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August 08, 1916 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1916-08-08

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gan, Cornell, Pennsylvania, and
alifornia Lose Maain-Stays
of Field Events.
e of Michigan's thirteen points
glimmering when Captain "Hal"
graduated, leaving Captain-elect
e" Carroll as the only point win-
ir the 1917 team. One consola-
iowever, remans to the. Wolver-
oter-the Maize and Blue squad
the only one to suffer heavily
Moakley's Cornell aggregation,
mie champions, loses 22 of the
nts scored. The lost stars are
Hoffmire, and Corwith, two-
Taylor, half-miler; Gubb,
r, and Van Winkle, sprinter.
s these intercollegiate point-
rs, the Big Red squad loses
McLaren, Millard, and Beckwith,
aeet scorers. Pennsylvania will
nus the services of the marvel-
ed' Meredith and Kauffman, the
Red and Blue sprinter. Stan-
fed" Meredith, and Kauffman, the
ion hurdler and all-round ath-
Tht face of Wesley 01er, high
champion, will be among those
when the sons of Old Eli line
:t spring, while Johnny Harvard'
ave to struggle along without
Bingham, middle-distance run-
id John Johnstone, high jumper.
lue and Gold hordes from Cali-
will come east next spring with-
ptain "Ted" Preble, star timber-
and Maker, high jumper, while
State loses its only point winner
;erson of "Ted" Brown, who took
in the low hurdles.
eslie's Magazine for last wtek"
it of the Michigan indoor rifle
hat made such a good showing
>ring in intercollegiate compe-
It is the first view of the bunch
'en the campus itself has seen,
is due the student body to feel
of them even yet. With scarce-
coaching and a range construct-
themselves as best they could,
.anaged to drill a team to rep-
the University that would have
redit to any military college in
entry. They managed to finish
to all colleges in class A and
more headed the list of all col-
f non-military character. The
of the team's efforts were due
to the activities of Intramural
r Floyd Rowe and the leader-
Captain Wilcoxen.

Paul Revere Had
NothingOn This
Down, down, down, like the very
wind it ran; speeding like the fleet
antelope flees in its flight, never stop-
pingto look, but running on and on,
jostling and pushing in its mad at-
tempts to escape.
It had started from the top where a
careless blow, brushing it from its
nest in the long twisted strands, had
sent it tumbling on its way. Over a
smooth stretch at first, themf suddenly
stopped in its headlong flight by a
sharpprojectionhfrom the solid mass,
then faster than the lightning's flash,
down over the pinky-white trail to the
region where the soft, pliantness
stopped and the rough stubble took its
place. Then checking its mad rush
through the tortuous ways, pricked and
jostled by the sharp blades, and again
blindly rushing on till without warn-
ing the trail came to a sudden stop at
the edge of a sharp precipice, over
which it plunged and fell twirling
round and round till it struck'the solid
earth below and was shattered into
Yeah, the sweat simply streamed
over his face,
It is not necessary to be able to
write the books or lyrics in order to
enter the competition for next year's
Michigan Union opera, according to1
Prof. John R. Brumm. If any mem-
ber of the Summer School has an
idea which he thinks could be devel-
oped intoa good Michigan opera, he is
urged to talk it over with Mr. Brumm.
If the idea is acceptable, the book and
lyrices could then be written up from
a scenario. This competition is open
to all summer students whether they
expect to be at Michigan next fall or
not. Theonly limitation is that the
subject matter be Michigan life, and
customs. This is the first time that
the committee has opened the com-
petition to summer students as well as
students of the regular session. It is
also the first time that the committee{
has decided that no opera shall bet
given unless one is submitted which
lives up to all the requirements de-
cided upon.
Geologists Journey to Put-In-Bay
In spite of the intense heat, fiftyf
students and interested friends wentt
with Dr. Sauer to Put-in-Bay last Sat-1
urday, leaving Detroit at 10:00 o'clock.i
Dr. Sauer took the party through thec
limestone and crystalline caves, which
proved very popular because of their
relative coolness, and served as an at-c
traction to those who sought pleasuret
as well as profit.

i %

Executive Secretary of Women's Peace
Party Will Give Series of
Settlement Talks
Mrs. W. I. Thomas, of Chicago, will
deliver three lectures next week in
the University lecture course. Her
subjects will be: "Play and Social
Progress," August 9; "The Child and
the Community," August 10; and
"Society and Woman in Industry,"
August 11.
Mrs. Thomas is the wife of Prof.
W. I. Thomas, of the sociology de-
partment of the University of Chi-
cago. She is the executive secretary
of the Women's Peace Party of which
Jane Addams is secretary. She has
also been intimately associated with
Miss Addams in social settlement
work in Chicago.
Mrs. Thomas has been giving lec-
tures this summer before women's
clubs, chambers of commerce, and sim-
ilar institutions. She has also given
talks at the universities of Texas, Illi-
nois and Indiana. Besides being an
attractive lecturer, she is a woman of
great experience in sociological work.
It is not very often that a woman is
placed on the lecture course of the
summer session, Mrs. Thomas being
the only one this summer and the
second woman that has ever lectured
before the summer school audience
'00 Law Alumnus, Here for Visit, Tells
How Wolverine Laws and Cornell
Engineers Outnumber All
Michigan leads all other schools in
the Orient, according to George Mal-
colm, '04, 06L, who is spending some
time in Ann Arbor with old friends.
Michigan laws and Cornell engineers
outnumber the college men from other
universities. A strong alumni asso-
ciation has been formed in Manila, and
Canton and Honolulu boast of similar
The islands do not need American
men in the practice of law, Mr. Mal-
colm feels. Their knowledge of law is
largely in the field of the Anglo-
American common law. The Spanish
foundation of the islands have given
them the Roman, civil, canon and Mo-
hammedan law as well. Natives qual-
ify as lawyers because they know the
country and its traditions. Our Mich-
igan men who are there are usually
instructors. Mr. Malcolm is the dean
of the law school in the University of
the Philippines.
The Philippines are leading the
United States in the matter of indus-
trial education. Every boy and girl
in the school learns a trade along with
his or her three R's. "Why, I learned
a little history, a little Latin, a little
of this, that, or the other in high
school," laughed Mr. Malcolm, "and it
didn't do me much good. We are go-
ing to fit our schools to our real needs
and not go on teaching stuff just be-
cause we always have,"
"You don't find American individ-
ualism and independence in the Philip-
pines," added Dean Malcolm. "The
government is bureaucratic, and, like
the Grman people, the. Filipinos are
willing to submit to authority."
Women's Party Prepares Campaign
After the conference of the Women's
party at Colorado Springs August 10

