AT YOUR DOOR THE ONLY OFFICIAL 3 TIMES A WEEK, 750 SUMMER NEWSPAPER VOL. VII. No. 22. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTS FDEl C EBS D ED U. IND[ENDENCE Poles, French, and Germans Fought in Ranks of Washington's Con- tinental Armies, MANY SLIDES fLLUSTRATE TALK How the different people In the American colonies helped the flag of freedom to float over the United States was shown by Prof. W. W. Florer of the German department in his illus- trated lecture delivered Tuesday even- ing in the Natural Science building on "The American Revolution." Starting with a picture of the first liberty tree in the American colonies Professor Florer traced the progres of the social desire for independence. The pictures he showed in connection with his lecture were most interesting ones. Some were drawn by artists present on the field of battle. The pic- tures of the buildings shown were all old and authentic cuts of the condi- tions of the time. The blockade of Boston harbor, Sam- uel Adams, Peter Faneuil, and the hall which he donated for the cause of liberty, were all shown in the slides. Then the battle of Bunker Hill with its position on the map were demon- strated by Professor Florer. Then came scenes of famous build- ings, such as the old hotel at Provi- dence, Rhode Island, where the Dec- laration of Independence was first read. In the concluding portion of the lec- ture Professor Florer showed how the many European nations had helped us in the war. The names of Baron Von Stueben, LaFayette, and Count Pulaski ale among the most familiar. FATHER OF CHRLS 0. WARIIEN DIESHERE Robert L. Warren, '66L, Prominent Newspaper Man, Passes Away Tuesday. Robert. L. Warren, '66L, father of the capitalist, Charles B. Warren, of Detroit, and one of the most promi- nent Ann Arbor citizens, died here Tuesday night. Robert Warren has been a newspaper man, soldier and lawyer of high ability. Twelve years ago he came to Ann Arbor from Char- lotte where h had been an editor. Here he edited and published the Ann Arbor Times until its merging with the Ann Arbor News. Mr. Warren has been commander of the local chapter of the G. A. R., and has been a member of the Ma- sonic lodge. He served both as a sol- dier and as an officer in the Union army during the Civil war. Charles Warren, of Detroit, his son, prominent state corporation lawyer and politician, was in New York City at the hour of his father's death. He was immediately notified by long dis- tance telephone and all arrangements for the funeral were held over until his arrival. Mrs. L. Ware, of Evanston, Ill., is the only other surviving child of the deceased.. Robert Warren has been identified during, his long career with newspa- pers in Bay City, Albion, Decatur, Charlotte and other cities in the state. He was born in Caledonia, Shiawasse county, December 2, 1842. His par- ents were Samuel N. and Anna K. Warren, the former a native of Ver- mont, and the latter of the state of New York. The father died in 1904 at the age of 92. Mr. Warren's birth was in the wilds of early Michigan where tribes of Indians were still in abundance. A few months after hisl (Continued on page four) Library's Passing l A M Saddens Students 01UT When the pitiless work is finaly A T OOK CAPITAL finished and the new and massive li- brary stands completed, a mute wit- Such Is Description of Diverse Scenes ness to the University's progress, In Moslem City by H. V. something more than mere material Wain Yesterday. will have been carried away with the BEGGARS AND FAIRS ABOUND piles of dusty bricks and tangled vines. ~~GR For it is the old library that the stu- Here niud, here beauty, more or less dent of .yesterday, and of many, many characterizes the contrasting parts of days back, recalls when lie slips back the great city of Constantinople, ac- Into the realms of what used to be. cording to a lecture yesterday after- It is not the books, nor the remen- noon in the Natural science amphithea- brance of hours of true work,. for those . are long forgotten; it is ter by Mr. H. V. Wann, of the French rather the memories of hushed department. He showed diverse types laughter of busy companions, of the of humanity which swarms the great hurrying footsteps of friends of mart of the Bosphorus, by an excel- long ago, of a hasty greeting lent series of slides and comments spoken in passing from desk to showing knowledge of the subject. almost eventless, passed among people Little dirty houses squat beside won- with whom one felt strangely safe. derful palaces which make the days "Do you remember spring at Micbi- of Huron Al Raschid seem as though gan?" one student of long ago will ask real are characteristic sights in the another. "Do you remember haw the capital of the Turks. early morning sun would shine on the On one corner one sees the crippled opening leaves of the vines on the old beggar and the filthy fakir pictur- library? How the old slate roof would esquely dresed, and then rich citi- gleam in the coolness, and the old zens go by with silks and fezzes or clock, ringing out in the misty still- turbans. Thus the audience in the ness would call us from our dreams natural science lecture room was to a day of work?" carried to the heart of the Bosphorus Ask anyone who went to Michigan as though each slide were the