' THE WOLVERINE IMPROVEMENTS ON WHITMORE SUMMER CHORAL UNION TRAINS HUGHES OPENS FIRE ROAD HELD UP TEMPORARILY. FOR FINAL WEEK APPEARANCE IN DETROIT TALKS Work on the Whitmore Lake grade The summer choral union is nearing (Continued from Page One) fillo D nnlnk has been delayed until October through its annual concert; and with the two couraging the growth of its own in- lack of funds. At this time the board more rehearsals which are left, it ia doatries. of supervisors will meet again and expected that the chorus will be in "This country is a monument to the Superintendent Bilbie hopes that the shape to give even a better concert doctrine of sound reasonable protec- And Supplies amount of $15,000 will be voted. than it did last summer. These two tion for American workingmen and A proposition to build a continuous final rehearsals will be held in Hill American standards of living; and our viaduct over the railroad and river auditorium August 8 and 15, at 7:00 prosperity under that Republican doc- was hinted at today by a member of o'clock. trine is a standing rebuke to the party the commission. This plan would im- It is imperative that all who expect that for generations has denied it" prove the appearance of the two to sing attend these final rehearsals, AT THE ARCADIA Students' Bookstore bridges now in use. according to the director. NEW MANAGEMENT Prof. J. J. Cox, of the University; is With round after round of applause in charge of the surveying on the lake by over 3,000 people breaking into his road, and work on this part of the Women Stage Card Party and Dance speech as he declaimed the doctrines plan commenced this week. All the Women's League members of true Americanism and pleaded for hold them merely because he "gives a OCTOBER MICHIGAN TECHNIC are requested to turn out this Friday the leveling of social, industrial and man a job." The laborer had no right TO CONTAIN SPECIAL ARTICLES for a card party and dance which will financial barriers between men, Charles to regard the job merely as a job, but WANTED be held at the Barbour Gym. Of late Evans Hughes Monday night in the Ar- as a duty to be fulfilled and the fulfill- According to the report of the mem- the attendance has not been as large cadia opened the Republican national ment of which affected himself and hers of the Michigan Technic staff to- WANTED-Student to run dishwash- as usual, and because school will soon campaign in Detroit-the city selected his employer. day, the material for the October is- ing machine. Inquire, Miss Hunt, close it is hoped that they will take because it typified the dynamic energy That America-the American em- sue is about ready. Many of the Newberry Residence. advantage and attend. and efficiency of which America is rarticles are of especial interest and caal.plyer and employ--will face the mostarilsreoepcalntetad capable. tremendous conflict in history when deal with leading engineering pro- To the thousands who listened to the European war is ended, gave the blems. One article on "English for him during the first great speech of candidate further subject. He declared Engineers" by J. D. Gordon, deals with the campaign, Chsares Evans Hughes that American industry and commerce the engineer as a business man and was a revelation. And to him, the must recognize the fact; must prepare shows conclusively that thorough warm hearted greetings of a city of for it, and must have a government training in English is what he needs 90,00 characterized by the swift ac-goenetraiginE lshswatened 800,000,hrt b th s hat will aid and protect them in their next to his ability in his technical tion and high pressure, was likewise a battle. Mexico and the policy of Pres- field. revelation. And to both-to Detroit ident Wilson were denounced as lack- Among the other articles will be one and to Hughes-there came a mutual mi "feng of adnsiratier adegar This ing in stability; as being based upon by Prof. H. W. King on "Flow of waselng the diratyn aturegtat Thad wrong concepts of national duty. Water Over Right-Angled V-notched - e -~ -- was not the cold, icy nature that had "There was a way to settle these Weirs", and an article on ocean cables otor,,-- been pictured so often; it was warm, vital, pulsating with sympathy for questins a wapinted out in long by Prof. T. J. McKavanaugh. mankind; believing in American experience in establishing distinctly ideals; ideals that made each man his American policies," declared Mr. Prof. Berry Finishes Summer Course S c en ic R iv e r C ruise brother's keeper; ideals that swept Hughes. Then he proceeded to point Prof. C. S. Berry is spending this Maway the divisional lines of caste and out the deficiencies of the administra- week in Lapeer, Mich., finishing up the 100 Mile Daylight Round .rip to Wallaceburg prejudice, of race and nationality. tin stand towards Mexico; its contra- course he has been giving in the sum- Dropare-banish worry-come with us and be happy on the most wonderful on dayJourney on Scarcely six sentences had left the dictory actions and its lack of regard mer session of the Ypsilanti Normal the.a hii h r tiidiig rinvrstifi chatnels green s aded, wave washed shores.interesting mouth after his introduction r American position in diplomacy. .s Ininwgtrecrdtecisathogothti.speaker's mforh Amen diplomacy.tionSchool. The class under his superin- Real Romance Staunch Steamer by John D. Mangum, chairman of the Following these came a sharp attack tendance is doing practical work in R FThstse e t aoRound Trip Fares The Olcottisasturdy arseH state central committee, when the big upon the Democratic evasion of party education in the Rome and Training Cit .