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July 18, 1916 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1916-07-18

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fisnovations in l1lo th he Of Bd r
S~l2'YS nthe .rvrdsume shool.
Syons of the g ames to bewtaug t sf-
HTan'11 Blluff" "I Jcloonl theItock,"
"Drop thcHandkrch)f,'C.~if," "Divin_'g

iis going 'o take theI
Dartth,11)colle, e hs hooss left
arm and diplomatic $210 JJ f<_ tl ctt W .-7 "'l-
him1, for his .troohiers 1f,'0 rmts saeo .Il o
Dif.;y ,use1will fD.Tpit h
day President Wilsoni dieod in ii1di, the stazte asw l eftin
Unliversity of Washl- trsn o h.. is dste.",r ib idceni-
mlemhera of the na-ly liailA'ggln 10'0y
disc(overed ORIhat undr rov'ision ofthe
able veterana vleft hi1i]l.e: w uldtnnthe Fpi,ila l .'Iof the
1 ation exercises ' ilh t'l1.)etat(' 0001' to te Mart!oolls alho i-
seam this spring, fourliu
d to carry the hall 00il__
rder, Along with the 111S-- ''g-- lId
e two of thde leadlins
-fun, players onl whom Detroit, July iS.-'e.1)1"'s
11l gaps made by graed-, voles by m"1,s hers of the t,'k
uently, the coach is nout latolre, who1:1thas ss _t.uppt for
Astic ahout the rela- In;casomiuwhc hyae, atclr
mnong tCarranza, Eapa-,
onrwWlo, His.Lland, etopoblicen candidate for
rtain> what proportions.
jovernor, at;tie lcoon-daty lluuleh -Mon-
o' teams have gone out,
IN" said Coach Dohie da of flue Kiwanis.t7.,club1 at thet'Hotl
.tt . r eln e" c' ta o
ion may he better itsotle.Ar _la«ac"dW
cause osf til" hr veAil(, many '_,= that
arwever°, we are cols- ,
lifficult schedole. at the lsad no goodlrososforexsnc
presentt ireun~sutaluces foud t vc--wy to ltsehoaputeheels
tie also reneuvod his decla1rallolsf[ec
oes"a state bud eet sy stem _1anld sid that
?OOSCEE 9 the guy ra, asuitor g 'neral, anId 0.1'
( t talteo 1 ita,l w'r"luoby re'so015 0 1 B
'N ATS lOP uties ,'ould b' inspositbon 'o 1 low
sate re ireboent 1o ll p1;;;o31,11
inks in Beep II >le rcnet oro up'aios,
I'Dvn )k "It is wel11 i Ol)" he aid, "thpt.
pspropr', t io.s in(s'ee:s,,of the D.nuul
n, whose name is uno- required or cxpected ace alw,1a ,osaskod
ployee of the Hooverinodrtatuccmitectuwl
bins shops nearly lost leave what is wihdbe said, "'the1re
"immaing at Weiherge are abuses of thiu syste'm that cepl
Sunday afternoon, in the state noie",
way, he got down in The otAtoMtax c'omuisin also co.Ii'
the foot of the diving in for ascringr. The work u f the;
'ulmotor ,was in use at courmssiuls lq uascot $7s0:,sllsW-i Cc
suseitated hy the ordin- yaaedhs ~llddcae 10
we O llara, a, clerkc in 1wil proper ,me<thods, hcotsul
store ireued hinm from Ilt 'lave heen 1greaty in11 cacesof
5 Ass Ar, Mich, 38S.SAESSE

