J YOUR DOOR V P ATfhtNJE ONLY OFFICIAL TIMES A WEEK;c IIJVSUMMER NEWSPAPER VOL. VIIL No. 19. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS I "FODI\DH\ MADCIiI Zg Fish Caught D TCIEYAN " RI DIV atCamp Douglas DE| |- f BASED O N M y" Stdents Now Dilsecting Fauna; Fish BEING 19 ,""S E Eagles, Kuig Birds, Reptiles Says: Mrs. W. I. Thomas; Thinks That and Others. Prof. I. L. Sharfman Talks on the ltany Social Problems Are Due Governmental Attitude Toward t9 Unorganised Recreation Dissecting king snakes, garter Economics ! snakes, blue birds, king birds, wood- "UNITED STATES IS BACKWARD" peckers, eagles, and fish form the NO ADJUSTMENT IS PERMANENT present occupation of 33 students tak- Many of our social problems are due ing summer work at the University "The governmet atlitude towards to the failure to organize play, accord- Ba economic life in the English-speaking ing to Mrs. W. I. Thomas who lectured countries has been one of emphasis on "Play and Social Progress," Wed- This is according to Director 0. C. Iupon personal freedom, and upon free nesday afternoon in the auditorium of Glaser, who has just returned from the private enterprise," stated Prof. I. L. the natural science building. In her camp. Dr. Glaser says that the work Sharfman, of the department of Eco- discussion of the subject, Mrs. Thomas which is being done there is mostly nmics, in a lecture on "Law and Eco- emphasized the fact that America has field and animal ecollogy, but also a nomics," in the auditorium of the Na- been slow to use this means of aiding considerable amount of hydrograph- tural Science building, Tuesday after- social progress. Greece, Germany and ical investigation is being carried on. noon. Italy have all realized the value of The animals they use for their ex- "How far has ,the existing regime play. Until recently there has been periments, they capture in that part been adjusted to the teachings of eco- an organization against play in this of the country, consisting mostly of nomics in its broadest social aspects, country rather than an organization fsh, snakes and birds. and how far do they remain in con- for recreation, due to the Puritan in- Dr. Glaser says that "the snake is flit? No adjustment is rigid or per- fluences. The real advance of a coun- none to popular," as only two of the manent-conditions is American in- try is marked in her organization of 33 students are specializing in snake dustrial society are constantly chang- ptry just s muchas in er herrganz-biology. "Talk about' fish," he said, ing, and governmental measures are aien of industry. - ยข ,"well you ought to see the two and a subject to constant readjustment." Mrs. Thomas traced the change of half feet amia calva that we catch. Professor Sharfman spoke of the industry from the home to the modern We are eight miles from the nearest widely differing laws now in effect for industrial conditions. It is this change railroad station and right in the center regulation, such as the regulation of which has made the great need for the of 3,000 acres of land owned by the prices and the limitation of profits of recreation center, especially in the University, so you see we have ex- railroads, regulation of interest rates, large city. In the, absence of any ceptionally good opportunities to ex- minimum wage laws, tax laws, pure other provision, the saloon has become perimental purposes." food laws, and regulation of conditions the social center of the workman, and employment. He spoke also of the this has had a directly had influence (AT substantial limitations upon personal upon the child. Tht real .solution to Last IMinute i evs freedom; the right of freedom from the whole problem of recreation lies bodily injury, prohibition of fraud and in the organized playground. This in- London., Aug. 9.-The British war deceit, recognition of thu institution of fluences the parents as well as the office recorts tonight that the Austral- private property and its protection, child, and the lesson of cleanliness ins have advanced 200 yards on a recognition and enforcement of con- which it teaches with its showers and front of 600 yards northwest of Pozier- tracts, and tariff laws. its swimming pool is a valuable one, "The important characteristics of a it simtminpotleis revaluablemneesiregime of regulations of monopoly are: The solution of the leisure problem -an emphasis on substance rather than of the parent and child is also in a ENLAND MAY CO'NFISCATE form; the establishment of the prin- measure a solution of some of the ciple of strict supervision; the recog- problems of the absorption of the im- London, Aug. 10.