& s hipcnaii shrouggh, From Detroit t iiipiecityioithi.rCute. Arcadia audience burst into applause platforms; of Wilson's deliberate re- School at that city. theWass Clair River Snye Week - 75c ehis:ofahriilervdcdnh'nils over the virile declaration of Amen- rsncsples; Caete (the lst zchassel snd as 75 earPrviddwheihgoaplnyetofdc ovrteiiedcaainofA r- d y DaysMen's calin on promenade canism that came from the candidate's of the delivery to the spoilsmen of a LOST Sun- deck;women'scabinonsamedeck hundred thousand civil service O Theearlylncidmntfidiscovery days e1.00 withmaidei.oemaattedance. lips. And then and there was estab- h o n l e LOST-Onueor near campus, rhinestone and setement of this Indian S day $1.,J serve-seei iunch counter. Also lished a bond between audience and tions; and of other evidences of mal- country present continual charmH d $1.0 good meas tfamily Styli, aCI administration, set in silver pin, shape of two in- othtraveler. - dining room. 75e. man that remained unbroken. Charles tertwining hearts. Finder please TIME TABLE (Daily except Mondays) Eastern Time Evans Hughes demonstrated that not call 378. Lose"Detroit - - 95A. M. "avos Wttesberg - 3:1tSP.M. only to him Americanism is the dear- DO YOU KNOW OF ANYONE WHO LeeeWipolelsland 12:5 R5 . M. Less Ageete - - - 5:00 P. M. Laoseai oea 9- 3 P. ' At. Lose W tle ieand - 5.15 P.M. est of passions, but that he regarded wants to buy an excellent rooming LOST-A rather inexpensive watch, Aeice ereeleps . 20 P. M. Arive Otiecli - .- aoo00P. M. at obya xeln omn estop Walpole Island, stgnal toni. Nsengerse betewee nDetritend Aigna. true Americanism as a solvent for the house near the campus? Suitable Monday afternoon. Wanted very DETROIT -WALLACEI URG STEAMSHIP LINE acid troubles that disturb the political for private family or club. Inquire much by owner, a carrier boy for Docst trotit oot Randlph S ,Al W S'ts us wdic rt , kW ses and industrial, as well as social, wel- The Wolverine. Bring to Wolverine H. B. SMITH, Msage JOHN5 Sri 5'i 'cAt b,,' IhICH. pt ownes 5eksA frfth ain, sca, or write E ., care eWoverie oseie,buiesdprmnfr' fare of the nation. Maynard Street. office, business department, for iden- One did not need to think to follow " -- tification, or call 1283-M. the speaker. As an orator Governor TVTTL ' jiCOUSINS& HALL Hughes does not seek tohhold atten- The Farmers & Mechanics Bank H USTON BROS. I I~ '" 'eE ~ I&tin; it is rather through aen excep-" I L V P1 C H R 0 0 M [fIOtA gtional use of plain, clear, concise Eng- Soth Main Street State Street Office The Finest Billiard Room in the Stale LVNCHES and SODAS 0002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. lish that he makes his audience feel Crner Huron Il So.lState St. CIOARS AND CANDY what he feels; sees what he sees. 358 SO. STATE STREET Both Phones 115 Ann Arbor, Mich. The Arcadia meeting came after a A Ol 1 STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED "We Try to Treat You Right" day of trying endeavors-a day of heat and dust; of quick shifting of scenes and manifold incidents. True, every arrangement was made carefully, and T hea was worked out on schedule. There N O W O N S A L Ewas not a slip in the program; there was not a man who wished to meet of the the candidate who did not have the U ivour fa opportunity. The burdens of a day in which every moment did duty were nevertheless heavy, but when the E evening came there was inspiration in the splendid gathering in the Arcadia IS NOW READY and under its stimulus the effect of the day's cares dropped away." THEMuchSaid on Labor Question Complete information concerning the eight Colleges )ttielland Schools: Governor Hughes talked plainly. He mSmade it clear that he regards Amer- LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, iril O a's duty to he that of developing ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR- Americanism. The alien who comes M CH M O A H ,D N IT Y here must be made to feel that in MACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, America he is not to regard the easy GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION dollar as his ideal, but the attainment of those things that make life worth Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, dollar a his idal, buttheaattinniek, living; make each man better because Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, of every other man's life. Unexpected- including Railway Administration and Insurance, ly, Mr. Hughes devoted considerable Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education attention to the "labor question" and (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation "4 UC he made it clear that his view was Study),- and a Course for those preparing for the based upon the execution of exact jus- scientific administration of departments of sanita- tice between employe and employer. tion and public health. Neither can, he declared, consider his own gain at the expense of the other as worthy gain. Neither can gain at For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or all, without the other. Both must gain Individual Information, address or both must lose. The Dean of the School or College in .which interested, or The laborer, he declared, was wor- Sheehan's Wahr's thy of his hire. He is entitled to a SHIL EY W SM IT T jest share of profits; to reasonable . j1 hours; to all those things thatamake Secretary University Ann Arbor, luch life complete. Theemployer has no right to take these from him or with-