THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE A RCA D E The official student newspaper for the University of Michigan summer how. t-td s W:odosi: ,:, 9: session. Published by the students on Sat-sino o ooruff i"eroo Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- Sm.arVieiu3.2" scaptio"rate-Byrcrrier sev World." Children's Matinec, 4:30; ternoons. Twenty-five issues. "Runinpelstitskiu." N10. 3Vigina earonin 'te Trn Subscription rates--By carrier, sev- oft h ieRd"gatal Moty uferedy enty-five cents for the summer; rues., 4-Robert Ideson in "Big Jit mailed to any address for one dollar. Garritty," and Mutt and Jeff Cartoon Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. k-_. -Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- ry's and University Avenue Phar- Orpheum Theatre Oice ours Managing editor, 2:00 The House of Faimous Plays by Famous. to 3:00 daily; business manager, Players 1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 960 or 2414. Sat.t-FrankKeenanwithMaiyBoland io 'riles steppieg ssoes,"T'iangls Cousedy,"Buockigsosiety." R'v1irge Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- Sittiday-Nion., 53 - pustit isarntn in in g, Maynard St., Ann Arbor. "David Gar? ick,"'also Burton Ito Ies 'travels. VreE unt-aaigEio oues., 4 - e uwe o f opper witli aty aee E. Btrst4-Mnuging Editor Tincher in "Sunshines ,"Triangle Phone-2414 or 1283-M Coitedy, "The Snow Cure " suvng te . Verse Sellers-Basitess Etntger A,___________________________ Phone-960 or 1460 1ip JII IN TED JNES Torn C. Reid-Associate Editor wn)o-t,, ''sAntisarbor and Jackston . C. Garrison-Sports Editor as i Marion Wilson-Women's Editor Detroit Imtited and Express Cars-:sro a 17 d17 y111 :' t 'C .. o : t. tn. Kalnam oo imjtited Cars--8.t a. mr. and -erg to ' urs to 6:4 ,A p. tn. ; to Lansing >e--as Car', Eastbound'-s5s. , m..6:40a. M 5a, m..taia oevery t wo t ours to 7:05P.uM. 4,.p7. ()o; 1,. ., i:5o p. in. To Ypsi sly. : .m lai i exept'Sudayl r:05a...,,:20 a .tt oal Care es nd--6:osa. m 7:50a" oi. tt:2 A' m. SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1916 Issue Editor-Bruce Swaney OPPORTUNITY Thegrowth of the summer school of the University has been steady, but aot apace with certain other big uni- University School of Music versities. A gain of from 100 to 200 has marked nearly every summer ses- ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director ,ion at Michigan in the past few years. "A Gathering Place for Advanced Students" A similar increase is confidently look- Annual Summer Session 'd for this July. But there are accommodations for EIGHT WEEKS - JULY 3-AUG. 25 several thousand students on the Regular Fall Term begins Mon, Oct 2,1916 vichigan campus. Other big univer- For Catalogue an infouaoutoaddress ities are realizing and taking ad- CHARLES A SINK, Secretary vantage of similar conditions in their Ann Arbor, Mich. 'nstitutions, and this is one of the Ag factors by which they are clamber- :n- one by one over Michigan's total ~ttendance record. If Michigan wants The Ann Arbor Savings Bank to regain her former prestige in size, gUsome action to induce more students INCORPORATED 1869 to come to Ann Arbor is in order. OFFERS One evident method would be for Security-...- Se0vice- Location every student, alumnus, and faculty S . . $ 000 man who has not left town, to apply Resources.............. $3,700,080.00 personal boosting. It is late but there Main Ofice N. W. Corner is still nearly a week in which to sen, i.HuroneSts.r write a few letters, or write a short Branch (ffice 707 Nrth Uni.- article for the Homeburg papers, or ersity Avenue. just mention to some likely prospect sfew facts about the summer session, resplendent with its special lecture your;; and enterlainment-s, and with CO t inelcem 1nt tdst brilliant ad largest faculty a summer session ever had. COm(cque WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MICHIGAN ATHLETICST (By eorge Caron) We offer hereby-two niftily curled, (By Ha Church) ty pretzels and a free peep at our- If working in this office on a hot Assets ly day-to any commencement week Mielsigan has the largest student sitor who conscientiously and abso- 'uody she has ever had-a larger one tely refrains from attempting to in- hai any of her athletic rivals. nt a pun on "U Hall" during his or Mkhigan has a larger and better r stay in the village. 