Campus in Brief Brides and Brides-To-Be Blc3cle riding on the campus walks has been forbidden by the Regents of Mary Burnett, '17, was married to the University. Violators will beDr William Kendall Meade at the prosecuted. bride's home Thursday night. The Dr. May announces that physical couple left for a tour through New training will be given for men students fork state, and will return July 20 to durin' the Summer Session. Lockers, their new home in Detroit. baths and other conveniences of the Ferry Field clue-mouse will be pro- NOTICE vided. The fee is 50 cents. Dr. May Courses in journalism will be given will to at Ferry Field club-house every by prof. Lee A. White, beginning at day i.-m 10:00 to 12:00 and 2:30 to 7:00 o'clock Monday morning, in West *:3. aal, with the advanced course, 32a; Plans for the summer baseball and at 9:00 o'clock for the first meet- league are already under way, and al- ing of 31a, the elementary course. :hough the membership of the class Either of these hours may be changed eams will not be determined until the f the class desires. opening of the summer session, prom- se is given of a hot battle for the Alunini Hall Gets New Furniture sampus championship. Several var- New furnishings have been added to ity athletes will be in school and will .he alumni room of Memorial hall by si all probability devote some of their oine Detroit alumni. The late Frank- me to the teams representing their lin 0. Walker of Detroit was the donor lepartments, of two very fine chenille russ which Wok on tLie Nickels' Ar ade which sase been laid in the alumni room. C. ail extend from State street to May- M. Burton has given furnishings in- sard street, is now progressing rapid- cluding chairs and an oak writing yf Th, building on Mate street is al- desk in excellent taste. A davenport rdy c copied by the Farmers and in memory of Mrs. Anna B. Bach was achanic~s bank and the other part presented by her daughter. The daven- ill be reuted to different stores. Con- port, a beautiful mahogany piece, was rate foundations for the walls are made from a piano formerly the prop- ilready erected and the steel for the erty of Erastus 0. Haven, president of einforced concrete walls is now being the University of Michigan from 1863 ut in place, to 1869. ' THE WOLVERINE ) t 1 10 RECEIVE ENIDIES FOD SMED IINI lUDf . Varsity and All-Fresa siquad embers to be Barred From Annual Summer Classic In order that the finals of the an- nual summer session tennis tourna- ment may be played off before exam- ination week, the management plans to start the event immediately. As in previous years, all entrants must sign up for the tourney before the first round is played off: An innovation will be introduced this year, that of barring Varsity and All-Fresh players from the tournament, as the winners for the last three years have been members of one of these squads. The awards, as in preceding sum- mers, will be a silver loving-cup for first place, a watch-fob for second in the singles, and watch-fobs for win- ners in the doubles. The admission fee will be fifty cents, payable to the manaer at The Wolverine office dur- ing the coming week. Drawings for the first round will be announced in an early issue, and scores will be posted at Ferry Field and at a State street bulletin board. A fee of $1.00 will be charged for the use of the tennis courts by sum- mer school students, but arrange- ments will be made with the athletic association whereby students entered in the tourney may play their match games without paying the association ?, LYNDON'S, 719 N. University Ave. Fo Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films Guaranteed Amateur Finishing Enlargements from your Negatibes a Specialty I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve years. Now we ai e still leading. We guarantee perfect results or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results," as we have a pleoty of Metol (which we could sell at $5o.oo per lb.) and we venture to say that io other firm is using Metol for finishing. If you want the best results you will bring your films here. Tv rmoors from L YNDO N' S 719 North -1111 A diN'tor-umUniversity Avenue CAMPUS. IN BRIEF who has been associated for the pas tiiree keg parties broken up, three 17 years with the store owned by hi occasions at which the life saving sta- uncle, the late John V. Sheehan. Fo Lions were used, and arrests of a score the past four years he has been P A people bathing without the proper partner in that firm,. clothsing, were included recently in the Writ of error was dismissed by i actv lties of the new police patrol state supreme court decision las aloi; the banks of the Huron river, week, in the case of Mrs. Mary Ban according to a statement by Superin- croft vs. University of Michigan. At tendent