S lim hakespeare A Critical
Stud"-by erge randes, Tho hok
is the ls word il authoritative judg-
mnet:and is written illa very readable
Vil aem lspeare, Ioet, ra-
eait s lo"by Iailton Wright
t Ilai" A study of tec poet, his art
aud tilsugt, in rfernce to his 'value
Iand sgnificanuce in the history o liter-
asure and philoophy
"Repre setative Englis Comedies
Conitemporariea of Shakespeare" Un-
dec "theditocship of Charles Mill
"bhakspslere as a Dranmatic 'Think-
erI," by IRichasrd . loultou, A-non-
,ceisI hlisussioof the suojet sitl
ureence to tie rlations of literature
alull life,
"The Devlopmento f Saespear'
a a Dramaic ''hiker," by eorge
'll 101' takter. A ecronloical tra-
ing10of Shakespare as a dlramtit.
T oe.lok10isillustratedssith maps o
ioldon in Shkespear's tine and
Icess ings from old pricnts eof famous
hiuil<'iog,~,eater, play bills, etc.
"hhb'paosDramatic Art," by
1)r. llormnanlsUltrie.iThe author las
devoted practically hi,, whole life to
this study. The hbootk contais an
outlin"e of Enl'ishudraaspreious to
OShatcs eanc's jtue, a critical analsis
of escry play, and11a discussion of the
,,010n and inoments of its develop-
sl',"T-its thar'accters, the ditol ad~
ecrthision, te le ry('lO ad lte mod
ef I'!sclatiosu,
"Wishat is Shakespeare," by A, L
Sherman. Anlaanalysis of te literary
costrulction and stagecraft of the
gfreatest of the plays.
' A Shakspearean" Grammnar," y E,
A Abbott. A grammatical analysis of
! Shahep'are'u diction,
t"Sshaespere lDocuments," by D.11I.
# Lambrt. A caalog of extant evidnc".
lvr'latin" to Shakesepeare's life aud
t "Short Studis of Shaepeare's
l'Iles," by Cyril Ransomle An asalyis
of hiehplt o ech plily w'itlr'fersec
tu the (Icamatic',lsotiea ''n anduy
t The .1ser' '551 Oxonia. July, 10
' TismagazLuie ispulillshedlby fluc
fAlumni Asaociatiol of Assericans
Rthodes Sciuolars. Its purpose is to
- romote s lfeelnlg of cordiality and
unlderstandinl hcenlte scholars of
England and America,The succes
of thle bequest oi Cecil Rthodes dpnds
upon harmny)and co-operatioss in
Amoerica, 's 15011 as inu Entglad
There are four articlea of wide range
of interest in this lnuslrber, as well au
edtorials, personals anlid reviws.
©s0' article whlieh toulches all uudr-
Ifadeat ilteess is 011i article called
"'Ile Syteuof[losnrs at Yale," by
C. A. . DBemett. The purpoe of tiss
ieysts'sl is to enable the udergraduat
who1 has aorious interstanasd abilities
ho get savay fromnl shat the authocadlls
thle 'ystemn 01 the "regurgitated gob-
bet." Tile official statemenet f te
system s.15"ts povide greater Intel-
leetual opportunl~ity fol' te studeut of
aihlity; to e coirae individual isitia-
ive; to ldlop th' habit of isdepend-
dilL julglui51; and to elssse possible
a rbllair lleasOOullOof conscentrationi
115(11 a single although not uarrow
fid of tusly"
Christophler Moiley write ofIuler
Ilcooks ill a way 1101 'asily to hi' for-
g tte'i. It is a valuable additio to
o iur"anue undlerstanding of 010 of te
most lusgie figures of tlecage
iMr. :11. 0, Iawsley of the Rhloes'
trusti died eeltly Slnd ill this maga-
51110 ace inansy ibutes to his frool
those who have beenu associated with
himin sihis cnellllctionu with te ERhodes

Tile editorials and personls are
mlosthycolice r:c iedwith nsatters swhich
die tiycle, f ithedes schovlars, tbut
tb cal slcilletiiin the l5purposeof
tfler tiss' head of, Dxford Nesws is a
lttee r ni C. 11. Gray, 'sithu here and
tll''eils acoof tjhle cessor 0o1 it. It
cifydsibstilt, ectivsties of tlse
w'ah aid fAnso ricaus slow iu
Cuis c 'liseucivities inclulde thoae
of" tileo Am.ic"?an 1-ed Crosand the
M,. C. A

