THE WOLVERINE campus He won distinction as an af- iUter-dinner speaker; and an addressat U lOF I TAX QESTND the Michigan no aqe nhs___1 ACUTY OB senior year, delivered on behalf of the Scho.CnBel u nd ergradeate body, afterw ard t h eUMiloi.OCam p bell, Pnpi t a otuFrn r fOd - peared in a texthook as a model nra- water Rais Raises Questien Frank -. Kane, University of Wash- tion. Of Annual Levy Ington Professor, Joins Pack- Throughout his career in the Uni- And versity, Kane was correspondent for Milo B. Campbell of Coldwater, Supplies ad Force the Detroit News and Tribune and the Mich., prominent in Michigan poll- Chicago Tribune. He joined the rep- tca ie tenthgfollo i- Frank G. Kane, a graduate of the ortorial staff of the News following his tical circles, wrote the following a- University of Michigan of the class of graduation and was called in 1910 to tile which appeared in The Detroit 1908, has resigned from his position the University of Washington as an in- Free Press, this morning:e s as head of the department of journal- structor. After a year of teaching he To the Editor: Political prudence NEW MANAGEMENT returned to Detroit to spend three ism at the Universtiy of Washington, years as an editorial writer on the commands, silence upon the subject fn Seattle, to join the advertising ser- News and the now defunct Tribune. In I am about to discuss in this and an- vice of the Packard Motor Car Co. He 1913 he was again called to Washing- other communication. will probably visit Ann Arbor early in ton to accept the full professorship The University of Michigan has at one billion or 10 billions, provided "DETiSCHLAMD" CLEARED August, stopping on his way to De- in journalism and to reorganize the more than 30,000 graduates, the great- the covnties be properly proportised, troit. department er number of them living in the state. each to the others. Baltimore, Md., July 27.-The Ger- Professor Kane was a conspicuous He has been imsensely popular with They have friends and relatives yet ft is reported that under the spur man submarine liser Deutschiand to- member of the student body through- both the students and the faculty, ac- more numerous, who are closely re- of the tax commission the assessments day was cleared by her commander, out his undergraduate days, and is cording to Prof. Lee A White, his cl- Ilted to them or to this great instito- in the state and the valuations placed Captami Paul Koenig, for "Bremen or said to have been elected to every hon- league in the journalism department, tion. These men are among the best upon the property by this body viii any other port in Germany.' In an orary society that then existed on the who is teaching here this summer, and most influential in the social, show the property of the common- hour now the vessel may start down business and political circles of the wealth to be at least $3,700,000,000. Chesapeake bay, prepared to make a state, This will add $900,000,000 to the state dash for the open sea through the It is well known that to question as last equalized and will add to the Virginia capes and the guard of Allied demands made by friends of the uni- tax for the university, $337,000 per warships off the three-mile limit. versity, or to suggest any change in year. Secrecy surrounds the plans of Cap- its financial or other affairs, has been In another article or two, if not tain Koenig. After securing his clear- to Invite a storm of criticism if not found too disagreeable to your read- ance papers at the customs house he Scensure and ridicule, ers, I shall try to advance some of the said, in reply to questions asked for l-' Not from the more considerate, but beliefs entertained, and give the reas- the benefit of the Maryland Pilots as- , " -from the radical, who never look be- ons that impel them. sociation, that the exact time of his o o DiKNHr0 yond the campus, or think of the tax- Is it right for the state to surrender departure was indefinite.. Tonight he - p- yer its legislative function to make ap- had made no arrangements for a pilot, *_ ' I am one who believes that this propriations for this great institution but 'me can secure one almost im- class of its friends are not its best to a board of five men, however emi- nediately at any time he desires. ones; and were they permitted to nent and honest, while it withholds S a R e rdrive they would soon find a wide- from every other institution this priv- Prof. 1. D. Scott, of the geology de. S c, e i C iv e r r U USe spread revolution against the institu-iege partment, is spending the summer tion, in which every Michigan man Is this method of leaping from $31,- with the Michigan Geoogibal Survey 100 Mile Daylight Round Trip to Wallaceburg should take just pride. 