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August 08, 1916 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1916-08-08

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Dr. William Schurz Tells of Marvellous
Growth of Population and Beauty
of South American Towns
Latin-American cities, from the an-
cient capital of the Incas to the
hustling, hurrying metropolis of Bue-
nos Ayres, the Paris of the southern
hemisphere, were described by Dr.
William L. Schurz, in his lecture on
"South American Cities," yesterday af-
ternoon. Dr. Schurz divided the cities
into two classes, the ancient Spanish
municipalities and the modern cities.
The greater part of the first mention-
ed towns are found in, or near, the
Cordilleras, the great mountain range
in which the gold mines were located.
The finest example of this type was
held by the lecturer to be Arequipa,
an ancient stone city in the Peruvian
highlands. Others were La Paz, the
chief city of Bolivia, and Cuzco, whose
only claim to modernism lies in a lit-
tle German brewery.
The newer cities are found along
the southeastern and southwestern
coasts, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Sao
Paulo, Valparaiso, Santeago, and
greatest of all, Buenos Ayres, with a
population of close to two million, the
second largest Latin city in the world,
the third city of the western hemis-
Between these two extreme types,
there are cities combining the features
of both of which the best known ex-
ample is the capital of our turbulent
southern ntighbor, the city of Mexico.
The distinguishing feature of the
Latin-American cities is the beauty of
their public works. "If property
rights and the general welfare clash,"
said Dr. Schurz, "property ights must
give way." The cities take great pride
in their municipal buildings and neith-
er time nor expense is regarded in
their construction. The water works
at Buenos Ayres is a far more im-
pressive building than the art gallery
of many an American city. The Latin
passion for boulevards and promenades
is given full sway in the planning of
cities. No up-country village is too
small to have its central plaza, while
the drives and boulevards at Rio are
the most beautiful in the western con-
tinent. Universities, opera houses,
banks, even newspaper offices, of the
most expensive construction are found
i2 all the cities. Skyscrapers are un-
known. The South American believes
that his place of business should be
as beautiful as his home and he re-
gards the North American system of
unadorned business blocks as little
short of barbarous.
South America used to be thought
of as the continent of earthquakes,
revolutions, siestas, and the unending
cry of "mafiana," but it is rapidly,
changing. Even the earthquakes are
disappearing, according to Dr. Schurz.
The spirit of the people is absolutely
dominated by the French influence.
Germany is of little importance. Paris
is the Mecca of every South American.
In discussing the industrial situa-
tion, the lecturer said, "England,
through her merchant marine, domin-
ates industrial life in the southern
continent. The United States can
never compete with the English until
she has a merchant marine of her own.
Preferential freight rates will choke
off her business.
Dr. Cummings Returns From Norths

Dr. H. H. Cummings, who has been
in the Upper Peninsula for the past
five weeks, with the Tuberculosis Sur-
vey Workers for the State of Michi-
gan, has returned home and has taken
up his duties at the University Health

D. Cupid Spots
"Al" 1(olinson
That arrows are not immune from
arrows has just been proved by one
Dan Cupid. "Al" Robinson, the only
man whom critics have acknowledged
as having a chance to beat Ted Mer-
edith, was the one who received the
fatal thrust.
The other victim was Miss Francis
Luke, of Detroit, and the announce-
ment that they were secretly married
May 21, is like a thunderbolt from a
clear sky. It is understood that he
cannot both support a wife and burn
up the cinders for Michigan, so he will
not be enrolled again when the next
year's track squad lines up.
Prof. J R. Rood to Present Legal
Aspects of Disposal of Dead
A series of three lectures on Mortu-
ary Law will be given by Prof. John R.
Rood,-of the Law School, to the stu-
dents in the course on Undertaking
and Embalming. The lectures will
cover the laws regulating the right to
practice the trade of undertaking and
embalming, the determination of who
is entitled to the possession and burial
of the corpse, liability for interference
with that right, the right to make
autopsies, the validity of attempted re-
strictions on he ceremony, manner,
time, and place of burial, who Is liable
for the funeral expenses, to what
amount, and under what restrictions,
and the presentation and proof of
claims for such expenses. This is the
first time such lectures have been
given in the University. They will be
held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday, of this week, from 4:00 to
5:00 o'clock, in room 141 of the Na-
tural Science building.
Last .fNinute News
Told in Brief
Paris, Aug. 8.-A dispatch to La
Liberte, dated Northof France, says:
"The Germans yesterday furiously
counter-attacked positions taken the
day before by the British north of
Pozieres. An order has been given to
the units in the Pozieres section to re-
take from the British, at whatever cost.
Hill 160 as shown by the order of the
day, issued by General von Buelow and
read to the troops yesterday.
Was. Pitchard, Edison Company Em.
ployee, IlrnssSunday Night
William Pitchard, a Detroit Edison
Company lineman, was drown'd in the
Huron river with a wound in his head
Monday night, and Ed McGill, who was
seen with Pitchard early in the even-
ing is missing. The wound seems to
indicate foul play, and the sheriff has
instituted a search for McGill in this
El Paso, Tex., Aug. 8-An order was
made public today for the establish-
nfent of a new field hospital in Camp
Cotton. Permanent buildings will be
erected east of the canal in an ideal
grove of trees, and here those who may
be afflicted with minor diseases will