Stude ats' Bookstore


MOP School Books.j
And Soulesj

cokt ek ingmn, Kazno Normal lioles,
Signs Wilhlseroit
The annual drive of the profes-
sionsals (10 the ranks of the college
ball playere has begun. Bespectacled
young gentlensen are seems cavorting
on all nmajor league diamnonds, trying
to apply their college education to the
coaxing of, the iron mess from the fat
wallets of haseball naugnates. Connie
Mhack, manager' of the Athletice, seems
to be eupecially taken with the diploma
boys, having added four to his roeter
within the' last two 'seeks. Two of
thes men last spring formed the high-
ly touted Tufts battery of Whittaker
and Carroll., Driscoll, 01 the Univer-
eity of Maine, and Johnson of Ursinus,
bsoth hurlers, also sport the Mackian
livery, The Philadelphia strategist
seems to have drawn at least one win-
ner in this hunch in the pereon of
"Red" Carroll, the big backstop, whso
looks better every time out. a
Johusny McGraw, of the New York
Gianzte, grabbed off two collegiate stars
with- big reputations when he signed.
George Smith, of Columbia, and "Pie"
Way, of Yale. The Colusmbia boy was
considered the beet moundaman in
eastern collegiats circles this spring.
McGraw is also rying oust Second-
hasemnlu Stafford, formerly 'of Tufts.
Turnsing to the western toams, we
find Detroit is possessuion of Don Beck,
Coluumbia eouthpaw pitchler, and Boh'
Watt, captainl and scond basemans of
The Farmers &.Mechanics Bank
South Main Street State Street Office
Corner isuson 310ISo.l Slae SI.

,the sasne team. Ths latter comes
touted' as one of the brightest collegi-
ate stars in the country, The Tigers
also. hold Cookingham, the Kalamazoo
Normal hurler- who will be remem-
bered for his 14-inning pitching duel
with "Shortis" Miller last spring, un-
der ' contract. Paul Des Jardiens,
pitchler asnd all-American football
player of the University of Chicago, is
beinlg developed under the watchful
eye' of Lee Fohl, of the Cleveland In-
dians. "Red" Gunkel and Jack Brad-
ley, the battery that won the Confer-
ence championship for Illinois, are
with the St, Louis Cardinals, while
Vedder Bard, captain and second
uacker of the University of Indiaua
nine, ,has rccently signed with the In-
dianapolis team of the American Asso-
i'0 81011).IIABY CU-NIC
Hiss Melinda Harvey, visitinug nurse ,
in the employ of the University Hos-
pital circle of the Kings Daughters,
will open. Ann Arbor's first baby clinic
Thursday afternoon- in the basement of
Harris Hall, and will receive- any
babies is an effort to learn defects and
suggest remedies, All mothers are
iusvited to bring their babies to the
clinic for examination.
Find forgotten 111E" Record
_In the Spaulding athletic almanac,
there stands a record which few know
about. In 1184, J. J. Carpenter, of the
University of Michigan, jumiping hack-
ward withs weights, established a rec-
ord of nine feet which has not been
equaled since,
The Finest Billiard Room in t~se State
4"W e Try io Treat You uRigh t"


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ufilversity of'.Michigan
Complete. information concerning the eight Colleges
and Schools:
Special Cou rse s in Forestry, Newspaper Work,
Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education,
including Railway Administration and Insurance,
Architecture, Conservation Engineering,'.Eaucation
(affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
Study), and a Course for those preparing for the
scientif ic administration of departenns of saniea-
tion and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or,
Individual Information, address
The Dean oif the School or College in which interested, or

Secretary university

Ann Arbor, Mich.

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