THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by tiamoas Players Sat. 2 -W111. Collier in "The No-Good Guy." TriangleCaoedy, "A Dash of Courage."' Reociog 15c So.-Mo.a-:?4-Mae Murray in"Swe't Kitty Belatet," Buoton Hoilme ra- 'Toes. 25-tDaraty Gisht withtOwen Moore io "SusanoRocks thel~aat." Triaogle Coesedy, '"BatTob Perils," Keg. 15c ARCADE~ Shoes at ,3:00, 6:30, 8:0, 9:30 Sat. a,-Hetent Macto Osborce to".Little Mocry Stuohioe" " Trip Araod the World"'ood Charlie Chaplint to "The Fireemoo" 550 Childreo's mtotinee, 4:00 "t~ittle Moey hSshine." Mao01. a-Kathtyo Wtdtootetc "Intto te Primitivte,"and Musty SfferComedsy Toes. a;-Clara Kimbhall Youtng its "Tihe Feast at Life" (Rt.)4aod Mottad Jeff Cottoots. 1)ETR0IT iUNITED LINES Betsween Dee-ott, Ace Arhae sod Joybsee. Cotst- ion cc Sstecs timse, ace hose fastes . laoca otticme. Detreit Liomited sod Eoprect .Cars--S ssca. horly tay7:1oP. O., 59:1o -M KolatotoosLiotited Car s8:48a. sm. sod vey Swoahouso c6:48 p. t.; tooeasiog, :48 p.In Local Cort, Easthound-:35 0as ., 6:40 a. to- :o a.eIl.,oand eveystwo hoursto 7 aosp. m., a:o p. o., stat p. ia., 0:5 p. a. Ta Ypst- acti only, 8t48 a. mo. (daily except Suntday), n,:a. 11., ato .-2o.m. as0O S4$p Loal aaCre, Wetthoood-6:a5 a. as., 7 *50 a. i., an every two hors to7:50p. to.,102 University School ot Music °ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director "A Gathering Place torAdvanced Stdtntt" Annual Summer Session EIGHT WEEKS -, JULY 3-AUG. 25 Regular Fall Term begins Ma., Oct 2, 1916 niceCotaoagoe sod Infortaotiont address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Ann Arbor, Mich. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank INCORPORATED 1869 OFFERS Security - Service Location Copital............$ 300,0t.00 Surplos snd Profit,..: ..$ :175,0tt.0 Recourses- - - ,....$3,7005,00,00 Mlain Offie, N. W.' Corner Maltn and Huron Sts. Branch Office, 707 North Uiv-ls ersity Avenue. THE WOLVERINE! Tbe o.11fi student newspaper for tho "unitveraity of Michigan summer sessiont. Publishted by ths tudenta on Tuesday, Thursday end Saturday af- terntoons. Twventy-tive isaues. Suscoripition rates-By carrier, aev- enty-five cents for the summer; mailed to any address for onto dollar. Advertising rates-Famislied uipon oat- nitication to the business manager. Subscrinptions aind ads tahen at Quar- ry's and University Aveniue Plar- tmacy. 0flic 1-ours: Managing editor, 2:00 to 1:00 daily; business masnager, 100 to 2:001 daily. Phoneo00 or. 2414. Addres;, Tue Wolverine, Press Build- tog, iiaytliard Si., Anti Arbor. dler ne tE. Busrnett-Mnaging Editor Phbone---241.4 or 1252-M V. Vernte Sellers--Betoittess laatalger lttione060 or 140 Toni P. Reid--Associate Editor If . C arrioni---Sports Etditor MaritailWilson--Woin's Editor Walter Atlas--Nesws Editor tBrue Swatney--News Editoir Repoters SI. H. Co0010yi. 'P. Mann (ieorge Wi. tCorwiin Franik Martiii M1.N. Elseuau Phil Pack if. F. l+iteitatrick IWardtPeteroni lI. ILCtG ?lert Grace tRose Miary Graliot Cart Rasb 11. 14. taaig Jerotie 'Zeigle'r Uni'tariean Church State sod Huron Streets Sunday, nt 10:30 Why Add Religion to Morality? Vtoltn Solo by Miss Morton Struble Sopranso Solo with Violin obaigato by Misc Stevens till.rom tot011 i pill variety itotuhle sessionI. 'To niaheelie project of summer batbal titsu-t-essful, students isill ito lw;t tings. irst, those who have any ittinix il tiaiiontt a lctics will get out %vol tvttt k 011 trry Fieltd whetiever tthe Satageros ,,t notic-es. Secoild, those seitt callt. blayivili tortS out andtishtow as little interest. For tihe average ath- let irshabily plays 0.s much for the ;a l1tdsiatlls as Ill'does fur Ihimself or h:e te'altI. 