A T Y 0U R DO R ELO FFICIAL 3 TIMES A WEEK, 75o SUMMER NEWSPAPER AT YOU DOOE3W OLVERINE H NYOFCA VOL. VII. Vol. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTS SPAISH FIST T CiVE INDIANS AID Uniter States FaIled in Educational Policy Until Castilan Sys- tem Was Adopted. HELD HUMANITARIAN IDEALS The United States failed in their ed- ucational policy with the Indians un- til it adopted the Spanish system" stated Professor H. E. Bolton,. in speaking on "The Spanish Missions of the Southwest" this afternoon at the Natural Science building. "The Spanish missionaries were not religious agencies alone, designedly in part, and incidentaly in part, they were political organizations of a. very positive sort, but their principal work, was to spread faith. "The Spanard was the first man to do anything for the Indian. Long be- fore the French, Dutch, or English had landed in America, the Spaniard had in 1570 civilized cities. They had in- stalled elementary schools, and Chris- tianity and had civilized the frontier. They were required to teach discipline and the rudiments of civilized life, stated the lecturer in explaining the early start of the Spaniards in Am- erica. "The missionary work on the north- ern frontier was chiefly conducted by Jesuits and Dominicans, and the work on the northwestern frontier was con- ducted by the Francisans. " The southwestern frontier fell to the Francisans, who entered Nueva Vizcaya, New Mexico and Texas. The northwest fell to the Jesuits who worked in the Sinaloa, Sonora, and Lower California. "The Spaniards possessed high ideals, but they had great difficulties to contend with. They laid claim to the largest share of the two Americas, but the home population was so small that many people could not be spared for the new world. Her humanitarian pol- icy looked to the preservation of the nation, and elevating the Indians to a limited citizenship. The Indian got to be an integral part of the Spanish pol- itical system as well as a part of the arm of the church," stated Professor Bolton in closing. $32,500 ROBBERY IN DETROIT Detroit, Mich., Aug. 5.-Five men, armed with Winchester shotguns and automatic revolvers, robbed the motor pay car of the Burroughs Adding Ma- chine company of $35,000 Friday af- ternoon. The robbery occurred at 1:40 o'clock on Burroughs avenue, near the Burorughs factory, The ban- dits, after shooting Rudolph Cooper, one of the company's guards, made. their escape while several people watched the robbery, 'thinking it was a moving picture production. Nine automobile loads of Detroit police, and two motor cars loaded with deputy sheriffs are now in search of the auto bandits. Several reports have come to Detroit as to the where- abouts of the robbers, but as yet no trace of them has been found. A late dispatch reported that the auto band- its were in the vicinity of Ann Arbor. Chief of 'Police Pardon has had all roads leading into Ann Arbor from the east patroled since Friday afternoon. Would Introduce Chiropody Course) Among the innovations suggested at the meeting of the Michigan Asso- ciation of Chiropodists is that of the establishment of a chair of chiropody at the University. An attempt will also be made to establish a teaching clinic at the Detroit College of Med- icine. Hash House Feed [HsDImASICNED a l'Espagnole BY PRESIDENI WILSON Music with your meals, so they say, helps digestion. At any rate, it's moreP.S or less enjoyable, providing it's not Paul Sidwell, Summer Session Sta- on a Victrola with a scanty curricu- dent, Is Personal Friend of lum of six records. But the theory is Chief Executive psycological, in that it concerns the mental attitude of the feeders. The "Woodrow Wilson" reads the signa- latest thing has been sprung in a ture of a diploma presented to the State street hash-house, and while it's dean of the Graduate School for en- not music, it's musical stuff just the same. At any rate, they say Spanish trance, which goes to show that the is the most musical of the languages. University of Michigan has some emi- So while "Bill" Hogan, "Jerry" nent students here this summer. The Conger, Ramon 'Merino, Felipe Alt- student who carries the seal is Paul amirando, et al., consume Spanish Sidwell, professor of English in Pur- onions, Spanish sauce, Chili Con due University and the author of a Carne and Hot Tamales, they mix the pamphlet entitled 'Contemporary Spanish language in. Learning to American Fiction." He prepared this masticate the difficult Spanish verbs work with Harry H. Peckham, pro- helps the digestive phase of it, and fessor of English in the same univer- the frequent laughs that occur when sity, for the benefit of the freshmen the South Americans try to spring and those needing authentic advice some real American slang, compen-sn choosing books of contemporary sate for the lack of the usual raggy