-That the English nition of the administrative device as migrant into our national life, was the government is contemplating the con- the most effective method of public point emphasized by the speaker fi cation of all the German-owned control; and the growing supremacy of This afternoon Mrs. Thomas will property in England in retaliation for national as against local control of in- discuss a subject of interest to educa- the execution of Captain Charles Fry- dustrial action." tors and sociologists in her lecture on att, of the English liner Brussels, was "The Child and the Community." This revealed in the house of lords yester- will be a consideration of the modern day by Lord Lansdowne. He stated MRS. SII.IBIII1iU PIHIL, conception of the responsibility of the that the government was consulting - LLL community to the child and its applica- with financial houses as to the advis- tion to the sociological problems of ability of taking the step. The Ger- I FAUULRI U O T the day. man property in England runs into Friday afternoon, Mrs. Thomas will many hundreds of millions of dollars. Renders Difficult Numbers in Appeal. lecture upon "Society and the Woman ing Fashion; Mr Lockwood in Industry."- KIDS CROSS BRIDGE FIRST Plays Accompaniment KELE O lTfN To the tramp of thousands of feet An unusually quiet and sympathetic Wednesday, the temporary Belle Isle audience heard last evening's faculty THE APOSTLES I NOMEfbridge was opened for pedestrian traf- concert, at which Mrs. Emily Sadler. 11T rN8M fie and by nightfull a steady stream of Stanton, violinist, and Harrison A. visitors to Belle Isle was going over Stevens and Miss Elsie B. Lincoln, the structure. The bm'dge was formal- pianists, appeared. Will Tell of Martyrdom of Peter and ly opened at 8:45 o'clock Wednesday Mrs. Stanton is one of those true Paul; to Show Slides morning, but without ceremonies. Com- sight of all problems in technique, bow- of City missioner and Mrs. George H. Fenkell, sight of all problems in techniue, bow- Inspector W. T. Rutledge, traffic di- ing, and the like, and revel in the ex- Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the Latin rector, several police officers and quisite tone and the appeal of the department, will lecture Friday even- bridge engineers constituted the first music itself. Mr. Stevens appeared ing at 8:00 o'clock in the auditorim party of adults that walked over the with her in the first number, the diffi- of the Natural Science building, on new bridge. Ahead of them was the cult Cesar Franck sonata. In the "Peter and Paul in Rome." ever evident small boy in numbers; second group, Mrs. Stanton gave the Professor Kelsey will deal with the the police grinned good naturedly as Schubert Ave Maria and Kreisler's church tradition relating to the resi- the youngsters released their energy in Liebesfreud. The former played on dence of Peter and Paul in Rome and advance of the official party. muted strings was especially effective their martyrdom there. It will be i- and won much applause. Mr. Lock- lustrated by slides showing localities AUTHORITY ON SPANMSH AR- wood played the accompaniments in of the city with which the napoes of CHIVESS TO LECTURE FRIDAY his own inimitable way. the apostles are associated, and also Miss Lincoln has a fine agile touch illustrating the history of the two Aiand a keen appreciation of rhythm, the Aseveralrdistractingimannerismsofrthe great churches built ove their tombs. HerbertEBolt of he Ue r severaldistracting mannerisms of the H ara willt lthe University young artist are very evident. She TORPEDO KILLS GODIN in the Spaish Archiysron exio," bri liat sleonsadvantage i ght, in his classroom .in Tappan. Ball at bisitn setiontas prdcialex-r Paris, Aug. 10.-Andre Godin, Egyp- 10:00 o'clock Friday mnorning. singing tone that is remarkably e- tologist and poet, has been killed at Professor Bolton, who is the leading pressive, the front by an aerial torpedo as he authority on Mexico in the world, has . was leaving a communication trench spent a great deal of his time during V. F. Spring, '13E, Marries at Media, Pa. I at the back of the French line. His the past few years in searching Mr. and Mrs. Leigh W. Bullis, of this I unpublished papers, the result of pro- through old documents in the Spanish city, have recently announced the mar- longed research, are to be edited by archives that have to deal with his riage of their daughter, Celia, to Val- his fiancee ,Mme. Berths de Nise, as- especial subject. entine F. Spring, '13, also of this city. sisted by some of Godin's scholarly All who are interested have been in- The couple were married in Media, Pa., friends. vited to attend, where they expect to live. Moon-Gazing at nirnrrn Dome Nelv Stun | LL L Da e N__l t nH T N They tell us that d.-athm is the great /JTj PLAJT1~ B IJ RI I leveller, but death can't compare withE - - visitor's night at the Observatory when Sees Shuusm ihules and IDhies With it comes to making all things equal. Boys; Remarks Care of len- Everyoii has a certain amount of cur,- Effectiveness of Training osity about those heavenly bodies, and you've never had an lopportunity to lllTN ENT IISl 'C OVIt WORK view them except from a porch swing on a balmy somer' s ve,uthe only president Harry B. Hutchins re- logical thing to ido is to jump at a turned Tuesay mrom his trip of in- chance like this. So just cast aside all of that superfluous dignity and for- spection to the Plattsburg training mality, and stand in line at the foot camp. t'resident Hutchins in compammy of the telescope, awaitire your turn. tith President J. G. Schurmar'of When it comes, step baldly on the first Cornell, arrived at Plattsburg the