magic years ago to tell you some old campus carpet of the Arabian mysticism which stories. He will smile a fond far- carried the owner like the speed of away smile, and his eyes will light the sunlight to the land he most de- tenderly. "You know the old library," sired to behold. he will begin, and he will drift off into tale after tale of happenings, fun- -i ny, tragic and often pathetic, and al- ways and always the old library will , be serving as the background. And, then look back over your own few years at Michigan. Where is itP that the stories you tell your children s, about college will be centered? Will they be about the new buildings, or Juicigan Graduate Appointed Headof : t wonders of Michigan's latest gifts vri Department at Uni- No, they will not. You will find your -ry W h t self thinking of the long-gone ac- quaintances-after all so much more FOUNDER OF THE WOLVERINE than acquaintances-whom you used to accost in the library. You will find Prof. Lee A White, who is conduct- yourself telling of the worn old steps ing the courses in journalism in the carved by the hurried scraping of be- University this summer, yesterday re- loved feet. You will be surprised to ceived and accepted appointment as find how well you remember the first acting head of the department of touch of frost on the vines that spread journalism at the University of Wash- out their tiny tendrils to all but hide ington, to succeed Frank G. Kane, the dull red of the bricks. resigned. And then, before your memory has Mr. White has been assistant pro- carried you too far, turn to a drawing fessor of journalism in the Seattle in- of the library that is to be. And you stitution for the last two years. Prior will nod approvingly, because you to his engagement there he was a know you ought to, and say aloud, member of the editorial staff of the De- "This will mean a lot to Michigan; a troit News. He was graduated from; very fine building indeed." But deep Michigan in 1910 and took his mas-; down in your heart, where that mem- ter's degree in 1911. During his stu-1 ory will still be at work, something dent days he founded The Gargoyle w411 be saying, "Yes, it will mean a lot and edited for three years; founded -to those, who have never known The Wolverine, which he ran in the; _ Why 9Not Try the Skip-StopSystem? Uncle Tom's Eliza would have nad a much better chance to pull that drag- to-crag act of hers if she had lived today, andcould walk down Liberty street where the only way of crossing is by walking the plank or hopping daintily from one soap box to the next. There aren't any bloodhounds, to be sure, but there's always someone just behind you who thinks you could eas- ily move with greater velocity, and someone just ahead who is suffering from locomotor ataxia; it's the old problem of the irresistible force and the inmmovable body. FEW ILLNESSES IN DAMP DAVIS Dr. Drury Reports Chief Ailments of Summer Are Insect Bites and Black Flies. A medical report recently received by the University health service from Dr. Charles P. Drury, who is acting as camp physician for the students of Camp Davis and the Biological station this summer, stated that in the period between June 20 and August 1, 351 engineers and 66 biological students had been treated by him. Treatments were chiefly given for cuts, muscle strains, abrasions, insect bites, sun- burn, ivy poison, and other ailments common to camp life. Dr. Drury re- ports the camps in excellent condition and says that while the thermometer has risen to 104 F. during the day, it has never fallen beflow 890 F. at night, a very unusual thing for the camp. There have been no heat pros- trations this summer and the only thn to mar the happiness of camp life are the thousands of black flies and mosquitoes, which are very plenti- ful this summer. Last Ninute News Car Strike If Union Not Recognized New York, Aug. 17.-Another strike of conductors and motormen employed by the New York ,Railways company will be declared "forthwith" unless the company grants recognition of the union, according to resolutions adopted at a mass meeting of the men tonight. Allies Gain Trenches Near Haurepas London, Aug. 17.-A new blow for which the French and British artil- lery have been paving the way for some time, was struck this afternoon against the German front both north and south of the Sommle. As a result, Teuton trenches were carried on a two-mile front on both sides of the village of Maurepas to a depth of from 350 yards to 600 yards, while south of MlCHIGAN TAKES ON\ DPAH TA EN Professor David Friday Lectures Be- fore Students on "Culture and Efficiency." NOT CREDITED TO UNIVERSITY "Michigan taxes are on the upward trend and will continue in that di- rection," said Prof. David Friday in his lecture on "Culture and Efficiency" in the Natural Science building Tues- day afternoon. "Although taxes have increased to a remarkable degree in the last 10 years, this advance is not in any way comparable with what it will be in the future. Those who say that the taxes in this state will decrease in- stead of remaining at the total col- lected last year, or even going above .hat point, are talking in the wind. This increase cannot be credited to, the growing University appropriations,.for these are only one-sixth of the to- tal." Professor