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June 29, 1916 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-06-29

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I I I ] Urot. L e A. White, '10, has returned I l lm
IPto Michigan to teach journalism IN N
Mcourses in the summer session of the VIS
Tii 9 ® i 44 ofli in i & Y TT,_--;+,_.,. a-..l, -.---

Alumni Get Tally a First Inning by
Mitchell; Bra.dell Makes
Locals Score
Before a crowd of several thousand
alumni and visitors, Michigan's Var-
sity baseball team yesterday afternoon
finished up its 1916 season by strug-
gling 11 inns to a 1 to 1 tie with
the alumni diamond artists on Ferry
Field. The grads were out in -force to
view the contest, from the single
white-haired representative of the
class of '56, to the frisky co-eds of two
years back. Music, cheers, and songs
filled the air. Bands were ensconced
in every nook and corner of the grand
stand, each striving to outdo the other.
The game itself was somewhat slow,
deteriorating into a pitchers' battle
after the second inning. The batsmen
were absolutely helpless before the
bends of "Shortie" Miller, the Varsity
hurler, and Fritz Blanding, ex-Cleve-
land star, who ascended the hill for
the old timers. The sophomore
moundsman had a shade the better of
the argument, allowing but two hits,
while his ,more experienced opponent
spled out four. Eight ambitious swat-
sters fanned the air before each
pitcher, Captain Labadic being the
victim of the wily Blanding twice in
succession. Miller seemed to have
more difficulty than usual in locating
the plate, giving six bases on balls.
Blanding issued but one free trip.
The alumni score was pushed over
in the first round when Mitchell was
ferried to first by Miller's generosity
after two of the old boys had been re-
turned to the bench. The ungrateful
"Mitch" no sooner- reached first than
he began to sigh for new worlds to
conquer and stole second and third,
fron which vantage point he was en-
abled to saunter home on Brandell's

university. whlen an unaergradtuate
at Michigan, White was editor of The
Michigan Daily, circulation manager
of The Inlandei, and founder and
editor of both The Wolverine and The
After taking his master's degree at
Michigan in 1911, White worked on
the Detroit News for three years and
then went to the University of Wash-
ington at Seattle, as assistant profes-
sor of journalism. Frank G. Kane, '08,
is professor of journalism in the same
Rumor is That Professor Friday May
Return as Head of New School of
Commerce and Accounting
Mobilization against Mexico will not
prevent the giving of University de-
grees to Michigan students who have
left for the border, according to de-
cisions of the Board of Regents at its
Tuesday meeting. It was provided that
"in absentia" degrees should be con-
ferred on the Michigan men who had
expected to receive their degrees at
this commencement, but who had left
with the various state militias.
Prof. David Friday was granted a
year's leave of absence. It is rumored,
but not confirmed, that Professor Fri-
day may return, in about a year, as
the head of a new School of Commerce
and Accounting.
A library building contract of not
more than $350,000 was authorized.
Also the resignation was accepted with
regret, of Byron A. Finney, reference
librarian, for 25 years employed in
the library, and now retiring on the
Carnegie retirement fund.
Prof. Paul DeKruif will receive his
Ph.D. degree, in spite of his absence
with the Michigan National Guard, to-
day. Also the board denied the peti-

Assistant Professor Paul DeKruif and
Attorney George Kennedy Are
Among Those Enlisted
Enlisted in Company I, of the Thir-
ty-first regiment, are 21 Michigan stu-
dents now under federal call for duty
on the Mexican border. This number
composeh one-fifth of the total en-
listed personnel of the - local com-
pany and is the largest number of
students ever listed for federal service
with the local company. The number
includes two graduates, Paul DeKruif,
assistant professor of bacteriology,
and Attorney George Kennedy, a
graduate of Michigan and Princeton.
Other Michigan men enrolled are:
Clarence Weurth, '15E John Lowry,
lit. spec., Clark Potter, eng. spec.,
Robert Novy, '19M, George Barber,
'18E, Lester Barnett, '19, Walter Eib-
ler, '19, Roy Elliot, '18E, Dale Kauf-
man, '17E, Dalls Kendall, '17E, Ray-
mond Lee, '18E, Robert Motley, '16D,
Earl Naylor, '19P, William Pommel-
ening, '16E, Melvin Saur, '16, Clar-
ence Stipe, ex '18, Lowell Tuttle, '18,
Edgar Theiss, lit..spec., Claude Wil-
cox, '16E.
According to advices received from
Lieut. Colonel A. C. Pack, of this city,
the Thirty-first Michigan regiment, of
which the local company is a mem-
ber, is by this time, on the way to the
Mexican frontier.
Col. Pack's letter is in part as fol-
"The latest advice we have is that,
as the Thirty-first conforms most
nearly to government requirements we
will be moved down somewhere near
the border to a concentration camp.
Newspaper reports say that we are
being 'rushed' to the border. That
news is for Mexican consumption. We
may be sent near the border, but we
won't be over it until we have had
time to give this horde of recruits a
lot of stiff training, and by that time
the whole affair may be over."