authors. strains common, to the boarding-house Mr. Sidwell attended Princeton Uni- where a veneer of melody is suppos- versity from 1905 to 1907, in which ed to cover an empty stomach with year he received the A.B. degree. nutriment like nectar. Anyway, the While there he met Mr. Wilson, whom boys are enjoying it, and it's helping he knows well, but when interviewed 'em along, so we 'uns should worry. by a reporter of "The Wolverine" he ________________ refused to comment on the President's OBSR TORW LOM ES submarine policy or any other nation- alaffairs. Up WIMr. Peckham in turn is a graduate VISIORS lCUST11 1 9of Chicago University, and is a famed I O I S 0 poet. Some of his work has appeared in the Independent, Ladies Home Jour- Students May See Stars Through Big nal, Smith Magazine, Atlantic Month- 'Scope by Securing ly, and the Sewanee Review. One ex- Pasteboards ceptionally good poem is the one which was printed in the "Independ- To the average student f the luI- ent" entieled "Immortality." lie is versity the big Observatory is a place also a personal frind and grat ad- of mystery. However this does not mirer of Louis Untermeyer, and Mad- need to be so any longer, as the Ob- ison Caein, an Hawaiian poet servatory will be open to the students of the summer session during the n Mf8stN ews evenings of August 7, 8, and 9. i$stiin ie j W Tickets for admission to the Ob servatory on visitors' nights, August 7, 8 and 9, may be obtained at the office of the summer session from 10 to 12 London, Aug. 5.-Reuter's Telegram a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. on Thursday, company today states that it learns Friday and Saturday. These tickets that after the conclusion of the recent are intended for students of the sum- Russo-Japanese convention a separate mer session, who will present their agreement was reached under which treasurer's receipts when applying for Russia sells to Japan the southern half the same. of the Harbin-Changchun railway and The University Observatory was recognizes Japan's rights on the Sun- founded in 1852, through the liberality gari river between Kirin and Petuna, of the citizens of Detroit, and because thus settling a question pending since of this It was named Detroit Observa- the signing of the Portsmouth treaty. tory. Situated on a hill about a half mile northeast of the campus and over- KLINESTUCK ATTEMPTS SUICIDE looking the Huron river, it has an ideal location. The grounds, until re- cently limited to four acres, have now Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 5.-Carl G. been increased to 30 acres. Klinestuck, of Kalamazoo, father of The Observatory equipment con- three University graduates, at- tains all the necessary apparatus for tempted to commit suicide recently. a large plant, among them being a re- and is near death. The cause is said fleeting telescope of 37 1-2 inches to be his despondence over the re- aperture, several smaller telescopes peated gains of the entente allies and a set of seismographs for the reg- against the Germans in the Great War. istration of vibrations due to earth- He has been president of the Nation- quake shocks. A shop supplied with al Peat association, and prominent in excellent machine and hand tools is the Society for Prevention of Cruelty maintained at the Observatory and has to Animals. Two of his children have been an important factor in develop- been prominent members of the Mich- ing the resources "of the Observatory igan Daily staff, Frieda having been by the construction of new instru- woman's editor, and a graduate of ments and the modification of old ones. both the literary and law colleges, and The principal astronomical publica- afterward married to Carl Blanken- tions have been received at the Ob- berg, also a graduate of the Law servatory for many years and its School; the other son, a member of technical library is practically com- the Daily staff in 1910-11, was C. H. plete, containing about 2,800 volumes. Klinestuck. From Grouch to Grin in 24 Hours He was unshaved, unshorn, unpress- ed, unshined. He was hot, rude grouchy, nasty, morose. His shirt had seen service, his collar was a ruin, his tie draggly, and his cuffs unspeak- able. He slouched along, a whine in his voice, at odds with the world. It was the 31st of July. He was shaved, shorn, massaged, shampooed, toniced, singed, He was pressed. He was shined. His linen immaculate. There was a twinkle in his joyous eyes, a laugh in his voice. He strutted proudly, without a single care. It was the first of August. He had received his check. NEXT WINIE'S OPEHA SIILL lOSBE WRITTlEN Competition for Annual Union Affair Still Open, Acording to Prof. J. I. Brumm The competition for next year's Michigan Union opera is still open, according to Prof. John R. Brumm, one of the committee of three which selects the opera to be given. This