to 12, the presidential election cam-
paign will be carried out in the 12
suffrage states. Miss Margaret Whitte-
fore, of Detroit, will have charge of
the state of Oregon. The speakers for
the campaign include such women as
Rheta Childe Dorr, Charlotte Gilman
Perkins, Crystal Eastman, and Harriet
Stanton Blatch.
ltaynsford's Engagement Announced.
The engagement of Miss Anita Kel-
ey, '17, to James W. Raynsford, '15E,
ex-Varsity football captain, has been
anounced. Miss Kelley is a member
of Gamma Phi Bieta soro~rity.



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I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve
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we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing.
If you wantithe best results you will bring your films here.
Two Doors from L YN D A N 719 North
Hill Auditorium University Avenue

Illustrated Animal Book Contains
Many Beautiful Features
of Interest
"The Animal Kingdom in Pictures
and Stories" is the title of a new set
of books now being published by the
National Educators association.
It is the aim of the publishers to
embrace the entire animal field in
the series of ten volumes. The books
are published in large, readable type,
and profusely illustrated, with an ex-
ceptionally attractive cover, designed
to catch the attention of the children,
for whom the works are primarily in-
Winifred Sackville Stoner, the prod-
igy who at the age of nine passed
college entrance examinations, and at
the age of twelve spoke seven lan-
guages, is one of the contributing edi-
tors. She has written two volumes
entitled, "Freakish Animals" and
"Valuable Fur-Bearing Animals."
Michigan is well represented among
the authors, no less than four students
and former members of the under-
graduate body having contributed.
Margaret Wenley is the author of
three volumes entitled "Cunning Little
Animals," "Sly Animals" and "Big
Game in America." Grace Taft has
written one book about "Animals That
Work," and together with Linton B.
Dimond, is the author of a volume en-
titled "Sea Animals." H. E. Cook has
contributed two books on "Hunters of
the Silences" and "Animals That Re-
semble Man."

Work as Lumber-jacks and Razor-
backs to Get In Condition
Latest reports from the men who
are counted on to retrieve Michigan's
football reputation this fall show
most of them engaged in summer
pursuits calculated to better their
chances for a berth on the Varsity
team. "Pat" Smith, "Wallie" Nie-
mann, "Fritz" Rehor, and Glen Dunn
are all in summer school, entrenching
themselves scholastically for the com-
ing season. "Jimmie" Whalen is car-
rying a rod and eating salt horse at
the University engineering camp at
Douglas Lake. "Phil" Raymond is
lumber-jacking in northern Michigan,
"Tad" Wieman is driving stakes, rais-
ing tents, and erecting bleachers for
a Chautauqua company in the north-
ern peninsula. Latest reports from
Dick Weske show him laboring daily
in a machine shop in Detroit. "Red"
Johnson, .,quarter-back candidate,
wields hammer and saw in an attempt
to ekeout an existence as a carpenter
in Youngstown, Ohio.
Sixteen local playground girls tied
Ypsilanti Recreation playground teams
in a series of Newcomb games. Eight
girls went from West Park with the
girls' playground director, Catherine
Purtell. The West Park girls were
Louise and Fern Braun, Edna Staeb-
ler, Esther Sindlinger, Laura Fener-
bacher, Madeline Crabbe, Leda Linden-
schmidt and Helen Hintz.
L. D. Wines Park sent two represen-
tatives, Meldrid Bates and Ella Janow-
ski. Six girls went from Burns Park:
Esther Maulbetsch, Grace and Lucy,
Domboorajian, Catherine and Ruth
Miller, and Lois Hook.
There will be an at home at New-
berry Residence on Thursday from 3
to 5 o'clock in honor of Mrs. W. I.
Thomas of Chicago, who will give a
series of three lectures in the Univer-
sity lecture course this week. Both
men and women are invited to the at
home. Mrs. Thomas will be the house
guest of Newberry Residence during
her visit here.


Numerous contributions of
poems and articles have been
contributed recently to The
Wolverine, but in almost every
case these have been too long to
be usable. This paper belongs
to the students, and any humor,
editorials, news, interviews, or
opinions, they can turn in will
be as seriously considered as
anything which is turned in by
regular staff. In case of com-
munioations, always give name
and address. Always keep the
numberof words down. Stu-
dents desiring practical news-
paper experience will at any
time be welcomed and given a
chance to make the staff.
Morning; noon; or nigh
just for a delicious healt
a new pleasure in every

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