be cared for.
While the new institution is to be
designated as a field hospital, it is
rtally a new departure in military hos-
pital work, and the outcome of the
plan will be watched with much inter-
est by the medics of the regular army.

Mrs. Emily Sadler Stanton, Miss Elsie
B. Lincoln and Mr. Harrison
Stevens Take Part
The next concert on the summer fac-
ulty concert series of the University
School of Music will be given in, Hill
auditorium on Wednesday evening,
August 9, at 8:00 o'clock.
Music lovers will have an opportu-
nity of hearing three prominent musi-
cians: Mrs. Emily Sadler Stanton,
violinist, a former member of the
School of Music faculty; Miss Elsie B.
Lincoln, pianist, a member of this
year's graduating class, and Harrison
A. Stevens, pianist, of the School of
Music faculty.
The program in full is as follows:
Sonata ................Cesar Franck
Mrs. Emily Sadler Stanton
Harrison A. Stevens
Sontat, Op. 58 .................Chopin
Allegro maestoso. Scherzo
Largo. Finale
Miss Elsie B. Lincoln
Ave Maria .........Schubert-Wilhelmj
Liebesfreud .................Kreiser
Mrs. Stanton
On Wings of Song..Mendelssohn-Liszt
Waltz, E major ..........Moskowsky
Miss Lincoln
Albert Lockwood, Accompanist
Prof. R. H. Curtiss Lectures on Heav.
ens; Visitors View Moon Through
Twelve Inch Refractor
"There are about 30,000 craters in
view on the moon," said Prof. R. H.
Curtiss, professor of astronomy at the
University of Michigan, last night, to
an enthusiastic audience which made
trip to the Observatory. The observ-
ers were taken to the smaller of the
two domes which contained the 12-inch
telescope. Through this the moon
was focused. "Tonight," said Profes-
sor Curtiss, "one quarter of the moon
is in view, although it is really a half
moon. The reason for this is, that at
full moon, only one-half of the surface
is in view. The moon is better viewed
at half moon than at full, because
when at full, the sun's rays shine di-
rectly in the same lines of view as
those of the observer. In this position
the shadows caused by the craters are
better seen. There are about 30,000
craters on the moon's surface. The
largest crater on the earth is about
seven miles across. These craters
show that there has been great ac-
tivity at some time on the moon."
The University of Michigan Observ-
atory contains two telescopes. One, a
12-inch, and the other a 37-inch. The
37-inch is among the largest in the
world. This telescope has to be pro-
tected from high temperatures, because
on the reflecting lenses, one side is
silvered. High temperatures cause the
silver to fall off, rendering the tele-
scope useless. This telescope is used
for taking pictures of the spectrum of
the stars, about one minute being re-
quired to take each picture.
Work for New Library Now Under Way
Excavations are under way today on
the west side of the University Library,

preliminary to the erection of new
stacks. The entire building may be
completed before the end of next year,
and will cost about $350,000, which
sum was recently granted by the re-
gents. The present structure cost only
about $160,000.

