THE WOLVERINE { COAST CHAMPIONS STAGE BI G MEET- I etesmine Far Western Track and Feld Championship and National Boxing Championship 11LUlIAY AND MltcCOUGl ENTER Southern California is to see its biggest athletic carnival in years with- in, the next few weeks, according to an announcement just made by the P-anama-California International Ex- position. The far Western track and field championship and the Panama-Cali- fornia International Exposition na- tional boxing championship will be held August 17, 18 and 19, in the wonderful stadium at San Diego, un- der the auspices of the Exposition management. Final arrangements for these big events were made this week by Bob Weaver, president of the South- ern Pacific Association of the A. A. U. Hundreds of the star athletes of the country will begin training immediate- ly and at least 200 of them will arrive in the Exposition city for the big events during the middle of August. The combination of the national box- ing events and the far Western track and field contests will mean that Southern California will have the fin- est program of amateur sports ever held in the Southern part of the state at one meet. A number of world champions will compete at San Diego. In the track and field meet will be such noted ath- letes as Fred Kelly, world's champion hurdler, who won his laurels at Stock- holm, Sweden, in 1912; Howard Drew, America's premier colored sprinter, Earl Thompson, freshman at U. S. C., who three weeks ago broke the world's high hurdle record; and Meredith House, who captured every event in San Diego when he appeared at the stadium last spring. "Fig" Murray, Stanford's track captain, who recently defeated all of the Eastern colleges' best hurdlers att the Intercollegiates, has assured the management of the meet that he will enter both hurdle races besides the 100-yard dash. Clarence Beebe and Mort Bonett will again fight out their battle for supremacy in the half mile. Lonett holds the Pacific coast record in this event of 1:5, 3-5,-while Beebe covered lbs half nile this year in 1:50 1-5. In the field events, such well-known athletes as Roy Bagnard, the L. A. A. C. wonder; Bert McCough, Stanford's champion shot-putter; Charles Borg- strom, Pacific coast champion in the pole vault; George Dorine, national champion high jumper, and other big ones will compete. In addition to the Pacific coast athletes Colorado and Utah will send their best men for the Exposition events. In the Exposition national boxing championship four national champions will appear to defend their title. L. LeHeraux, national heavyweight champion who has held the title for two years, will wear the colors of the San Francisco Olympic Club; Madden, Gleason, Baird, and Sontag will rep- resent the Seattle Athletic Club. Tlse Los Angeles Athletie Club probably will be represented by at least 15 of it; best boxers, and the above array of talent will be increased by glove men from other amateur athletic clubs. The boxing events will be held at night on two and possibly three nights, with the finals Saturday. The field and track events will be staged Saturday afternoon, August 19. German Losses Total 1Iglia London, July 11.-The German cas- ualties are >,021,037 from the begii- ning of the war until the end of June as computed from offical German re- ports, according to an official state- ment issued here today. These figuree, include all German nationalities. They do not include naval losses, or cas- ualties of colonial troops. American Field Headquarters, Xlex- ico, by radio to Columbus, N. M., July 11.--Carranza government authoritiei' have taken over the great Hearst ranch at Babicora, :'ecording to reports received here late last night. John C. Hayes, manager of the ranch reports that a manager has been installed by the Carranza military authorities. Mr. Hayes is going to El Paso. 13abicora ranch is 100 Miles south of the field headquarters of General Pershing. Cie) Ta IDetroit, iow Wilso terday, ac Salesmansi at the Ar at the lun Mrs. Wtils dent, and along Woo .Word plant 50,11(16 fee point of in in the jaii contained or acts o strong lii to his po dlivered. A saip extraited "Tiiese change, is possible f thin;g, thai Bard to th try or th nmeits of perfectly ulited St unprecede greatly in Uited St history is hitionship 'I hay thii ' you there isi United St ti. world parently, intimately teriattiioni Ani ",Amnerit world ba vultil roe last teeo with the ties for] trade of orght to of any na ordinary ers, nien about bue FExecutive iks In Detroit Wilson Addresses Sales- ip C'ongress; Goes Is SW Ford Piant July 11.--President Wood- in appeared in Detroit yes- nd addressed the World's hip congress, 3,000 strong, cadia, and then gave a talk icheon held in the D. A. C. on accompanied the Presi- the couple were convoyed udward aenue to the Henry t where a crowd of perhaps ople crushed in upon the iterest, several ieig imjured i. The President's speeches no references to Democrats f the Democrati party, but erences could be drawn as lilies iromithee speeches he le of his address has beeni below: are days of incalculable iy fellow citizens. It is un- for anybody to predict any- t is certain in detail with re- ce future, either of this coun- e world, in the large move_ business. But one thing is clear, aid that is that the atees wili play a new part of ented opportuity and of icreased responsibility. The ates has had a very singular respect to its business re- is with the rest of the world. e always believed, and I have always believed, that more business genius in the tates than anywhere else in d, and yet America has, ap- been afraid of touching too y the great processes of ii- al exchange. erica aseIcn 'linida ecs of all countries in the is been tuid and has not stly, has iituntiiil witiinite or three years provided itself