rung of the' ladder, and then on the evening of August 3. The following next, and the next, wondering all the mimoning the men were sent out on time what will happen if you should the "hike," and General Wood detail- slip. ed a Captain and his Aide to take the When you have successfully scaled two presidents to see the sham bat- the heights, you perch, bird-like, on tie. The Presidents stayed for dinner the little platform at the top, squint that noon, and for tea in the evening. your face all up in as endeavor to After the evening meal the men were close one eye and still see out of the drawn up in two groups, a squad of other, and then, at last, you will spy about 3500 students and another of something which they will try to tell about an tequal number of business you is the moon, but you will know men, President Hutchins and President better than to believe them, because Schurnmamn talked to each group. Pres- you will recognize it as a relief map ident Hutchins made a special hit with out of your third grade geography. the men by showing understanding of s-what they wanted, as he only talked bout is minutes. T. D.C. DAY SEES WORK ams iths ntie cr akno tm e President Hutchins was especially IG~g strnd k with the are taken of the men and of the effectiveness of the drill, HY Y IC NU lectures and instruction in military -matters. He said that the men there And Ann Arbor Physicians Are Exam- are very enthusiastic over the work uining Free All Who Think They way for men to gain military instruc- Are Affected tion. The following is the list of college Today is Tuberculosis Day in the presidents who form an advisory state of Michigan, and Ann Arbor doe- boaird to General Wood. tors are examining without charge all President John G. Hibben, Chairman, who suspect that they have affected Princeton University. mungs or wish to take precautions in P'esidcntHary B. Hutchins, Uni- advarmce of the possible development of versity of .iHchsigaU. disease. The University Health Ser- President A. Laurence Lowell,l-ar vice, 226 South Ingalls street, exam- ard tniveAsity. ined students for three hours this resident Arthur T Hadley, ale morning, and is continuing for three University. hours this afternoon. President John . Finley, New York During the past year the health ser- Uivrsidt vice overhauled 800 students whose re- President spenses to a questionaire indicated that Pr George H. Denny, Univer sitv of Alabama. they were possibly tubercular. A con- SinendAntam .W siderable number of these were vic- Smperintemdent H. W. Nichols, Tic- tims of the disease. ginia Military Institute. Dr. Cummings, of the University President Benjamin I. Wheeler, Uni- Ilealth Service, has been for six weeks versity of California. of this summer in the rorthern penin- President J. G. Schurman, Cornell sula of Michigan, and has been actively University. associated with the Michigan state President Edmund J. James, Univer- tuberculosis committee. He returned sity of thiois. to Ann Arbor about 10 days ago. Dr. Chancellor J. H. Kirkland, Vander- Drury, an assistant of the health ser- bilt University. vice, is working this ssmner at Camp President A. C. Humphreys, Stevens Davis, and a report from Dean E. H. Institute of Technology. Kraus today states that the northern President H. A. Garfield, Williams branch of the service has little to do, College. so healthy are the engineering boys President Henry S. Drinker, (Sec- keeping themselves, retary), Lehigh University. tRector Thomas J. Shahan, Catholic tUniversity of America. Each of these men forming the advisory board is to make a trip of in- i-spection through the camp so as to be- come familiar with the conditions Compares Relationship of, Scientific thre. Investigations of t0 Years Ago FIVE ILIONS IMPRISONED and Today E ___ E New York, Aug. 10.-More than 5,- 'faking the subject of the "Early 000,000 prisoners, doubled the number Stages of Mammalian Development," of men engaged in any previous war Tuesday evening at the Natural Sci- that the world has known, are Inow ence auditorium, Prof. G. C. Huber, confined in prison camps of the bellig- head of the histology department, pro- erent nations, according to Dr. John ceeded to show the relationship be- Mott, general secretary oh the interna- tween thetstage of scientific investiga- tional committee of the Young Men's tion into the subject 20 'years ago and C hristian Assoeiation, who arrived the present condition, not only with here yesterday on the Danish steam- regard to man but with regard to other ship Oscar II, from Copenhagen. Dr. animal types as well. The lecture was Mott left here in May for Russia and featured by numerous illustrations. has visited the prison camps of nearly Professor Huber devoted the latter all the countries at war. part of his lecture to the development of his own personal investigations into West Waterman Gym Foundations Laid the subject particularly with regard to Foundations for the addition on 'the the study of the white rat, a treatise .west side of Waterman gym have been on which he has published as one of laid and the window casing set up, this the Lister Institute monographs. week.