LThruPhantorn Frire ||Ull
( -H y Just as the clock struck 11 minutes L1110 IN LUXURY
after 1 P.M.LIVEDrblNtLDrfVGY
ML ii . . l 1L111, U IY11
gong sounded through the quiet halls
ennrg Sy and corridors of Newberry residence.
een Prac- Unmindful of pink kimonos, paper
Years curlers, flopping slippers, powderless
noses and dreaming eyes the girls
'RI E I) X marched quietly down the flights of
stairs into the cool evening air in re-
haswbeen sponse to a false fire alarm.
only within Great dignity and order marked the
it has been procession because nearly all the girls
has become were asleep. It took them four and
rtance," said one-half minutes to march out at the
nburg in his side entrance to take the roll call, and
°n Medicine.'reenter the house. By 20 minutes
e X-ray tube after 11 everyone was asleep again.
o three stag-
a Zwaluwen-a
as one of un- V
aerators wereu. , O 1
w invention,
;curred from T
ctures taken.
led, the doc- Prof. H. E. Bolton Will Show Spanish
mt the treat- Influence in Egrly History
that more of Southwest
The X-ray-
ant altogether Few people know much about the
the doctors' subject of the influence of the Spanish
.tments. Of missions inthe development of the
method was American Southwest. Therefore Pro-
ks. This was fessor Herbert E. Bolton, head of the
e X-ray tube American History department of the
third stage University of California, and specialist
irs, the stage in Spanish American and Western his-
in was per- tory, will deliver a lecture August 4,
has become at 5 p. in., on "The Spanish Missions
re obtained." of the Southwest."
-ray pictures Professor Bolton. has spent a great'
of bone,, m- deal of time working in the archives
d pieces of of Mexico and is the author of A Guide
alites of the to Materials for United States History
ny set forth in the Archives of Mexico. He has.
also published several books on thej
how the X- Spanish Southwest. During the pastl
aid Professor few years Mr. Bolton has conducted1
he discoverer ten historical expeditions into the,
.o science did American Southwest and into Mexico
he rays that for the purpose of gathering material
so he called on the development of the great Span-
standing for ish Southwest.
en. During the period of Spanish control
in the Southwest, the Catholic Mis-
-TOGETHER sions were employed by the govern-
ment of Spain as agents in holding
and civilizing the possessions and for
University by acquiring new ones.
s Sngges- _ _
of splendid Washington,.August 3.-A wireless
chara eristic from the revenue cutter Sterrett to the
d Dr, Robin- navy department late last night stated
, Jr., profes- that the Deutschland passed through
United States the Capes tonight and that at 8:40
asked if he o'clock had passed .safely beyond the
dichigan that three-mile limit.
sor Robinson
except a lack CASEE NT HANGE D T ODAY
Letters of Ancient Latin Friends to
One Another Forms Basis
of Lecture
Down the dusky aisles of history to
where a Roman gentleman lived in
his shining marble villa on the shores
of Lake Como, watching the blue sea
with him by the shore of Laurentium,
and strolling with him in his covered
walk by the seashore; such was the
treat given a large audience last Tues-
day at the illustrated lecture by Prof.
A. R. Crittenden, on "N Roman Coun-
try Gentleman and His Friends."
Taking his material in the form of
letters written by the country gentle.
man to his friends, Professor Critten-
don showed how the ancient Roman
loved nature and as often as possible
went from the crowded metropolis to
the secluded spots in the heart of
"Mother Earth.',
Here he lived with his family and
slaves in a villa which for its purpose
was the most complete and artistic
house of its kind the world has ever
seeV. Built with its front facing in-
ward, the whole villa made beautiful
the domestic life of the period. In
the centre of the house was the atrium
which in tie earlier days was the
centre of the domestic life but in the
older dag became the place where the
master transacted his business. The
room that took its place was the open
air peristyle, surrounded with many
pillars. This formed a cool place for
the family after the sun had gone
down and the columns were a retreat
on rainy days. The home also con-
tained baths, dining rooms and covered
walks for use during stormy weather.
By means of slides Professor Crit-
tenden showed much of the household
furniture of the Romans, such as three
legged tables, slender chairs, and a
ladies' mirror of burnished silver.
The final enrollment of the Summer
Session compared with the figures for
last year are as follows:
Newsies Code IsT JlT n
"Use Your Fists" UUL L dOE
Four dirty, irresistible little rough- UDI IO D O0 IFAIIF
necks stood around a cart on State__
street. It was more than hot, and sell-
ing papers couldn't be talled a flour-rof. Rank Says Probationed One
ishing business by any means. But Had Received Too Low harks
something far more interesting than In Final Exams
the heat was the subject under discus-
"Aw. look at 'im, guys," sneered
Louis, "he's a tightwad," and his face "Eighty students of the University
showed his contempt. "He promised were requested to leave on account
me a cent on every paper I sold for of low class grades at the June exam-
him. I sold 14 papers, and where's ination," said Prof. T. E. Rankin, sec-
my money? Yessir, he promised, and retary of the summer sessian, today.
now look at 'im. Gee, he's a tightwad "That of course, does not mean that
right" And needless to say, a young they were expelled or had lost all
battle ensued, out of which Louis came chance of ever coming back, but it
perspiringly triumphant. "Naw," he does mean that they will first be re-
said, "I don't want your money now, quested to get permission before re-
it's dirty. There's just this about it: entering the University, and can not
you don't sell any more papers here, submit their application before one
see?" And the boy "saw." year after date."