* Charles Evans Hughes met in
o the Ponchatrain hotel lobby a*
* few moments yesterday with *
President Harry B. Hutchins, of *
the University of Michigan.
* "I have known him a great *
* many years," said Hughes, "and *
* always held him in the highest *
* regard. Away back in 1891 he *
* was the real dean of the law *
* department at Cornell. I studied *
* under him and I put in two *
* years there myself as an in- *
structor. Those were perhaps *
* the two happiest years of my *
* life and I always have connected *
* President Hutchins with them." *
* The train bringing Mr. Hugh- *
* es, his wife and a party of 40 *
* newspaper and magazine writers
* to Detroit for the opening of the
* national campaign, was 20 min-
utes late into the Michigan
* Central terminal, but the big
* crowd there waited patiently
* for his arrival. As he passed
through the station to his auto-
* mobile there was considerable
* hand-clapping, which was soon
* drowned out by the noise of
bombs bursting in the air out-
Riggs Witnesses
Dletroit Hold-UIp
Sam Riggs, '18, son of Prof. H. E.
Riggs, of the engineering college, was
an eye witness to the Burroughs Add-
ing Machine Co. robbery last week. He
was within a hundred feet of the hold-
up and, when a bullet from one of
the robbers smashed the headlight of a
Packard car within 12 feet of him, he
and a companion hid behind a tele-
phone pole. When interviewed by a
Wolverine reporter, Riggs said:
"I had just come out of the Cadillac
factory and was walking down Cass
avenue. As I came down the street, I
heard several shots fired. Running
back to the factory, I saw several of
the Cadillac factory hands lined up
against the wall, covered by a revolver
of one of the robbers. The pay auto
of the Burroughs company had stopped
and a man in a Ford, with a shot-gun,
covered the driver and the two guards.
I saw one guard rush one of the
robbers and attempt to shoot him, but
his gun failed and he was knocked to
the ground. One man was just taking
the money from the car, and transfer-
ring it to the Ford. I started to get
a little closer to the scene, but just
then a bullet struck a Packard ma-
chine near me.
"The robbers made a clean get-away.
The man who held the factory hands
against the wall, left them and started
down Css avenue to clear traffic. The
traffic cleared. Machines dashed away,
and people scattered. The Ford, with
the robbers in it, drove down Cass
avenue, turned the corner and picked
up two other men. As they flew down
the street, they fired at several of the
Cadillac guards. As soon as they were
out of gun range, the Cadillac testers
climbed into a car and gave chase."
"Did you think it was a moving pic-
ture film?" inquired the reporter.
"I did until that bullet smashed the
headlight on the car near me," an-
swered Sammie.
London. Aug. 8.-Reports from the
allied war offices last night showed
gains against the Teutons along five
battle fronts.
On the Somme and in the Ver-
dun sector, the French have taken

strategic positions by infantry attacks,
while the British beat back five Ger-
man assaults near Pozieres.
On the eastern front, the Russians
are advancing toward Rouel and Lem-
berg, while the Italians are making
headway on the Isonzo.

True Americanism is Plea of Repub-
lican Nominee for Presideney,
in Speecises Last Night,
Detroit, August 8.-Charles Evans
Hughes opened fire in his presidential
campaign in two speeches in Detroit
yesterday. The first talk was early
in the evening at the Arcade, and the
second, at 9 o'clock, was in the audi-
torium of the Light Guard Armory.
He plead for Americanism, and at-
tacked in general the policies of the
present administration.
It was a record crOwd that awaited
Governor Hughes's coming at the
Armory. Shortly' after nine o'clock
he strode up the center aisle and
mounted the platform. Introduced by
Mayor Marx he launched into his
speech with the directness that char-
acterized all his actions in Detroit.
It was apparent at this time that
Governor Hughes was feeling in-
,tensely the nervous strain of the day.
His voice also gave many evidences
of the five speeches he had deliver-
ed. Frequently it broke and the speak-
er found it necessary now and then
to pause for a momentary rest.
Governor Hughes attacked the tariff
record of the Democratic party and
especially the manner in which the
present administration has wabbled on
the question. He pointed out the ab
surdity of the government prepared-
ness plans. As in the Arcadia speech,
he drew attention to the conditions
abroad and the certainty that after the
war the United States would have to
face the competition of nations
strengthened by efficiency and organiz-
ation. And finally he called for a na-
tional and governmental effort to put
our house in order before this day of
tests comes upon us.
During the afternoon arrangements
were made to have Gerrit J. Diekema,
Frank B. Leland and A. E. Sleeper, the
three candidates for the Republican
nomination for governor, who were at-
tending the meetings, speak in the
armory while awaiting the coming of
Mr. Hughes, and announcement was
made that this would be an added feat-
ure to the program. Messrs. Diekema
and Leland agreed but Mr. Sleeper ob-
jected and the plan was rescinded.
Country Cannot Stand Democratic
"Fellow citizens: The last time I
spoke in Detroit, I spoke from this
platform to the Republican state con-
vention, and I am glad that this ap-
pearance is before Republicans rep-
senting a reunited, strong and I be-
lieve successful Republican party.
"I do not think this country can stnad
Democratic rule very long. I think
that as we are about to face the con-
ditions which will be presented after
the cessation of the European war,
we shall need to return to sound Re-
publican doctrine.
"Four years 'ago the Democratic
platform said, what it had repeated-
ly said every four years, that it was
contrary to the constitution of the
United States, to have a tariff or to
collect duties, except for the purpose
of getting a revenue. Now, I think I
know something about the constitution
of the United States.
- "It is a very fortunate thing for the
country that what the Democrats said

was the constitution of the United
States, was not the constitution of the
United States, for this would have been
a very poorly developed country if it
had been precluded by its great funda-
mental law from protecting and en-
(Continued on page four)

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