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August 05, 1916 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1916-08-05

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oP oi: GrcT H
However, Big Lamont Gkiss is Near
Completion Say Jena
Glass Workers.
Students passing through the obser-
vatory next week for the first time will
probably learn that Mr. R. P. Lamont
of Chicago, has provided the funds for
the construction of a 24-in. refracting
telescope for its use. The completion
of this instrument has been delayed,
owing to the difficulty of producing
the glass required for the objective.
It was ordered in February, 1911, and
although four years have now elapsed,
the glass has not yet been received by
the opticians. The latest reports of
the glass makers at Jena, Germany,
stated that the crown disk had been
made, and that they had also produc-
ed a mass of flint glass sufficiently
large for the flint disk. This will have
to be formed into a disk and then pass
through the final annealing and test-
ing processes, which will probably re-
quire several months. Were it not for
the abnormal conditions in Europe,
owing to the war, the delivery of the
disks might be expected during the
present year.
The mounting of this telescope is
now in an advanced stage of con-
struction at the observatory shop. The
driving clock, clock-room section of
the pier, polar head, all mechanism
connected with the polar and declina-
tion axes, the lower section of the

1. Is the air-tight enclosure in which the motor being tester is placed.
2. Is the Deihl Electric Dynamometer which registers on the dial shown
just to the right of 6 the actual horsepower which the motor is delivering to
the rear wheels of the auto.
3. Is the suction air pipe which is supplying the motor with air.
4. Is the electric control by which the dynamometer is driven.
5. Is the gasoline weighing apparatus.

tube, drawtube, clamps, and slow mo-
tions have been.completed and assem-
bled. The work upon the instrument
has proceeded as far as is practic-
able until the focal length of the ob-
jective has been determined, and this
must wait the decision of the opticians
after their examination of theglass.


Thixt's the reason we have built
up such a business in our
Amateur Finishing

"The only Studio on the Campus"

Prof. W. T. Fishleigh Claims Michigan
Has Advantage Over All
Other Schools.
"Two very interesting and import-
ant problems will be worked out next
year in advancedi research classes
along automobile lines" said Prof. W.
T. Fishleigh as he discussed the out-
look of that branch of engineering in
the University of Michigan. "The first
will be a continuation of heat and bal-
ance tests, using a Franklin 6-30 air-
cooled engine and perhaps the 3400 R.
P. M. Chalmers six-cylinder motor
which was recently presented to the
"The second problem for research
work will be the determination upon
the road of the actual horse power
which must be distributed to the rear
wheels of automobiles of different
types, in order to propel cars at dif-
ferent speeds on the road."
During the past ten years consider-
able attention has been paid to re-
search work and original laboratory
investigation. Next year this research
will not only be continued but em-
phasis will be laid on its importance.
The department has already com-
pleted two research determinations in
the laboratory; one covering horsepow-
er losses and back pressures in differ-
ent designs of mufflers; the other, the
determination of complete balance of
a Hudson 6-54 engine.
In June, the Cadilac Motor Car com-
pany of Detroit, presented to the auto-
mobile section of the engineering de-
partment a new Cadillaccut-out chass-
is. This is one of the finest demon-
stration equipments obtainable for lec-
ture and design sections. In point of
finish it is complete. All parts of the
motor, clutches, and transmissions are
cut away, so students can see the plan
of the working parts; while the entire
outfit is so arranged as to be run by a
starting motor. In fact, by the turn
of a switch the whole chassis works as
in a car. The arrangement of small
electric lights throughout all the units
makes this one of the most valuable
pieces of demonstration apparatus
owned by the department.
This section of the engineering de-
partment is especially rich in apparat-
us. Many leading automobile com-
panies throughout the country have
nade presents to it of various parts of