Old Grads Swvarm
Halls and Campus
About 2,200 Marks Early Registration;
(Class of Lit Fons'teeners Come,
Over 200 Strong
University grads numbering close to
2,100, have taken charge of the campus
for Commencement week. The various
classes are holding reunions in their
respective departmental buildings.
Prominent among- the reunions are
those of the 1914 lits and 1914 engi-
neers, on the campus, and the law
classes of 1886 and 1895, in rooms C
and B of the law building.
J. Q. A. Sessions, '5f, is the oldest
alumnus to have registered so far. The
largest representation to date is that
of the '14 Tits, which numbers more
than 200 men and women.
The majority of the classes holding
reunions are not wearing their class
regalia, owing to the recent death of
Dr. Angell.
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins Pays Highest
Tribute to Doctor Angell in
Talk at XIesmnri'1 Exercises
President Harry B. Hutchins ad-
dressed a large audience in Hill audi-
torium yesterday afternoon when the
memorial exercises were held in mem-
ory of President-Emeritus James B.
Angell. Rev. Carl Patton had charge
of the religious exercises, and Prof.
Albert Stanley had the directorship of
the music. After the program was
concluded in the auditorium, the
alumi and seniors and speakers
marched in a body to the site of the

Various Class Day Exercises Held in
I Customary Places; Reception
With an increase of more than 300
over any previous year in the total
number of graduates to receive de-
grees, the seventy-second annual Com-
mencement exercises of the Univer-
sity of Michigan were brought to a
close this morning. During the course
of the exercises 1,320 diplomas were
granted to members of the graduating
For the entire week Ann Arbor has
been swarming with friends and rela-
tives of the graduates and many hun-
dreds of alumni have returned to cele-
brate this occasion which so adequate-
ly terminates the festivities of the
past week.
Baccalaureate .
The first exercise of the week which
was of interept to the entire senior
class was the Baccalaureate address,
delivered in Hill auditorium by the
Rev. Carl S. Patton, pastor of the
First Congregational church of Co-
lumbus, Ohio. His subject, "The Lead-
ership of the Educated Man," was ex-
ceptionally well treated, and showed
the relationship of the educated man
to those about him, 'in that it is not
enough that the educated man lead in
his own special field, but that he
should lead in forming public opinion,
in the social and industrial recon-
struction that is going on about us,
and especially should he be a religious
Emphasis was laid on this last point,
it being shown that education had not
as yet taken the steps In advance in
religion that it had in the other fields'
of human interest.
Alumni Reunion
Tuesday marked the opening of the
alumni registration in Alumni Me-
norial hall, as well as the class day
exercises of the Law School which
were held in room C of the law build-
ing at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
The main address was made by the
Hon. Oliver Hayes, Dean of Kansas
City, who graduates from the literary
department with the class of '68 and
received his degree in law in 1880.
The rest of the program was as fol-
lows: Chairman, LeRoy J. Scanlon,
president of the class; "Side Lights,"
James K. Nichols; oration, Kenneth
M. Stevens; valedictory, Afthur A.
Senior Reception
In the evening the senior reception
and ball was held for members of
graduating classes of all schools and
colleges, at which a new precedent
was set by having it in the armory
and by its being informal. Several
hundred attended and it prove an
especially enjoyable affair.
Class Day
Under the shade of Tappan Oak the
literary seniors held their class day
exercises on Tuesday morning at 10:00
o'clock. James B. Angell, II., presi-
dent of the class, spoke on the subject,
"Campus Traditions lnd Their Pres-
ervation," and Martha C. Grey gave
the history of the class from its en-
trance into college affairs in 1912. W.
A. P. John read the class poem and
Eleanor N. Stalker gave the class
prophecy, followed by Nathan Earl
Pinney who made the class address.
The senior engineering class held
their exercises at the same time in the

engineering quadrangle. The prelim-
inary talks were made by Howard H.
Phillips, president of the class; H. M.
(Continued on Page Four)