000 to $1,400,000 per year the one ap- party. Drop care-banish worry-come with us and ber happy on the most wonderfull one daye ouery Not a penny should be withheld that a politician dare touch ? Is it one ndianvi ae-there's variey saSetan tisaeen l ae ip Mfrom the University proper to be Air Theatre F Real Romance Staunch Steamer levied upon the taxpayers of the state that should be considered by rational To go to a "movie" and still keep Tierness intbesgb Laie Si. RoundT i F 're Oleotiasrdy aneanee for its support. and genuine friends, or wait until cool is the desire of all persons who Tiiiroutbis trugdakne Stb rom I'e{roi i Fre Te sie , siasryeame r orItsspport ClairU. s. Ship canal, through From Detroit of ample capacity for this route. IT o Uniq in Stat more revolutionary and unwise action enjoy moving pictures. To satisfy Cathe F(b lair bii Ddve, Saei Day rided w ea.Iaenturingdthis*article / results? this demand The Garden Theatre on 5CdenaErtivE er.n $'Day 1 Menarsca.n goProenade I am venturing this article at this Milo D. Campbell. State St., was buit It is the onl Sun-$n0a0dieeserkwonenescabii samedecktimebecause,within a month the state Coldwater, Mich., July 25. open air moving picture theatre in Thdryndo*fi days wth . s deInconstntattendase board of equalization meets and with Ann Arbor, and here a person can en- counrypreentnia d an oidaysm$1 ood eals,famiy style. in its power to fix the valuation of the Student Speeder Helps Alleiate Taxes joy the pictures without being "roast- athetraveler. diningroom. 7c. state, it automatically fixes the amount Speeder, beware! The Ann Arbor ed with the heat" as the common ex- TIME TABLE (Daily excep Mondaas Eastern Time the university will get for its support cops are on the job helping to ahlevi- pression goes. Looan. Darai - - 9,00 A. M. Lasa Walaabarg . - + aia P.M. cp r ntejbhligt lei rsil os LeaveWatpoafliand - 1215P .M.i. eavee Al.aes. - 50 oP. M. from the taxpayers of the state. ate the coming fall taxes, partly by The Garden Theatre is open every ardv Waiiacebarg 2:00 P.M. AAMa-eteas . . O- O8P. M. Just a little history may not be out means of fines. Ward D. Peterson, a evening and Big Four Films, the Vita- Stop walesle , signa, l n,,ly.i N'a. ¢e .ab eteenD eritand Abne. of place. This is the only institution summer student, was fined $10 and graph-Lubin-Selig-Essanay Inc., are Dks:-ETrR I A , W R k STEAHIP, IE W k of Michigan enjoying such a privilege, costs for going just a little bit beyond shown. Due to natural ventilation >m bs aneie, tPorn'sn elelsr -, 5 a..tS r . a Dock., n ,0,. Dc g us. atlebissy n H. B. SMITH, Meange J l1 SVCS iiN. zAg t C. .15IIC. I p, w TnketAgt. All others must go to the legislature the speed limit yesterday afternoon. smoking is allowed.-Adv. _-' . - every two years, and there present their demands and obtain their ap- proprationThe Farmers & Mechanics Bank H USTON BROS. FCOUSINS & HALL propriation for support. It was 'rT 'IT T L E 'S C U N & HA L thr-ough the force, power and great in- South Main Street IState, Street OfficeThFietBlar omIteSae I NC H I< O O M flrssfluence of university men in Michigan Corner Huron 330 So.State St The Finest Billiard Room in the State that this special privilege was ob-_ CIGARS AND CANDY O. STATE STREET Both Phones 115 An Arbor, Mich. tained.o1873, the legislature was per- o00 STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED "We Try to Treat You Right" .uand that if it would grant to the r. 11111111 1111111111411 -'. ' F .. .. , . i l Su DI Sheehan's NOW ON SALE THE mer School I REiCTOIRY 20c university, one-twentieth of a mill tax upon the property of the state, as equalized from time to time by the state board, it could get along with- out any other taxation. This tax then amounted to about $31,000 a year. It has been upon this vantage ground that the university has grown in its demands upon the taxpayers. From time to time it has asked and obtained increases of the rate as fol- lows: In 1893, to one-sixth of a mill; in 1899, to one-fourth of a mill, and in 1907, to three-eights of a mill. This increase means an increase of tax from five cents per thousand dollars- to 17-1-2 cents per thousand. While this increase ;bythe legisla- ture has gone on, the state board of equalization has at each sitting in- creased the valuation of the state from $630,000,000 in 1873 to $2,800,000,000 in 1914.Y Since 1914 the university has re- ceived from this three-eighths mill tax $1,010,000 per year and besides this a tax of $38,000 per year (old land sales). Would Increase U. of M. Levy It has obtained other appropriations from year to year amounting to Gorge sums for special purposes. Last year the amount approximated $400,000. When the state board shall meet on the third Monday of August, it will be ihr's confronted with the duty and prob- lems of again placing a valuation on the state. Were it not for the univer- sity, it would not make a rap of dif- ference whether the state be valued The New Catalogue of the IUiiversity,,of Michigall IS NOW READY Complete infornation concerning. the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, P H A R- MACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special C o u.rse s in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanita- tion and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich p. OMPONONWAMMMWMA .