Friday's lecture was .a discussion of the relationship of cul- ture and efficiency in the university curriculum, comparing the purely cul- tural courses with those of engineering and economics. He laid especial stress on the importance of the study of busi- ness administration. He pointed out that the two most important peases of the development of gndustrial so- ciety in late years are the great in- crease in the individual output, and the development of the conception of equality of opportunity which is due to our modern democracy.. Although the output per capita has increased three or four times over 101 years ago, the social dividend is insufficient to satisfy the wants of society. As a result, the matter of industrial tech- nique is' nt alone adequate for the solution of the problem; it has become a question of organization which only the specialist trained in a particular field can solve intelligently. In the field of Justice and equity, in questions of public control, prob- lems have arisen which call for the university-trained expert. The prob- lems of taxation, railroad regulation, and countless others relating intimate- ly to the public welfare must be un- dertaken by men of this stamp if they are to be adjusted in the best way. But efficiency and increased tech- rique are not enough. Some schools of business administration do not real- ize that- efficiency in itself will lead only to materialism. The true value of efficiency is meas- ured in its cultural ideal. In this light strictly economic problems may be regarded as cultural questions in themselves. Just as labor problems require an idealization of society for their proper solution, so the greatest need of modern society is an idealiza- tion of industrial efficiency. CHORAL UNION CONCERT PLEASES LARGE, APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE The hnnual summer concert of the Choral union, directed by Kenneth N. Westerman, was given last evening in Hill auditorium before a large and appreciative audience. The soloist of the evening, Miss Ada Grace Johnson, pleased the audience with her excel- lent rendition of Mendelssohn's As- the Heart Pants," which is particular- ly suited to Miss Johnson's rich flow- ing voice. The singing of the four leaders of the chorus, Horace L. Davis, first tenor; Odra Patton, second tenor; Walter Scott Westerman, first bass, and George Cantrick, second tenor, was in perfect harmony, and together with background furnished by the singing of the chorus, made the con- cert one of the most enjoyable of the summer. Michigan. But never can it fill the emptiness left by those crumbled old bricks and tangled dead vines." And then the chimes will interrupt your reverie, and you will turn away with a sigh. 8-Hour Day Proposed as Settlement Washington, Aug. 17. - President Wilson today completed a definite plan for settlement of the threatened nation- wide railroad strike, and will submit it to representatives of the managers and employes tomorrow. Administra- tion officials said negotiations would be continued until a peaceful solution was found. The proposal framed by the presi- dent following conferences with the managers and employes since Monday morning is that the railways should concede the eight-hour work day, with an agreement that it will be observed. Later it probably will be proposed that a federal commission, appointed by the president or created by congress, investigate all problems which have arisen during the present discussion. summer of 1910, and was editor of the the river the German line, three- Michigan Daily. During his senior quarters of a mile in length, was seized years in Detroit Central high school by the French. he edited The Student. .. _ llinois Merchant ti Manage Bookstore ILL HEALTH AND WORRY OVER Charles W. Graham, a merchant of SICK CHILI) CAUSES SUICIDE Champaign, Illinois, has left the man- agement of the students' co-operation Mrs. Henry Mills, of 643 S. Ingalls, supply store in that city to take up thought to have been overcome be- the management of the Sheehan & Co. cause of her constantly crying infant bookstore of this city.) child of three months, who had been in ill health ever 'since birth, cut her Last Dance to be Held at Golf Club throat with her husband's razor yes- The last summer school dance at terday morning. Henry Mills is a the Ann Arbor Golf club will be held driver of a local delivery wagon. His at the club house next Saturday night. wife heft her bed at about 4 o'clock A four-piece orchestra will furnish the and was found dead in the kitchen by music. The charge will be fifty cents. her husband at about 6 o'clock. Mrs. Mills was the mother of three Creek Flowed Too Fast; Soaked $5 children. The two oldest children Alex Creek came over here from were two and four years old. It is Jackson this morning and the first thought that the strain of taking care thing he did after landing in town was of the youngest child who was in ill to get himself arrested for speeding. health, combined with other circum- That, however, does not hurt him much stances, comprised the causes of the as he is a retired business man and tragedy. Mrs. Mills has been de- has lots of money-so the police say. scribed as a woman of rather melan- The court fined him five dollars and choly temperament. costs.