the machine and today the value of
this apparatus may be roughly esti-
mated at from $15,000 to $20,000. On
account of lack of space, it has be-
come a problem to find room for it.
Work on the new automobile labor-
atory, which was planned a few
months ago, has not been commenced
because the Regents have been consid-
ering several other schemes of labor-
atories in connection with the exten-
sion of the engineering department.
The delay means that more extensive
improvements than at first planned
will be undertaken.
During the three years that the auto-
mobile section of the engineering de-
partment has been established, the
number of students has steadily in-
creased. Last year 150 students were
enrolled and the indications are that
nxt year the enrollment will far ex-
ceed any past record. Already a num-
ber of graduate students have signified
their intention of returning and com-
pleting the course in advance automo-
bile work. The department also has
letters from graduates of technical
schools who are coming here next fall
to begin special work along automo-
bile lines. A regular series of courses
is laid out; a general course, two lab-
oratory courses, and two design
courses. These have been planned
with the intention of giving the stu-
dent who contemplates automobile en-
gineering as careful instruction as one
interested in structural steel, hydraulic
work, heat and ventilation, etc., re-
The location of the University of
Michigan for automobile work of this
kind is admirable and gives advant-
ages over any other place in the world.
Michigan makes 75% of all the auto-
mobiles in the world. The Uni-
versity is located in just abot
the center of an automobile section
made up of Detroit, Pontiac, Flint,
Jackson, Lansing, Toledo, and Indian-
apolis, a very progressive section. Not
only are the students interested in the
work but the automobile companies
have taken a great interest. This is
shown by the thousands of dollars
worth of apparatus sent to the depart-
ment. Too, they not only willingly but
gladly send representatives each sem-
ester to lecture before the student
Each year, these companies offer
positions to the graduates who have
completed work in auto engineering.
Professor Fishleigh said that this year
the department was abletto locate
every one of the graduates and could
have placed three times as many in
good positions with responsible com-
panies. Fourteen of the most promin-
ent companies in the country sent for
graduates who had taken the auto en-
gineering course and this fact may in-
dicate the standing which the Univer-
sity has in active industry.
LOST-On or near campus, rhinestone
set in silver pin, shape of two in-
tertwining hearts. Finder please
call 378.

Much Credit Due Prof. E D. Campbell
and Prof. A. E. White
for Success.
The chemical engineering depart-
ment has an interesting history. In
the year 1895, following the lead of
several eastern colleges, Michigan
ablolished required work, leaving the
freshman to select his own course. It
was soon evident that this plan would
never be successful so itwas aban-
doned. The question as toile method
of granting degrees was again of great
importance, and in 1898, Prof. E. D.
Campbell, of the chemistry depart-
ment, sought permission of the engine-
ering department for a degree of B. S.
to be given students of chemistry, all
of whom had heretofore been enrolled
in the literary department.
Since its founding, Professor Camp-
bell retained charge of the depart-
ment until 1914, when he gave the pos-
ition to Prof. A. E. White who has
since held it successfully. Under the
administration of these two men the
department has increased its scope
until It is one of the best in the coun-
According to Professor Campbell,
the industries which offer opportuni-
ities to the chemical engineer are
many. All metallurgical operations
which involve melting or even heat
treatment of metals; the manufacture
of cements, clay products and glass;
the acid and alkali industries; all pro-
cessess connected with the utilization
of fuel for combustion, or destructive
distillation to form gas, coke, and tar;
water purification; manufacture of
soap, paint and varnish; the bleaching
and dyeing of cotton, wool and silk;
and the manufacture of sugar, paper
pulp and paper as well as of various
kinds of explosives.
Girls, do you want to become better
housewives? Know the reason why
bread "rises" and when the grocer is
"putting one over on you" in the way
of adulterated goods? If so, you should
be attending the course in Household
Science offered this summer by Prof.
Adolf Ziefie. The purpose of the
course is to furnish the student with
a more intimate knowledge of the
source, preparation, chemistry, struc-
ture, and properties of the important
food, drug, medicinal, cleansing, pre-
serving, and textile materials, and to
supply practical, simple tests for de-
termining purity, strength, and adul-
teration of the same. In the regular
session, the course is given by Pro-
fessor Schlotterbeck and Mr. Oellrich
as chemistry 12.


It's Fun when 3ou can gel
to be
Theresthe funsfsososin thethirst
-andshedelicio se fhe hirst
Butyosudone eothirsty
tosejoy Ces-Col-its a test,wbet-
ever your reason for drinking it.
/ Demand thsesseniseby fullnsme--
nicknames e u c agesustbtution.
h /Atlanta, Ga.

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