THE WOLVERINE P ilhJI __ . ; _ . _ - , _ _ _ ,. r _ I _ 1 -- - - - ---- ;- NEW WATERIMANN GYMNASIUM NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION [ESlIMAN BIBLE BILLIARD BEATSOUT BASEBALLp e 19R f R ew lurk Statistician Claims Manya Supporters For- reencloth T Game d - - - - a Annual Y. A. C. A. Booklet Will Con. King Baseball is dethroned. No long- f tain Many New Features and Cuts * will the grand old game be known of Churches as the "King of American Sports." Henceforth billiards is the American 4,000 COPIES TO BE PUBLISHEI) National game. Containing many newf According to John T. Doyle, statis- Ctangmaynwfeatures such . . as cuts of the various churches, and tician and billiard impresario, there new directions for freshmen, the an- are many more actual billiard players nual Y. M. C. A. booklet, called by the in the country than the supporters of wise student the "freshman bible," the horsehide can boast. Mr. Doyle went to press today, claims that he has reams and reams ofte In addition to the new features the "bible" will .have the conventional data which he is prepared to a lunch i athletic standing of the University in in support of his statement. v football, baseball, and the various "There are approximately 240,000 M schedules for next year. , billiard players in Greater New York t Editing and distribution of the new and 4,000,000 of them in the country," l handbook has been done by S. J. ers in and about New York." C Slavens, '17, and J. W. Thomas, '16. said Doyle recently in his little office s There will be about 4000 of the books On Forty-second street, New York. s and the men in charge hope to get the Doyle reached for 0 pencil and a small booklet in the hands of every fresh- pad of note paper. He began to jot s man on the campus next year and a down figures as fast as he could write. i goodly number of the upperclassmen. "The only sports that New Yorkers a Plans for the fall work are not yet participate in to any large extent be- fa complete but it is 'expected that a sides billiards and baseball are golf H new system of distribution will be in and tennis," he resumed. "It is hard a vogue. to estimate the exact number of tennis y NEW SUMMER COURSE ADDED tO SCHOOL OF MUSIC LIST o LYNDON 'IS,, Earl V. Moore to Present Coaurse, FOR on "Evolution of Eastman Kodaks Opera" Guaranteed Am The faculty of the University School Of Music are busily engaged in con- ducting the Summer Session. The en- rollment which is already large, is in- I have led while others followed i creasing rapidly and will no doubt years. Now wve are still leading. surpass that of previous years. or no charge. We give you "Pea In addition to the' regular courses in a plenty of Metol (which we coul Theory, a new course has been insti- we vesture to say that no other fir tuted by Earl V. Moore, who is in charge of the theory department dur- if you want the bestresults yo ing the summer, namely, a course in Two Doors from LY N D o the Evolution of Opera. Hill Auditorium The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the main movements in the development of ' opera by means of lectures, which deal with the historical side, and illustra- tive material from selected operas Yo and You which present definite examples from which the evolution of the art form may be studied. Especial attention will be given to the music dramas of Richard Wagner, and each"one will be analyzed in detaiL The lectures are illuminated with lantern slides, whil YOk the illustrative material is presented Jo by means of victrola records and or- 1t w chestrelle rolls. This course which meets six hours 2 rt a week during July only, will be added hw to the courses given during the reg- less ular session of the school. It is an- "ma the nounced for the first semester as an elective, with no pre-requisites. LOST--On or ear C'ampus Saturday afternoon, July 8, enameled silver bluebird pin withsa sety catch. --- 10C Finder return to Calkins Drug Store on State for reward. layers, but golf is easy to estimate There are 100 courses within 40 miles of Broadway averaging 400 members piece. That makes a total of 40,000 The public links have about 10,000 ad- itional, with 9,000 licenses out, anc bout 1,000 others who pay the daily ce. Thus there are about 50,000 golf- Central Star. To Enter Universit5 Ward 'idver, All-State Center, Comet hlighly Touted for Fresh Line Football prospects for 1917 will losp onsiderably brighter, if one prospect- ve Michigander lives up to his ad- ance notices. This young man is Ward Culver, captain and center of he Detroit Central high school eleven ast fall. He was the mainstay of what oach Cleo O'Donnell, of Everett high chool, claims was the greatest prep cihool line he has ever seen. The young Detroiter is a big fellow, tanding 0 feet in height and weighing n at 5 pounds. He plays a hard, ggressive game and is remarkably ast on his feet for a man of his size. e has been picked unanimously as ll-state center for the last three ears. 719 N. University Ave. Eastman Films ateur Finishing Negatibes a Specialty n amateur finishing for twelve We guarantee perfect results ce Time Results," as we have Id sell at $50.00 per lb.) and m is using Metol for finishing. u will bring your films here. N' S 719 North J University Avenue rFrien s--and u tried it because e told u how good and delicious Was. ;t 3our friends began ~- nhing itbecause yo told them goodit was. This istheend- -chain of enthusiasm that has de Coca-Cola the beverage of 1 nation. THE COCA-COLA Co., ATLANTA, GA. Demand the genuine by full -nicknames enewirage sukstit