fundamental instrumentali- playiig a large part iii te the 'world. Americ, which have hail the broadest vision flos, has raised sp an extra- number of provincial think- ewho thought provincially siess, sen who thought that ed States was not ready to comeiiititive part las the stuig- lie ledcefel i'oiiquiest of the For anybody who reflects icdly upon tce history of try, that is the most anaz- about it. ci iithe time for i thinkers has gone by. We y a great part in the world ce eloose it or not." last Sudy ('eliis are goinsg to sell thisgs in countries they must rather be different from those which in the cold Arctic countries. ot assume that tne rest of the going to wear or use or manu- what you wear and use and ire Your raw materials the rai materials that they the raw materials that you ur manufactured goods must factured goods that they de- those which other markets red. ,o your business will keep Ih your knowledge, not of and of your manufacturing but of them and their com- eeds. is statesmanship, secause ating your international ac- s the conditions which exist countries. If we can oncee some gentlemen are so loath s-a merchant marine-(ap- f we can once get in a posi- liver our own goods, then the have to deliver will be ad- the desire of those to whomn er them, and all the world ome America in the great sumerce and manufacture. hia 'e idBlooded Word hus be ena geat deal of fellow citizens, about service, he word had not been sur- with so much sickly senti- I . } t G I t 1 t i s s r ifimer cho I0Book And Supplies Students' Bookstore NEW MANAGEMENT 1I mientiltr, l i ause it is a gool, robust, I will not serie the ambitions of those red-b!iculeeoii lord; iand it is the key g mslemen, but I will try to serve all to every thim that concerns the li liaCe America so far as intercourse with and pr'lerity ot the world. You cmi- Mexico is concerned, by trying to not force yourself upon anyb ody who serie Mexico herself." is not obliged to take you. The only way in which you csn be sure of b - Another Sitmaarhie On the Way img accepted is by benl_ sure that you th te DleJanerio, hlrazil, July It.- hisve got something to offer thatct is The state chancellor has been oflicial- worth taking. And the only seccy you ly informed that a sister ship of tme can be sure of that isi b ii')i'; sure super-submarineD ieutschland which that you wish to adapt it to the ie has docked at Baltimore, is now cros- and the service of the tieople to u hou sing the Atlantic and will reach here you are trying to sell. within ten days. "I was trying to expound in anotlier place the other day the long way and Library Assistant Attends Convention the short uvay to get together. The Miss Florence Peters, assistant at long way is to fight. I have heard the circulating desk, is now in New some gentlemen say that they want to York City where she is attending the help Mexico, and the way they pro- annual convention of the A. L. A. pese to help her is to sverwhelm her 1 NEW BUL L MOOSE Tl' FORM with force. That is the long way to help Mexico, as well as the wrong Deroit, Mich., July 1.-A wing 01 way. Because after the fighting you the Progressive party made wrath- have a nation full of justified sus- ful by the action of the national cosn- picious and animated by well founded mittee and Roosevelt's desertion, have hostility and hatred. And then will shaken free their antlers, at a meet- you help them? Then will you estab- ing recen ty in thu -otel Statler, and lish cordial business relationship. ? ill endeavor to put a new party of with them? Then will you go on as Progressives on its feet in a conven- nseighbors ansiestablish.nheir coifl- hums to be held in New York City with- dence? On dliihe ciuecie, you sill in a few weeks. The aim seems to be have shut every door as if it ire to defeat hughes and elect Wilson. of steel agaisnt i n o Students mhm to tryout on lw Tells Why ea S siins Woer are resiested to call at hss "What make's y :c..eseioius of Press lilininm, .Mamynard street, be- us is that she dose not believe as t oeen 2 ad I o'clock. The lasrges yet that we want to serve her. She possible quita of workers is essenti i believes we want to possess her. And for the apaher's highest utiliy to the she has justification for the hbelief in camnlinuis, the way in which some of 'r feliowe- - citizens have tried 1o exploit leer pris- ECONOMICS? Studying business? ileges and possessions. For my part, ead the ad of Hamilton Business College on page 3. NEA the Unitc COUSINS & HALL TVTTLE'S take le' f0orits L U N C H R O H world. 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. LUNCHES anad SODAS hhilosoph BaothPhones115 , AnnArbor,,Mich. 358 80. STATE STREET thi" coui ---- - -- -- - --- - - inzg f ? wist Plus c I ether The If you tropical s iviously ayou selli word in v e-i I e Yu cahm facture a mnanufactl iust bet need, not need. Yo s ianu sire, not have desi Delivered "Ands for the Summer preesef - - process, 1 m-ercial is BY MAIL $1.00 f t that is re tivities t in other get what to give u Iplause) if tion to de A Bound Copy of the goods we justed to eve delive SUMMER SCHOOL DIRECTORY wile field of co FREE with each Subscription"he tall, may f I wish th rounded i i e Farmers & ecnanics BflK U USTtJN BR S. South Mai Street State Street Otice The Finest Billiard Room in the State Corner Huron 330 So.State St. CIGARS AND CANDY A Giii STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING lEED "We Try to Treat You Right" ..® -- anx wi e ri s- r- -- The New Catalogue i A-Vhe eof the ilvesty If ichgal IS NOW READY Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PH AR- MACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanita- tion -and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Irformation, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.