Field." It has been proposed to
erect some kind of formal memorial
on the field, but plans for this have
not yet been completed.
Poets to Lecture Here Next Year
Although plans for next year's lec-
ture course are not yet completed the
Oratorical association has made plans
so have Rabindrinath Tagore, Seamas
MacManus, and Richard LeGalliene
come here during next year.

A letter was received at The Wol-
verine from William Heston, '04, this
morning. Heston probably is the most
famous of all ex-football stars, and
holds an immortal place on Yost's all-
time Michigan eleven.
The letter follows:
We desire eo call your attention to
the candidacy of William M. Heston
for the Republican nomination for the
otfice of Police Judge in the City of
"Mr. Heston's name will be voted
upon at the Primaries held August
29th, 1916. His experience in the
Prosecuting Attorney's office covering
a period of several years renders him
pecularily well qualified to discharge
the duties of the office to which he
aspires. As you well know, he has
rendered splendid service and his qual-
ifications that we take pleasure in ask-
ing the men of the University of
Michigan to show their appreciation
of this man in helping on this occa-
sion. May we be assured of your ac-
tive co-operation?
J. 0. Murfin
Charles. A. Hughes
M. S. Snow
Fred A. Dewey
J. Fred Lawton."
"Eddie" Caroll, '17, captain-elect of
the Varsity track team, spent the
month of July digging in coal mines,
at Leads, South Dakota, and has been
engaged in playing the part of a
sailor for the Edison Moving Picture
company in New York City during the
past few weeks.
Carroll and Captain "Hal" Smith
were the only two members of the
Maize and Blue delegation to score at
the eastern intercollegiates during this
spring. Carroll is one of the likeliest
milers in the west. He was staying
when heard from this week, at the
New York Athletic club, and keeping
himself in good condition.

Botany and Zoology Changed From
Two Hours to Four Hour
In the annual announcement of the
colleges of literature, science, and the
arts for '16-17, three new courses in
geography are offered. One of these
is given the first semester and two
are given the second semester. A
change has been made in the depart-
ment of biology that is especially in-
teresting to literary students intending
to go into medicine. The former course,
in biology in which the student took
botany and zoology at the same time
receiving two hours credit for each
course has been changea to a system
where either botany or zoology is
taken alone the first semester and the
subject not taken in the first followed
in the second. Four hours credit for
each course will be given each sem-
The new geography courses offered
are numbers 32, 33, and 34. The title
of 32 is geographic influences on Am-
erican history. This will treat on the
influence at the crises in our history
of geography and the conduct of the
wars due to this feature. Course 33
is "Geography of North America." A
systematic study of the United States,
Alaska, Canada, Mexico, and the West
Indes in regard to the relationship of
geography to the industrial and com-
miercial systems in each country.
Number 34 is a field course in region-
al geography.
The Oratorical association an-
nounces that the following debates will
be held during the next school year:
Illinois, Wisconsin, Northwestern and
Chicago. The debate with Chicago will
be held here the evening of the third
Friday in January, and the debate
with Illinois will be held here on the
last Friday of March. The evening of
the Chicago debate Michigan will be
debating Wisconsin at Madison, and
at the time of the Illinois debate a
contest will be held between Michigan
and Northwestern at Evanston.

w"o trieu to recover his iffe were Drs.
Caron, Taylor, Galloway, Abbott, of
London, and Holmes. The deceased is
25 years old. Arrangements for his
funeral will not be completed until the
arrival of his sister from New Hamp-
shire. Several intimate friends from
Ann Arbor are leaving to be present at
the funeral
George Caron whose home is in De-
troit, was graduated in the literary
class of 1914, and was to have com-
pleted his course in the Law School
in 1917. He was a member of the Phi
Alpha Delta law fraternity, at 1223
Hill St., and also of the Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity, at 707 Oxford Road.
He was initiated into Sigma Delta Chi,
journalistic fraternity, during the past
spring. A year ago he was managing
editor of the Students' Directory, and
was associate editor of The Gargoyle
this year.
Caron contributed regularly to The
Wolverine during the present term,
and his last contributions were run
last week. He also contributed to The
Gargoyle during the past few years,
and to former Dailies and Wolverines.
He was a member of various honor
and honorary societies, and was one of
the most popular men on the campus.
The list of societies are as follows:
Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity; Phi
Gamma Delta, general fraternity;
Sigma Delta Chi, journalistic fratern-
ity; Phi Alpha Tau, honorary orator-
ical and musical fraternity; Archons
and Barristers, both honorary legal
fraternities, Owls, Griffins, Druids, and
Caron graduated from Detroit- Cent-
ral high school in 1910, and received
his A. B. degree from the University
of Michigan in 1914, and would have
received his law degree next June.
During the past summer he has been
working for the city of Detroit in the
tax department.
Aged Man Killed in First Auto Ride
Salem, Va., Aug. 22.-A. W. Garner,
of Drapersville, was 90 years old be-
fore he ventured to take a ride in an
automobile and today he is dead. Yes-
terday the car in which he took his
first ride plunged over a 60-foot em-
banknsent and killed Garner and in-
juired four others, including his wife,

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