3quipped athletic plant than she has 'ver had-one of the best in the It may be that the, sage had it right country. Itmay eru that esage adt rit Michigan has more and better e~ion hearunetha onebut, "coss- . oaches than she ever had-a separate low has ben chasing around with trainer for football has just been add- co-ed all year and then has his l: to the staff. Michigan has the largest body of egular" dowo,: to see him graduate, iigaun fayAeia olg jst cat hep drawing a few ig alum of any American college ,s ellyokn'tvw or university--and they are interested ,well, you know! in Michigan as witness the success of ( the Union campaign. I and the Others Michigan has her heritage of athletic is poker games that used to be prestige - "The Champions of the Shall never be atain- West!" to girls I used to go to see- Labilities Will cling to other men. This year's football team was the te beer I used to hurtle down first Yost team that ever lost three Will moisten other throats- ames-and they just tied one of the y "beauty" friends around the town weakest teams Pennsy had. Will hunt up other goats This year's baseball team was the id so I sit and sob and cry only Wolverine nine that ever failed While fall the tears away- to win a game on the training trip. it smile at this, that bye and bye This year's track team placed the e bills that used to hit this guy- lowest of any Michigan squad which 'o:ie other ones must pay. has competed in the Eastern Intercol- 0 * legiates. They tun This Every Sunmmer The Trial Balance S sumer coeds and some'r old maids. In considering the causes for Mich- In fact most of 'em are. igan's recent unsatisfactory athletic Unitarian Chiurchl State and Huron Streets Sunday, July 2, at 10:30 Democracy and Religion Violincello Solo by Mr. Weir WXomen Notices and announcements for wo- men should be telephoned to Marian Wilson, 647. perforgiances there is Js"t nue element on which all critics agree-the lack of material. The cause of this lack of material for 'Varsity teams is attributed to everything from the dancing craze to facuity antagonism, from student poll- ics to the war shortage. but whatever the cpgse is, the result must be changed. Michigan must get athletic material and there are just .wo sources. Michigan must either at- tact prep school athletes who have oeen trained, or she must develop un- trained men within her student body. Michigan has tried desperately to succeed by the latter method. Student publications, campus societies and the athletic authorities have used every weans possible to induce men to try for the 'Varsity teams. But the effort has failed. Over-organization or other .infuences have made it impossible for Michigan to get enough earnest work- 'rs on her athletic squads. Michigan's apring football squad this year num- bered about one-quarter that of her athletic rivals, some of whom are much smaller in enrollment. Having failed to develop new talent, Michigan must induce men of athletic _xperience to enter the university. It is apparently the only course, but it presents unfortunate difficulties. Mich- igan has alwys held herself in a dig- nified attitude that has unfortunately been interpreted as indifference in some cases. The sentiment of Michi- an has been opposed to taking too active an interest in inducing athletes to enter the University for fear the .novement might be carried to im- proper lengths or be given unwhole- some significance in the eyes of other institutions. But these other institutions work hard-most of them in a legitimate way-to induce prep school athletes 1'senter their halls, and the time has come when Michigan must do likewise. The proper part of the university body to undertake this work is mani- festly the alumni. The Detroit alumni Wednesday took a big step in the right Jirection by bringing a score or more of athletes who graduated from Detroit tigh schools this month to Ann Arbor for the alumni day festivities. The repsters were banqueted in Detroit, ri en to Ann Arbor, and entertained various ways while here. The Detroit alumni have organized ommittees to continue this work. If SUMMER SCHOOL New and Second-Hand Drawing Instruments, Loose-Leaf Note Books Student Supplies in General VNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Phones 2076 and 2077 : CGorner F =L i ,and r , Filth Ave. WE WASH ALL CO DS IN SOFT WATER. Special Prices on Students' Soft Wash With All Buttons Sewed on, Socks Darned, and All Reasonable Mending Done FREE ... I OUR WAGONS CALL FOR AND DELIVER PROMPTLY CANDIES CAN DIES Canoe Fountain Lunches Lunches for and Two +5 Ice Cream Rt petli's Johnsons' Thorpe's the alumni of other citiest work in but a few years tb to be a definite result. istitutions must be adver ruly as breakfast foods, aonds. No intelligent mai uy an article he knows ind the alumni must prea .o the young athletes of if the utliversity is to rega athletic footing and maint ard in that field. Subscribe for The Wol All summer for 75c. do as earnest tere is bound Educational 'tised just as shows and n is going to little about, ich Michigan thes potr Miciga an Frternity Jewelr Leather, Gold and Silver WATCI BRACELIBTS Extra Fine Repairs of Watches and Jewelry HA LEER ( FUL LEK STATE STRI ET JEWELERS Lec unury in its proper ain its stand- lverine now. rt -jr PACKARD ACADEMY dancing class The WOLVERINE for the summer begins July 3, 8:00 p. m. Private les- by carrier, 75c. Copy of Student Di- sons by appointment. rectory free. a ..... THE COOL, QUIET ATMOSPHERE OF ahefilflach tea Idoom together with perfect set vice and delicious summer ccoking, make it a place of unequalled excellence for the erjoyment of luncheons and dinners. (Second Floor-either elevator) 0