of Parks Ray Bassett. torney Burke, of the local firm o Numerous copies of Hudson Maxl's Cavanaugh & Burke, argued the cas< book, "IDefenseless America," have for the regents. book, "efeseletstmeia," rhdasve- At the annual reunion of the Bea buen left a short time ago for distri- and Steere families held June 21 a b bsti, in the hands of Prof. W.yH. the Steere farm on the South Ypsilant lbbs, chairman of the Security road, 122 descendants were present League. Copies may be had upon atd The founders of this branch of the plicationun.til the supply is exhausted, family came to this part of the coun Accordisg to the rate at which the try before the state was admitted tc new University "Y' building is pro- the Union, ressing toward completion, it will _ probably be in working order to meet NOTICE the inrush of students in October. The First Congregational Church cmntractor is stated that the roof At 10:30 o'clock Mr. Douglas wil will be completed by July 15, and that preach. The ushers will reserve seat: the main entrance will be finished be- for pew-holders only until 10:35. fore that date. ________ ,tAte street is to have a new book LAWYERS, you were in our minds sr' opened on or near August 15, at when we wrote our ad on page 3 336 South State, by Myron E. Slater, Tamiiton Business College. Any time is the right time for a glass of Morning, noon, or night-br a thirst-quencher, or just for a delicious healthfu beverage-you will find a new pleasure in every refreshing glass. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta. Ga. y sc\ cDemand the genuine by fullsname- f r \ ___ sicknames encourage subsistan. The New Ice Cream Parlors MOST DELICIOUS FOUNTAIN DAINTIES TRY OUR CONFECTIONS Our Jiotto: Service The Fountain of Youth State and Liberty f fee. l:'iIltLh,bCY 1DEPARLTMENT '(YE COHESI IN I0)USSH Ql)SiNCE Finl ArangementsIa' de'by Iesi Schlstterbeck; ('ooilug rasfid Soap-Making Ineluded Final arrangements have been per- fected by Dean J. O. Schlotterbeck for the course in household Science to be given in the College of Pharmacy. The course is designed to give students and high school teachers an opportu- nity to study in the laboratory and class room the fundamental scientific principles of all operations of the household, such as baking, cooking, testing of foods for preservatives and adulteration, soap making, testing of water for hardness and its use in laun- dering, bleaching, polishing of metals, removal of stains from clothing and woodwork, cleaning and renovating the home, testing of buttermilk, lard, edible oils, confectionery, and other food products for purity; testing of fabrics for adulteration; pasteuriza- tion and sterilization in their relation to canning and to the prevention of infection; and other operations com- mon to the home. It is not necessary that students must have had extensive training in -heastry before taking up the work; n faa- a foundatien course in general '.° ;stry is suleient preparation. . i-are students isay elect special work in household chemistry, foo } iscry. testin of food products as required by state, and federal pure ood and drug laws, or in any of the various lines of food analysis. The course is to be given by Prof. Adolph Ziefie, Corvallis, Oregon, who has had extensive experience as state analyst and as instructor in Home Economics. Either two, three, or four hours may be elected in this course. Arrangements for the course should e made with Professor Ziefe at fom 362 in the chemistry and pharmacy building. Eingionersg Gradates et ood Jobs Graduates from the University's Col- lege of Engineering have practically all found good positions, many of them through the efforts of University au- thorities. Those are especially in de- mand who have been graduated from the marine, highway and chemical en- gineering departments. L0STh LOST-A pair of nose glasses, with(out case, between 920 E. Ann and Uoi- versity hall. Return to 920 E. Ann. 354-M. Res-ard. A REAL VACATION The Water Way is the Only Way aTdetGreat takes ilathe mecca eor particularad expaerieed travelers oasnes and iease tipp, The D. a . Lia Steamers mbosdy allthe quitiesofiseed,iaet anidcomfot: Theraafreedom oathIe slacks, Ikeeoi, rerehing lake breaes.eoSltcase modius state rooms adunexceled cuilse, make libe abosrd ihee fsating palat esa source oS eloyment- i You will fild that if you can teach the commercial branches you can pr .cure a better position in the fall Every student of law should be able to write short- hand and operate a typewriter. You can use short- hand in the class-roomi now and at court later on BD'USINES TUENT A knowledge of stenography and boo keeping is the 42 centimeter gun that will open for you the way into the business world Join the summer classes at Hamilton Business College State and William Phone 342-R