fumble of Blanding's roller. ions for posed Union building
The count was, knotted in the eec- onfr the opening of Ferry Field IST III 1MT~ O ''" ron pooedUinbulig
on Sundays. Votes of thanks were President Hutchins said in his
ond frame as the result of the only tendered to A. M. Todd, of Kalamazoo, speech:
given out by the alumni pegger. for valuable books given to the Uni- I"He both professed the philosophy of
Brandell strolled with none down;'and versity and to parties in Detroit for HII Iii I IIU9fl the Master, and constantly and con-
went all the way to third on Mc~neen's the donation of special furnishings. sistently lived it. And because he
error. lvditeewsaothma l
Numerous fellowships were assigned Irwin C. Johnson, '16, Waldo R. Hunt, lived it, there was about him at all
Michigan- A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. at the meeting, which was adjourned '16, and Raymond Flynn, '17, times, and under all conditions, a
Reem, if ........... 5 0 0 1 0 0 till July 19. to Make Ti sweet simplicity and reasonableness,
Niemann, rf ....... 4 0 1 1 0 0 which was telling in the highest de-
Labadie, of. 5 0 1 2 0 0 gree. Verily, in his life we have an
Brandell, ss ... 3 1 0 2 5 3 Mh U nirersit students, Irwin example of what a fill and well-
Harrington, lb ....3 0 0 16 0 0 ,Jonson, '16, Waldo R. Bunt, '16, and rounded and sympathetic life should
Caswell, 2b . ..... 4 0 1 1 4 0 Raymond H. Flynn, 17, will sail from be. To the memory of Dr. Angell,
Tho-.as, 3b ....... 4 0 0 1 2 2 Dr. Mayo Elected President; Forty. New York, July 8, on the French monuments will be reared and his
Roe:-, c ........ 3 0 1 9 2 0 two Class Reunions held steamer Rochambeau, on their way to name will be perpetuated in enduring
Milli, p......... 3 0 0 0 4 0 take up special social service work tablets; but his real monument, after
Meetings of the American Medical under the directorship of the Inter- all, is in the hearts of the people of
Totals 35 1 4 33 17 5 Association and affiliated societies national Y. M. C. A. committee work- this great commonwealth to which he
brought to Detroit on June 12 more ing in conjunction with the Allied contributed so much, and the thou-
Altmni- A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. than ten thousand medical men and armies -council. They form a part of sands who loved him, and whose lives
llughitt, lb .....5 0 0 2 0 0 their friends-the largest convention the group of 38 American college stu- were nolded by his influence."
McQueen, 2b. 5 0 1 1 1 2 ever entertained by Detroit. The dents appointed to work among the
Mitchell, cf ....... 4 1 1 2 0 0 meetings lasted until June 16. Clinics armies engaged in the Great War.
Blanding, p ....... 3 0 0 1 4 0 and demonstrations were held and The three Michigan representatives DEDICATE -SPATLDING TABLET
Utley, If..........2 0 0 4 0 0 many papers read. Dr. Charles H. will land at Bordeaux, and will go
Bill, lb............ 4 0 0 11 0 0 Mayo was elected president of the overland for a fortnight's stay at Natulral Science Building Gets New
McMillan, ss ...... 3 0 0 1 2 0 American Medical Association for the Paris, and thence to Marseilles, en Memorial From Alumni
Rogers, c ........ 3 0 0 11 1 1 coming year. route for Bombay, India, via the Suez
Snow, rf ..........3 0 0 0 2 1 A merger whereby Ann Arbor and canal. They inticipate sending letters A tablet to Volney Morgan Spalding,
5Davis, rf . 1 0 0 0 0 0 to
Detroit would be made the united to The Wolverine during this sum- for 28 years professor of botany in
center for a great medical school and mer's issues. All three of the men are the Usiversity, was .erected Wednes-
Totals .......... 32 1 2 23 12 4 clinical hospital was proposed. It is former news workers on The Michigan day afternoon, June 14, in the Natural
Battad for Snow i nnth, thought that such a school, a graduate Daily. Science building. The tablet is the
Alumni .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 institution, would become part of the gift of 100 of Professor Spalding's
Michigan .. . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 University of Michigan system. The Engineers Present Dennison Memorial former students, who wish to com-
Summary: Two-' e hit-Labadie. estimated cost was $2,000,000. At the close of the senior engineer memorate his years of faithful ser-
Three-base hit--Mitchell. Stolenbases At Ann Arbor on June 16 almost a class day exercises Tuesday morning, vice. Addresses were made by Presi-
-Mitchell 2, Rogers 2, Nienmann, Har- thousand of the physicians and their the faculty of the engineering depart- dent Hutchins, Prof. E. C. Goddard,
rington. Struck out-By Miller, 8; by vives were the guests of the medical ment presented a memorial tablet to and Prof. J. E. Reighard. Prof. F. C.
Blanding, 8. Bases on balls-Off Milo department of the University of Mich- the University in memory of Professor Newcombe unveiled the tablet and it
le., 6; off llanding, 1. Time of game igan. A reunion of 42 former medical Dennison, for 42 years a member of was accepted for the University by
-2:45. Umpirs-Murfin and Hughes. classes was held. the engineering faculty. Regent J. E. Beal.

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