'ilte gaus'switht Ypsilaintiandstshe toletitartueulonfitlicets Souseafloat st ill f~risl a fiue test of teltoyalty t ;unItt' e ,111.scoto001people 10 the iii:rtssoiftthe ensiSe scamlpus, other 11011 ste itellectual. Ftour yealrs ago, thlere svere aboutb eight Univeersity buildings. Since that tioe, 1.hil Auditoriumi, thle Natural cietut btuildinig,tantd ite stadlilum at hi'-cry Field have beeti added to the ILL. Thlere are ntow two dormitories for wsomen, Newberry Residence, end Martha.PCook dormlitory. The steer fo- SUMMER SCHOOL -i New and Second-Hand Student Supplies in General I UNIV RSIY OOST CANDIES CANDIES Canoe Fountain Lunches 44,Lunches foran Two Tf Ice Cream Repetli's JohnuSons" Thorpe's Michigan and Fraternity Jewelry Leather, Gold and Silver WATCH B RA C ELET S Extra Fine Repairs of Watches and Jewelry STATE STREET JEWELERS Bosiasess shadf tore will see four msore buildings inM. 14. tiogant Robert M. Sihillier Richiard Golidsmnithe Aliane Livingstonl SATURDIIAY, JUILY 22, 2910. Issute liliter--a'-V'rlI Petersoan. BASEBALL Michigaun opirit in the sutmmer con- sists altmost enltirely of building up the Unsiversity inltellectually. Blut there' is another itmportant elemeent, nely summner baseball, which is wortht-wbile both for tttdividual stu- denits attd for the campus as a swhole. Thtere is plenty of spare tinme left ever ironm ones stutdy periods for rec- reation. It does people good to yell a little, mlunich peanluts, and get outs- burnied at a hall geese. Baseball is one of the fewe tinigs besides tite d NOW ON SALE3 THE Summer School D I 2CTOI conmple'tedl, the Library, the Michigan Petito, the Watterm~angymtnasium, and the Y. M. P. A. It is not only ill tiese outward forms tihatic-higain has grown. tier build- tngs are only tile sign of a continu- oily broadentig intellectual concep- tions. 'The contantly increasinlg fae- silty, the grttwintg number of fellow- shtips, the improved research factli- t's, the extendintgfanme all bear out St'e growtht in thist direction. All this buileding at Michtigan shows tite gross-tg interest the people of the slate htavt' in thte Untiversity. Thse stabtltty and beauty of the boidings miarks the increasing mteteriail pros- parity ansd support of the state. And pserihaps tite greateot growtth of Michi- gatt is the growth of the studenit body antd thte ittcreasing loyalty and enitusi- ivis f the alumtni. LL OYtD CP. IaOU"aiAlS E1VE1IS SE(lE''C)1-' ST''ESS 'TALIKS Lloydl C. lDtttglas, Pesngregational iitrgives tile thtird secret of sue- ctestomorrose at 10:230 o'clock, in htis series of serinis edelivered especially for summer students. His program of te sumecr willicontinue for live Suntdays with thte secrets eudivulged un~til after titey have been explalined frvmuthtie pulptit. Alichigrins Ily 1Phil Patck Lgri-; it C'ME hi Motndtay itls a letter from Lillian, tOt'r, sts it's a letter from Sue, Ott W'sltts'slay it's a letter from t'ora- Bttselotn a letter front You. 'T'hursdiay ills a letter tromt Elsie, idatky setotiter front Rate, Stuisi-seattothser froitiiMiargaret, Bu o tur Is-Gems are alwvays late. Na-iletter's a msissive of mystery, SOr a ineutery of a by-gone mash, Pttitere's one that I wait, Anti pat, it's forever late, 'Ie lie is'otaining the cash ! The" tisnswio watchies tile tbermom- ter mtost is tilenian alto is likely toi gioSleft swientiheit'A's tre passed 'Tie-,Iiiatioiel fGeographeic Mag- isslooi a pitSre of a starvintg, ,i'i;1 tr:tetip asleepiunsder a sae tree.adAs