Those who received all '"A's" are the
ff 'following. The seniors are: Mildred
. Bacrers, 13 hrs.; Mrs. Raymond W.
ttLnLL llifll11111UU tt11U 1Barnard, 16 hrs.; Ruth U. Burkley, t
IT hrs.; berW.Carroll, 3 brs. and more
ilL hours in the Graduate School; Anntte
Foster, 15 hrs.; Edna MacFarland, 13
Lecture Featured by Five Reels of hrs.; Stanford Rothschild, 16 hrs.;
Pictures ]!isplaying Making Muriel Tyson, 1 brs.; and Grace Mc-
of Product Carthy, 16 hrs.
.Juniors are: Ralph- Carson, 19 hrs.;
BESSEMER PROCESS GOING OUT Harold W. Johnston, '16 hrs.; Bernice
Krueger, 15 hrs.; Albertine Loomis,
"The making of steel is noted for 14 hrs.
its simplicity and immensity," said Sophomores are: Ruth Bailey, t6
Prof. A. E. White, of the chemical de- hrs.; Roland P. Hussey, 15 hrs.; Owen
partment, in his lecture on "The Story A. Rood, 6 hrs.; May Sanders, 8 hrs.;
of the Making of Steel," given at the Olga Shinkman, 8 hrs.; P. L. Foley, 8
Natural Science building yesterday hrs.; L. Ross, 15 hrs.
afternoon. Freshmen: Joseph Adams, 15 hrs.;
The lecture, which was featured by Vera Anderson, 15 hrs.; Douglas J.
five reels of motion pictures, traced Bond, 15 hrs.; Alice Dee, 15 hrs.; Er-
the progress of the material from the win Drese, 15 hrs.; Riobesrt Matthews,
raw iron ore, through its transporta- 15 hrs.; Margaret Schimutz, 15 bra.;
tion to blast furnaces, subseuent melt- and Harry Stocker, 15 hrs.
ing and progress through the con-
verter both by the open hearth and
Bessemer processes. The last two Varied Program by
reels were devoted to the manufacture,
shipment, ana proper construction of Lockwood Charms
wire fences.
In closing, Professor White re- Mr. Albert Lockwood, pianist, and
marked that because of the better Miss Ruth Lowenberg, soprano, gave
grade of steel produced, the Bessemer a varied and delightful faculty con-
process is fast giving way before the cert last night at 8 o'clock at hill
open hearth and more expensive elec- auditorium.
tric processes, and before many years The audience was agreeably sur-
will have entirely passed out of use. prised in having the opportunity of
hearing Mr. Lockwood at a second
PORTO RICO MAY HAVE GREAT concert this summer. His program
EDUCATIONAL AWAKENING was one of great variety, including
fTcaiskowsky, Grieg, Liszt, and De-
Our little brown brothers in Porto bussy compositions, each selection
Rico are "gettin' an eddication." More exquisitely done.
than that, they are using it after they Miss Lowenbergs voice created a
get it. This is the testimony of Dean favorable impression, her high notes
F. K. Fleagle, of the University of being especially sweet and clear. Al-
Porto Rico, who is working on his ways well poised and at ease, she gave
master's degree in Education here this the impression of having much re-
summer. serve power. Her Italian number
"Porto Rico is destined to be the from "La Tosca" was best received.
clearing house of Pan-American .edu-
cation," declared Dean Fleagle. "Latin- Nurse Head Returns From Vacation
American republics are installing Miss Fantine Pemberton, superin-
schools of the American type as rap- tendent of Nurses at the University
idly as funds 'and qualified teachers Hospital, has returned from her va-
can be obtained." cation. She will resume her duties
at the hospital.
Illinois Woman Writes Play for Stndes
University of Illinois amateur actors "Back to Nature" for Dr. Mallory
have just finished a "movie" "Pro Dr. H. S. Mallory, of the rhetoric
Patria" written by Miss Vivian Kay. faculty, will move soon from 1910
Many of the prominent women stu- Cambridge Road, to his farm out
dents took part in the play. Geddes avenue.
Lit. .................827
Eng................... 55
Medic, .................'188
Law ..................174
Phar. ......... ... .... 18
Grad.......... .....26t
Library Methods..,.... 28
Biology Camp...... . 33
Embilming.. , , , ,..... 7
London, August 1.-Roger Casement
was executed in the Pentonville prison 1901 1771
at 9 o'clock today for high treason. Names counted twice ... 93 94
Lord Robert Cecil, minister of war
trade, today made formal announce- Total.. .... ..;.......1808 1677
ment that it was the British govern-
ment's determination not to reprieve Washington Prof. Near DeathitnFrisco
the prisoner. Capt. William T. Patten, U. S. A.,
Prof.Brumm to Give Extension Lecture commandant of the cadet corps and
Prof. Johp R. Brumm, of the rhetoric professor of military science in the
University of Washingtonwsitn
faculty, will give an extension lecture UIfet of bshih, was withn
in Romeo next Thursday- before the n tof the bomb which was thrown
Grange meeting. The subject of his io , killngedne prsons. He
lecture will be, "The eading Francisco, killing nine persons. He
Books" was not injured,
J. "Hank" Pluvius" tells us there will be cool weather
August 4th
Get YOUR Girl, and let Ike Fischer's Saxophone Quartelto 9 to 1
S entertain her.