means that-any member of the sum- mer session can submit either lyrics or book, or both. The conditions of the contest are that the opera shall be one based on Michigan life. The other two members of the committee are Mr. Lyman Bryson, of the rhe- toric faculty, and Mr. Earl V. Moore, of the School of Music. When the opera contest was held during the last year, all the manu- scripts submitted, except one, were disqualified because they were -not based upon Michigan life. The one considered by the committee is one called "Owl's Eyes," by Leon Cun- ningham. This has not been accepted by the committee in its present form. If there are no manuscripts submitted which can be used, there may be a re- vival of an old opera such as "Culture" or "Michigenda," which set the stand- ard by which next year's opera will be judged. SOUTH AMERICAN TALK MONDAY Dr. William L. Schurz Lectures on Latin-American Cities That the spirit of intercourse and in- terest between the United States and South America may be strengthened, the American Association for Inter- national Conciliation maintains a corps of instructors in different Amer- ican universities during the summer. Dr. W. L. Schurz, who will present a lecture on "South American Cities" on August 7, is the member of this corps who is teaching this summer at the University of Michigan. Dr. Schurz will endeavor to give a new side of the social life of South America in this lecture which will be illustrated to show the modern im- provements in the cities of South Am- erica. Education Department Clerk in West Miss Bertha Beck, clerk in the de- partment of education, is spending her vacation at Webb City, Missouri. OVICH SVCCESSFDL WIlD l9AACOLONY Non-Educational Policy in East-In- dian Island Works Out Well; People Happy MALAY LANGUAGE VERY SIMPLE "Java is almost one continuous vil- lags the size of Michigan; the most densely populated country in the world of any considerable size," stated Prof. H. A. Gleason, director of the Botanical Garden of the University, in an illustrated lecture on the "Island of Java" yesterday afternoon in the Natural Science building. "A visitor is welcome for six months in Java. Then he finds it a difficult matter to get a permit to live there. Java is in the hands of over 60,000 Dutch. Prosperity reigns, and not a poor Dutchman can be found on the island." The Dutch have refrained absolute- ly from teaching their language to the native Malays, the speaker declared, and do not believe in telling them any- thing at all about the outside world. "The Malay language itself is ridicu- lously simple; there is no gramma; no singulars or plurals are formed; and there are no tenses. In Malay one can converse easily with a voca- bulary of 180 words." Professor Gleason then described the luxuriant vegetation, especially the picturesque rice fields of enormous size. "In rice-cutting time, if a young man goes to help a young tirl cut rice, it is equivalent to a proposal, and usually a marriage soon follows." "There are 2000 kinds of orchids of all sizes and shapes, giant mangroves, palms, the durian, a vile-smelling fruit of which the natives are very fond, and the mangosteen, one of the most delightful fruits in the world. Also is found the enormous water-lily on (Continued on page four) IWO I/UNE WHAIVTES ADD/E Al BORDEAX Irwin Johnson and Waldo Hnt Now En Route for India to Perform Y. M. C. A. Work Irwin C. Johnson, '15, and Waldo R. Hunt, '16, have just vritten from Bor- deaux, France, en route for Bombay, India, where they w l do social ser- vice work under the International Y. M. C. A. They sailed from New York City July 8, in company with 34 other American college students sailing for the war countries on similar missions. Mrs. L. P. Hall, wife of Prof. L. P. Hall, of the dental colleg, and Miss Sarah Burrows left on the same steamer to take up social service work in France. Raymond Flynn, '17, who was to have accompanied Johnson and Hunt was held back on account of trouble with his passports. Hunt was editor of The Inlander, Michigan's literary magazine, and both Johnson and - Hunt were formerly members of The Michigan Daily staff, and of Sigma Delta Chi, and held posi- tions on the University "Y" cabinet. The post card received from John- son follows: "Bordeaux, France, July 16. "Dear V.: "Waldo and I have arrived at Bor- deaux. Ray was left behind because of passports. We sail from Marseilles July 23 for Bombay. Voyage and vari- ous experiences great. Spirit of the French people is marvellous. Nothing seems to daunt them. Regards to all the boys. "I. C. JOHNSON." Johnson and Hunt have promised to write communications for later issues. of The Wolverine. Seven Secrets of Success Congregational Church Lloyd C. Douglas, Minister July 9-Loyalty August 6- July 16-Courage August 13- July 23-Cheerfulness August 20- July 30-Magnanimity-