THE 'WOLVERINE I t ST 6 'J"tiottit audE. 1. Meyer Look Like;, (;oad MatOerild.For The tong expected sunnmer session ttcii toiroamto s. ready to start at loot. Drawings have been made and tafirt ro undstwill beg'sinimmetdiataely. w~trisaill be receirved ant il next -"rt t' 11,Stilt., wheni the ltots witl be 't.e. -;astLrttetes mstatbe paid op lr r foe.aetetaswts will be allowed to comnte. All first rotns atrtses mst ibe iplayetd ott by the end ot next week. The abilityosatstothetsocontest- sits iis sroutsedlisa darktness, but frost ltar little slope available it wosuld seems r thtat the bsattle tar tse sisagles crasswn wviii be between Jodona and Meyer. Thse latter is a torsmer University of .blrasha set star, 'a Pile the forsner was runner-op in tise Arizona state *tousrnsametnt tis spring. Stodldardan Mliver, lost year'osassamions isathse soisles, are likely ts repeat tis year, Ewills Kline assd(T'isse fuarnshlingssttronig ox~positionx. Hasaissnd Liatwxo tChi- nese boys,. also tarot a rlever teams. F~olloinsg are thse drawinsag for the Peast rousndl eat-h oasi's namse lbeitng foli- to'sedilby hsotelethoesenuxsmbes'. Cast- tesatslare urgedxtltitsouoohswith ecsthier' andi get thteir maateches play- ed off as sot as possibale. Results of thse maatecses are tax be posted on thse bulletis larid its tiese 'srr'yFielidelsb- htose. lrawlssg's, tirsiIfoiund-Singles P. Sidwell (1283-M)l vs. C'. 1. Fran- cis (370). 11. D. Roiyal (1193-Jt vs. R. 1F. Vita- it1I. Peckihans(7.283-tM) vs. ft. A. S. G. Veddet' (366) vs. W. 0. Klsne. iE. L.Mer vs. W. ft. Jacksson 11170-J1. i. J. Powxells (4170-J) vs. F. B. 'hopsistont(1020). M8. A. Gaff (1343-it vs. A. A. Ilobs. W.It. Atlas (11041 vs. ft. Fox (799-M). E. 24. t'linei vs. '1W. 1F. Crociseti C. 1ii. i111(9-J)lvso. A. L. Hued- Ii?~ (860). it. Goldsethi(1104) xva. P. S. Lo f'. A. lasigortiy (799-M) vs. Ma. F 1 ile(478-M). A. .1. Stodar %,s.P' C 1. Siherrardl Fldirst tesslid-ouibles (tt inuedt ' f~l romt Otage te) histoeam:c, fillinsg thisa'tses. tBrewsatr sald ilsa.'.t fannaseil, laows'.r, tand W8eschsler ' asoust trying 10toilfer ihome. 'Pie tihree gamae'-stat it as founda neessary to postponet'hiis weeik will he piydcalfsailttes isa thesetaso'n. Moss- dtay of nst wei rek, tse lit-taraw s'ratp schsedauled for last 'Thurtsdasy wiii hi stageilanTus~Iestday swill six' thseaengi- steers ad scientists'coeaattogetlxer. ifir chool Books And Supplies Students' Bookstore NEW MANAGEMENT Tite box score: Rastaisseer R.811 11 Rtiviat)(1, c .t .. 1 0 0 Csstti, aie...... 0 1 Dresser, 1Its... 1 80It Prazeli, as.... 2 .100 iBsyle, 2b .....20 II Young, 8)b . 2 8 P Greensbltatt, of . 1 0 0 Ikearhier, 11if... 1 0 0I0 Giaradner, rf . 8 .... 00t IP) A 72 1 0 1 01 0 (t 100 lay BlY Paul "To haimtswhlo in tlis love of Nature hsolsacommunssiaon swiths her visible fors , siteapeaks a various language." "Ulder tihe nagic spell of her voice, an anacient snystic stare atretehed forth 'Tastls........11 0 1 12326g Iis armndster thse open slay and cried, "WhetsIPcrssider thy heavens, the MISABfI11 1-1it10SAir wonkfthfly fingers, the mass and thse Gashll 'a..........231 p1 00atars which tihoihast ordained, whsat Curtis, cf.....0 1(0 0 0 0 is nianothast thou art mindful of him?" Ni'oemann,1?....p . 2 1 2 0 0 0 't'siasiod-woarld, seer contributed Brwssex ..'... ?8 0 0 0 It notthing to aur knsowledge of astronomy Davidson, lb ... 2 a 0 0 0 0 and as little to anthropology, hut Nta- Cracey, ...... I )1i11 ,tore spokec to hint because he loved McAlpitne, rf.... 2 It 0 0 It 0 her. EItist,2flit .....2 01 0 01 0 0 Hypothses about the stars have Shi.s' , If ....0 0 0 d1 1 0 comse anad gonse. Tiheoriea concerning tmtan'strelation anad value to the uni- Totas...... 2 4 12 1 0 rersal schseme have suffered frequent hlsagh ae s...... 0 0 chansge. Dut the psalistaslhymnof Lip. . . .2 0 ~1reverensce, inaspiredi by loving com- munonawicth Nature'a myatic forces, Sasiutas'ies : fwo basoe lit --Itchiseesnossrevision. lsla'taasta. ittea lsso tn ,,st ,ta Educratioisal spportunities have made Graxy, Goat'(2) Le oattities-it pasittie for us to investigate Nature lay enagineatrs, 2; by tthe !its, 2. betr c iths smicrospe, test-tube anad blow- ot-by Niemaanz, 8; lay t'attiik,7. .ipe. We srea knowinag nore about her tBases asia balls --off Niant, 4; off and comsamuning with her less every Cuttinig, 2. lit tay pitchead ball Stantes, day. Gaxlisar. Thelousasntain storm fails to stir our - - emnotiossa. We understandi the physi- 01.1 VV 1't0Fi" 1)t IItISTS FOE cal causes of this phenomenom. The lNDII.1147i(;- 'E ViA 'EDITATIO'N titles tart' they not scientific facto, --- easily explainsed? Our very emnotions (Coatiiated from Page Dna) -have we nsot definitely accounted for relate itself to ltsa life of the its- tihenm ly thte discovery of psychological aicidasal. laws What is a tear but a saline so- A te ea r lsr ago Latitn,tGreeklanad lastiosa slightly tinctured witha albumen? attateatics were thte requsiremenats of "'T'ouigh I understanad all mysteries tigh sachoolsanttd csllages, ntow tech- sand all kntowledge and have not love," nical anda practical educatiosn have takenrth ieir pltaces, whaich shows that The Farmers &Mechanics Bank is desial"refaornmlasbeenea brought attatat. South Main Street State Street Office "Ias somsecoutries," lie wesnt on "it Clorner Huros 330 S. lSlaeIt is s cimes' tt eaducate thse laboring _ class, laot we are attemsping to build A GOOD STRONG Bll WITH EVERY BANKI NEED a sationasiathte princtiple of self gov- a'rsacaa'st, saldaleiascrasy aith ignaorant.r it isaiscrs'esuicidie. f'rt'rsti ein ld no .-'-t vr_ IIft X what is the good of it? to it true that lhe csost of intellectual understanding of Natture involves a loss of our spir- itusal hsearisig? Ia it possible for us to anaslyze Nature and still love her?. Have we lost anything out of our lives by this chtange in our attitude toward Nature? If so, are there still some msysterious spiritual forces, not yet snalyzel witha which we may rum- mtune? W hets all our awe and severance sitall have passed away under the in- vestigations of Science and the bright, white light of intellectual research asall have driven all mysteries front the shadoway recesses where Nature's secrets were formerly enshrined, shall we be the richer or the poorer? L. C. D. JEALiN HEADSI) WILSON LEAOUE Newc York, July 22.--Eddie0 Mahan, athlete asnd football star of Harvard unsiversity, will lead the Woodrow Wil- son t'ollege Mes's league in the presi- dasitial campaigns, Democratic Nationsal Chairman Vance McCormick annonc- ad here tonight before -leaving for Washington, D. ft. Jack do Saulles, of Yale, who headed the league during the campaigns sf 1912,. will assist Ma- b an, it was said. WANTED) WANTED-Frons the parson who took the panama lat from the hatrack is University Library, Wednesday snight, the return of it to thsecra at onca and' thus the avoidance of further trosuble. HUSTON BRIOS. The Finest Billiard Room In Ahe State CIGIARS AND CANDY "We Try to Treat You Right' m er"" 0 1fi I Mline asa t'a t. lrl v . tasgxvat'lt' anda Foax. tastesadl 'siaell vs.. GsltfsaldSitesr- iitctiltatsiandiSidwse'ltvsa. lisisaad Is. Atlas andalGaaolsmiths vs. Stodadaara' ad layers. Fl~il Sausrd~ay afterataoon, as 'aosa Lika'e . ovetn~la' ''sixn tu"Romeotansit CLMASIC- The most complete stock in the state OPERATIC AD POPULAR- Always the latest (PUBLISHERS OF MICI CLAD TO SHO' avatzor as liv'ing as it shatulad prepare fosr tifo." Hte farther urged a gesneral colorist sithout. lowcering the stand- arads eat t'h'esolecaseanuniversity cur- riasulunm. 'T'ha solo object of tha Women's Dransacl of else Hughes Alliance is to seaure votes for M~r. Hughses. Any woanstassay becomne a member upon thte acceptoance of her aigned enroll- mesnt tilank. 'T'here are no fees. 'The costittutiona provides that "ass local, branchl or auxiliary organization of the 'Women's Natisital Committee of the Huaghes Alliance shall he knows or desig aated aso representing citizens of. ansy particular foreign extraction."' Thsis is done to emphaaize the strictly Amierican policy of the organization. &UNCH ROOM 3381BYO. STATE S rET COUSINS &MALL lforizts 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Boeth Phans 115 Ass Atbor, Mich' IThe ewCatalogue ef the IS NOW READY Compiete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERA'TURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, P HAR- MACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special C o urse s in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Deaign, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architlecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course for those preparing for the. scientific administration of departments of sanita- tion and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich. I~ ~ 'x a a'aa :0so a a ' FtICAN COLLEGE MUSIC W YOU OUR LINE Cor. Maynard and William S4:s:.